Soe Ser cy ss = ass &** = ee eee eee ses "SS ait =a 'Seetie Ae = Berrie wea le oe oes orice ng, FO SOUTH wer rincess Royal.......... a urn reer. tg Oe NS Aes Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist ——— _ —— ee c ——— — eee — —_____ — _— — _ — VOL. i, NO. 182 at PRINCE RUPERT, B. LC TUESDAY June 13, 1911. PRICE FIVE CENTS ° HA E OU ANY SEN SE OF P UBLIC SP IRIT? NOTHER STRIKER FREED BY JURY AT VICTORIA Nick Vessovich is Found Not Guilty on Charge of In- citing to Riot—Second of Men to Get His Liberty Before a Jury one of strikers on Victoria in connection with the Kelly's Cut incident, has been acquitted ac- cording telegram received last night in the city. A. O. Morse, secretary of the P. R. 1. A., was able to announce the fact to the members of the organization shortly after the wire came in. Vessovich was charged with being the rioting and or in citing Vessovich, at Nick trial to a concerned in riot, creating a disturbance, others to riot. First Two Tried With Jura Vuckavich who was acquitted on Saturday, Vessovich was the first of the strikers to face trial. Considerable satisfac- tion is expressed by A. O. Morse, | and the P. R. I. A. members at the result of the trial so far. In- ormation is expected regularly from Victoria by the Secretary, pnd is given out to the after receipt, Expect Other Acquittals men as on as possible the | trial have expressed the opinion that they will all get off, but Secretary Morse refrains from ex- pressing so sanguine an opinion. FILLING IN OF BAYS Council is Satisfied with Letter from Mr. D'Arcy Tate Last night the council expressed themselves satisfied with the letter written by Mr. D'Arcy Tate in reference to the filling up of the bays along the G. T. P. “From Mile 0, westerly." Mr. Tate's letter accompanied by a_ plan, promises that notification will be gives : city of any tentica on the part of the G. T. to carry the line round the bend Storage so that protest may by the city against filling in of the ea in- P across the gaps from the Cold in case oi be entered the Assistant Fire Chief Coming Speaking on the matter this morning, A. O. Morse remarked In a letter to the council last hat he expected to have news of|night D. McDonald, the newly her acquittals this evening. Sev-|appointed assistant fire chief, an- al of the workers in the city in|nounced that he cannot be here ympathy with the strikers on] until July. ITIZEN LABOR that the firm consisted of old timers all with homes here, who STATION WORK working as a station gang, and emphatically that were declared Id, Newton Denounces Con- tract System and Favors Pub- lic Works Dept. and Days) Labor, es ' In connection with the § Ol a relinquished contract Bettanini re-grant-| to & Us., Alderman ewton last night disapproved rely: of the contract system pyung it meant the employment a bad class of labor. He pre- med to have the whole city work ne by ey the P blic Works Depart- and by workmen who were Dutah] id : f fe residents with homes pre Ald a4 : ‘ ‘rman Smith pointed out lof haing the this was the very best nmethod work Alder- man Newton stood out for his own done. idea, and eventually the matter j|was referred to the City Engineer to see if an arrangement can be come to by which it can be done by the Public Works Department employing the Bettanini outfit as a station gang. Dr. Reddie’s investigations have in the support of F, in his complaint against his resulted Button stable nuisance and Messrs. Barbeau instructed to attend to the matter near home, have been of their stable refuse. ENTURE BEATS CAMOSUN IN AN ALL-NIGHT RACE ly Half a Mile ebvneiss t Camosun Will Endeavo he Boats at the Finish— r to Regain the Blue Ribbon Next Fair Chance That Offers By beati g MOsun jn Ween Ale rt blue rib} BSthead , Nture pute the Union steamer an eighteen-hour race Bay and Vancouver, "ON Now flies from the the Bose owitz steamer and the long standing to which of the faster has Although the race the Venture only through the ANcouve I In re spect Se Veg; ls Ww. Pn Settled, as sa long one Bed jn) ' Narrows : : te vith half a mile At Aler g¢ Parating al. her from her Flame-crowne ith smoke, Mes, be of WO ste d Funnels ‘ and sometimes Mg from their funnels, “aT ners were running full POC the re and this stage of what proved to be the deciding event of the speed contest of the After fight- ing strenuously hours to force her way past her sturdy competitor, the Camosun was abeam of the Boscowitz boat. Come On, Camosun The signal of ‘more speed,” was sent below to the firemen and engineers and soon the Venture was speeding along at a faster clip. She gradually commenced to pull away from the although it was slow work, As the Boscowitz steamer sped in the harbor at the Terminal City the other vessel was well astern. From the race it can be seen that the two boats are pretty evenly matched for speed, and the out- come was a little surprise, as the Camosun has always been con- sidered to have more speed than vessels, for many Camosun, W086 yey was little to Ver h oa them until Van- Arbor hove j ; on nture n sight, The Mute “i Alert Bay a few ; 8 ahoe ‘ 8 OX i me Of the Camosun On on M a , onda she Was not y night Opened out at the Venture. | expression C. N. R. FLYER GOT DITCHED Duluth Flyer Goes off the Track Near Laville, Ontario. En- gineer Badly Injured. (Caradian Press Despatch) Winnipeg, June 13.—News was received here this morning that the C. N. R. fiyer to Duluth had gone off the track and was ditched this morning Laville, Ont. Engineer W. T. Bennett was hurled fifty feet through the air before striking the ground. He is badly injured. The firemen and the forty passengers escaped with mi- nor bruises. near KILLED BY LIGHTNING Havoc at Owen Sound, Ont. (Canadian Press Despatch) Owen Sound, Ont., June 13.- A destructive cyclonic wind struck Owen Sound last night damage. Lightning killed electric storm with | doing great John stunned twenty other employees. Electric Storm Works Great| Murphy | employed at the Harrison Mill and|who knows must be employed to|Games here, BASEBALL SCORES Northwestern League Spokane 8, Portland 2. Tacoma 3, Seattle 12. Vancouver-Victoria game poned on account of rain. National League New York 1, Cincinnati 3. Chicago 6, Boston 5. Pittsburg 4, Brooklyn 2. Philadelphia 8, St. Louis 4 American League Chicago 4, Washington 0. New York 4, Cleveland 1. Detroit 5, Boston 4. Philadelphia 4, St. Louis 0. Pacific Coast League Oakland 7, Vernon 5 Municipal Steed In connection with the B"’ contract to be done Public Works Department, | | | by th it wa | -|mentioned at council last nigh | that a horse will be required. I lis impossible to buy lin Rupert. They by the team only, one are sold her and some on | make the purchase down below. post- “Section horse | defeated George Larner, the Eng- 0 FINISH OFF | Stretch from Seventh St. Fulton will be Macadamised Rock Crusher is on Way from Vancouver. | The stretch of Third avenue from Seventh street to Fulton street will be Macadamised. Al- ready the rock crusher ordered in Vancouver is on its way, and by the time it arrives Third avenue at this point will be ready for it. Second avenue is not to be done yet., It appears the contractor has to replace the plankways here. GOULDING BEAT LARNER | Champion Walker of Canada | Defeats English Champion in a 6.32 Mile. e s| Toronto, Ont., George Goulding, t| the Central Y. M. C. A. champion t | walker and Canadian record holder, e| lish crack in the open international «| mile walk at the Eaton Athletic Goulding’s time for the mile was 6.32. CITIZENS’ MONEY VOTED TO FIGHT MR. PRUDHOMME by Ald. Kirkpatrick me Case be given to the City Solicitor to be telegraphed to our Attorneys in Vancouver.” Towards the end of an otherwise ordinarily uneventful session of the city council the Its effect above motion was sprung. was elec- Strenuous objections and sprang into various quarters. stood the trical. as vigorous from A section of the shoulder to shoulder to drive two mem- support council motion through, while bers fought it unfortunately from slightly different standpoints, and one alderman silently disapproved commit himself. The sum or declined to The motion was carried. of $150 of city money goes to help the License Commissioners in their endeavour to crush a citizen down and out. Mayor Was Absent his way His place Mayor Manson is on to Victoria of course. was taken by Alderman Hilditch. Alderman Clayton was ab- sent though he would probably have voted with the majority. Mayor Manson's absence is sig- Rumors current in the and yesterday also, nificant. city on Sunday that there had been a secret Star Chamber meeting of certain of the council on Saturday night to discuss something mysterious about the Prudhomme case, were evi- dently not illfounded. Newton's Whitewash In the discussion that arose around this matter statements were made by Alderman Newton which Alderman Morrissey straight way