H !! . -7.on rotm ' THIJ-lAIt.Y NEWS "Monday, Mai a mm iwunuaaBBKaamHOUW Mil HI II IHII ll M I 1 II III ill nilll mill 1 i illl rimmwril riTT i HIM IIMI M 8UUT1NG .MAN DIES (Continued Irom page one) ry. He made his home at San Rafael, near San Francisco and was assisted by his sons in his many interests. He was born in Falkirk, Scotland. March 30, 1844. Brief Education Dollar received a brief but fundamental education in a public achool. Writing hi memoirs lat in life Dollar e milted his early training in thrift and temperance for his success. With hK father and brothers. Dollar went to Quebec when he was 14 and befan to work in a stave factory fer $6 a month. He became a chore boy in a lumber "shanty" or camp soon afterward and in Ma spare time during the long winter evenings learned to figure and write. The year 186 found htm in charge of a crew of 40 men running logs down the Du Moines River, a tributary of the Ottawa, his salary being $M a month. In 18T4 he married and settled In Braceb ridge, Ont. Two years later he adventured out on the great ice expanses in and around Georgian Bay, near Parry Sound, in order to establish new logging camps. A search for bigger Umber took him to the Marquette region in Michigan. He continued lumbering in the upper Michigan peninsula until he moved to California in 1848. and bought a timber tract in Sonoma County. In 1803 he started a mill and lumber establishment in Mendocino County, and added holdings in Washington and British Columbia. Active During War During the worid war the eap-tain turned many of his ships over to the AIM under an arrangement which permitted him to take ear of his own business. His business continued to grow in the ante helium period and a record of his ship purchases during the years from lati to 1M6 shows Ok Dollar fleets had aeea Increased two-told by the addition of St vessels. The Dollar world passenger and freight service was Inaugurated in 1M4 with seven United States Shipping board boats. In 1M6. he purchased five other large shipping board Users for tram-Pacific trade out of San Fraacfceo. Barry la 19M. another fleet of free shipping board boats were taken uader the Dollar flag and Captain Dollar owned all the Aawrtoaa passenger boats era ting on regular schedules to the Orient. Beoaaee of Aawrteaa aMajatog law, many at the Dollar vessels wen ragtttaiid In Vancouver. BjC. Asaoag hit tusfteerlng totiiaaU was the taaber settlement of Dal-lartoo on aarrard inlet, at saUes froh Vjaaagwr. where he bo & model eWMaaarty. LEGION UNE-UP Canadian Legion team tor tomorrow ataofs Senior football game against fegjsaent is announced at follows: S. Ourrich: Styles, F. OoBua: J. drear. S. Carrie. T. lladdon: T. Bussanlch. 1 K. Murray. C. Baptte. 8. ResUd and H. Parke ; rat acres, j, Mowat, D Mor rison, Q. IMffuson and S. Bale. Baseball May 1 Bmpraas vs. Bit May X S. O. C vs. Smpress. May S3 Efts vs. s. 0 C. May IT Elks vs. Smnresa. May 30 Kmpraas vs. S O. C. It Pays to Paint NOW Oils Glass Paints Hrushcs Varnishes Wallpaper White Lead Pure Oil Shingle Stain .Muresco and Perfecto Wall Finishes And All Painting Supplies Get them at Silversides Bros. Third Avenue, rrince Kupert, B.C. Telephone 22 BAPCO Pure Paint Products Shingoleen Turpentine Linseed Oil Itapco Paints Marine Paints Satin GIo Finish Satin GIo Enamels Satin GIo Varnish Bapco Floor Enamel Many Attractive Colors From Which to Choose For Sale By Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. 5M Third Ave. Phone 101 FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! Ninety-five Percent of Fires are caused by dirtv chimnltis ' WHY TAKE A CHANCE? Oot your chimney swept and stave pipes eleaned by the only faty aaaJapad chimney swats In town. I specialize in: Chimney Sweeping, Painting and Repairing Roofs, ami Cleaning Gutters, H. ZUMKHER - General Handyman Phone 204 t-i. The City Council has Declared this to e be The City of Prince Kupert has fallen in line with other cities of Canada in organizing a Cleanup Week commencing today. It is a time when all citizens are asked to see that their premises, front and back, are splc and span with all loose cans picked up, filth cleared away and neatness and tidiness replacing slovenliness. Citizens are also urged to repair and paint their fences, to paint the house or outbuildings if necessary and to generally keep in line with modern civilization. Everyone knows that these are difficult times but no one can afford to look poor, even if he is poor. Much can lie dpne at little expense to make the shop front bright, to brighten up the outbuildings or to overhaul the interior. The condition, of the home has an effect on every member of the family. Several persons were only last week making remarks about the appearance of Some of the smaller stores in the city where neither landlord or tenant was willing to paint the shop front. The windows never looked really attractive where the paint on the shop front was badly worn or had a shabby appearance. The opinion expressed was that it-helped business to keep the place attractive. People do not like to shop in a place that seems to be down at heel. J9L Clean up! Paint Up! Beautify! I Your Home and its Surroundings. i rrkT"lTrnn. - grk nvm. k or-v u md lai 1 U IUUK HUM With Clean New Paint A clean house. t in, pitta a new , . P f. into dull 'i, ... IT PAYS TO PALM NOW Fred Scadden Rouge Painter & iir SUlh Street, Prinro t Phone; Grcca92 m it. i n .in uean up: rami Uj. and BEAUTIFY YOUR Let Us All Co-optit Brine your lems to us. men- B-H 100 Pure Paint Goe6 farther. ' ''"i Lasts 1 i-.nmnn c nnrnwa WaW4 V Jk g a 1 1 - McBride Street SEND IT TO LAUNDRY Save labor at s- ' mg time ny -. Curtains Portierei Carpets and' other household ? ' f Laundry and have thrm :on like nw Ltt li U rnnr nlit arid I" nil mLa 41.. rml. t 'Ol'M used to look like a r. Canadian and Pioneer Laundry 8 Phones Hs