T si' is a : 1 THE INTRODUCTION of the New Ford Eight marks one of the most important events in the history of the automobile. To millions of motorists it brings a wholly new standard of value in a low-price car. When you sec the New Ford Eight and drive it, you will realize that it is the complete answer to your motoring needs. Here arc beauty and safety and comfort. Here arc exceptional speed and acceleration, the smooth-flowing power of an eight-cylinder engine, reliability and economy. Here arc silent second speed and silent synchronized gear shifting. Here, in a word, is all you desire in a motor car at an unusually low price. The beautiful New Ford V-8 is now on display in this city. There is also an improved Ford four-cylinder 50-horsc-powcr engine operating with new smoothness. It is available in the same fourteen body types as the V-8. THE DAILY NEWS wji JLispiay A-oaay ! .1 V Tp 7 7" Q 7 7:"" . Jjora VO Cylinder NE FORD PRICES EIGHT FOUR FOURTEEN DODY TYPES Cylinder Cylinder Roadster 575 $515 Phaeton 620 560 Tudor Sedan 625 563 Coupe 615 555 Sport Coupe 670 610 Fordor Sedan 710 680 ( De Luxe Roadster 625 565 De Luxe Phaeton . 685 625 De Luxe Tudor Sedan 690 630 De Luxe Coupe 720 660 Cabriolet . t rvv v WW t "" -765 ' " 703- De Luxe Fordor Sedan 810 750 Victoria ......... . i , 750 690 Convertible Sedan 815 755 (All prices F. O. D. East Windsar, Onttri. Bumpers, ipare tire and taxes extra. Easy time payment! tan he arranged through your Ford dealer.) Net ford eight victoria i m ii mm ri.: : ti-3 Eight cylinder 90-cIcgrcc V-typc, 65-horsc-powcr Engine Vibrationlcss Roomy, Beautiful Bodies Low Center of Gravity Silent Second Gear Synchronised Silent Gear Shift Seventy-five iMilcs per Hour New Self-adjusting Houdaillc Double acting Hydraulic Shock Absorbers with Thermostatic Contrdl Comfortable Riding Springs Rapid Acceleration Low. Gasoline Consumption Reliability Automatic Spark Control Down-draft Carburetor Bore, 5 116 Stroke; 3 34 Piston Displacement, 221 Cubic Inches 90-dcgrcc Counterbalanced Crankshaft A? - r ft-. IS 4 f ; k