PAGE FEE sssssssssssssMsssss5 tar. sfsf aaaaaaaaaaaasMBB TODAY! Dealers ' 1 I tucntic 1 tHOTlGlRATO THE BEAUTIFUL NEW FORD V-8 t - Now on Display at our Show rooms Come in and Sec It. 65 Horsepower 8-cylindcr Engine Automatic Spark Control Down-draft Carbu-' rctor with Silencer Synchronized Gear Shifting and Silent Second Large, Roomy Bodies Eas Steering. S. E. Parker Ltd. Third Avenue East QetYOUR ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR this THRIFTY Way for a little as ; 810.00 down5 ba!ane spread over 24 months. a for Thrift, Health and Convenience Thrifty to buy: thrifty to uti for the ice bills it saves and food waste it stops. Convenient, because it assures a steady, correct refrigerating temperature at all times. And a guardian of your family's health because it ends spoil age and contamination. Enables you to save odds and ends from one day's dinner to make tasty dishes for the next day's . t'Junch. Keeps salads crisp. 'MakeSjMcasy Jto prepare and serve delicious frozen desserts: drinks with ice cubes. Psys for, Itself by what it saves. Order YOUR electric refrigerator without delay. Northern British Columbia Power Company Ltd. TITE DAILY NEWS Woonrsdav May 1 1 BRIDGE IS ! DELIGHTFUL Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert .May 4, 1912 Making the trip in the company's fine power vessel. F. H. Phippen, I Mayor 8 M. Newton and members tof the aldcrmanle board as well as 'some of the city officials paid a visit of inspection yesterday afternoon to the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.'s great plant at Seal Oove. The trip was made at the invitation of O. H. Collins, manager of the company. Property owners of Section Two are proceeding with plans to grade or build plank roads on Atlin. Gra ham and other streets. A report on ' ways and means was presented by W. P. Lynrh at a meeting of pro perty owners last night Cjf.Il. TRAINS For the East Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays 3 pm. From the East Tuesdays", Thursdays ana Saturdays 10:40 son. IS FINE PICTURE Enjoyable Party Stated Last Night nichard Rarthelmcss Gives Drama By Ladies of Prince Rupert Tennis Club In aid of the fund which is being raised for the erection of a clubhouse at the tennis courts of the Prince Rupert Tennis Club on Ac ropolte HU1 grounds, a bridge party was staged at the home of six hos tesses last night, being followed by a general gathering at the I.OD.E. Hall where refreshments were ser ved and a few hours of dancing en- Joyed. Bridge was played at the homes of Mrs. J. W NichoUs, Mrs. S. J. Ja-bour, Mrs. F. A. MacCallum. Mrs. Max HeUbroner. Miss Margaret Kergta and Mrs. S. P. McMordie. thre being 30 tables in all. During the proceedings at the I.OD1L Hall, there was an Im promptu entertainment which eluded a Spanish song by Mrs. S. J. Jabour. vocal solos by Mrs. WUlam rutekstank. and an exhibition of the Tanas by Miss Laura Frixaell ind William Lambie. Mnste for dancing was provided by Mia. W M. Blaekatoek. Miss Blanch Curtin and Miss Loma McLaren who alternated at the piano. A. E. Par low and Alex Mit chell were masters of ceremonies. Delicious refreshments were served and dancing continued until 1:30 i.m. During the evening the drawtiu for prises was conducted by W. H Tobey. Mies Blanche Curtin was the winner of the ladies' prize a bou doir pillow donated by Mrs. S. J. Jabour. Harold MeBwen won the men's prise a playing set donated oy t . a. MBciaumu. The general conveners for the evening were Mrs. A. E. Par low and Mrs. F. 8. Robertson who were also hostesses. They were assisted by Mrs. W. N. Currie. Mrs. Shelford Darton. Mrs. J. T. Harvey and Miss Laura Frtaeil. Miss Maraaret Pal mer acted as cashier. The official opening of the new ourts will take place on Saturday utemoon with Mayor C. H. Orme officiating Tea Will be served. LIBRARY MEETING Business at Last Night's Session Largely of Routine Nature Report of Librarian Merely routine matters were ta ken up last night at the regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Public Library board. Chair man O. V Wilkinson presided and others present at the meeting were: Thomas B. Black, secretary; Victor Basso-Bert, Prank Dlbb. Aid. P. H. Linsey, H. A. Green and Miss A. D. Cralkshank. librarian. The report of the librarian for the month of April showed that the li brary had been open 22 days with1 an average of SU books loaned per day. In all 78T8 books were issued to borrowers classified as follows: fiction. 4.882; duplicate pay. 93; non-fiction, 783; juvenile. 1610. Oaring the month 63 new borrowers were enrolled while 33 were cancelled, leaving a total of 3630 bor rowers on the lists. By gift 17 books had been received during the month while 86 had been purchased. There are today a total of 8ffi books on the shelves of the library. tic Performance in "Alias the "Alias the Doctor." which is showing as the middle of the week feature at the Capitol Theatre here. Richard Barthehness gives what is undoubtedly one of the finest portrayals in his entire screen career which has been a distinguished one indeed. He plays the part of a brilliant young surgeon who undergoes shame and imprisonment to shield i a worthless foster brother. It is a story of tremendous sweep and power, of thwarted love, supreme sacrifice and devotion. It gives the popular Barthehness an opportunity for emotional expres- m such as many pictures have not al forded him and he makes the most of these scenes. Back of all U a theme of undying love and ro mance that is finally unveiled in a , happy surprise. While it is heavily dramatic, the story also has a J lighter vein in the happy-go-lucky 1 ' medical student days. This is highly entertaining and serves as a foil to set off the more tense moments of 1 stark drama. The story works up from one high spot to another un- - til the final smashing climax attains the pinnacle of human emo- j tion. While Barthehness dominates the picture, he has a Stood supporting cast headed by Marian Marsh. As the weekly "revival night" feature, the Capitol management is presenting for tonight only that exciting speed-boat racing picture 'Top Speed" in addition to "Alias the Doctor" and the usual "shorts." The sun- of Top Speed" is the popular Joe E Brown, he of the cavernous mouth and rubber feature.. GREAT BETWEEN SMOKES Inexpensive Satisfying.. Jskfor Keeps the mouth cool and moist WRIGLEYS . J. '.Ml 5 Price 50c a box Ok, Lid . Tml OftL Satisfaction guaranteed with our Famous Edson Alberta & Bulkley Valley Coal; No. 1 Bulkley Valley Timothy Hay. Wheat. Oats St Barley. PratU Baby Chick Food. Seeds it Fertilizer. Pnnce Rupert Feed Co PHONE 58 & 558 BWUBNBUnBBatTBMBSSBBB . v. ,v , t , , Mct iuot u wav ua tiff i in wetgtiv m mM Hrt m r4fi W trim TU T, I The Fish which made Prince Rupert Fa Prepared Daily By 15c I " THURSDAY Mat.v e."r."fl! Feature Starts 3 25 So Big So Entertairiing AD Sensation Richard Barthlemess in "ALIAS THE DOCTOR1' With Ijirrlr Marian Marsh. The frrri nf a (..,,. uomeay -lunula rAssts tiiij BUCK 1 Sport Champion "Wild and Wooly" F0X I .Musical "Heidi's caiuornuns ' Trarclaugh "Voo-Doo Uttf Another Revival, Wed. Night Only at 10- JOE E. BROWNE in "TOP SPEED" isi trinritx t. ciTinniv riir ncrn trirtf . l.y FBir .-a 'f-m s-ssv "tsj & a rm m sr-ve - sirsisrt-si sir, ............. . .... . 1 1 11 Sorry To See Right She Coald Hot Sliep Mrs. K. MeElroy. KirkfWd, On' wrfoj mma a miuui ma ran aown, vu brrLh. and bad methMinr , .. j to m night oonuog u I could cot lit don I WU kdrwrd to UW MilKnTn'. TT..- i R1U. I took horn term tad am bow ennri-J mom "Rupert Brand" SMOKED Canadian Fish & Cold Siorage Co., Ill I l-KLNCE It U PERT, D.C. TELEPHONE 65 VALENTIN DAIKT FM SKLLNA BRAND Creamery Buttetll Cottage Checst FltESII PASTlt RIZED AND CREAM D.UIT Larly Dclivrr Tbrosjh! the t :tT WE RECOMMEND THESE PURCHASES In this issue you will find a number of advertisements of real interest to you. They offer for sale a variety of products that are oflen en-ough vital necessities. Sooner or later you will have to buy many of them anyway. ou will undoubtedly buy some of those we nd-vertisc.- ' WHY? cxneriennTT1 lhCSC ,?rl,,y hCCai,SC WC U" fro, ,0 find? M,Hv 7 !lnH"Cl hCarS 11,0 a,C f ils un(I ived ?h the ZJrt1 most exacting tess hrm,,lh0l,t lhc V t-t how siir-Ued as to quality, desirability and Value. nointIlhelVhoyfWh,ra maiw(cr or merchant reaches the erl Mn?ll r"f, 10 ff(?r hls wrcs 'or sale through the M can tr. -T ? 1,,nt il U ' ' ' bccouse othcnvisc ,hc buslncSS wouldn't last lonir