THE DAILY NEWS housands of People Read The Advertisements on This Page Everv Dav RENT THAT ROM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE,, REAL ESTATE, ETC., .THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS rent fur sale arid all other imall advc rtisements in thia section Ior per lner,.n Insertions for the price o, four. By the" no advertisement taken for ln thin sn FOR SALE uic cheap. Phone Black tf : i; VT. Guitar ana , Ukelele Npws. 117 ; Kitchen Stove, almost , Rc-d 723. 116 ,!. suitable for office. . :urc Apply Dally Newt. . .tf Ootlyear Tire at lowpr . .m any mall order K.i pp, Motors Ltd. Phorw jf-TK-r f i!)iiiar 8heet Music, 3 iv s jnes vou Drefer. i : with order to Shertj ' , SuI,e r 703 Du"!: mver. FOR RENT ' :t -xi Modern flat. Hand . Ar-!v Max Hetlbrouer. tf - " Modern six-roomed Booth School. Phone (tf fcj HI T Modern furnished Bx smulr Street. Official or. r p ! "NT -Clean well furnished ' jm suite. Palmer Phnne Red 444. ti FOUND Wateh.Owner may y calling at tht office and paying ..scruent TRANSFERS IMEP.QN'3 Transfer Phone 177 Icr Dr? Birch, Cedar and Jack Pint tf fAL COVE TRANSFER Wood fr i i.;:J ',1, n:es reasonable. Phoiif MMl ACT P l In! iXMoi u vpj to Is una ' b -A Ditrlt Land R-r PHnoe Rupert. n'i lit or pan ot Block : ' " S. Qurrn Chtrlottf B48. TownnKe or Orhm t f, imperlkl Oil ' iirmivcr. HE., ocebpaUoa ' is. intend to apply tor. toliowlhf OMeiib) j ' ' a pott, planted ty ! ' 1. it N.W. tonuf of th 1 "no aouthwMtwardlJ 3' owthHuitwardly si ' norttMMwardlr 3 iwirihwMtwardly follow- imi- t It.WAI to point I mtut n containing Us, ! ' l.. I Mi'ERIAl OIL UUITED. I r M. T. CoHlnon. Agent ' ma Guide to Correspondents Tht! DoH cJrrr oondence on live topics , tha day or any other sub- tif public interest, out let-Wr civst be brief and to the M The long-winded cox-Pondcnt has no place In Bto- lournallsm. Evr letter must be signed the writer, npt necessarily-f Publicatlcnrtut as " "'of euod faith and courtesy. " u" itrned documents go to ae w-.ste paner basket. Lct-' ' eaujtlc character ri .ve the signature ap-'"''i for publication. ' ' ' xhrnild be written on , '' of the paper only. '"' ixindenu must avoid ' ''"allties and the language u"uu be sucKas would be al Jd tn ihp ordinary rules of PAINTERS LIGHTEN YOUR 8PHINQ CLEAN ING LABORS Phone Red 82 to J. P. MOLLER Painting & Paperhanging By Day or Contract REASONABLE CHARGES PAPERHANGING PaperhanKinff, Kalsomininjr and raintm? At price that will suit you Phone Red 918 c. Rouse CHIROPRACTIC W. C. Aspinall rhree Year Oraamte Chiropractic Modern Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment Green 211 and 519 Open Evenlnn 6 Bxcnange Blk Slimmer charted at the mi. -r ...... hlMiTi ! OPTOMETRISTS Mail Your Watch to A. E. IRELAND Watchmaker 321 Third Avenue Prfnre Rnpert - for EstimateBy Return JEWELLERY and OPTICAL REPAIRS SHOE REPAIRS GET THE BEST IN WORKMANSHIP At the Same Price LOUIS SIIIBIG QUALITY SHOE REPAIRS 318 Sixth Street Prince Rupert DAIRIES For FRESH LOCAL MILK Phone Red 608 or 953 DOMINION DAIRY 9 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 Resorts SUMMER RESORTS When Coming to TERRACE For Your Picnic or Holiday MAKE ARRANGEMENTS AHEAD WITH US To Greet You on Arrival Wc Meet AH Trains Special Rates For Picnic Parties to Lakelse Lake We Can Take You Anywhere at Any Time At Moderate Rates SWAIN'S TRANSFER & TAXI Wood Coal Terrace, B.C. "TILLIE THE TOILER" THE MARKET Prices currint on the local retail market today areHs! follows: Butter Fancy cartoned, lb 20 No. 1 Creamery, 3 lbs. .85 Flour Flour, 49'fl, No. 1 hard wheat .. 1 CO Pastry Flour. 10 lbs. .50 Aust. Pastry flour, 10 lbs 40 Fish Smoked KlDpers, lb. .15 Salmon, fresh, lb 25 Halibut, lb. J5 Eggs B.C. Fresh Pullets, doz 21 B.C. Fresh FlrnU, doz. .23 B.C. Fresh Extras; .doz. 25 Local, new laid, doz, .35 Meals. Fowl, NO. 1, lb. 25 Roasting Chicken. 11a, 20 Ham, sliced, first grade 25 Veal, loin, lb .25 Beef, pot roast, lb. .15 Beef, boiling, lb., 10c to 12 Ji Beef, roast, prime rib, lb .20 Lamb, shoulder. Iblr- 20 Beef, steak, lb. 25c to 20 Lamb,' leg, lb. .. 20 Lamb chops, lb . 25c to 20 Mutton, shoulder, lb. .15 Apples Delicious, fancy box 3.10 Newtons, fancy, box 2.90 Stayman Wlneeaps, fancy, box 2:j0 Fruit' Valencia Oranges, doz 25c to .35 Lemons. California, large 25 Grapefruit, California, 5c to 10 L.MI ACT Notice ,f Intention to" Apply to Iaf; lOltr.MIOUK In OOMt D:.rlet Lajlfe Remrdln? Dbi-I 1 trt of Prince Rupert, B.C, and attoaWi Smith Island at Osbotn Point Jum-i t!on, Inveroew and De Hsrsry Pawaf. 'Skn River and lnfnt purt of- M t9l. Range 6 coast dUtrlet. Take noUoe that W. Imperial Oil' I Ignited ot VaaooaTer B.C.. occupation OU Dlalrlbutora. lnteticU to apply ter i lease of the following described land: Commencing at a poet planted at ; hlfti-water mark and l 3 X. Corner of L. 9819, FUnge S. coast dMrtct, thance. ; 3 enams mm: inence 10 enaina norm thence 3 ebalna Weat, tbefce 10 :haln south foUowing and containing 3 acres, more or law, the ahore lhe W H.WJkl. to point of commencement, imperiai ou. uurmi prr M. A. Oerrard. Dated March 10. 1932. Agent. The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping and General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO. J. DAWES Phone Black 120 AUCTIONEER List yonr goods with us Prince Rupert's tradinr Auctioneer. G. M. HUNT 3rd Ave. Phone Red 677 Manure For Sale No Straw, $2.00 Per Yard Casey Cartage Fuel Co. Phone 303 PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 A Test For the Grapefruit, Florida, 12l4c to .. i Bananas, 2 lbs. i Rhubarb, field, lb 'Aust. Almerla Grapes, lb. Dried Fruits 20 21 .05 .30 Extracted Honey, per Jar . .35 Comb Hon. 25 Dates, bulk, 8c to .15 Lemon and i range Peel .23 Citron Peel 20 Black Cooking Figs, lb, .12Yj White Figs. Ib. .15 Apples, dried 20 Peaches, peeled 20 Apricots, lb. 20 'Prunes, 60-70, lb. rio Prunes, 30-40, lb. .15 Prunes, 40-50, lb. Raisins. Cal. seedless. 2 lbs. 25 Currants, lb Aft Sow White, 100 lbs. .. 5.40 Yellow, 100 lbs. 4.90 Teei Wheat, No. 3 Alberta .. 1.75 Wheat. Bulkley Valley 1.75 No, 5 Alberta 1.65 Oats 1.75 Bran 1.60 Shorts 1.65 Middlings 2.20 Barley 1X0 MORE "r Inven tor Keep Tillie On Her Tot$ Tillie will tUnd ap If you paste her pn cardboard before cutting out the figure. To keep it from curling, paste another piece of paper on the back of the eard-board. When it has dried, cut out close to black lines and bend back the base Then vou can dress her In her new clothes. r 1 lUi. .luii'i Aub t-OI-U5M II THERE MB IS-30WTJWBLL, t V - 1 1 ( HO HUM - OH, TIULie - tcyVM wy - OKT Vou OUT? SHouuo tAy MoT ""fe 1 Ly .'7? 2.65 ISO 2.90 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.95 .15 'Laying Mash Oyster Shell Beef Scrap Ground Oil Cake .... ; Fine Oat Chops . Crushed Oats,;lf r me uaney mop ..... .... -uird ' " ' i Pure, lb. 13c to , Almonds, shelled Valencia .. California soft .shelled Walnuts Walnuts, broken shelled . Walnuts, shelled halves .Peanuts i Cheese Ontario solids, new lb. Ontario Solids, mature, lb Stilton, lb. lb Edam, lb . Roquefort, lb .Gorgonzola lb. , I Vegetables Potatoes. 12-15 lbs. ! sack. $1.50 to . ,New Potatoes, Texas, 2 lbs Beets, bunch Asparagus, lb Parsley, bu J California Celery, head, 25c to Spinach, B.C.. lb. 10c to , 'pttage Rolls, lb Jtoni, plente, first grade, lb .18 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .. .35 Pork shoulder, lb. .. 15 Pork, loin, lb. Pork,;leg, lb. Pork, dry salt, lb Ayrshire Bacon, lb. Veal, fhoulder, lb. Garlic, Imported, per lb .40 Cabbage, Calif., green 42 Cat. Head Lettuce, head, 12c to .15 Victoria hothouse tomatoes, lb. .40 B. O. Cauliflower, 25c to 25 0 25 25 .43 Sweet Potatoes, lb. .15 Onions, lb Bulk Turnips, 10 lbs. 23 Carrots, 6 lbs 25 Cal. New Carrots, 25 Parsnip. Ib it Leks. bunch .4 Hothouse Cucumbers, 8" Green Peas, 2 lbs. .60 25 1.60j 25 i 10 1 20 .10 J 25 1 12ft ; 25 bunch .13 .. .06 JM each 25 25 CN.U. TRAINS For the East -. Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays 3 pjn. a From the Eakt Tuesdays, Thursaays ana Satur-iiiw lo:40 am. CLOTHES FOR TILLIE are some more of TILLIE THE HERE TOILER'S new clothes. At right is a smart lounging pajama suit, and in the center a new erenlng gown in which Mac thinks the looks stunning The smart little Jacket shown below go with the evening gown, of course. Tillie is one of the lucky girls who can wear almost any shade, but certain colors suit her best. Which do you think they are 7 Make a number of tracings of the cutouts, color them differently and try them on Tillie. Watch for some more of TILLIE'S new clothes tomorrow. aBBsaa8gmaMi By Westover. .23 r,i 20 20 20 .30 .15 it .10 .06 25 1l i. - r 4"!