en Sr a aera ae anes ee ‘| e | | ; me el Set The Insurance People! EVERY CLASS OF INSURANCE. GRT OUR RATES The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. Phone 150 Third Avenue and Fulton St LADIES’ HAND BAGS We have just received a shipment of the newest styles and latest designs in ladies’ Velvet and leath- er Hand Bags. We es- pecially invite you to call and let us show you our new goods. ..... C. B. WARK Jeweller AFTERNOON TEA Wili be all you can desire if you use..... RIDGWAY’S TEA WE AAVE IT; ALSO RIDGWAY’S COFFEE so essential to a good breakfast —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_— Fruits Vegetables —_—EEEeeee Ideal Provision House Third Ave., near Sixth St. Phone 190 Groceries Fort George For information, free maps and literature call and see me. JOHN DYBHAVN Open Evenings Pattullo Block A Mirvor . That{may be7safely ‘*packed’’ on a trip is much in demand. We have them in dif- ferent sizes, : : : WATCH THE WINDOW we C. H. ORME The Pioneer Druggist PHONE : ; ; 82 HANDASYDE & HURT Canadian Rand Company’s Products, Mining Machinery and Contractor’s Sup- plies, Road Building and Concrete Machinery, Agricultural, Farm and Dairy Supplies, Dump Cars and Wagons, Gasoline Engines, Motor Ve- hicles and Trucks OFFICE: Third and Fulton, P.O. Box 446 Prince Rupert First Train Passenger traffic on the first 100 miles of the G. T. P. Railway up river opens on Wednesday. General Superinetendent Mehan is in receipt of the necessary sanction from the Government, effective on Wednesday June 14th, and Prince Rupert will now have a railway service to Copper River and back. First Train Schedule Mixed trains, freight and pas- senger will leave Prince Rupert at 1 p.m. and will arrive at Copper River at 9.20 p m. on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and will leave Copper River at 9 a.m. arriving at NO MORE NEGROES Conditions in Oklahoma Have Been Improved so Will Stay There. Winnipeg, June 12,—Mr. W. J. White, who has charge of the immigration offices as representa- tive of the Canadian Government in the United States, said in an interview here that the influx of negroes from Oklahoma was likely to terminate soon. Discrimination against colored men in that State has been partially removed by decisions of the Supreme Court at Washington on questions relating to franchise. Churches are op- posed to the movement, and the Dominion’ Government similarly regards it. It is recognized that the climate of western Canada is unsuitable for negroes, and every effort will be made by organiza- tions interested in keeping them in the south to show the folly of their attempting to make a liveli- hood in this country. MUST NOT USE G. T. P.’S NAME Railway Company Will Prose- cute Anyone Using Their Name. Anyone using the name of the Grand Trunk Pacific will be prose- cuted. This is the order that has come from Charles M. Hays, president of the company, who is now in Vancouver. Action has been brou- ght -against the Grand Trunk Pacific Transfer Company of Van- couver to restrain that concern from future trading under the name of the big corporation. It is not in anyway connected with the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company, and so Mr. Hays believes that the public may be deceived by it and other “G. T. P.” concerns The Grand Trunk Lands Com- pany is another concern which is not connected with’ the railway company. Similar action will be brought against the men who form this company. Scores of real estate companies, employment agencies, hotels, livery stables, transfer companies and grocery establishments throughout the west make free use of the name of the G. T. P. D'Arcy Tate, solicitor for the company, stated to the press that the practice must in future be stopped and that actions are now pending in the courts against six or seven concerns using the company’s name. Sentinal SECURITY OFFER Townsites NATURAL RESOURCES PAID UP CAPITAL $250,000 — JOINT OWNERS AND SOLE AGENTS OF-— Fort George Townsite COMPANY, Ltd. FOR SALE— Farm and Fruit Lands Massett Townsite HEAD OFFICE:— 606 BOWER BUILDING, VANCOUVER, B.C. Local Office : Alder Block Sixth Street WILL WELCOME THE DAILIY NEWS hc “ PASSENGER TRAINS WILL BEGIN ON WEDNESDAY Government Sanction is Obtained and Regular Trains Are to Run Twice Weekly Connecting With River and G. T. P. Steamers---Prince Rupert’s Schedule. Prince Rupert 5.20 p.m. on Thurs- days and Sundays. The trains will thus make connections with the G. T. P. steamers for ‘the south at Prince Rupert. River Boats to Connect An arrangement has been come to with the river steamer owners by which the river boats will connect with the trains as nearly as possible at Copper River on Wednesdays and Saturdays taking passengers on to Kitselas and Hazelton. The line is in excellent order for the maintenance of a speedy regular service. CORAL COMES IN _ THIS SUMMER Revival of Fashion in the Pretty Pink and Red Treasure of the Sea. Coral is now being shown in every variety of necklet, beads of all sizes being offered for sale, and the natural coral, which is very reasobanle in price, even in choice varieties, being also very popular. Tiny beads are used for bead embroideries, and to embellish all sorts of fancy work. They come in bunches of strings, like the steel and metallic small beads and fancy goods stores should be sure to have some in stock, Ex- tremely pretty little woven daisy chains made by combining these with pearls. So far the pink, rather than the red, coral, appears the favorite. Ear studs for unpierced ears are seen in this style, as also some very pretty claw sets, brooches, pins and buckles. Pearl beads in all grades and sizes are selling even better than usual. Pearl necklets will be widely worn with lingerie dresses next summer. There has been, and continues to be, a strong demand for neck bands of black velvet, beaded with steel, combined with coral or turquoise. Hatpins are, on the whole, ra- ther smaller than usual. Ex- tremely popular numbers are being got up to retail at surprisingly low prices. These include a pin about one inch across of cluster brilliants, with pearl centre in filigree set, to retail at ten cents. Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, 'Phone 4 LIGHTNING HIT A FERRIS WHEEL Five Persons Killed and Five Missing in Terrific Storm Which Hit New York. , (Canadian Press Despatch) New York, June 12.—While_the pleasure seekers were enjoying themselves on the huge Ferris wheel at Classin Point yesterday afternoon, a storm broke, and the lightning struck the wheel. It threw the monster wheel off its axis and in the panic which fol- lowed the passengers endeavored to escape from the cars, They were all rescued at last be means of long ladders. In the city enormous damage was done by the storm. Five persons were struck dead, and five more are reported missing. The property loss is placed at a million dollars. Several New Jer- sey cities are reported to be flooded. The storm is still raging over a large portion of New York state. Won Suits The following gentlemen won suits in Sloan & Company’s Suit Clubs on Saturday: No. 7-—Otto Nelson. No. 8—C. G. Thorne. No. 9-—A. R. Phillips. No, 10-—-H. W. Miller. No, 11—J. J. Rootzes. No, 12—-M. R. McLeod. No, 13-—-W. J. Sandels. No, 14—W. N. Riley. , No, 15 is now open for signatures. Classified mon ground. Do away with this. Patronize a white laundry, WhiteZlabor only at Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 Tenders are invited for the repair of the wharf atiMetlakala, B.C.; the sum of fifteen hundred dollars being available for expenditure on this wharf. Bidders should carefully examine the und, and state in detail the extent of repairs e will undertake for that amount. All piles must be power driven. Tenders will be received at the Indian Office, Metlakatla, B.C., 30th, 1911, and should be accompanied with a cer- tified eens for one hundred dollars which amount will be forfeited in the event of a with- drawal of tender. No tender received will neces- sarily be accepted. CHARLES C. PERRY, Indian Agent. Metlakatla, B.C., June 5th, 1911. Palace Ice Cream Parlor 2nd Ave., next to old office of Optimist, sell only STOKES’ ICE CREAM Best made in Seattle. Fruit and Candy, whole- sale and Retail. k for flash sign at night. SAM GOWEN, Proprietor Phone 350 Tenders for Excavating Tenders for excavating lots 1 and 2, block 11, section 1, will be received up to June 13th. Low- est tender not necessarily accepted. For partic- ulars apply to W. L. BENSON, Secoond Ave., Sree Hardware Co. -132 S. O. E, B.S. England, meets the first and third Tuesdays in each month in the Carpenters Hall, at 8 p.m. F. V. CLARK, Sec., P. O. Box 812, Printée Rupert Bailiffs Sale by Auction “ Landlord and Tenant Act The contents of the Tea Kettle Inn, tables, chairs, range, cutlery, ete., on the premises Friday, June 16th, 1911, at two o'clock. JOHN SHIRLEY, Bailiff Prince Rupert, June 10th, 1911. 181-134 AUTHOR'S BODY CREMATED Was Held at Stanmore. The body of Sir William S. Gilbert, the noted English dramatic author, who died May 29, while attempting to rescue one of the ladies of his bathing party at Harrow, has been cremated. * All persons prominent in theatrical circles attended the subsequent burial of the ashes at Stanmore. Organ Opening Concert In the Baptist Church, Thurs- day, June 15th, at 8.30 p.m. So- los on new organ, vocal solos, readings, etc; excellent program. Tickets 50c. John E. Davey, Organist and Choirmaster. 131-137 One of the best services the modern newspaper There buyer and seller, employer and worker, I To put this modern convenierice In reach of everyone t rate to a nominal price of a cent a word Minimum charge of 25 cents. Here is our Classified Advertising The Prince Rupert Lodge, No, 318, Sons of | Funeral of Sir W. S. Gilbert, landlord and tenant, and a er insertion. olumn for today. { Lost and Found | FOUND—Eureka Cleaning and Pressing Com- pany. Men's suite cleaned Bae preneid $1.00. Ladies’ suits pressed and cleaned. Dry clean- ing a specialty. Room 18 Westenhaver Block, phone 69. 121-147 FOUND~Elegant rooms; newly furnished. ~~ Bulkley Block. 6th Ave.. near Fulton. 109-Im For Rent Four-roomed House, partly furnished, with bath- room; close in on Summit Ave., back of Borden atreet. Apply at bie in or P.O, Box 269. 1-1 2 Furnished Roomsin apartment house, opposite Clapp Building, 2nd Ave., near McBride. Ap- ply on premises between one and three p.m. Two-roomed Cabin on Fourth Ave., near McBride, Apply J. Young, Maple Boarding House, 3rd Ave. 128-184 Furniture of three-room fiat. Apply Room 15 Westenhaver Block, corner 2nd Ave, and Sixth Street. 128.134 Nicely furnished Front Room in new house, Ap- ply Mrs. Saville, oe Ave. near McBride. Stores and offices for rent. Apply Dr. McIntyre, Third Ave., phone green 59. 125-tf For Rent~Modern House, close in. $25 a month. H, F. McRae & Co. 126-tf Neatly Furnished Rooms; gentlemen preferred. Apply Mrs. Mullin, Senet Theatre. m Cosy furnished rooms. Mrs. Bower, Somerset Bey care Third Avenue, between Sevens and ixhth. 17-tf Nice Furnished Rooms. Apply Mrs. Kirby, Alder Block, upstairs entrance, Third Ave. 117-124 Nice, clean, bright outside rooms, Bulkley Block 6th Ave., near Fulton. 109-1m Nice furnished rooms single or for housekeeping. {ely Drexel Rooming House, 2nd Ave., near McBride. May 3-imo aie A good sensible woman to do chamber work and work in store. Apply Box G., News Office. 131-136 Nineteen young men to take cosy rooms in the Bulkley Block, near Fulton. 109-1m Wanted—500 good men to join the Order of Owls. Call rocin 28, Empress Hotel. |. F. Madlem. 108-114 -* Fire Insurance THE British Union and National Fire Insurance Company of London, England, with capital of $2,500,000.00. See us for rates. he Mack Realty and Insurance Company. tf Boarders Wanted Home cooked meals and nicely furnished rooms for three persons. Apply Mrs, James, Scott Bidg., 3rd Ave., between 8th and 9th Sts, 85-tf Private Board by the week or month. Home cooking a specialty. Miss E. M. Gleeson, rd Ave., between 7th and 8th Sts., phone 171. 8y¥-tf .% Real Estate € Gott eee ere A classified advertisement is a real estate sales- man, and does not often count enough to count’ in the net result. Nineteen young men wanted to rent cosy furnish- ed in the Bulkley Looms, Sts Ave., near Fulton. 09-1m | For Sale—Two choice tracts Lakelse Valley; eight dollars an acre, H. F. McRae & Co, 126-tf - Advertisements gives the public is in the classified advertisement columns pert, to apply yf — southwest corner of Lot 1116, Harvey's Survey, Coast District, | chains, thence west 40 chains, hains, thence east Shains te point of commencement, containing 120 host of others meet on com-~ he News will reduce its Watch it grow. LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Skeena Land District—-District of Coast Ra of Prince intends ‘ollowing | at the . EB. corner | Take notice that Annie Mussallem Ry B. C., occupation married woman, ission to purchase the Comi ata tt planted at a oe one 6o'chaine ease from hains, thence north 40 | thence south 20 thence south 20 Range 5, thence eust 20 ¢ 20 chains, acres more or less. Dated May 8, 1911. Pub, May 15. Land District—District of Cassiar Tcke notice that I, Thomas MeMeekin of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation elerk, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following scribed lands: Commen at a post planted about two miles south of the forks of the White and Fiat rivers, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 50 chains. Dated April 18, 1911. THOMAS MeMEBKIN Pub. May 15. Francis 8. Preston, Agent ANNIE MUSSALLEM Skeena Land District —District of Cassiar Take notice that 1, Charles L. gn ey of oy art B. C., occupation prospector, intend to apply for sion to p the following described lande; Commencing at « post planted about six miles south and one mile west of ths forks of the White and Flat rivers, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains. ‘ Dated April 20,1911. CHARLES DELGROVE Pub. May 13. Francis 8. Preston, Agent Skeena Land District——District of Coast Range 6 Take notice that I, J. Harold McKean of Prince puget, B.C, Se pat on a > ee to apply for perm mn to purchase the fo’ ng doser bed lands: Commencing at a post planted about three and one-balf miles d stant in « south westerly direction from @ blind slough from Observatory where the same touches the Ind an Reserve, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 cha ns, thence east 50 chains, thence north 80 cha ns to po nt of com- mencement, containing 640 acres more or less. Dated Apr | 14, 1911. J. HAROLD McKEAN Skeena Land District—District of Casslar Take aotice that 1, Thomas M vern of Stewart, B. C., occupation miner,intend to apply ee to purchase the following Gescribed lands: Commencing at a post planted on the right bank of the Naas river abuut four miles above the forks of the Naas river, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or THOMAS MACGOVERN Dated March 25, 1911. Sicney Frank Wright, Agt Pub, May 17. Skeena Land District—-Distriet of Cassiar Take notice thet William Frederick Cameron of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation carpenter, ntends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commenci at a t planted about three miles south of the forks of the White and Flat rivers, thence south 80 chains, thence west 50 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 50 chains. WILLIAM FREDERICK CAMERON Dated April 18, 1911. Pub, May 18. Francis S. Preston, Agent Skeena Land District-—D istrict of Coast Range 6 Take notice that I, Lauchlan John Shanahan of Victoria, B. C., occupation teacher, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following escribed lands: Commencing st a post planted 65 chains south from the svutheast corner of Lot 3060, thence 49 chains south, thence 40 chains west, thence <0 chains north, thence 40 chains east to point of commencement, containing 160 acres more or lems, LAUCHLAN JOHN SHANAHAN Dated April 17, 1911. Pub. May 6, Skeena Land District District of Cassiar Take notice that I, John L. Mitebell of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation bookkeeper, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: lanted about (5) five west of the forks of thence north 80 chains nee south 80 chains, Commencing at a post miles south and (1) one mi the White and Flat riv thence east 60 chains, t thence west 50 chains. Dated April 18, 1911. JOHN L. MITCHELL Pub. May 13 Francis 5. Preston, Agent Skeena Lend Distriet— District of Cassiar Take notice that | Francis 5S. Preston of Prince Rupert, B. C., oecupation prospector, intend to appiy for permission to purchase the [allowing described lands: Commencing at a post planted about three miles south and two miles west of the forks ot the White and Flat rivers, thence south 80 chains thence east 50 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains. Dated April 20,1911. FRANCIS 8. PRESTON Pub May 13 Skeena Land District-—District of Coast Range & Take not ce that 1, Joe Jack of Prince Ripert, B. C,, occupation carpenter, intend to apply for pornaren to purchase the following described an : Commencing at a post planted about threejand one-half miles distant in a south westerly direction from « blind slough from Observatory Inlet where the same touches the Indian Keserve thence east 80 cha ns, thence “arth 50 chains, thence wests0 chains, thence south 80 chains to point of com- A classified advertisement, persistently printed, will sell anything of value. Before buying your Stove or Range see A, J. Galland, McBride and Fifth Ave. Cook stoves containing 640 acres more or leas. 14, 1911. JOE JACK For Sale— Beautiful Homesite on Park; $250 cash. F. McRae & Co. 126-tf Dated April For Sale Pub. May 13. — Skeena Land Distriet—District of Coast Range 6 Take notice that I, Bell Hall Kenney of Fen mouth, Nova Seotia, occupation married woman, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following deseribed lands; Commeneing at a t planted at north east corner of T. L, Lot $8528, thence running west 40 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence éast 40 chains, thence south 80 chains to place of com- mencement containing 320 acres more or less. post is on south east corner of land applied from $14. 129-1m Parrot. Apply C. B. Wark & Co.,, ard Ave. 128-181 All kinds of second hand goods bought and sold. F. M. Crosby, Third Ave., between 7th and 8th streets. 117-tf for, marked letters 5. E., about one mile west of ke Lakelse, south side of Skeena river Divtrict of Coast e 6. Dated April 29, 1911. BELL HALL KENNEY Pub, May 18. John Haverty, Agent Y TWO WEEK We must close out this stock of Furniture in two weeks time. to buy first class Furniture at practically your own prices. : : Dinin leather pad seat, 6 only..... Dining Chairs, good designs, wood, oak dnish, regular now only,-each......... a Mare Chiffonier with 5 drawers, Plate Mirror, Quarter sawed Golden Oak, regular value $41.25, now only............ steerer ere wereee Room Chairs, quasteved oak, polished, plain chairs and 1 arm chair, worth $45.00, now 25 very handsome buffett ; ‘kines value $181.50, heal: suite for..... $1.35, 90c English Bevel $28.50 2 only Brass Buffet in sion finish, Mahogany Dining *Room Suite; 1 round top extension table, 5 plain chairs, 1 arm chair, $27.50, to clear at............0005 uartered oak, Mis- $55.00, to clear at........,.. 5 _MORE A chance regular e. a sclnece a e $18 $37.50 Beds, regular value regular value Countless bargains in Beds, Bedding, Mattressess, Springs, Dressers, Tables, Carpets and all kinds of House Furnishings, : : : : No Reasonable Offer Refused Estate of The Brin Furniture Co. SS LAND PURCHASE Noricp Skeena Land District—p t . Take ages that !, John Robert ws scales pepe, Lc “;,Comupation cook, intend of Prince for pe purchase the following decent Commencing at a t ad (2 he: sole planted (2) south and WO miles west of the fo White and hy rivers, thence oe rk Of the eo east 80 chains, thence north 9, euny thence west 80 cha na. 50 chaing Dated Apri 20,1911 JOHN ROBERT Pp Pub. May 13. Franc # S. Preston ACRY + Agen SkeenagLand Distriet—District ’ of ¢ Take notco, that 1, Martha Louk 9 tits Rupert, B. C., oceupat on marr ed wos Frings to apply for permission to purchase ti. 1) ue soser ing: the following vommen@ng at a post planted abo one-half miles distant in e eee three and from a blind slough from Obser vator le e the same touches the Ind an Reserve, thee 80 chains, thence south 80 cha ns, thes. chains, thence north 80 cha ne to oo ets mencement, conta n ng 640 acres more ot ‘com. Dated Apr | 14, 1911, MARTHA im Pub. May 15. * LbRK Skeena Land District —District of ( Take notice that I, John Unwin aE paper B. C., oceupation laborer, inter d to oon mission to purchase the following dec th for per purchase the following describe) Commencing at @ post planied about miles evuth of the forks of the White a7 {% rivers, thence south 80 chains, t mn cae a w chains, thence north 80 chains chains. , Dated April 18, 1911. ence West i > UN Pub. May 15. Francis 8. Preston A = Skeena Land Distriet—District of « assis Take notice that I, Alfred Herrymay Will of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation mere intend to apply for permission to purehase thy following deseribed lands ea at @ post planted at miles south of the forks of the Ww rivers, thence 80 chains south, ¢ west, thence 80 chains north, east. ¥ Chaing nee 80 chains ALFRED BERRYMAN wil Dated April 18, 1911. Francis 8. Preston es pene wort ivi Francis S. Preston, Ages Skeena Land District — District of ( Take notice that 1, Charies Fre loriek M4, | of Stawert, B. C., occupation freighter ienea't apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: wet Commencing at a post planted on th of the Naas river about six miles asecual forks of the Naas river, thence south 8 aon thence west 50 chains, thence north bela thence east 50 chains to point of containing 640 acres more or jess Dated March 26, 1911, CHARLES F. MET, ALF Pub. May 17. Prank Sidney Wright, Agent commencement Skeena Land Disirict—-District of Co Take notice that 1, Willian. Jonn Corley Prince Rupert, %. O., occupation rancher intend te apply for permission to purchase the (ollow described lands: s Commencing at a post planted at tt corner of Lot 6068, Kange 5, Coast Dis south 20 chains, thence east 40 cb orth 20 chains, thence west 40 ¢ of commencement, containing 50 « lems. Dated April 6, 1911. WILLIAM JOHN CoRLEy Pub. April 29. Skeena Land District —District of ‘ Islands Take notice that George W. Arn queen Charicty { Prise Rupert, B. C., vcecupetion real estate broxe, intends to apply for permission purenase the following deseribed lands Commencing at a post planted a boven miles and one-half mile west aod o from the mouth of Stan r thence west 5U chains, © thence east 50 chains, then Dated Mareh 17, 1911. ) Pub, April 22. Numa wie BOULR Demers, Ageat Skeena Land District — LD wtrict of Cassar Take notice that 1, Alice M. Knouse of Prog Rupert, B. C., occupatina married woman, inte to apply for permission to purchase the lollowig described la 3 Commencing at a post planted ab south and two miles west of the | and Fiat rivers, thence sort east 80 chains, thence south & weet 50 chains. Dated April 20, 1911. ALICE M. KNOUSE Pub. May 18, Francis 5, Preston, Aged Skeensa Land District—~District of Coast Hanged Take not ce that 1, Juha » Peters ol Pram Rupert, B. ©., occupaton che intend to apply lor permission to purchase the following deapel ands: Commencing at a post one-half miles distant na from a blind slough from the same touches th west 50 chains, thence north & @ast 50 chains, thence south 5 b commencement, containing 64) acre © a Dated April 14, 1911. JOHN LVAN PETER Pub. May 13. Skeena Land District Take notice that I, Prince Rupert, B. C., oecupats ant, intead to apply for permission to purchas orm described lands: Commencing at a post planted om bank of Exchumsiks Kiver and u aie from its confluence with the Skeena (hen 50 chains east, thence 50 ains ce 8 chains west, thence 80 cha * commencement, containing 640 &cre 1) Dated April 21,1911 CHAK! A. VAUUE Pub, April 29. Skeens Land District-- Distr Take notice that 1, Swa B. C., occupation carpe for mission to purchase | lands: oan Commencing at a post planted about \s south and one(1) mile west of the forks of the Led and Fiat rivers, thence 50 chain chains east, thence 50 chains chains west. Dated April 18, 1911 Pub. May 15. Skeena Land District — Dist Take notice that 1, Lione ver, B. C., occupation m iar permadion to purchase tt lands: Commencing at @ post pla west corner of Lot 992, Ka thence west 40 chain he thence east 40 chains, point of commencement Dated March 24, 1911 LIONEL Pub, April 22 Skeens Land District — Vis Take notice that Eldor Ont." oceupation doctor, | riniasion to purchase ands; Commencing at a post plat west corner of Lat 1925, th more or less, thence sou thence west 30 chains more 45 chains more or less to point containing 140 acres more oF bes* Dated March 81,1911 ELDON Pub, April 16° John es Skeena Land District District © Take notice that Mrs. | Paul, Minnesota, occupatior intends to apply for permiss\ following described lands Commencing ata post planted ath corner of Lot No. 1738 marked re northeast corner, thence we “% south 80 chains thence east 4! OO ca og north 80 chains to post of comm taining 320 acres more or ‘os ( purnall Dated March 20 1911, MAS. be Pub. April 16. Geo, KR. Pu Skeena Land District — District of one Take notice that 1, Alfred Kyt¢ tag pert, B. C., occupation © vet aah ‘ole apply for permission to pureh™ described lands: sat abet 3) a Commencing at # post planted Hit od miles south ef the forks of the” go rivers, thence 80 chains soul! oes sp out east, thence 80 chains north, , ALFRED xe Dated April 18, 1911. AL reaats Pub. May 18. Francis * riet of C Skeena Land District Ditty hone Take notice that 1, James MIllAr © isd ™ Stewart, B. C,, occupation storekwehs" (oleetl apply for permission to purch a described lands: ; 5 about us Commencing at a post Pian rise My north from the Naas river | ate wot f the Naas gout spose ie oe oo #0 chains, Pt or omni chains, thence east 80 chains \ PO ment, sontalning ts MII ore SONS Dated March 24, 1911. Frank Sidney Pub. May 17, 1 of Call Skeena Land District Distziet pais Take notice that 1, Bertie ior, ia Stewart, B. C., occupation PM ing (ole apply for permiasion to puree a described lands: tod about Commencing at & po» ples a S nv hort! the Naas rier #' vs vod “he forks of the \* A so a thence north 80 chains, thence © io ¢ thence south 80 chaina, thence 1weiog 6 point of commencement, ©! pots more or less, ;ERTIE pp WIN Peat i Frank sidney * Dated Mareh 28, 191! Pub, May 17,