Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides Friday, February 5 ,1933 mmm High 0:55 a.m. 19:1 ft. prince Rupert Snowing, calm; 12:30 p.m. 21:5 ft. 30.04; temperature, barometer, 30; Low 6:40 a.m. 8.5 It. sea smooth. 19.16 p.m. 2.4 ft. V. 7j - NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISILCOLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXIII., No. 28. Vol & PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, liwz PRICE: FIVE CENTS Great Britain Goes For Protection IMPORTANT CABINET CHANGES ANNOUNCED AT 0U AW A Meighen Appointed To Senate and Cabinet; Rhodes To Finance Duranlcau Takes Over Fisheries in Addition to Marine Department Gordon Relieves Robertson as Minister of Labor Three New Senators CHOSEN LEADER OF SENATE OTTAWA, Feb. 1: Rt. Hon. Arthur Mcighcn was unanimously chosen leader of the Conservatives in the Senate at a caucus today after Hon. W. B. Willoughby had formally submitted his resignation owing to ill health. iYTT UVA Foil 4: Imnnrtnnt cabinet nnd senatfi chan ge i were announced yesterday Hn rthur Meiirhen. former ommmiumI n senator and minister without portfolio in the Bnnrtt government. Hon. ..... . , . r L. n n --. i - 1 1 n fr t vi'pr v i ii'i-i ii i it-n iiiiiimLL:! ul Dsn: minister of marine, ls r: r: :i i .ister .ister of or f nsnenes. lsherles. Senator senator R,berUon hating resigned M of lll-heaJUHqn. W. A.; ir, mister 01 immigration IT. udds the ministry of lain- bor duties. W H Drnnls. Halifax newspaper pr ; n Hon. C. C. Ballantyne of Mi former minister of mar-j i : li-lierles, and Dr. J. A Mar-, ( : i. ; f irmer member for Rich-1 r W"-( Cape Breton, are ap-pc. ...: onators. SLAIN IN ! SEATTLE Ytulhful Robber Shot to Death My Police Patrolman In Puget Sound City CFATTLE. Feb. 4: An unldentl-; ( dlf. believed to have been : .l,rm f a-., u-u hnt to I. :! ..itc yesterday afternoon by I... X i ' from a gun in the hands i iico patrolman after he had a small grocery store ana t tl in rath The bandit was L j wMantly. MELLON IS AMBASSADOR Ogdcn L. Mills New Secretary of Treasury For United Stales WASHINGTON, Feb. 4: The "od Slates had a new Secretary 1 ' tii Treasury last night A irtri'w W. Mellon, who has been fi" i u under fire lately, had reslgn-r ' i was announced, in order to ot the United States nmbassa-lilp to Great Britain In succcs-!un lo General Charlos O. Dawe.. ' ' n. signed recently. Mr Mellon's successor ft Sccrc-' v of the Treasury Is Ogdcn L. M'u formerly Under Secretary of the Treasury. Alberta Session Is Opened Today I-tsMalors of Prairie Province Get lo Work This Afternoon In Edmonton EDMONTON, Feb. 4: The 808-'"m of the Alberta Legislature op- 'n'd here today with the usual In-"Ui ural ceremonies. by the government. Rt. Prime Minister, has been E. N. Rhodes, minister of tinnnito inn .1 Mn 1 1 rn 1 iiuuiivv ujiu aaui. ,&.v i J C l APPOlntCCl jenatOf nt Hon Artluu Mnyhen also made cabinet minister without portfolio. Appointed Senator, Hon C C Ballantyne. one time minister of marine and fisheries. PASSES IN VANCOUVER Herbert Brooke. Former Provincial Assessor. DM Yesterday Feb. 4:-Herbert VANCOUVER. 11. nmnke. agfd 65. retired provincial government assessor, died here yesterday. OCCUPATION OF HARBIN TODAY HARBIN, Manchuria. Feb. 4: Japanese troops were maw- 1 ing outside this Important Manchurlan railway centre yesterday and it was expected the city would be occupied to- day, practically completing the 1 Japanese domination of trans- portation in Manchuria. .. . BOMBARD SHANGHAI Terrific Attack Is Launched By Jap United States Marines Land SHANGHAI, Feb. 4:-r-Follow Ing the destruction yesterday of the Chinese forts at Woosung, the Japanese today launched a terrific bombardment against other Chinese positions in Shanghai. Guns, heavier than any used heretofore, shook the wholejfcity of Shanghai' early. Friday aJthe Japanese continued their efforts, thus far unsuccessful, to blast the Chinese army out of Chapei. L'nited States marines from Manila were landed in the city yesterday from V. S. S. Houston and other American warships lying in the harbor. They will guard United States lives and property in the International settlement. OFFICERS INSTALLED Moose Lodge Ceremonies Conducted Last Night Followed By Supper and Program Before a gathering of some scv enty-flve persons Including Women of the Mooseheart Legion, who had been especially invited for the occasion, installation of 1932 officers Of the local Moose Lodge was conducted last night by D. C. Schubert, acting as supreme Installing officer, assisted by Alois Ohnesorg as supreme sergeant-at-arms. The officers installed were as follows: Dictator, W. B. McCallum. Junior Past Dictator, D. C. Schubert. Vice-Dictator, N. S. K. Brewer. Prelate, Cecil Morrison. Secretary. Percy Cameron. Treasurer. Richard Long. Scrgeant-at-Arms, Charle Lemon. Inner Ouard. H. Loake. Outer Ouard, P. Petersen. Trustees Sam Haudenschlld. Ted Rorvik and J. L. Blaln. Followins the Installation cere monies, a social evening was en-, joyed. Supper was served ana a brief but enjoyable musical pro-, gram Included selections by a quar tet consisting of John A. uavey, a. J. Hunter. J. A. Tcng and Aicx uiap- perton and violin solos by Bert Cameron, accompanied by Mrs. J. S. Black. ! - : ... i .. Saskatchewan Legislature Is In Session Now REOINA, Feb. 4: The session of Ihe Legislature of Saskatchewan was formally opened here with the usual formalities this afternoon. Soviet Troops On Parade At With a cher for Len a and steel helmet?, ana tani-v pa. Orie $undred Years Of' Fm-. - -Trade In Old Country Ends With Tariff Practically Entire Range of Hritish Imports to He Effected By Impost Dominions and India Are Exempted Until After Imperial Conference LONDON, Feb. 4: Rt. Hon. Neville Chamberlain, Chancellor of the Exchequer, today put an end to one hundred years of British free trade by announcing that the government proposed to levy a duty of ten percent on almost the entire range of the country's imports beginning nn March 1. An independent advisory board will be ap- FISHERMEN TO GO OUT Opening of Season Not To Be Delayed by Seattle Fleet The Halibut Vetstl Owners' Association received word this morning from Seattle that, by a close vote, the fishermen there decided agialnst delaying the opening of the season until the first of March as had been proposed. Fishermen here will meet to. night to consider the situation. ;nr.-? : n T: uky thes:- Soviet trops. resplendent In their new "(l in review before high military leaders at Moscow, recently. on Imports of "i"- to make recommendations on additional duties. The British duties will not apply to the British Dominions or India until after the forthcoming Imperial economic conference in Ottawa. Exemptions from the ten percent duty include wheat in raw forms, meat, fish of British taking, raw cotton, raw wool and tea, all of which commodities a. re essential British imports. VANCOUVER WIIBAT VANCOUVER. Feb. 4: Wheat was quoted at 61 He on the local exchange today. Japan Now Refuses Nations' Proposals For Settlement Of Difficulty With Chinese TOKYO,' Feb. il: The Japanese government was preparing today to notify (Jrcat Britain and United States that it had become impossible for Japan to accept the peace terms proposed by those nations for a settlement of the Sino-Japancsc crisis. WASHINGTON, Feb. t: Secretary of State II. L. Stimson and other officials of the department arc endeavoring to formulate a new set of terms which, with the assistance of European powers, may form a basis for settlement of Sino-Japanese differences. Moscow Ten Percent BRITISH COLUMBIA MILLS GET ORDER FRO.M AUSTRALIA VICTORIA, Feb. 4: British Columbia mills yesterday received an order for 4,000,000 feet of mining timbers for delivery to Australia, Hon. N. S. Lougheed. minister of lands, announces. 4' HOUSE IS CONVENED St. Lawrence Waterway and Economy Policy Referred to in Speech From Throne OTTAWA. Feb, 4: Negotiations between Canada and the United States for completion of the St. Lawrence canalization scheme are in progress, it was announced in the Speech from the Throne at the opening of Parliament today; A policy of rigid economy will be noted when the financial estimates are laid before the House, the Speech said. EVACUATE .NANKING American and British Women and Children Leave Bombarded Chinese City NANKINO, Feb. 4: -Thirty-six I American women and children evacuated Nanking yesterday following bombardment of the city during the past few days by Japanese warships lying In the Whangpoo River. A number of British women and children also left. VOLCANO ERUPTING Shishaldin Crater on Unimak Island A ?low With Lava on Sides and Feak ANCHORAGE, Alaska. Feb. 4: Shishaldin volcano on Unimak IsJ-j nd is in full eruption with the ummlt flaming and the sides and as;low with lava, it is reported i here by radio. BANQUET FOR MEN Annual Affair in Anglican Cat he- dial Hall Last Night Much En- ' joyed By All The annual men's banquet of St: Andrew's Anglican Cathedral was held last evening In the Cathedral Hall and the affair, as usual, pro ved one of marked success and enjoyment. About 100 men were in attendance and. after full Justice had btejjloneJo,.: fine supper furnlslEed by members of the Woman's Auxiliary under the direction of Mrs. W. J. Greer, president. a splendid program or speecnes and music was presented. Mayor Cyril H. Orme was chair man and toastmaster. The pre-proceedings opened with the singing of "O Canada" and the toast to the King was honored In the usual'manner. The three principal speakers of the evening were Bis hop O. A. Rlx, Canon W. F. Rush-brook and Dean Gibson, each of whom spoke appropriately to the occasion. The musical program Included! vocal solos by Mrs. A. O. Webber. Mrs. F. N. Good, Mrs. Ernest An-i derson. Dr. R. O.. Large, J. S. W1U son and Tom Barton, the last-mentioned being accompanied qit the guitar by Mr. Dunlop. There were violin solos by W. R. Overend. Mrs. C. E. Cullm. arranged the program and was accompanist f jr the evening. Community singing, under the leadership of Mrs. F. N Good and Tom Barton, was also enjoyed. The toast to the ladles was proposed by C. V. Evltt and responded to by F. A. MacCallum. The ladles having charge of the tables were Mrs. J. B. Gibson, Mrs. O. Rorie, Mrs. F. A. MacCallum. and Mrs. A. T. Parkin, with the following assistants: Mesdames Andrew, Aspinall, Cade. Ellison. 1 timer. Treleaven. Evltt, Parlow". Johns. Nlcholls, Rayno'r. McLean, Waddlngton. Mills, Tucker. Tobcy. Bartlett, Holtby, Good, Hlnton. Klelback. Cox. Smith. Dawes, Stamp-Vincent and Miss Lenox. Mrs. Beveridge New President Of Women's Guild TERRACE, Feb. 5: A meeting nf the Women's Guild of Knoxnlted ChufWfrff)-acf! wnhekt recently and the following officers were elected for 1932: Honorary President, Mrs. . T. Brooks. President. Mrs. O. A. Bcvcrldge. Secretary, Mrs. Stanley Wills. Treasurer, Mrs. T. E. Brooks. 1 ALASKA WEATHER Ketchikan-Hlgh. 3 ; low. 30. Juneau High, 22; low, 20. .-v-l. 1' : J. I t -1 1 ( 'is - y