BASKETBALL !ARE OFF BASKETBALL LAST NIGHT, TO ALASKA AT TERRACE Intermediate Game Was Best, Tuxis Boys Defeating: Merchants Basketball Standing SECOND HALF OP SI1ASON Senior League W, L. Pts. PantlMN 2 0 4 1 C. N. It. A 1 1 2 32 Taxi 0 2 0 Intermediate League W. L. Pts Merchants 2 1 4 Tuxis 2 2 4 High Schoof 1 2 2 Ladies' League W. L. PU. Amazons 3 1 6 Cardinals 1 l 2 Comets 0 2 0 Junior League W. L. PU League of Nations 2 0 4 : Japanese Students .2 1 4 i Rovfm 1 2 j Boy Scouts 0 2 0 Port Simp 'on Athletic Club Bas- HI2I1 School Wins Three Straisht ketUall learn to Play Games i Ga"KS and Goes t, Tqp Ketchikan and Metlakatla or i.iphc The regular league basketball1 , , ... ( Vere"- Staged in the Auditor- The Port Simpson Athletl Club j Iq an exhibition game here S&t- ium last night. The intermediate basketball team and party of up-'urday night thp lUgh Schooj hask- gatne v'M the best of the evening, porters, the entire group being etbU team continued Us winning The Tuxis, playing their old style cf about forty strong, left Port Simp- streak by defeating Yanarsdol 16 game against the heavy checking ( son early, this morning aboard ii?ltQ 15. This Is the third s,tra,lgh,t Merchants, finally, after many boats Annie Louise, Norma W arid victory for the High School and tense and exciting moments, gained David Harold for a week's trip to places il on the top of the league a seven-point lead which .they Ketchikan and Metlakatla, Alaska. Feak was the outstanding player maintained until the final whistle During tne tour tne Port Simpson ; (or Varwrsdol, while the High blew. learn will play two games a; both ' School owes their victory largely The Junior game was also very i Ketchikan and Metlakatla. interesting to watch. Both terms , The games will be played In fyg played good basketball. The Rovers thew hall at Metlakatla. Accom. played hard but were not Quite strong enough to defeat the Japanese who kept a lead all through the game ending with a small margin, 16-12. The senior game was very disappointing. Too much individual play was exhibited by all players. Un necessary roughness tended to make the game uninteresting fcr spectators. The C. N. R. A. easily won over 32 Taxi by a score of 39 -27. The girls do not get enough credit for their playing for something was lacked to last night's program and it can easily be put down tc the absence of the girls' game. It i hoped, to, ee them out In full force on Friday. INDIVIDUAL SCORING Intermediate League Tuxis J. Morrison (6), Nakimota (5), Thurber 9, R. Morrison Ml, C. Smith (I), D. Moxley. Merchants McNulty, Hunt (3). Currie, Pierce 2J, Qomadina, Orwell (11). Junior League Japanese Student Kanaya (6),' Obata 16), Nakamoto, KUhlmolo; v. r.. - t Rovers McKtnley (6J, McMt kin, McRae, Willlscroft, Bremner, Davies (6). Senior League C. N. R( A.-Smith (6), Morrison (6), Johnson (2, Styles (21i, Stalker 2, Kenny 2. 32 Taxi Ourvich (9), Stalker 16), c.u,rrie, Wrathall 18 1, Ratchford 4. Refereelng was In the hands of D. Morrison, W. Johnson and Lee Dell. panying the Port Simpson boys, is Chief Councillor EJ. F. Pudoward and other members of his council. CRIBBAGE IS PLAYED General Office Leading in O.N.I?. league With, Fight-Point Margin Canadian, National Recreation. Association Cribbage League je-fcults last night were as follows: Station, 12; Roundhouse, 15. General Office, 18; Car Shops, 9. League Standing Won Lost Pts General Office 48 33 48 Station 40 41 40 Car Shops 38 43 38 Roundhouse 36 41 36 Control Board, or by the Government of British Columbia. B Llquoi to the good shooting of Little (Line-ups.) Yanqrsdol Feak. 7 Nelson, 3l Bennsi 3; Gray, 1; Barton. 2. High School McLeod, J; Lltt'e 11: Johnstone, 2; Olsen, ; Green In the other senior game the Native Sons showed their superiority over the Town by beating them by a score of 23 to 18. Hipp played welj for the Town, while Burnett and Michlel played a steady game for the Native Sons (Line-ups.) Town Thomas, 5; France; Hipp, 9; Hill, 4; McLeod; McKenny. Native Sons Smith, 6; RurneU, 6; Michlel, 7; Kerr, 4; Graham-Wallace, In the ladles garne the pubs entirely outclassed theDumbells when they defeated them by a score cu 34. to 8. Helen Orelg played a, great game for the Dubs to gather 18 points. League Standing W. L. Pts Native Sons 1 l 7 High School 2 0 4 Town 0 2 C SPORT NOTES Shifting form, which always marks the mid-section of athjetlu rap, may prove the bane of fan who are trying to win part of tp IU5,,Q0Q. award In the Turret cigarette hockey competition now under way, and meeting with a coast -i coast response. Toronto Leafs, through the medium of their dashing "Kid Line" have been setting a dazzling pace in the matter ci scoring goals, but this trio Is now developing sharp fluctuations ol form. After annexing eleven goals in one match, the highest total several season, they were held almost scorele) by Canadians n Toronto, Leafs only goal In tha contest coming from the stick ol "King" Clancy, the energetic defence player. Whist Schedule February 4 Grotto vs. Legion. Sons of Norway vs. I.O.O.F. Muskeeters vs. Seal Cove. Totem Park vs. Fish Packers, Empress vs. Moose. February I.O.O.F. vs. Legion. Seal Cove vs. Sons of Norway Tpttm Park vs. MusketeeM. Fish Packers vs. Moose. Empress vs. Grotto. February IS Grotto vs. Fish Packers. Moose vs. I.O.O.P. Legion vs Musketeers 80ns of Norway vs. Empress. Awarded the coveted certi-ficutc of purity, merit und quality liy the Institute of Hygiene, lxndon. Rhum Negrita nvv fl? A AA rnmca tne worm QUART HT ?, "0W Nii k - Hum" Tot ssU at VmW, er dlracl trm tka liquor C"tr TVtU Ma) Older !K'us'.if!sat, tlalnsis. H. t: IT This advertisement Is not published or displayed by tha New York Rangers are another club likely to bewilder the estimating fans. They held all scorlm. records until a week ago or so. when they J-n Into injuries aim were dL.placed In scoring by the Toronto crew. Two defeats lp a ruw, a season's record, was a further Ranger set-back, introducing a confusing trend Into the processes of the dopesters. Boston Bruins are another club confushu the analysts. From undisputed, leaders last season, they have dropped to. last position In their section, with their scoring faljirs off in kef ping with the decline The estimators will be like the transgressors they will find tha way hard as the League tearai battle on to the play-offs. BOUT IS REFUSED Hilly Petrolic Docs Not Want to Meet Tony Canxoneri Just Now NEW YOItK. Feb. 3: -Billy Pet-rolle of Faigo, ND., yesterday turned down negotiations for a bout with Tony Canzcnert, llghtwelnht champion, in Madison Square Oar-den on February 26. Ho stated that he would prefer to meet Canzonerl In the summer. Meantime, negotiations are now proceeding to have Petrolle meet Jackie Fields, the welterweight champion, at an early date. HOCKEY SCORES New. York Americans 4, Boston 3. Detroit 3, Montreal 4. Canadltns 4. New York Rangers 1. Hockey jStandings international Division W. U. L. P. Toronto. 14 5 10 33 Canadians J3, 5 13 31 Americans ., ..12. ft 12 30 Maroons 0 6 16- 24 American Division Rapgeri ......18 5 9 41 Chicago 10 10 8 30 Petrel. 4 10 28 Boston a 8 H 25 l lli! 11 1. i 1 Could you use Additional entry Hanks may 4 Wrfrn ytqr Mtattst Jtafrr. IJ ml availably fopy (if 0pou kfku'- This and additional estimates must be mailed to Turret Cigarette Hockey Contest, P.o; Ha I ISO, Montreal, P.Q., on or bffpre Ma,rch, V !.? Tm BOSTON CANADIANS TORONTO fmcAqq RANGERS MAROONS DETROIT AMERICANS Name.. Addreii... Total Goal Scored Season of WH HJ 129 M 198 106 105 102 76 The letter Box SHADOWY FOUMS Editor, Datly News: Abjwt 10 p.m. on Monday evening certain strange noises arose from below the sidewalk railing a few yards east of Little's News Stand on Second Avenue, Peering through the darkness into the depths of the C. N. R. Hotel excavation shadowy forms could be seen moving hither and yon between two lighted lanterns, lanterns whlcn were perched up on boxes spnie yards apart. A small group of figures hovered inside the circle of light of both lanterns. Came a voice, "All right Mao, ulve er the Inside turn it's all right If you lay up ag'inat It." Then a figure In the other group stooped, and with a forward motion of his arm thrust a Small object from him, which could be seen for a short time on the shiny surface within the circle of light; as It disappeared to the sound of a subdued rumbling noise into the blackness towards the other light, shouts of "Don'i sweep 'er boys, don't sweep she's got plenty," could be heard. Then a few seconds later the small object glided from the darkness along the shiny surface lighted by the other lantern. slowing up. and finally stopping. "Fine, Mae, shot rock. Mac." Witnessing this manifestation or h? spirit of Auld Scotland one suddenly was reminded oj a tory abqut a Scotch clergyman who was a great curling enthusiast. Having dUpqtpned. h foaH tit gave his instruct Ions to the bays with the corn wisnji: "Sweep, sweee, sweep her tvjys sweeg I tall yel Easy now, she's doing fine, easy easy Give her a little boys; there, easy npw. Easy, she's doing Aw, Hell!" F. J. B. Billiard Averages Junior League G. T. Av J. Saunders J 4 800 200 N. Chenoskl 8 6 1159 193 R. Wlcki IH 8 1528 191 W. Stuart (J) 7 1338 191 J. May (Hi 8 1509 IM P. Vacchw IN) : 6 1126 188 W. Hutson UI 8 1493 187 P. Johnson E 7 1307 187 G. Howe (E)' 7 1298 1,83 A. Zadoroskl El 7 1292 IBS R. Fong LN1 0 1110 185 P. Chenoikl F. 8 1459 18.1 L. Raabe J 7 1274 182 W. Funnll (J- 3 546 182 A. Strachan J 7 1192 179 W. Murray (ID 3 51? 173 E. Batt i'LN) 6 1039 173 F. Aklrldge LN 6 1022 170 A. Murray LJO 2 335 168 B. WendlO (LN 3 480 160 J. Bulger i J) ... 7 1093 156 C. Perry (1114,. .7. 1085 161 W. E HayhurfcV'I 1 604 DDD for the severer forms of eczema An active fluid that washes Into (lie t-Mtu A tlocfor n formula Hltli a brilliant record. Itrlilng stops Inntanlly this clear stainless treatment penetrates the tick tissues. V, I MrCUTCJILON, DKUflfJIiJT OKMEH LTD. Thousands of Turret Cigarette Smokers Are bliootiiig at JJieSe Jiig Uigli i'nzes $15,000 Cash Offered Estimate Total GoaW ScoreJ Season vl "til-Si ANY0X WON BASKETBALL KinfttlJlIt Teap Twk Pno oJ Four Came at Smelter Town ANYQX, Feb. $:-Qn Thursday and Friday last two local tear,s en gaged In a series of four games with the Sons of ftlncolHh. One senior and one Intermediate game was played on each of the two evenings. n the first night's play honors were about even Klncolith talclnc the intermediate game 33 to 24. 'This game was followed by the sen ior encounter which was Just one .hrm alter another. The game was point (or point all the way and at the full time the score was tied at '.9 all. In the first overtime period :ach team scored two points to i gain tie at 31. Things were different in Hie second overtime five nlnutes (or Anyox managed to re-Ister three field goals (six points) o only three points by the visitors. The final score wqs 37 to 34 in favor f Anyox. The series was continued pn the Trlday night with both lineups al-nost Identical to those of the previous night. The local Intermediate team took the measure of the K,tn-ilith to the tune of 27 to 13. Bun-in and Qilllcs secured 12 and !ght points respectively for Anyox. Sanderson and L. Gillies were a 'onewall defence and in the fjrst oeriod held the visitors to a lowly aunt of only three points, The senior clash was a somewhat roclous affair- KlncoHth was out-'assed at every angle of the game The class and pep of the previous -light had vanished and the game Tot somewhat rough. Personals vere handed out In rapid succession. Anyox won 29 to 10. The result of the series was therefore three games to Anyox md one to the Sons. Retail Merchants , Make Donation to Basketball Team The Prince Rupert Retail Mer--hanta' Association, at Its meeting 'ast night, voted $1Q toward the upport of the Merchants team In he Intermediate Basketball League. GAME POSTPONED The game of Nick; phenoskl (Em-ires) vs. WUllam Murray Ulawks) n Monday night's Junipr Billiard League fixture was further postponed from last nlRht until tills evening. CRIBBAGE SCHEDULE February 8 Swifts vs. Grotto. Musketeers vs. P. R. Hotel. Seal Cove vs. K. C, . EJks vs. Moose, Eagles vs. I. 6. p. F. February IS MmKctccrs vs. Elks. Moose vs. I. O. f3. F. ' P. R. Hotel vs. Eagles. K. c vs. GrQttp . Seal Cove "vs. Swifts." TT Twepty Years Ago n Prince, Rqpcrt . February 3, lW D, G. Stewart has, been e4ed president of the Prince Rupeit General Hospital board with O. II felspn, vice-president. W- M Wright has ' been appointed managing secretary. Under the directiqn of Mrs. Jarfc phlsjiolm and management of Rev f. y. Kerr, the Bethany Girls of first Presbyterian Chureh staged second repeat performance last plgtt of the pjay "Breezy Point ' Th,e Prince Rypert Llbfral Asso-latipn last night ejected ojfleeii s follows: president. Dr. W. T Kerln; first vice-president, A. M. Manfon; second vloc-preaidfnt. H . tamnbej); secretary-tresurer, p. vy. Anderson; executive A. J Iorris. Fred Stork, F. Q. Dawson p. I. Naden, F. H. Mobley. L. V fatrnoie, C. V. Bennett, J. J. 8kar. l. F. McRae Thomas McClymont ohrj Cutirle J. W. Mofga, Dr. W 3, Hall. W. II. Morrison and Tim Trottlfr. . IB 4 V? in l urrei; Hockey Conteii Every day that you fail to send in an estimate in the Tut Cigarette Hockey Contest cuts down your posNihilitie,'! winninir nnp nf tYwt Wtn rmili rri Vfriir-I, ... i i u .u j. .u i-r :i . . . iiit,ii jmi i his U4j im yi ijidu yuur estimates, st)1i i,n as mapy as.ypM like. And, remember, pri?es will be o if winning entries are attached to the front panel of Tun,. Cigarettf (jq's packages, vith portion of excise attached, $tart today and teU your friends to do the sanil Quality and Mildncts rret CIOAR.5TTES lmjeril ToNcco Company 'f nnJ I imiti-.t II.,'H lil.J'J.I-i!..'-.'.'i-1-1 GIRL IS n w,nw Mnk Tkli It tba mothat. praiUr bwt VV1 kDow tb Talaai ( hoi IBsbujrs In her ihopplnc, you may fal guit aura An Ihi WUlow Mila bar Which h knoa art pur. "DEIiaOUS' HELD ! Stenographer of Vanfii I rayroli VANCOUVER, yltbu.l bitnUn Webster, steii ii." jpkf 0 the V',1 Co on Waur S i ooH a payroll trom her and !car. Thev stun t; (head with tl.- I) , she shouted ni.:i m tfascindting i 1st PRIZE 4 : it OFFERS it JllNIOi: IJII-LIAt PK A full f t I' tlr Feb. 8 L ol X r Fa 11--Hawk- it - m m m a, fWl . (UN E Pnh 22- iT i l ies v r Mar. 1 Emprcsv . Mar. 4- Hawk- v Mar 8 L of N ; t'..t an . T: . mm at. AM ..llall Newt Fssclnat ngi tew Amuiinei '-ine Diory ' fiJl Dasamanv colored lm 'J, loadatl with lollv jinslcs. a-: trua history of the diwovr-v"? 'Delicious' an4 "NutT .r. VVlll, Mltlr Tm. .nrl all tb'W ..... ' MB .MOT .iL td Milk rhuuMlura In r,; i-l IU"" . . .... .kl avfflV from seven to seventy V r,JI no phligation whsi-ocvn oifW' for the bpokj we re d l'B!ltfd '!i: it to you. School Teach, rs rnM'1 lots qf fifty by Stating W PP their school it Write Ppt WiUrds('hQwlw'1 Toronto. ( SPECIAL PRIZE OFFER P" You don't ha.tnh - M" to outer ' i Tho bar'lha t aikai each WlllarJe Twin Dtlichui tad Nutrltiou$ grin I