LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Twenty percent, oft all dresses, wceK oniy. imm. cne ..lu,hlc Messenger. Phone 131. Nlni. Dfcaiiu mauij uiuvu. Day or v.witins notes: The Commo- I., ill ilV. WW w ..w " tfl; till' cken dinners. C3 jy,n forget the lair cheap shop ...,. rmn( rlfrVif riAvt Hum v Store .Hair cuts' 50c.: .wMrrti 25c. Fleet Barber Shop. tiX ' W !irc in business for your health as our own. next, ounaas .... " M A ,,. fW Cafe invites you to a thicken fricassee with dumplings l(or h' small sum of 40c. Roast ohlcken 50c. The Orolto Clear Store Is now .ratine thrlr own taxi ser- rjee Phone 136. Driver: Reuben fcherk Operating day and nijclit. lost Phone 156. We do the ml. tn mol 'yed Meeting Prince Ruprr; Unemployed Association Hal). Sunday. April 10, at 8 pm. C Chapman. Beyral hours behind schedule, Vni'tn reamer caraena, uapt. w-is' Ocrgeson. arrived in port at 7 ori. rk this morning from the -ailing a couple of hours liter m her return to Vancouver md w.ypoinu. CPR steamer Princess Norah, r;3p' William Palmer, arrived in tort at 10 o'clock this morning from Vancouver and sailed a couple if hours later on a regular loy.ige to Skagway an dother Al-sii points whence art is sche-id to return here southbound ti Widnesday afternoon. 0 P Tinker, who has been re-; Cf v ni treatment at the Prince V, General Hospital for a trottn leg during the past few; mi-- continues to make steacy l)r:- towa'i recovery. Al ii, . .Ilk - mll.n, I 4. . Ui; ' -. Mill LaMCTb ii mtc nw A pfiaJ he Is able to be omV nowr;"" r v.h nivhw but it will be some tse before he Is able to walk on I mured leg. KUITUREI) -MJ ' H v sn VKR TRUSS bw no t ii"l-r:rpk no spring' - l"-io port rltlv- ooui-.' 'iiraiitc Writ lor. ii nKPT 34 IITII In.. 11U.T. ONT. r.-M!!i ism. j H. McBlrnle. who is interested in ' mining In the Yukon Territory Thi rcrdar monthly meeting of a pnge,. aboard the Prtn-hrbwrd of dlrrx-trs of the Prince; lhls m0mlng bound R'ip-r G-noral Hospital was heli ,rom Vancouver to Whitehorse . L"t cvrnin nn in in the the homltal. hosoltal. Busl-1 Bust tie - v.is nf a ronUn nature and 'he mmii m a brief one. Those W M. Brown. Presi- cent r; v Wilkinson. R. E Ben - r .nit Dlbh Aid. G. W. RUfl- Mnm a m s n Macdonald and ; ,.,, directors; it. yv. Jonn Eikren. Jerry Murphy, uir h, manning secretary, and'y,, Linden and Oscar Uwson Ml- J- aii Harrison. RJI.. lady vre each fined $35. with, option of XlllB ' "111 Do You ' : REALIZE j i I vrr, Time You Throw Out;, af'offcc Tin You Throw Away 5c? I 1q If Wrla If7 si u vJI 111 lit a A coffee tin costs .....7c Acuton costs 2c Ih Customer Gets the Advantacc . ! Supreme Coffee Is Dated and Always Fresh Keep the Coupon ! ! I' nn Vnrlh ic-Wncn m nave 10 thrm to your grocer for 1 lb. SUPREME COFFEE fTllilkftiaTBTf Sons of Norway dance tonight, Metropole Hall, admission 26c. Dla you hear a chicken dinners at dore? H2 Exceptionally good value in Lawn Mowers. Made In Canada Prices from $7.00. Gordon's Hardware. Phone 311. if J BABY i FRETFUL, I RESTLESS? Look to this cause When your baby fusses, tomes and seems unable to sleep reslfully, look for ooe common cause, doctor tay. I Conslifwlion. To get rid quickly of the accumulated wattes which raie , retlfnnM and discomfort, give a cleansing dose of Cattoria. Castoria, you know, it made specially for children's delicate Deeds. It is a pure vegetable preparation; contains no hanh drug, no naicotici It is to mfld and gentle you can give it to a i young infant to relieve cohc. Yet it is i as effective for older children. Cat-toria't regulative belo will brine re laxed comfort and restful sleep to I ywir baby. Keep a bottle on Band, luc I CASTO RIA I KZ TIT Al Small ol the Swift-Cuiiaalaa Co. returned to the city on this morning's train from a trip 'o Terrace and other interior points w..tA " ' R. H. Gurd. accountant of Cas-slar cannery. Is paying a brief bus- !na tit tn the cltv havinc ar- tMtm th skMns River on1 this morning-, txaln. jwas aWe to leave the Institution ' Itly Improved in health J C. Hunt and Clarence Letnes In! rno well on the road to recovery, visitors are among week-end the city from Port Ksalngton, hav- . log both arrived from the Skeen.i River this morning. Eddie Smith returned to the city an rhla momlnsr's train from d - i - . nnra whorr he has been lp, - !,, - a visit with his pa rem Mr. J h Smith '. thirty days' imprisonment, by Mi.- glstrate McClymont In city police ewxrl mornm IO r--"-. new. There were 52 passengers aboard 'the steamer Princess Norah this morning on her arrival here from Vancouver enroute to Skagway Seven passengers left the vessel here while four boarded her ftt this port to proceed south. ?" 2ST.S2i In port at 7 o'clock this mornin-: from the south, was delayed by having a large consignment, v ; lumbec to dlscharg.at the.. At I cannery at Port Essington when new warehouse is "td be built. ! Miss Jessie Mcleiuchan. director of home economics for the Department of BducaUon, arrived In the city, on Uie Princess Norah this mornlne. from Victoria for a visir re the Is Uie guest of hexttSUMr; Mrs. T. McClymont, Borden SUeet. J. P. McMillan, well known Skeena River cannery manager for ihe B. C. Packers, disembarked here" from the steamer Cardena this morning after a trip to Vancouver. Mr. McMillan, who has so far this season been at Sunnysldc cannery, is now going to take charge at Claxton. John McKenr has arrived at Sunnyslde to take over the duties of manager. C. G. Minns sailed this morning on the Princess Adelaide for a business trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. Oiler De&ner returned to the city on the Princess Norah this morn- l&.fipma brief business trip to U!.Mr..!inMrscieorge d. Bushby sailed (hU.morning on the Princess Adelaide for a visit In Victoria. Mr. Bushby is now recuperating from a recent serious Illness. Mrs. Waller Longwill and son, who have been on a visit to Scotland, returned to" the city on trie Princess. Norah this morning, hav ing travelled nome via Vancouver. Mrs. J. Lome McLaren and daughter, Miss Lorna McLaren, re- turned to the city on the Princess Norah this morning from a three weeks' vacation trip to Vancouver Mrs. George E. Darby of Bella Bella arrived In the city on the Cardena this morning and will be the guest here of Dr. and Mrs. It. O Large, Atlin Avenue, Westvlew, for the next week or so. Sergeant W. J. Service, chief of the city detachment ot the provin-, clal police, who has been on a brief trip to Vancouver on escort duty, returned to the city from the south on the Cardena this morning. James Red path, port steward for ithe Yukon and White Pass Route, 'was a passenger aboard the Prin-jcess Norah this morning returning to his duties at Whitehorse after having spent the winter in Van couver. Mrs. J. H. Rogers, who has been spending the winter In Vancouver and Seattle, was a passenger aboard line princess Noran going mrougn to Skagway where she will Join Mr. Rogers who is agent for the Yukon & White Pass Route at Skagway. Senator Reed Able To Leave Hospital at Rochester Today ROCHESTER. Minnesota. April i Senator James Reed, who haj n receiving treatment at the MUSIC TEACHERS AND PUPILS MUmmmfr Lectl tiMtatliMi lr (111 will U kIS tkravikmil tU DwoIiIm I ity. )d i4 Jalr ApsliutUu ud Imal Caxfrfttrt frm BrhaJi Cl-mi, AUxrtt. Sukxcktvu. Mtukeb Ml Nana Wnm Onlvvi (Stall Si. Mari firdi) matt mtl tat Ca-wnraiarr sot UtfT Uia MAY 2-4, II1L Applicalioa laran aid Aaaul SrHabna cawihilvi (all paiticalan iU U auM oa nqunt TORONTO CONSCRVATOMY Of MUSIC Callafa St. UnlvarWty Ar. TORONTO I Hotel Arrivali New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot & Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PER DAY AND UP J. Zarelll Trlrthont tSI MI-LADY Beauty Shoppe Keviscd Prices to Suit Your Pocket Permanent Wave $5.00 Ladies' Hair Cut . . 33c Children's Hair Cut 25c Phone 655 Queen Hatchery 36 W. Cordova St. Vancouver, B.C. Baby Chicks, Queen Quality Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock, of high egg production. Catalogue free. QUEEN HATCHERY 36 W. Cordova St, Vancouver MONDAY'S SPECIAL Gold Dust Washing Powder per pkt, 20c Gold Dust Scouring Powder 4 for 25c MUNRO BROS. We specialize on 50c. chicken dinners at the Commodore. OS The new pictorial patterns for j spring and summer are being shown at the Dollar Store. tt It costs no more to ride in a flash Special then' in any other car. Just call Nelson's Taxi 843. tf LEST YE FORGET." Tickets open for reservation Prince Ru pert Singers at Ormes. Monday morning at 8 o'clock. J. B. Kershaw, well known AUin merchant, and Mrs. Kershaw wen passengers aboard the Princes. Norah this morning returning north after a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. L. H. Metsgar. manager of the Alaska-Juneau mine, at Juneau, t was a passenger aboard the Prin cess Norah this morning returning north after a visit in Seattle uid elsewhere lntre south. He ras accompanied by Mrs. Metz- gar. C.P.R. steamer Princess Adelaide. Capt. S. K. Gray, having been de layed by having heavy freights to discharge at Ocean Falls, arrived in port at 1:45 this morning from the south and sailed at 4:30 ajn on her return to Vancouver and waypolnCs. The hospital board, at its meet ing ilast night, made the usual iprlng grant of $15 to the grounds committee for garden work around the hospital and nurses' home. G V. Wilkinson, chairman of the grounds committee, reported that considerable preparatory work had already been done on the grounds through the Instrumentality of Miss Harrison, lady superinten dent. Miss Jean Harrison. R.N., ladyi ciinAHr.tTirfsnt nf h PHnM Pit-1 nert General Haanttai: orid at the monthly meeting of the board Jff L,.rt r,iht that o. nf th. nurses. Miss Catherine McDermolt. RJJ., had resigned, while another. Miss Mary McRae, RJi., was still on sick leave. Miss McDermott loft recently for Vancouver and Mia; McRae Is in Victoria. LARGE MEETING OF PARENTS IS OPPOSED TO CLOSING DOWN OF TECHNICAL COURSES IN SCHOOLS. (Continued from Page 1) extra 301 pupils. The closing of some departments would also result In the throwing of many children out in the streets with nothing to do. a serious situation for the children and a matter of grave Importance to the community. Among those taking part tn the discussion were Mrs. D. McD. Hunter. Mrs. R. II. Bedford, Mrs. F. Stamp-Vincent, Mrs. Vic Houston. Mrs. H. B. Eastman. Mrs. J. O. Vler-rck. Mrs. Grlmnwon, Mrs. J. Brem-ner and Charles Lord, J. S. Wilson, W. W. C. O'Neill, D. II. Hartness and A. O. Morse. Copies of the petition were available In the hall at the close and were signed, following the unanl- imous passing of the resolution. Announcements Presbyterian spilng sale April 1 . - v. v '.. i The "Laughing CureV United ! Church April 14 and 15. I i Eagles' Daffodil dance Friday J AprU 15. Admission, ladles refresh mcnU gentlemen 50c everybody welcome. , j Anglican Cathedral Spring Sals,! April 19. ! i j Prince Rupert . Singers, Aprlh 2(1 ' Capitol theatre. " " ' I Elks' Dance. April 22; Ridley Home Basaar May 5. Three Plays, Presbyterian Church May 5th and 6th. Spring Sale, St. Peters Church. May 19. -4r IDENTITY PRESUMED Skeleton Found at Balmoral Cannery Believed That of Werner Nilson, Drowned at Falls River. The skeleton, which was found at the end of last week under Balmoral cannery wharf near the confluence of the Ecatall and Skeena Rivers. Is presumed by the authorities to have j been that of Werner Nilsen, one of four men who lost their lives on J March 26. 1030. when a small skiff in ' which they . were riding was caught in a whirlpool in Falls River I and swept over the lower falls Into ! the Eestall River. The four men were employed on power house con-: struction work by the Power Cor-j po ration of Canada. An inquiry was j held this week at Port Essington by , Coroner N. A. Watt and the skeleton This is the second body that has been found, that of Larry Ward having been picked up off Digbyj Tsland in May. 1990. No trace was rer found of the other two men. f Globe Trotter Leaves Today Mate Simunovich Off to Alaska in Course of His Globe-Trotting Tour Mate Simunovich, young Jugo slav, who has been here for the past month or so in the course of a globe trotting tour, sailed on the Princess Norah this momrng for Juneau whence he will proceed to Skagway and through the Yukon, Alaska, Siberia a no the Orient In continuation of his long tour. Halibut Landings American North. 25,000, 5c and 3c, holding. Atlantic, 24,000, 5c and 3c. holding. Canadian Ingrtd II, 3,000, 5c and 3Crhold- P"- and 3c. hoW- F1" , . . . . , innn R- w- 5c and 3c. holding P. Doreen, &500, 5c and 3c Storage. A. J. Matheson returned to the - 1? rnng; tto from i brief trip to the lower Skeena rver W1 7 You Income Tax Returns Dominion returns must be filed by 30Oi April GEOItGE KORIE & CO. Accountants and Auditors 213 Second Ave. V. Phone 387 SPECIAL From April 1 - April 15 ' We will wash your Double Blankets for 60c Single Blankets for 10c Lace Curtains 5Qc (per pair) wws 30c Pillows, each !)ic Carpets 35c (per square yard) Let us help you do. your spring house cleaning Canadian & Pioneer Laundries Limited s ICK HEADACHE? IT i not necessary to give-in to headaches. It is just a bit old-fashioned I The modern woman who feels a headache coming on at any time, takes some tablets of Aspirin and heads it off. Keep Aspirin handy, and keep your engagements. I Ieadaches, systemic pains, come at inconvenient tines. So do colds. You can end them before they're fairly started if you'll only remember this handy, harmless form of relief. Carry it in your purse and insure your omfort while shopping; your evening's pleasure at the theatre. Those little nagging aches that bring a case of "nerves" by day are ended in a j'aTy. Pains that once kept people name are forgotten half an hour after taking Aspirint You'll find these tablets always help. In every Hungary Doubles Income Tax and Reduces Wages BUDAPEST, Hungary. April 9: The Hungarian government yesterday Issued a decree doubling all In come taxes and at the same time reducing the wages ot all government employees. HirREPORT ! Triple Island Cloudy, light east i southeasterly wind: sea moderate. Langara Island Overcast. . mo-1 derate east wind; sea choppy. i NOTICE Commencing From This Date ALL EMPTY MILK BOTTLES NOT RETURNED Will Be Charged to Customer At 10c For Each Bottle VALENTIN DAIRY IMIINCK KUPEKT DAIRY DOMINION DAIRY H. S. OLSEN package of Aspirin tablets are directions which cover colds, Eroveo eadurhes, sore throat, toothache, neuralgia, neuritis, sciatica, and even rheumatism. The tablets stamped Bayer won't fail you, and can't harm you. They don t depress the heart. They don t unset the stomach. So lake them whenever you need them, and take enough to end the pain. Aspirin is made in Canada, 3y "Roll Your Own It's ChtafrT unth ZIG-ZAG CIGARETTE PAPERS 5cBookoi 120 Leaves The ori(intl automatic book givinc one leal at a time. No waif. Demand ZIG-ZAG and. get 120 Leave EUROPEAN EXPERT WATCHMAKER ! Five years" apprenticeship at the Royal Danish Watchmaker School at Copenhagen, then 12 years abroad working In the big cities ot Europe. All Mail Orders Promptly Attended to. Prices Reasonable. TERRACE, BRITISH COLUMBIA DECORATE NOW Enamels Paints Varnishes SATIN-GL0 ANNUAL SALE For This Week Only! You Save: .. On Half Pints 15 On Quarts .50 On Pints -25 On Hair Gallons:.' : $1.00 : mmm.- Ge' Vouf 'Coupon! at"''s,'','i" S NThbmpson vHardivarei SXtiL UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers lrf rrtnee Rupert t or Vancouifr: T.).f. CATAI.A EVERY TUESDAY. 1J0 PM. Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver, Thursday p.m. TS.8. VABDENA EVEKV FRIDAY MII1N101IT Arriving Vanoouvtr Sunday midnight appro. Wtekl taUlDgi to Port Simpson, Alice Aral. Anyox, Stewart and NaM River points. Sunday, 9 p.m Further information regarding all aaUlngt and tlckaU at rniNCf KITEUT AOKNCY: iwranJ Atfiiu. fhon BUS.-'