ATTENTION, PLEASE! UST Iance at jour calendar for u moment. V rsatlce how close e .re to Saturday, July 9lh. 11,1. it t he .late , tbc Crtat NaUh Slopa. Contest clo . . . the date Hhen your op,Krt unity to qualify for one of the nine wonderful vaeatiort prize, end. Hie Hrst Vrhe in the Nabob Slogan Contest ni.tii of a glorious tHo-K, vacation . . . for two tieunle . . . mvi.1..,. t.. r"....i .i ... eifieiiMa paid up to $500. Tliere are' eight other vacation prize . . . each for two iopIe, with all eiprii-s paid up to $75. FILL IN THE COUPON BELOW. .. IMMEDIATELY r r?li" "l.f J. ".-.: : TMaaaa iu fca that b.. I. lh. I.rp.,.bl. --- - " - -. mi, pi, lag www raata. tmm ni. Vmi. til . '".'"I. " ,b Fr fmrwulm PIN TWO jrmm rmmr NABOB kM.LT, CERTIFICATES HERE Mail KELLY, DOUGLAS & Cfwr .m, Uk .M.H .. VANCOUVER, B.C. It ! rilii 4k. I kr Imil Ik. N.bk IMajaa r.ialnt. jaa ttN U tkkk j Jltk. rulrf alrrflli... ..dtkal Ik. Mn.,,.1 tkr M vill k uxto4 h hL ONE QUALITY KC l IV OOUCIAS j ; o i;iii:Bri bvi . ka at vi u m u: mtrnt ti ai i S Three Days Left For DEMERS JUNE SALE " ' " m M LADIES DRESSES Regular $1140 to $1930 $1095 S Now m m LADIES' DRESSES Regular $9J0 , S6.95 Now LADIES' WASH DRB86ES Rfttr XJ 83.50 I Now g LADIES' KNITTED SUITS Regular up to 186.80 at HALF PRICE g s Third Avenue '- aiHIIIBIB IM tm m AIR DRIED SHINGLES Retain the cedar oil In the wood, affording extra and better preservation than kiln-dried shinglw from which the essential oil has been evaporated. Our shingles arc made on Queen Charlotte Islands and, as a home product, deserve your preference. Shingle are spent eventually In Prince Rupert, makers wages on the Islands north Support a home while Vancouver wages never come welfare by specifying Air Dried Shingles. industry and your own Prices: No. 1 5X $3.75; No. 1 3X $3.25 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 Wcdnr-sdsty -Tune 29; 1932. THE DAILY NEWB PAOB THRU -r .. you iT7ktak S Jad4 aallrajf li. u.ii. B pa-i wsssar. ., Nbob 1"d7lV ream mlummi f wamla or lm a altahc4 la . .N.WL wUitiM.1 ntrtM may btoblmlntd irfWW . . . mr by ttUing to IK4:LA HM ITU, B.C. lo CO. LIMITED :Va LIMITED I I'rincc Hupcrt, B.C. S m i !.... If you want anything:, try a classified ad. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS The eheapost fuel In town, bli 'oaa llab wood $355. Albert & McCallery Ltd., Phones 116 and It?. - tl John Llndseth, who hat been on a year' trip to Norway, Is leaving the Old Country and Is expected back In Prince Rupert within the course of the next month. ' An interesting article descriptive of farming, gold mining and forestry In the Burns Lake district written by O. H. Sallans appears In a recent Issue of the Vancouver Sun. Mrs. C. P. Balagno has returned to the city from Terrace, accom- jpanylng her mother, Mrs. L. AstorL who was taken 111 while visiting at sthe interior town. Mrs. A&ori It now confined to bed at her home 'on Fourth Avenue Bast. j C. N. R. steamer Prinee Oeorge, Capt. Neil McLean, arrived In port at 11 o'clock this morning from ; Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and sailed at 3 o'clock this aternoon for Skagway and other (Alaskan points whence she will return here next Monday morning southbound. Upset Stomach "I ustd DABrS OWN TABLETS for my children when they bad vomiting (pells, and found that they settled the stomach," writes Mrs. J. M. Cuthrie, Smith's Falls, Out Valuable for teeth- I ing troubles, colds, f even, colic. Easy to take and harmless. See certificate in each 25c package. 23t Dr. WUIUmj BABY'S OWN TABLETS ' ! Miss E Lucas of the King Ed-!ward High School teaching staff I sailed this morning on the Prinee Robert for Vancouver where she I will spend the summer vacation. Mrs. E. Smith, school teacher at , Oona River. Porcher Island, and (daughter will sail Friday night on j the Princess Adelaide to spend the ; summer vacation in Vancouver. Alex McRae returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning from the south after attending the recent Rotary International convention in Seattle and "Masonic Orand Lodge meetings In Vancouver. Mrs. McRae is remaining In the south for two or three weeks Ion ger to visit with relatives at Stillwater near Powell River. "I Had Almost Despaired," Then Started Sargon "It's rmwkbU th ty Strion rntor.4 my health tftar M.ea rem nlwrj with nam tch troublt. X i twki ntfartBS (of Iwnri irerr night n4 almost dcfpairvd ot titr Mlnf U tfiy mwIU I attaint trom Sarson ararad a rata-Mlaa: iwy aMmant I had It faaa. and tha nrw itramth and an. arrr I hata naa alian Bit a na laaaa ea kfa. Barton PtBa nra a blmlrif, too. I arlik I aauM taR araryona In Canada about thU vondarful trfalment." -Ma. AnnM Ourlt, Toronto, 44 rara At. OUMES LIMITED Announcements Eagles' Dance July I. Admission, OenU 50c'.""LaHle 25c. No refreshments. Eagles' Picnic, Orassy Bay, July 10. Canadian Legion Picnic, Dlgby Island, July 17. BOSTON CAFE Reopens Saturday, 11 a.m. Thoroughly Renovated Bright and Cheery Bank clearings at Vancouver for the week ending Thursday, June 23 amounted to $11,789,583. AH wickea wtll be dosed all day on Dominion- Day. The public lobby will be open from 8 ajn. to 1 pjn. Mrs. J. W. mipatrlek and daugb ter, Rosemarte, of. this city have left for Lake Kathlyn where they will spend the summer. Olof Hanson, M.P. for Skeena, came In from Smlthers on this afternoon's train, lie will return to the Interior later In the week accompanied by Mrs. Hanson and son and daughter. D. H. Hartness, principal of King Edward High School, sailed this morning on the Prince Rupert for Victoria where he will be engaged in marking of examination papers for the Department of Education. umj msKwm rs'.'Kmii mumrr BUY The "Thrift" Way and Save on Foods Specials For Ihursday and Saturday QUAKER OATS-Qukk Cooking Large Package 18c PV pkg BREAD FLOOR "Famous" Brand, A High Grade Flour Sg PUFFHD WHEAT 13c per pkg PUFFHD RICE 4 ill P0 per pkg SLICED BREAKFAST 17c BACON, per lb PEARS Largest tins. Ex- OOp ceptional value, per tin PEACHES Largest tins, for 9 Or. quick desserts, per tin AYLMER RED PLUMS 2's lAn per tin AU ROYAL CITY PUMPKIN -t(n Vegetable Combination Special 1 tin Royal City Tomatoes Choice 2'a 1 tin Quaker Corn, 2's 1 tin Royal City No. 4 Peas Choke 2's 9Qp The 3 tin for "VKj GOLD MEDAL MAYONNAISE One of the "Best Foods" OOp IVORY SOAP Duett size 4c per bar SQUIRREL PEANUT BUTTER, 17c per 1-lb. tin Malkin's Best COFFEE r 4ic Bring your rebate card and save 10c CHATEAU CHEESE 16c per Vfe-lb. pkg per 1-lb. pkg SHELLED WALNUTS 25c Light Pieces, per lb. FELS NAPTHA SOAP 7c Limit 10 bars, per bar LARD In 1-lb. cartons 11c per lb CHICKEN HADDIE Use Creamed or in Salads 4 En per No. 1 tin XtJl CROWN BRAND SARDINES Norwegian In Olive Oil 1 9p per tin THRIFT TEA bur Special Blend, Guaranteed to OAn please, per lb QUI VANCOUVER ISLAND JAM Strawby, Raspby, Blkcnt, A On Apricot, per 4-lb. tin OL No. 1 Hothouse Tomatoes -f On nrr Ih XOl Bunch Carrots bunch 5c Lettuce p head Thrift Cash & Carry Phone 179 201 Third Ave. "CARR1 AM) SAVE" CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS For rent, for sale and all other small advertisements In this section charged at the rate of 2 cents a word per insertion with six insertions for the price of four. By the month the charge Is 25c a word. No advertisement taken for less than 50c : FOR SALE SPECIAIdoodyear Tires at lower prices than any mall order house. Kaien Motors Ltd. Phone 52. FOR SALE pair of adjustable shafting hangers. Also galvanized iron tank. Apply Daily News. - tf FOR SALE or Rent, 8th Ave. West, Six-roam . house with sleeping parch and basement." Apply Box 141 Daily News. 152 FOR RENT MODERN House for Rent, apply 510 6th Ave. West. 190 FOR RENT New house clse in, harbor view. Pbone Red 720. tf FOR RENT Modern flat. Riud Block. Apply Max Hdlhracer. tf POR RENT Five-room furnished1 house. Harbor view. Fourth Av enue East. T. McClymont. FOB RENT five-room modern house, furnished for July and August. Phone Green S39 even! lngs. , 152 1 i EXCHANGE ! LOT FIFTH AVENUE near Tatlow Small home. Part cash. Phone Green 505. U -UOVEKXMEXT UO OIt ACT Notice at AppMeatten for OaoMnt to Tnasfrr of Urrr Ltrrarr v Notice ta heceby gfrea UuA, en the llth dajr of Juli next, tbt underslsned latenxlt to apply to the Uq-ur Coatrti mora lor xorM aiMier ot tsetr UKxnc Nusabn 2003 UBd btued fe r-eot of xtaiitu bete poat t IMM- :r known u the Royal HoCH. situate at 701 Third Avemie W. PTInre Rupert. B.C.. upon tbe lajulf deaerrbed Lou Noa. 11 and 12. Block 32. Seetton 1, Map No. J3. PrtBoe Bupeit Land RegUtt-atioo Dkstrlot. tn tbe Province of BritUh Columbia, frota .Dlasaaatre Zt-elll to Northern Hotel Company limited of Prince Rupert. Brttlah Columbia, too lra:rere DATED at Prince Rupert, thi 7th 'day of June. AX). 1832. NORTHERN HOTEL COMPANY, LIMITED Per: Patmore Ac Purten. SoltoHon. The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping , and General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me ' r.EO. J. PaWES Phone BlacK 120 AUCTIONEER List your goods with us Prince nnrtetTs leading Auctioneer. a M. HUNT 3rd Ave. Phone Red 637 PRINTING OFFICE SUIT1JES Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 Manure For Sale No Straw. S2.00 Per Yard Casey Cartage Fuel Co. Phone 303 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and MlnlngMachlnery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts PAINTERS LIGHTEN YOUR SPRING CLEANING LABORS Phone Red 802 (evenings) to J. P. MOLLER Kalsomining, Painting & Paperhanging Ey'Day or Contract REASONABLE CHARGES PAPERHANGING Paperhanging, KaLsomininrr and Painting Ai prices that suit you ; Phone Red 918 C. Rouse WATCHMAKERS. Send Your Watch, Clock, Jewellery and Optical , Repairs to A. E. IRELAND 4 Third Arc, Prince Rupert, B.C. Thirty Years Practical Experience Assures Absotate Satisfaction OUR NEW LOW PRICKS WILL SURPRISE YOU -i - Summer if fHtessr, 3 &m mwr- DAIRIES or KKSJI LUUAL MILK Phone Red G08 or 953 DOMINION DAIRY 9 Quarts or It Pints fcr $1.00 PASTEURIZED MILK. IS SAFE MILK Fresh from Bulkley Valley Farms VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 CHIROPILVGTIC W. C Aspinall Ul Vf- ra ja tMaat;w vow Modern Ray Treatments Given Phone fdr Appointment Green 241 and 549 Op. to BsvDtfig 6 Excnange Blk, TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer Phone 177 for Dry Birch, Cedar and Jack . PlnR tt ! SEAL COVE TRANSFER. Wood for I sate at reasonable prices. Phone Oreen 009 or Brae 903. Resorts SUMMER RESORTS ' ' . ' - v. J t When Coming to TERRACE For Vour Picnic or Holiday MAKE ARRANGEMENTS AHEAD WITH US To Greet You on Arrival We Meet All Trains Special Rates For Picnic Parties to Lakelse Lake We Can Take You Anywhere at Any Time At Moderate Rates SWAIN'S TRANSFER & TAXI Wood Coal Terrace, B.C. FOR RENT Furnished Cabins on the Lakelse Lake Shore Close to Mineral Baths and Lodge Apply V. Soucie, Terrace, B.C. "THE DUNES" At Beautiful Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands The Ideal iiimrw resort, a home away from home. A place for the tired businessman to rest and where the children can play unmolested and without daager. Miles of sandy beach, huge sand duaas, all the pleasures of the farm with fresh milk and plenty of tfctsfc cram. Fresh vegetables and home cooked meals. Trout and salmon ftshlngiin Tlell River. SPECIAL RATES FOR THIS SUMMER make it possible for anyone to pay a visit. Here is cost per person: Board and room for 10 days $20 Return steamship tare 18 Care hire to and from boat 2 Total for 12 days $40 Children, halt price. No extras Prince John .leave Prince Rupert June 10. 24, July 8, 22, Aug. 8, 19, Write or Telegraph Madame Rajaut