E '4 , j 7 f. i r J ' i -1 1' ! 1 ..... t 1 I' 1 '1: , It i ' -t 1 Ui: ;f.i ; 1 ,, , ,. y ! sr. it. Christie's Snow Flake Sodas WE SPECIALIZE IN COAL If you jiTtifc ' prcye yax're wise. which gives the greatest heat for the money expended, believing that a satisfied customer is the greatest asset a merchant ran have. Phone us for a trial order and join the family of contented householders who are using the best fuel in town. Philpott Evitt & Co.. Ltd. Phone 618 TheFish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. U.C. . cold sores Hr MJ KfRDST-BITtJ TOCBILBLA1HS. jCMCKLDUPy For thapped hand, told ont, cViil- -Ualni, froat bit and all th akin troubl.' dua to cold waather, Zam-Buk wilt ba found -particularly effactiva. Mr. F. W. Athton, 1318 Lan.downa Ara., Toronto, aayai "I willingly tattify to tha aplandid haallnf qualitiaa of Zam-Buk. I waa troubled with Natal Catarrh during tha wintar and thia waa aggravated by froat bit which gave much pain and Inflammation, but Zam-Buk worked wonders and ended the trouble. Zam-Buk workawondera alio for Cold. In the Head if heated and inhaled up tha nottrile. Do you read the classified advertisements? Eagles' Dance Very Enjoyable One fltindred and Fifty Persons at Happy Affair Last Night in Aerie Hall The Eagles' Lodge held another of its enjoyable social dances in the Aerie HaM last night, about 150 per sons being present to enjoy the af fair. From 9:30 pjn. to 1:30 ajn.. dancing was indulged tn with splendid music by Charlie Balagno and his Venetian Orchestra Frank Fitzgerald made a genial master of ceremonies and James Brown presided at the door At midnight delicious refreshments were served. Week-End Specials Swift Premium Bacon-taktns; wnole or halt Malkin'i Best Tea Fifth Street lb. l-lb. pkg. . Fraser Valley Peach Jam 4-lb. Un 23c 40c 50c Empress Red Currant Jam Cftn 4-lb. tin , Malktn's Best Raspberry Jam. 4-lb. Un 55c Empress Orange Marmalade CJQq Brookfleld Cream Cheese 2-lb. box Malkin's Best Custard Powder, large tin Royal City Peaches Halts largfetin Beekjit Honey 5-lb.'tln ........ Aylmer Corn-on-Cob 3's per Un Navel Oranges Medium size, 4 doe. Ready Cut Macaroni 3-lb.'pkr. JgVi..:......,. Princess Soap Flakes 2 pkgs. P it Q. Naptha Soap 6 bars 60c 35c 25c 75c 25c 95c 25c 40c 45c 25c Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Proprietor Phone 208 Onions, lb. PAGE SIX rat wilt raws Thursday. tXlJI-lU-U Mill" 7 s a box of sheer delight ! Christie's Snow Flake Sodas, in the big, new, family-size package! Taste them ... so light ... so crisp ... so, flaky. And . . like all Christie's Biscuits . . .' always fresh as fresh can be.' It's no wonder that so many people prefer Christie's Snow Flake Sodas. EGG PRICE 1 j ADVANCES Slight Increase Goes into Effect j friday Butter Weak flour ! ' nd FStdJlronx. The price of eggs, which has been weak of late, Is scheduled to take a I slight advance tomorrow, the new ', prices being quoted In the revision today of local retiU market prices, j The price of butter is rather weak I Just now but flour and . feed lines arc firm. There arc few changes In meat, vegetables and fruits and few. If any;new lines arc being oN fered. Market prices current nere today are as follows: TetetaMrs Potatoes, 12-15 lbs. .25 sack, S1..G5 to 2.00 B. C. Beets, bulk. 6 lbs. - .25 Parsley, bunch - 10 California Celery, head Brooch Sprouts. B.C.. lb. 18c to Spinach. CaL, lb Garlic, Imported, per lb. - Cabbage, green Calif. Head Lettuce, head 12c to Mexican FitJd Tomatoes. 30c to Bulk Turnips, JO lbs. Carrots, 8. lbs. ', Parsnips, lb,' Leeks, bunch . Apples Delicious, fancy box Delicious, household, box New tons, fancy, box Newton. C grade, box New tons, household, box .... WiiKsaps. fancy, box 2.90 Wineaaps, C grade, box 2 JO Spitaenbergs, fancy, box 2.90 Splteenbcrgs, C "grade, box 2J50 Fruits Valencia Oranges, doz. 25c to .. .70 Lemons, California, large 41 Grapefruit. California, 7Uc to .10 Grapefruit, Florida, I2V3C to .... California Emperor Orapes, lb. Bananas. 2 lbs. Dried Fruits Extracted Honey, per Jar 25 Comb Honey .35 Dates, bulk lb... 8c to .15 Lemon and Orange Peel Black Cooking FJgs, lb. Currants, lb., Citron Peel w White Figs, lb, Apples, dried Peaches, peefed Apricots, lb. a. Prunes. 60-70, lb. Prunes. 30-40, lb. Prunes. 40-50, lb Raisins. Cal. seedless, 2 lbs. .. 2b .. .15 . 20 .. .15 - 20 . 0 .. 20 - .10 .15 . 25 Meats Fowl. No. 1. lb J30 Roasting Chicken, lb 25 Ham. sliced, first grade 40 Cottage Rolls, lb. 22 Ham, picnic, first grade, lb 22 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade - 25 Pork shoulder, lb .15 Pork, loin, lb . .25 Pork, dry salt. lb. 25 Pork. leg. lb. 20c to 25 Ayrshire Bacon, lb. JO Veal, shoulder, lb .20 Veal, loin, lb - JO Beef, pot roast, lb 15 Beef, boiling, lb, 10c to 15 Beef, roast, prime rib, lb. 20c to .25 Lamb, shoulder, lb . .20 Beef, steak, lb. 25c to JO Lamb, leg. lb. 30c to - J5 Lamb, chops, lb JO Mutton, shoulder, lb. 15 Fhh Smoked Kippers, lb .15 Salmon, frozen, lb .12 V4 Halibut, lb .20 B. C Fresh Pullets, doz 22 B. C Fresh Firsts, doz .25 B. C. Fresh Extras, doz J7 Local, new laid, doz .40 Butler Fancy cartoned, lb. J2 No. 1 Creamery, 3 lbs. .85 " Flour Flour. 49's. No. 1 hard wheat .. 1J0 Pastry Flour. 10 lbs. JO Sugar Yellow. 100 lbs 5.00 I Whits inn ik. . i .,.. .w vv Lard Pure, lb, 13c to 15 Westinghouse Washing' Machines Vacuum Sweepers Flat Irons Mazda Lamps, etc. McRAE ilROS., LTD. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert February 4, 1912 The opening of the plant of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. ball which was attended by many invited guests. The company's boat F. II. Phippen as well as numerous private launches were used in transporting the guests to Seal Cove. Music for dancing was provided by an orchestra consisting of Miss Cora Barker, A. O. Nachbar. Qeorge Werner and W. L. Barker. j5 vste property for the grading of Cal. Cauliflower. 25c to .35 'this piece of street. Sweet Potatoes. 2 lbs ..... .25 20 20 25 Compound, lb. 13c to 15 Feed j Wheat, No. 3 Alberta 1.75 Wheat, Bulkley Valley - 1.75 No. 5 Alberta - :. 1.66 Oats - 1.75, Bran 1.40 j Short - 1J01 Middlings - 1-00 j Barley - 1.70 Laying Mash 2.65 j Oyster Shell 1.80 Beef Scrap 240 Oround Oil Cake 3J00 Fine Oat Chops ... 125 Crushed Oats 1.85 Fine Barley Chop lJ0t Auls , Almonds, shelled Valencia . . JO, California soft shelkd Walnuts JS ; Walnuts, broken shelled 40 j Walnuts, snelled halves JO ' Peanuts . 15 Cheese Ontario solids . . . 25 Stilton, lb. J5 ECONOMY STORES We offer a real saving for thrifty housewives. Check up your pantry requirements and phone us your orders. We deliver orders of $1.00. or more Aylmer Fancy Golden Ban tam Corn, 2's, per Un Aylmer Peas 8tse 3's 2's, 3 tins for Aylmer Marmalade per quart sealer Creamery Butter per lb. Cooked Ham Machine sliced, per lb Aylmer Sliced Peaches 2's per tin . Johnson's Floor Wax 1 -lb. tins, reg $1.00. to clear at Liquid Veneer- large bottle Pin -Ola the miracle soap 15c 40c 33c 25c 35c 20c 65c 50c In the following sites 50c, S1.00, 82.00 Honey Oraham Wafers per pkg. Sweet Potatoes 3 1M. for Rhubarhfi 1 h lbs. for1 fV. AMtraltarrButtcr --J.Jbj.Jor. , , 20c 25c 25c 83c Mussallem's Cash & Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents" No. 1 Store Fifth Ave. Phone 18-81 No. 2 Store 319 Third Av. Phone 360 No. 3 Store 727 Third Av-Phone 375 PICTURE IS VERY SMART Joan Crawford is Star of Sophisti cated Yet Pleasant Story in A highly sophisticated and smart yet pleasant story is told In "This Modern Age," starring Joan Crawford, which Is the current feature offering on the screen of the Capl- was celebrated last night with z1 The1 here. MLss Crawford plays the role of a young woman who has not seen her divorced mother since childhood. They are reunited and react more like friends than mother and daughter, the ultra-modern parent doing the same things that her daughter does. When her daughter j finally falls in love with the son of MKUservatlvff .irUtrvt-at-B It I. Ihn Z5' ... Wa" . , : ultra freedom of the mother that -20 Z n,n k th A series: ,m " A'cnue a brtween Mc- l of exclUng ev(.nU lead to tne, .40 Brwe and First streets has nearly denouement whlcn is capped-with1 .05' been completed. The city council ;a 8unrtte cmax IB a cunsircnnB wuns roc irora pri- tk, n,r, v M, nn,tnrA a role for which she is eminently i suited. Pauline Frederick, popular ! pioneer of -03 W f8C"ly.w,D?IaU T.an exc,Ient Performance as the It is feared the .wmter. city may pe;mother whUe Ne HamUton 05 . dimmer. ia- 325 whi wairr 'wrB n.a very handsome lover Indeed A LOT OF BUNK 2.10j a returning tourist tells of seeing ! 2:90 fa Europe a bed ten feet kmg and 2.80 'twenty feet wide. Port Arthur 2.i 0 : News-Chronicle. Wednesday & Thu Feature Starts at S:tt , ADMISSION V..11 THURSDAY IAT1XE 1 Feature Start-1 in .'I 2 Glorious and Clllt JOANCKAWFORD, "THIS MODERN AGE" twin Pauline Frtdtrirt Hamilton, Munroe 0i A sophisticated comedy J gay, carefree life f fj Comedy BILLY HOlst J "OITOFBOINDJ' .Musical-UII)Y V.LLEx "MI SICAL JISTICT FOX XKWS A GUAM) PltOGR.uJ DO.VT MISS IT F1UDAY and SATH "SOOKV Telephone S Van ervice to couver 1 Victoria etc. NOW OPEN It is now possible to telephone from Prince Rupert to points throughout Canada and the Tinted States. Ask the operator for "ImiK Distance." Rale to Vancouver One' minute $3.00 Two minutes $1.15 Three minutes .. $3 JO Rate to Victoria-one minute .. . $183 Two minules SSJM Three minutes S3J3 For the present the hours of service arc !) a.m. to G p.m. North-west Telephone Co. ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A JASPKK IASPER U'lLDI'lIti: WII.DI uti: DRY SHED ' ntIO Per Ton, $12.30; Cah I'flcf UI.MP Per Ton, $13.50; Cash Trlf PEMBINA i:(Hi-ltff. rrice. $12.50; Cash Price Dry Jack Pine and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 ..ll 11.11... ...I . . nl. . . . --ill.. full '1 I .'v,,,i,iu tn iu iuu mil. )qu ire assurru 111 jru'