This advertisement us Control The Announcement of q big not pui::::od or displayed Board or by the Government of British Columbia. THE DAILY NEWS. I'KlNCt: KWERT - RKITISH COLUMBIA lHHOetr and Krrerttn' Telephone Adrertlilng and Circulation Telephone DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of CirtaUUons SEEDING . IS LATE 3MmM; Warm Weather Bring Aleng Growth at Wheat WTMNTMO. May 11 -The moderate t warn weather of the past week has brought growth of early sown wheat on rapidly and. In most diswicta. it Is up about two tnehea. according to the weekly crop report issued by the department of agriculture Canadian National Railways. PteMs ate stooilng thickly and plants look aUnnc and rtsorow. I: :he weather-holds, wheat seeding will be oar pitted carry this week In most districts coarse grains are now being sown bat some farmer? are waiting tor weeds to germinate before sowing oats and barley A day of high wind vcJodty In Sot hem Saskatchewan and Sou-thef Alberta Induced considerable nenroosnecs bwt no appreciable soil drifting resulted 9edtng is generally two weeks later than in an average year but mevtare ceodtttea at the matcrtty of poostt have made farmers opti mistic. Predicts. howmV tndVatt that sertoas outbreaks of pale western cutworms snav result in man of the store s-w?hery districts bu; ii vet a mue too early for the ae-uvit'es oi these trob Orssshoo-pent are asm hatchine tn !nfeted areas and the warm weather whtrr ohrte:ertnrd the Hnse of the week i" t many auihom of tees so maturity Ir. Var-'toh wheat seedint is piac-trON- ro-rTc1 sty! boirt hail ca ihe roaiae grama have now been coaur-ttted to ihe ml V- turr vnmsrn are esre-vov cav: ;r .ras six! wYj:-fr has b--er. f- and wan Aioiv thi ir-.e-r itrttvwaon enuwrnwn are be-wnne, r move and at mam points poems ban mtume. titrv , a-e jre-.tjr! Wxfci fccria-nm- ;- --v t)tr auneareare owl with cxel growtag weather, grains will soon be made by Ule Liquui Pubtttotd Ewt Anerooon, Eacept Sunday, by rrtnce Rupert Defy Newt. Limited. Third Arwaue H. P. PULLK.V - - - Manastas-Editor subscription rates City delivrry, by mall or carrier, yearly period. paid to advance For lewcr period pud in advance per week By mail to aH parts or Northern and Ontral British Columbia, paid in advance tor yearly period Qy mall to all other parte of BriUth CoaaasVla. the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year By mail to all other countries, per year .. Chuatfled AftYBRTlSINd RATES per insertion, per word ... Quality and Mildness 86 urret CIGAKETTES Wrwil TtWt CmmY W Carvm. Urn, 4 5.00 10c 3.M 9AQ .03 Monday, May It. mt should be able to keep ahead of Seeding Progresses In Southern Saskatchewan seeding is progressing rapidly and will oon be completed although in some districts farmers hare delayed seeding to born' Russian thistle. Barty sown wheat Is well aboTe the groand. High wtads prevailed far one day bat ao soil drifting occurred to damage any of the early wheat. Along the Tonkin. Yorkton. Touehwoed. Mtnleta. Rhetn. As-.atth. Dedamnd subdivision wea-tner has been warm wtth a few catted ahoweia taterapersed with iome high winds which materially depleted surface moist ore. although ' net. Is ao apparent dearth yet Along the subdrvtsmas ceatprk-ng the Prince Amen division, wea-her has been Ideal far all farm vert Wheat seeding is nearly cara-leted with coarse grains getting mder way. MoMore seems alentlfal tad growth is rapid. No damage Is reported and present prospects are In Amerta ataag the Dnav 1 eOer Oyea. Stealer. Three Haas sabdrvisaon heavy wtads caused a tie ;oi2 drifting at seme polats. rius a the terrttory as whJeh ser-ua ocnbrMks at pale veetera cwt-rorms are predicted bat so far no orm aetrrtty at evident. Qaless heavy rains fall within the next week or ten days It at anticipated the damage by cutworms to grnwtag crops will necessitate a rimsWirable r wi otf 'rvseedsng. h Northern and Oeotral Amaru onditions are good bet eaatee Frata mr i last beemntag. Metetare sufflcscnt and pastares are damg ea Reports of tine weather warn edtaa general come from aH dfe- rtt n the Peace Rteer Ugnt receJate of cattle oa central tack yards have held prices a beat n tev with those of a week age " mdtcatms are that the prices fer?d for aaahtv aasmast earry-na aoad flash vtt) stresurtaea The hag aaarket at the end of the eeek was uasettled bat sfcoaM de-"op a firmness as the summer gees -ati77i iiaa Prepare For Archers Tournament Tttsophontfs thai s suRhbw f t a:. -her -and h- we have a couple of them preparing for '.he cup rnntches at e Royal To-xophclite Society's grounds at London. England Tru s a large entry this year and contest will be ker. CUBS' LEAD BOOTH WON j is reduced! in soccer Chicago Has Scant Margin of Half a Game Over Boston Braves la National League Baseball Standings American Lsue w. L Defeated Borden Street 1 U 1 in. Junior Lea rut Saturday ! Afternoon ! CHICAGO. May 16 -It was a; Booth aad Borden staged an in-had week-end tor the NaOoaal terestinc game as the regular Ja-League leadinc Chicago Cabs bat dmt fotbafl Ltague tbtwre on a very preraBtog one for the Bos- satarday afternoon. Booth running ton Braves who conUneed their Nt wtacer by three coals ta one. Vtetormus ceneweet of the west and Booth won the toss aad placed slashed the margin of the Hernssy dewnhJD. having the nirtrtancr of aggregation to a scant half game, a fair wind. The eft ead pjajcn The Braves defeated the Cubs In a attacked from (he start and Carrte cteee game here on Satarday and and Hossg were eartv caled on. 'went to St. Louis yesterday to take Gomes was tdajlag a strong game the measure of the world chaman for Booth but Vertrh was abse to Cardiaukt ia ao Indecisive manner, prevent any ateottng ta Gomex The Cubs lost the Phillies to yes- ftoe maa a opeain, and beat An-terdjr neeley with a shot that never gave The only acumi cnange m any of hha a chance VscOmre and CUmp-the postthws In the Bmj LearAie 1 -h .way but Woutr- mil. staiass adtaaaMaaeuiajVabA went befctod. Lear aad1 the BrooMy Dodters in sisth place PuMon were prominent and Coras-in the National League by New York 4 able to add a second Jor' Qiaate which was accounted for by Booth. Borden now staged a fine the Dodners teatng to the Reds at attack aad Shruosal got dean Onetamt on Saterday and to to-.thtougn but lifted abaU hlif Urates in PitUburs yesterday The and , tt sums. Idle on Satarday. routed bounded to be loekfly cleared, a he CtectnsMll Reas yesterday. very narrow eseaoe Jor Booth Ne-The American League leadership k went dose at the other ead f the Washington Senators was Lindsay and OTIe:U mad To ut to one and a half games over hot niti-hi f. use ew iotk Ysoiseos. Tne yanks Borden was no- aie to do math- tad two shut-out victories over the better m the sec- nd half the Booth uvek-ead at Yankee ftndhim. halves gxaerally hoidma them.' aWnkinetheChseasovilteSoxan Bramner stopped a raid and then1 vabsrday aad datag the smae to iricMeekin shot p-.. Booth was at-! he Oevehvad Indians ymlndsy ' tacking hat the ottng was peer rhe Senators defeated the Detroit Burden then took up the attack Hosts on Saturday but dropped and a great shot h the bar ta go MSMca wliiai Im a n Mi hull hit. .1 . ... . . :le tt the St. Loum Brownt Baseball Scores SATURDAY SCORES Ainerieaa League . NevTattt. Cseveiand . Bostaa Detrott 4. Washhajtaa & St. Louss 0. Inladetphia 3 XatswaaJ League Phfmrtesphai 1 St. Loab T. Boston T, Chicago C Brooklyn J. ChwJnaatl S SUNDAY SCORES .imrrican League Cleveland 0 New York I Phitadeaahm 1 Deere T St Loats I. Waahhafsaa t. Natiaaal League P:-. -fburt X Brooklyn . New York t. 1b litem ill 1. Pr.Uadesphm s. Camigs 1 Bo: on S. St. Louts X. goad deasance and arothar froir Undoes. Nehwa' shot aruklj when tt had a i and U'er hun$ ,r. rhn he have rhot Shrubs J got away at the othe- end be- Buke ran oat tnd kicked clear atf torn after away i iiah boancmr Bsoth had better of use . tat the -A ad a. dsd a third Ritch;. werked ttmbal up the flehi only oae it to Hons-' ton and LhsisaT ; away to come " at ehmt and hear Hake for a fme . B Houston Vtreti Vi - - Lri: Ihlawihl ! Currte. viveiH. anuroea.: im a. Eagles' Butterfly i Dance Is Enjoyed The Bgln Svterfhr IW awaged PndaT - - sui Pet. was a verv wt- nwb " Jaw Yask - li C m amdax ms a?S ' threshold II JU 7 am wmfc ,x-amat seaVav DetasfL H 0 sag CaataW Bahwaa j naUdaafa'. H asg rtsmk pSgrrS T. 1 U Jg aiiiiami I at ih w !mams ts Boshw t 3d JCf freahm awrr w n as auaaagmV Atranal Leae ;Ateaaa M mi ' smsaan .ft t ml Chsrhsaati K 1$ Sot pamllikjili 11 IS It u nt louts 13 IS 444 'ShM Tcct n a 'atesafcjra it : 40 witen x it BASEBALL TONIGHT - 6:45 I our Monthly ChcqilCfls Imiq as you Iwe VT7HEN you retirr, yon will appreciate a guar " anteeil iuconte of SI 50.00 a month a never-failing income which will continue, with out change, as long as you lire! Such an income spell independence. It opens the door to a care-free future. It means security from money worries. To make your dreamt of retirement come true, limply invest part of your earnings each year in Life Insurance. Your future income ran be more than $150.00, or less depending entirely upon the amount of savings you et aside for this purpose. And should you not live to old age, your family It fully protected by the same Life Insurance by the same monthly income. Any Life Insurance representative will gladly give you complete information on this the most modern form of Life Insurance. lie can lurjnt an attractive income plan exactly tnited to your needs. lite Insurance knrice One 0 a tenet 0 mraMfes tpontortd fcj life insurance Companiet with lis Monitor To Northern British Columbia Power l ompiny. Umited op J. J KE it faoi trfristut ; vfe njiian fm imfl v9ssCtl(1 fcB tJbc Svj4vjitr UW pcjf iZ Cvmntk I3Kric m k temmU i. nW $nir TUm Wk fari ? al ttftmm m tWc jl.aiur Tf ntnii far t rnvw T-C3 r"l 1 1 miiis m IHi, MADE IK CAXA0A Let the Daily News Classified Ads, work for you.