Mrsday. February 4, 1932 THE DAILY KKWB PAGE THREE LOCAL NEWS ITEMS jQuality has l C.N.RA. Dall February 5 starts Dert's Taxi, Phone 678. "Service" mp ran 1 1 9 p.m. sharp. 27 is our motto. Give us a call. it no substitute Anglican Cathedral Spring Sale Moose Legion1 Band concert Sun ApAl 19. '' " ''" "'23 day night, Moose Hall. HEAT MARKET Fritlav & Saturday PECIALS! .l' ilmon Just OO A.tirr. per lb. GRAIN FED PORK Pork Vi'l'-.rn - ' Mu: ton t ' Vr., . ' - "I Veal 'WN 90c 90c 85c 50c RIME STEER BEEF Heef- 25C avenue Phones 18 and 81 made adorn andib wear one ollar Whatever Your Skin Trouble- Get Weil This Magic Way Many Sufferers Relieved by Famous Herbal Healer T ' I a dixfguriag raak, .. front bit-, or any rut. i - .ireaa is place t ' grand berfcal oint u.k. It U lirautifullv v healing, ami highly hrnnie trouble likf. rbrum, fl 1 r a, and r . .am Bull prailicatu ( ?: nm aew km Yu ( in " for mill ini-tbr tnll. BtirT tif . praiii. .. Mr, In fait, tlirrr '.1 uaea for Zmn Huk kifi a box tt tiiimr. Al. TK WELL OFIAM BUK 1 nv r.f try polKWlim 'ray. my lnrna rti How Uu .k of Karl!-' ll'h i. Hnk tn two r'k w Bn and hn " x : :. H imooMt. Sak iMUSSALLEM'S Sanitary "When I MiServd from painful aaat-I ttry botia. Zam-Buk waa the only rffartlve rmdy." Maaol B. Beck, Nrwtmrn. Lunenburg. Nora Scatla. "Zam-Buk Otntmant and Soap mom l-arrd my akin of a Siaflcuriiuf raakw" -Mr. H Brown. St. Jofen t. B. Ho-pllal. Ht John. N.B "I routdn't And aajrthlns retta tMirn on aw arm until atf Mot bar applti-d T. m-B u k " Mra, E. U, Cmmi: Wirrko. Que. The unparalWkd nurreai of 2a Buk aa a healer of akin trooblca liS in it ortfiaal and valuable fonnuta. Zani Boa U coniponnded from certain .vtnutu of aerial origin, m reined that tarr oak through the tiny Hir- into underlriog tiaaue. Zara-Kitk brain from Mow aa well a oa Jho urfar. It kill" poifonoon germa, Klnpn tain inn iii-amp;. MVJ a'""" pew ikia. Zam Buk ia sum a aplendid reniJy for pile and a fine, dreming for injuriea. Zam Buk Oiutnient 50c box. Jam Bui Madieiaal Boap Ue. rake. Tie For Third Seat on Board At Smithers I 8IOTKER8. Feb. 5 - At the an-' nual village election here last week 8 3. Mayer and John MacKensie wre elected to two seats on the board of commissioners but there was a tie between L. B. Warner and ! Charles Morris for third place. The deadlock will be settled later. WEATHER REPORT Langara Island Overcast, Mght south wind; sea smooth. Triple Island-Overcast, calm; ea smooth. Dead Tree Point Cloudy, calm; barometer, 28.92; temperature. 34; sea smooth. If you lose anything try a Announcements . w . . ... SUJa aa tAskJUMI he eld in in Moo Moose w .1 Beef- O Art i 18c and' CNR annual dance wUl b ary S. 1932. 22C ! Sons of Norway Fishermen's Farewell Dance Feb. 9 in Mors 20C Hall 18C Moose Badminton Dance Feb, U 25C ' Bapttst Church supper Feb. 19. 35c! ?fZ?2i irToruary i, u. Catholic Women's League Sprins Bale April 7 Regular meeting Chamber Commerce, Friday, February 5. I'hone 953 of Miss E. M. Earle will sail on the Prince Rupert tonight for a business trip to Vancouver and Vic toria. Mrs. S. McQuillan, who has been paying a visit? here-with her sister. Miss Agnes McQuillan of the Post Office staff, will sail by the Prince Rupert tonight on her return to .Vancouver. Charles Booking, president and General manager of the Granny Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co.. wlE be a passenger on board the Prince Rupert this evening bound from Anyox to est Colds Rub well over throat and chest v ICKS VapoRub Just received a shipment of ladies' sample hose rayon silk and wool mixed, all shades Monarch-knit Brand, the best make In Canada, to be sold at a very low figure, 39c. a pair. Only two pairs to a customer. Cut Rate Shoe Store. Meeker Block Third Ave. A picture of the cabin of Albert Johnson, the erased trapper who is being sought by mounted police for shooting two mounties, is published In the Edmnton Journal. It was taken by V. II. Fisher of Tyvan. Sask., who made the canoe trip to the Arctic and back last year and was in Prince Rupert for a little while on his way home. Buy Rulkley Valley Coal The better CoaL Members of the Prince Rupc ; Rotary Club were entertalnrc1 . their regular weekly lunchcm u the Commodore Cafe today by II F. McLeod who exhibited in ten's Ing moving pictures and still pii tographic views of many disn scenes. The luncheon was ru.-.Mcl. over by the president O H Mun' " who. at the close thanked Mr M l,eod on behalf of the rlub for ttv novel entertainment I'hone 953 De Jong s Cash and Carry Friday &: Saturday Specials EXTRA SPECIAL Home Glen Butter ICn 2 Mis. for Crtoco- 7(?0 " vv lier 3-lte. tin Master -Sardines SC u 3 tins for Rosedale Toilet Soup- 1Ap 1UU Sbsrsfor Katen Crab Meat- QETp 2Unsfor RtodeU's Honey- Qp per 5-lb. pa" R own tree's Cocoa "x-x 44 C per 1-lb. tin Malkln's Best Jelly Powders OCn B oka. for " fSffjr 23c Spaghetti. Macaroni and 0p Vermicelli. 3 pkgs. for Red Arrow Whole Wheat OOp Fig Bars. 2 lbs. for B. C. Eggs Scott's Fresh AZf Extras in cartons. 2 doa. Finest Rajoni Tea, 1 lb. & ZZf "u 5 lbs. O ran u la ted Sugar Tree Delivery on Orders of $2.00 or over Bishop E. M. Dunoz. O.M.L will Ball tonight on the Prince Ruperl for a trip to Vancouver on ecclesi astical duties. Every ion of Bulklcy Valley purchased elves more employment in your own locality. The Presbyterian Valentine Tea will take place on Saturday of next week, February 13. 29 B. M. Hoops and W. Gilmour of Telkwa arrived In the city from the interior on this morning's train and will sail tonight on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. The lollowing is frdm the Twenty Years Ago column of the Van couver Province: "As the Railway Board has ordered Hazelton station of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway to be placed some distance from the original location, the provincial government will refund the sums paid by those who purchased government lots in South Hazelton. said Hon. W. R. Ross. minister of lands, who is in Van couver today." ANNOUNCEMENT Jasper Wildfire Coal is now hottest in the domestic field ernment analysis shows It to highest in B.T.U.'s and less ash starts quick and lasts longer. Furthermore, for your benefit don't think for one minute because our coal is lower in price that we are giving you a cheaper grade as other coal dealers may state to you. Your next order 'Jasor Wildfire," egg or lump. Note out adv. lor cash prices and save your dollars. tfi Hvde Transfer Phone 580 Ask this mother what she thinks of Eagle Brand! like hundred! of thoo AND nodi of others the will tell f on b owes ber bibj'i life to lti If joa are unable to nurse rout own bib j, or if be li not thriving on hit present food, we suggeil thtt you try Ei(le Brtnd. Send ui Tour mmt and addreil tad we will nail jou copies of our Uteit babj literttur bj return. ! latin C-, IamAU fl. litiirilt- St.. Toroillll W tlf.r. Mi mi Uf KMora Dooa. Shop Fixtures of - - The Rupert Pharmacy FOR SALE Individually Consisting of Show Cases. Wall Cases. National Cash Register. Scales. Tables and Other Artkfee. May be seen at Curtis Block. 136 Second Avenue Canadian Credit Men's TUUST ASSOCIATION C, C. Marshal Much Publicity I Given Telephone Service Opening Wide publicity was given in southern papers to the recent opening of radio-telephone service connecting Prince Rupert with Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. A bundle of clippings has been Bent to the Daily News by the Northwest Telephone Co. Among the papers featuring the event were the Vancouver Province. Star and Sun, Victoria i Colonist and Times and New West-; minster British Columbian. i EW:a:iBMKVBi;Bua:imi3 ixbebui WATTS' S Friday & Saturday MONEYSAVERS Tomato Soup Clark's per tin 5c Assorted Soup Clark's, all varieties i except chicken On OV per tin Cream of Wheat The Weal S))p breakfast food, pec pkg. Sliced Hawaiian Pineapple QCn Libbys. No. 2 tins, per tiii-uv 'Bacon Fancy Sugar eured OOp uv i lie osut yrai u By the piece n r lb S!:.- (I per lb. ... E.J.-S BC. Pullet Estras ' if r doz. ! ifr buoy Soap - or bar Fir Bars Red Arrow I Fresh stock, per lb. 23c 25c 20c 7c 20c AYLMER CANNED FRUIT SPECIAL 1 tin Peaches, sliced, 2's 1 tin Fruit Salad. 2's 1 tin Red Plums, 2's 1 tin Apricots, 2's Packed in Canada 7fif 1 ov Reg. 92c, value for Fancy Hand Rolled Choco la tea, per 1-lb. box Corned Beef Fray Bentos l'a. per tin i Makes an Economical Our own Blend Tea-Ask for sample, per lb. Empress Malt Vinegar--per qt. bottle Salt Plain or Iodised per carton Coffee Malkln's Best per 4-lb. tin Johnston's Fluid Beef per 16-os. bottle Honey Beeklst per 2j-Ib. tin ... Tomatoes Orchard City 2'2's. 3 tins for Antood Strawberry Jam- 4-lb tin Hothouse Rhubarb 2 lbs iiltfornia Head I'HONE 55 s 39c 15c Meal) 34c 21c 9c 2.00 Watts' Grocery New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WIIIL8 Hot it Cold water: Steam Heat 15c. DAY AM) UP J. Zarelll i i 99c 35c 29c 48c 25c 10c PHONE 56 THE BEST FOlt LESS Hotel Arrivals COAL Bay the real Coal our Is-mous Edson and Cassidj-Wellintton in any qaantitles. Also Bulkier Valley nay, Grain aci Hobln Rood flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 68 AND Sit 1V1 7V,' TJjcl "fesfrom ilie gardens DEMERS BIG SALE Evening Dresses 10 per cent. Off marked down prices Wednesday and Thursday Only U.N ION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamer leave Mnfle Rupert fur nwouvrr: i vmxla r.vzax tvesday, lso pm. Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver. Thursday p.m. r.K.S. AIIDLNA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver 8uadtj midnight approx. weekly caUlngi to Port Slmpaon, Alice Aral, Anyox. Stewart and Nt River points. Sunday, 9 pjn. rv-tttei information rfgardtnj all aaUlnff and ticket at I'RIXCT RITEKT AGE.NCV; See Olid Avenue. I'imiie SRH TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIitY FOK SREENA BR AM) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FKESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City Someone Asked the Other Day why the Daily News had such a large circulation in the city. It was easy to answer. The reason is because those responsible for the production of the paper put the very best they can afford into its makeup and sometimes more than they can afford. They give the people the best possible for the money. BBBBBBBaW. ONLY ONLY 1 Oc. a Week that is the price of The Daily News Delivered to Your Home It's worth ten cents a week to get the Waterfront Whiffs on Saturday. It's worth something to have the topics of the day discussed in an impartial and interesting manner. It's worth something to follow the ad-venturetvof Tillie the Toiter every evening. It's worth a good deal to be able to read the local advertising and to know where to buy and what price to pay. The Daily News is a paper that is repreeontiitivo of the city and no one need be ashamed to send it away to their friends. Telephone the office and the boy will call and collect. Third Ave. THE DAILY NEWS Prince Hupert If! I: ' t r i i I I - -. 0- m , i k