PAGE FOUR. mi WINNER OF THE FIRST CONTEST t4s COUPON V LOCAL NEWS k ta Canadian Milk Products, Limited. lit Gtor Su, Toronto. Pltatt send m ires bock, "Camp Cooking," ! TnM . Aiitnt a) i. Mrs. m; P. McCaffery and farnil i.. Ti-.. . t jr m aiu on in ranee Rupert Saturday evening for Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island, where they will spend the next two months at their summer home. CJ.R. Brakeman & otMantrttMl WINNER OF THE SECOND CONTEST Steel Mill Superintendent of Hamilton WINNER OF THE THIRD CONTEST Stenographer of Vancouver This week's (THE SEVENTH) CAR-A-WEEK CONTEST closes Jaly 6tfj, 1932. AH entries mailed after that date will be entered in the next week's contest. The winner of this contest will be announced July 20th, 1932. NOTE The only condition of entry in this contest is that you write the following on the backs of 4 front panels from empty Turret Cigarette (10's) packages with portion of excise stamp attached: on the back of one panel, your name; on the back of another, your occu-patten; on a third, your street and town; and on the fourth, your province. Fasten the four panels together and mail, on or before the closing date shown above, to Turret Cigarette Handwriting Contest, P. O. Box 2500 Montreal, P.Q. Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada, Limited , T a Granby. Co. at Anyox. sailed this V""luus o me rrince tiooen lor a VinlMov w t i Mb E. Roe and Mil eJ Whit Mie domestic science department 01 the local uhml ,njt tut. 0ucu una morning on the Prince Robert for . 1- .L . mc ouuui, wie lormer going to FRESH MILK WHENEVER YOU NEED IT with KLIM! Milk with your coffee milk with your tea milk for your flapjacks. You can have fresh, creamy milk with every dish, if you have a few tins of KLIM in your dunnage. For Klim is Powdered Whole Milk pure, full-cream milk from selected dairy cows minus the natural water. Add Klim to water and you have rich whole milk again. Ready to use as required safe, uniform, dependable. Klim does not sour in the dry form, even after the tin is opened. your grocer las Klim. Send Dime and address tor our free book called Cmp.Cooklng," written by ve well-known woodsmen full of useful snA simple outdoor recipes. HO M IO Police Constable 414-3rd Avenue, Limoilou, Quebec Vancouver and th iatrr ir, u . v-. ITUC nipeg. Miss White will not be re- uiiiuig mj uie cuy, Bev anrt M ur r - . .... lln&worth left on this afternoon's ' . .. . uui lur a. iwn mnntr.a- miigi n. , " ... lawBuviJ mip w-Monireaj. Ml&g C. M. I rvi no nf h rai News Uff returned to the city on this afternoon's train from a two inp io ine interior Harry Ollliland nf Kino- rh-o - MCU til U O-U.-t. a . . . ocuuoi uvtrmnir itaff cii - tt vsuii wtiacu this mo mint? nn thp Prin dk. V -w a attivv b for his home In Victoria where he wui spena ine summer vacation. Miss Beverlev J&cV riah.. Hff If-- - .... dilU IVlXsl. J. JflPsf AT this Hu sailed thU mrirnln.9 nn R n.tK w Mrv riuivc Robert for Vancouver where she will attend school during the coming year. Bert F. Smith, assistant of the Prarrtlor riniA uui Con who arrived In trie city yester- iron rretnier, is sailing thU afternoon on the Prince George "eu on company business. Brtc Oee. who has been manual waimnz lnstructtr nf h. cnooa i or trie past few years, sailed this morning on the as. Prince Robert for hk Hrm in r. "tfwu rri . He will not be returning to Prince - "-o nviMVU HI woe aown the department. Mabel Birk. Cnmn V I1UC, WISJ) nnM SMI urHh .... days Imprisonment, by Magistrate ".jruwit Jn cy police couiti " r t uj Lining r"B "cvcr oi a disorderly house ""-v.. bj.c jjicaaeu KUllty. m entholatum Is a wonderful relief for Sunburn. Insect Bitca.etc, THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, June J mm: STILL ANOTHER WINNER! Would you like to be a winner too? Of course you would, but you can't be unless you send in a sample of your handwriting. This contest is simple to enter and you have an equal chance with everyone else. One thing is certain-somebody is going to get a motor car each week. The conditions of the contest appear at the left-hand side of this advertisement read them and send in your entry. Remember, excellence of penmanship has no bearing on the judies' decisionbut, if your handwriting reveals character or temperament, if it is unusual, unique or inter-estinf, then you have a splendid chance of winning. Mr. Frederic D. Jacob, for IS years Dominion Government Graphologist, heads the committee of judges who select, each week.-the winning handwriting. 100 Free Graphologicai Readings are also given each week to selected contestants. mm Mr. ana Mrs. O M Mimm anH son. Allan, returned to the eitv nn the Prince George this morning from Seattle where they attend! the recent Rainrv inimiiri..i -J .HmiMiiviWl convention, also visiting In Victoria ana Vancouver. Steamship Sailings For Vantouvti Monday-. pr. Rupert .... 4 pjn Tueeday ta. Oatala .... 1:30 pjn. inureaay-a pr. George 10 pjn. Friday m Prln. Adelaide innn, Ss. Cardena mirfniirhf .. tr riuin tancouver Sunday-ss. Catala pjn. Wed.-su pr oeorge 11 30 a.m. Friday ss. Cardena pjn. SPECIAL ForrdonthofJuIy WE WILL CLEAN AND PRESS One Suit and one Dress (any kind) ior rry. price, $1.00. or Any two other garments of ladles' or genls' apparel for $2.50 ny style of sweater for 50c; rtg. price $1.00. alvn 23 Percent dlnmnni n n r., inr Tort en. H down Comforters and Auto Rugs. 8 PHONES 118 Canadian & Pioneer Laundries, Ltd. New Roval Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot & Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PER .DAY AND UP J. Zarelll Tflfphone til The Letter Box A FACETIOUS CRITIC Editor, Dally News: As your Daoer has a very wide circulation would you, if you have time and space in an early editorial write a powerful "Editorial" and oik the "Cock-eyed World." "Ask the Trees," "Ask the Bees" why the gang of men at a place called Cloy-ah Day are being kept In the "Lao of Luxury" and living on "Commo dore" food for the last eiaht months, I am told, without doing a "tap of work." Most of the men, I understand, would be only too glad to have a chance to go to work, but some of the gang seem to be showing signs of "Dry Rot" and openly tote in town here they don't care If they ever get work again as long as they can get their grub and plenty of it free and a good place to sleep in and "cadge" all the clothes the soft-hearted (or soft headed) people of your city will five them. I hear there is a stretch of road about one-half mile in length to be iinisned, that would connect the bridge to the camp. This would aive a lot of work for a month or two while the weather Is good. I am a heavy taxpayer in this land of Great National Resource! Great National Humbug! It has developed Into a Land of Great Na tional Bums, Tramo. Hoboes and lOenuine Unemployed and all the rault of a wretched misguided govern mom. Why not. Mr. Editor, get after the High and Mighty people. Surt ly Mi. Deprekm went out nn the last C. N. R. boat for a trip to the South Pole with the best wtehca of all that he may stay there. TAXPAYER. LOCAL TALENT WELL RECEIVED AT CAPITOL THEATRE Miss Margaret Pa.mer and James Farciuhar olawd their nn . ceUently in the comedy skit "The which was offered as a vaudeville turn at the Capitol Theatre here wu aumoay ana Tuesday evenings The little Dlav onnabtrM ..uu.j - hanced a splendid picture program 4 b. u wua enjoyea oj all who saw SATURDAY is your last chance to "buy your ELECTRIC RANGE at the unheard of low price of $137.50 Cash (Installed) Slightly more on deferred payments. Or on the DEFERRED PAYMENT PLAN Pay Only $10 down Balance spread over 21 months Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited COAL! COAL! Satisfaction guaranteed with our Famous Edson Alberta Si Bulkley Valley Coal; No. 1 Bulkley Valley Timothy Hay, Wheat. Oata 6c Barley. Pratts Baby Chick Food, Seeds & Fertilizer. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONE 58 Si 558 ' n s o tt o o o u z u S a o o o r i ; 1. uuuuncii cr sensational thrift tire mi ia vakM. H,t oltr. l Uotr L" B-flt far aharp, K.rJ brr. Fraaalf WatilaaJ I twi ".k.ppia 4" 4 M ttacH, 24f, (xlt.r -y tl cnl-itjmt tnt r Ptlornwaa taadara'. A bay I I. .Wi. a 0Wea TIrs at pooul.r "7 " Oawlricfc apaaiftcaaWM. Uoax La. fwa ibaaa Caraiiars IxJajl vcunesday&Thu , TWO SHOWS - , J' THURSDAY MATINFE,., AMATEUR TURNS I ,i , 31 Feature Starts 3 All:5 The Happiest Romance Since "Daddy Lonjle Warner Baxter in "Amateur Daddy" 4 writ i. nt--.! tf Him ,'wnun mxon and a Great Cast The Kid He Scolded Was the Girl lit Adored SCREEN SOUVENIRS NO, 8 rnv vi-. Amateur S N " Night at 8:10 Feature Starts at 7:00 & 9:00 ADMISSION ,t . I! ""ival-Wed. 10:10-"The .Man Who Came Rack siT g I JANET (iAYNOR and CHARLES FARnri t FRIDAY and SATURDAY "THE RAINIJ01V TIUli 1 iim:i:immMtiira rim The Orange & Black Front Store Corner Third Avenue and Fifth Street KAIEN HARDWARE Will Re -open, Thurs., June 30 in this New Store We Invite Your Inspection HERE ARE JUST A FEW SPECIALS! Cannlnr Racks, each 65c Preservinc Kettles, each $1.10 Lawn Rakes, each S5c 2-Ply Roofing, per roll J1.95 Fbhinjr Oalflt: Rod, Red and Line Oh, Kids! Pocket Knives, each MMnaawi ka etna. iwitMMrtoaaw presents 26 more for your money In Her sr th TUR1FT PRICES SUI'ER CAVALIER Mx80 $10.10 $10.80 111.80 $11.70 RUPERT MOTORS, Phone 566 23c I O O o o X o E o c o o z o 5 a X o S a s z o S a z o mm tt a o o o GOODRICH GOODRICH COODniCH GOODRir M S 0 z s 8 0 X 0 z 0 0 s 0 z 8 a 0 z 0 8 0 0 z 0 o s 0 o o a n x o 9 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED , tlArr"'1,n Vwicrjv Sunday midnight aimroi yUKnvT .A,, Nsal , -.I,,,.,,, o pui. thone vS. TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.