Help Annettes Where the Discriminating and Well Dressed Ladies Buy Their DRESSES COATS SHOES HATS and. LINGERIE Exclusive But Not Expensive ANNETTE'S LADIES' WEAR CO., LTD. Prince Rupert Arctic Studio Netta Clark Manager Indian Cnrios of yarians hind Established in Dawson in the Days of '98 by Morte H. Craig Artist & Designer Florist Fresh Cut Flowers Direct From Greenhouse Prince Rupert, B.C," Canada F. E. Hunt, Limited SHIP CHANDLERS FISHERMEN'S SUPPLIES Waterfront Location, Next to Fish Dock Phone 91 Prince Rupert, B.C. The Star Welding & Repair Works H. B. STILES. Proprietor Blacksmithing, Machine Work, Etc., Oxy-Acctylenc Welding a Specialty; Agent for Vivian Gas Engines "WE CAN FIX IT" Phone 313 Cow Bay Prince The Ask Your Doctor You Need Vitamin D EAT HALIBUT Contains Iodine Also Prevents Goitre Kaien Hardware Company flood Value Cfod Merchandise Sporting Goods and Electric Martin, Senour 100 Per Cent Pure Marine and House Paint Builders.' Hardware Phone 3, P.O. Box 1646 Bacon Fisheries Shippers arid Curers Fresh & Smoked FISH P. O. Box 317 Phone 48 Rupert, B.C. P. O. Box 761 BRUSHES BRUSHES A Brush For Every Purpose Tar Brushes Nail Brushes Paint Brushes . Floor .Brushes Toilet Brushes Varnish Brushes Kalsomine & Whitewash Brushes Satin-Glo Paints & Varnishes Satin-Glo Enamels Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. Wc arc heartily in accord with any movement favor-..... ing.the industry and resources of the country A PROSPEROUS FISHING INDUSTRY MEANS A PROSPEROUS COMMUNITY Big Bay Lumber GompknyLtd. May we also suggest that you assist your local mill by purchasing FOREST PRODUCTS manufactured in Prince Rupert SPECIFY: SITKA SPRUCE, WESTERN RED CEDAR, WEST COAST HEMLOCK Fishing Industry Bring Back Prosperity By Eating More Fish PRLNCE RUPERT PEOPLE URGED TO SUPPORT THE BIGGEST INDUS-TRY THE CITY HAS BY KEEPING EVERY FRIDAY A FISH DAY AND USING THE LOCAL PRODUCT OFTEN Prince Rupert's biggest industry is fishing. A large section of the local people are engaged directly in the industry and all others depend on the success of the fishing to keep their businesses going or to provide their salaries. For that reason it is desirable that as much fish as possible be consumed locally. Who can help in this? Nearly every person can do something. FISH BUYERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS can help by making fish easily accessible to local merchants, at the lowest possible price consistent with the price paid to the fishermen. LOCAL STORE KEEPERS can herd by displaying fish in their windows periodi-cally at least once a week and including fish in their advertising. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS can help by keeping local fish well to the fore in their daily menus. ALL HOUSEHOLDERS can help by-providing a fish meal as often as possible, at least twice a week and by fnsuritt? that it be cooked and served in the most appetizing manner possible. CITIZENS WHO ARE NOT HOUSEHOLDERS can do their part by asking for fish whenever possible and making suggestions as to methods of cooking and serving. If Prince people lead the way, others will follow. Every pound of fish consumed locally is a help to the fishing fleet on which the city depends. Fish produced and marketed at Prince Rupert includes Halibut, Salmon, Cod, various varieties of Flat Fish, Crabs, Shrimps, Oolachan, Herring and Kippers. Grotto Cigar Store WHOLESALE an. RETAIL TOBACCONIST Phone 32 The only store in. town dirtying full lines, of. fresh, tobaccos, cigarettes and cigars. Also a full line of smokers' accessories SPECIAL lowney's Choice Chocolates The kind that suite the most fastidious taste BULKLEY MARKET J. Preec6 Fresh Killed Meats from Bulkley Valley Twice Weekly SHERER REFRIGERATOR SYSTEM Eat Bulkley Valley Beef and keep your money at home Third Ave. Phone 17R Attention! BOAT OWNERS We make mattresses and cu- shion to PIT your boat bunk at prices to FIT your pocket book.. General Furniture Repairs, Picture Framing, Upholster Ing Our Specialty Tite's Furniture & UPHOLSTERY CO. Federal Block Phone 29 FISHERMEN Before Going to Sea Fill Up Your First Aid Kit -at- ORMES LTD. The Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store Edward Lipsett Limited Headquarters For Fishermen's Supplies AGENTS FOR The Famous Dyrkorn Tarred Hemp Halibut Lines Mustad "Key Brand" Fish Hooks Kingfisher Brand NETS - LINES - TWINES Plymouth and Pacific Brand Tarred Manila Buoyline WHARF & SALESROOM WATERFRONT Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 95 FISHERMEN Attention! We carry a complste line of brass and iron pipe, fittings and valves for your exhaust plrw, railings, jaand air lines Smith&Mallett Limited plumbing and Heating 259 Third Ave. W. Phone 174 McCutcheon's Drug Store Largest Drug House in B. C. FISHERMEN'S First Aid Medical Cabinets We carry the largest assortment in this country Penslar Remedies Nyal Quality Store Phone 79 Third & Sixth Sts. You Are Invited, to Visit Our NEW STORE FOR MEN We now carry a complete line of Working Clothes in addlUon to furnishings G..C. Arseneau Men's Wear GRATTON BLOCK Second A v., next to P.O. Eat at the COMMODORE Where you always get the best food , Equipped with the latest frl-gidaire system Business Lunches Dinner Parties Dance Hall faita Igrnifcd Stationery Printing Office Supplies Typewriters Rogers-Majestic Radi ws Norge Refrigerators Third Avenue 231 - Phones - 234 WARD ELECTRIC & MARINE SUPPLY CO. Contractors and Dealers Bfecttfail It Gasoline Engine SuppMe. Marine Hardware. Marine Lighting Sets tt Ignition Devices. Cow Bay, Prince Rupert, B.C. P. O. Box 786 Phone Green 259 Chris's Mill Bakery Modern and Sanitary 18 Different Kinds of Bread FINE PASTRY The hesteM s ilways proud to serve our cake. For the fisherman we have what he wants: Pumpernickel, Zwl-back, Rye, Raisin, Coffee Cake, Ete. In the time we have been in business we rwve grown because we have served our customers with Uie best and served them fairly. Phone 696 ROYAL FISH COMPANY Limited Prince Rupert, B.G; Packers and Shippers of Fresh Fish It is a healthful and nourishing food EAT MORE FISH The Fishinjr Industry Needs Your Assistance STORE -Tlw largest Ki t Fancy China Dinnerware Glassware Brasswart NnvaV. OP r a i &)c,DucandS Tables It's a. pleasure i ,ri call in and iu,,a ;l .' ui ciers ... ... M U 11 . I W mm m m v W A r M MX MM. Mill! Ill Jeweler and Optica Fishermen Buy Electric Bakeij BREAD nrri t rrsn infers Phone 667 SPKIX'R IS rmnv Make youi ti cheery by run ,: . wiring brougtr Alt electric rt j and efficient. PARKIN & WW ELECTRIC 319 Third Aire tbml AlexMcRaeCa Limited Printers and Bookbinders Prince Rupert, B.C RUY EMPLOYMEM Every tirm; t.-i hat, a pair f ' a railway tu-k duced in Cur. you are helpi! for your felluw more Fish ami t Fishermen em?;' your buying in ihi Mackenzie's FurnH Third Ave P: Tito SLATER SHOE is Union Made G. Hill The Shocman We Do Shoe H' lPitlM phone ' Third Ave. W. R. Love Electric Co. Largest Murine ""j Stock in Norttx'mttr Installations - pab Off"1 131 floe 937 riion The Daily Ne; Classified Ads. tj- nividends-