Today's Weather prince Rupert Raining, light southeast wind; barometer, 29.88; temperature, 54; sea smooth. WARSHIP TO VISIT HERE H M S. Delhi. With Rear-Admiral Lrnle-Erledrax on Hoard to lie Here in August v with Read Admiral the Hon. n dd Ranfufly Plunkett Ernle-' 'iiax. will pay a visit to Prince rt late in August, according to ", which has been received in 1 it. v. In addition to Prince Ru-1 the light cruiser, while on the : ti coast, will make stops at ' rt and Anyox. 'J'Hf visit of the Delhi, it Is stated, 1 be of an'lnformal nature and 1 being suggested that any en-'intnent offered to the ship be 1 ' small scale. KNIGHTHOOD FOR KINGSI ORD-SMITII 1-ONDON, June 2:-Knlht- "od for Wing Oohimander imrles Edward Kingsford- Kmith, famous Australian avl- -tor and boyhood resident of Vancouver, was among the ap- pointments in the King's Birthday honor list which was imblUhed thla evening 5. Mra. D. MrD Hunter If Tomorrow's m Tides Thursday, June 3, 1932 High 0:15 ajn. 20:2 ft. 13:10 pjn. 17:6 ft. Low 7.04 a.m. 3:6 ft. 18:50 pin. 8:5 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUM MA'S NEWSPAPER XXIIT . No. 129. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1932 PRICE: FIVE CENTS ENNETT TALKS ABOUT CONFERENCE v. M7 All Nations of .pire Must Gain at Economic Parley States Premier Canada Will Enter Great Gathering in July With This Thought Foremost, Prime Minister Tells Conservative Convention at London LONDON, Ont,, June 2: Canada will go into the Im nrna economic conference in July with the clear-rnt DISCUSSIONS HELD WITH IRISH FREE STATE Hon Wuli.iii; A:n.iiMn Miniver of Agncuiiuit in Tolmie Presbyterian Tea and Sale Is Being Held at Th, indies Aid of First Presby irian Church is holding a tea and potential GOSSIP OF ELECTION Vancouver Province Dispatch Discusses Possibility of Contest at Early Date Organizers Busy Pattullo Government Lined Tolmie Cabinet to Be Reorganized uhi.,' Aid and nrovtnclal secretary Up fi'i.irc'ht that there must be mutual gains and advantages! 0611 to 111 fu" 8Wjng wlth ftn energy ail i-omnoncnt nails nf in rrtatat iinmnnu,Qolfi, nf ta Interpreted by the Uberal " 1 I ft, www vvilllliUilTIC'ClltlJ Ul ic v peoples in the history of the worldthe British Em-Premier R. B. Bennett declared here last night The HAY GOING SOUTHWARD fetrirt Agriculturalist at Smfthrrt Succeeds in Getting Market For Bulkley Valley Timothy :-MlTHER8. June 2 -S 8 Phillip i i.sirict aasleuJUiralist of the P 1 government at Sunt hers i' reded m establishing a new a;i I'l TKtive muket In Vanrou-!n: :he hlgh-trrade timothy hay f-initltera-Telkwa di.-trict In : p fueling pf ,race horse.- cm the t .u-iirrr. track. Mr Phillip ha-' ' j ceded ill disposing of two -".irK of timothy hay to ran' '' owners In Vancouver, the B..k.' Valley product sellini; at t: v i ion including $8 freight Tin northern product Is reported ' be highly f scored by several ' ! ' prominent stables which for-have best) Importing their '"!' hay from the United F'.i' 1. i Uier shipments will be mad ithout the summer as the rac ' .i-m extends Into Septembat annual convention of the Western Ontario Conservative Association. To Retire The process of lining up candi dates for the next provincial elec- party. at least, as meaning that the government may decide after all to go to the country in the autumn. -.rrune Minister was addressing the; says a Victoria dispatch to the Van aale of home cooking this afternoon irt will seek nomination in his old thr home of Mrs. H. n btoc- constituency or Victoria ana is evi- Fourth Avenue Easi- ; dtntly slated for a portiono. a. m. T . tan nalnarno and MTS. " ' indies sauadron of Uie rtoyai . ' mini nmvriiriB .v. . IC eouver Province. This expectation does not seem to be justified yet but evidently the government is going to be ready for any eventuality and the opposition is movin? Just as fast. Already the line-UD in many of the constituencies is fairly clear as a result of secret missions by cabinet ministers, conferences between party managers and all those other mysterious preliminaries which are I part of a pre-election or election jyear. In the first place. It is taken for ' granted that the cabinet wfll be reorganized on the eve of the poll or earlier. The lines of reorganisation are not clear and probably have no been considered definitely but it 1 ukrn for granted that some of the present cabinet will retire from politics during the next year oi eighteen months. Hun William Atkinson, minister of agriculture, is said to desire the repose of public life and Hon. Joshua Hlnchliffe, minister of education, has been suffering Indifferent health for some time. It is safe to say that the cabinet will not be as large as It Is now when It appeals for a second term of power. Liberal Government On the other side Liberal leaders are already building up a prospective Pattullo government which they are confident will be elected. With Mr. Pattullo himself running In Prince Rupert. J. W. deB. Farris, his right hand man and attorney general, will head the Liberal ticket in Vancouver, it Is generally be- to nominate DutaM Donaghy as a cabinet minister. John Jack wsv- Manson K.C. will run again in um- j ineca but. in the event of Mr. Far- M . t ... . . . Th auesU are being receivea uj . liberal party, ne wouia prooaDiy presiaenk v mice some pornouo sucn u uui ui Mrs Mrs W. W. D D Mr. Parrls' Orant Rolling worth wife of the , position, as chief law officer of the pastor. Mrs. McRobble and cr0wn, would be undisputed. Dr. W Mrs Will'", Millar are pouring and h. Sutherland wUl run In the ne tervlteurs in the tea room are Mm. constituency of Columbia-Revel J L Lee Mrs. B. R. Rice. Mrs. Wil- j ne and would take his forme luun McLeod. Mrs. J. B. MacKay and public works portfolio again if hi Mra John Bremner. Mrs. D McLeod party were returned. The possibility is acting as cashier and in charge 0 a. S. Pearson, now of Nanalmo - hahi Mokin table are Mrs running in Vancouver with the w j . t n a ia. 9 HMnAMllira aartlnAt 'V H Wilson-Murray ana can- u-iauuioriuy w ivik. W Abbott. I minister in the event of a party vie - The musical program which has tory Is being considered, been arranged to take place during ; h. O. Perry can have the Libera) the afternoon includes vocal solos nomination in Fort George and by Mra. William Millar. Mrs. F. N. , probably will accept it to oppose nood and Miss Olive Monro, ac- Dr. R. W. Alward. the sitting mem- companied by Mrs. E. J. Smith. WEATHER REPORT Dead Tree Point Part cloudy (reBt southeast wind; barometer, 10,90; temperature. 58; sea choppy. Triple Island Raining, light south wind; sea moderate ber. No news has come from other northern constituencies, according to the Province dispatch. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER, June 2: Wheat was quoted at 58TBc on the local exchange today Made Pal For Life Tommy, saucy simian of Salt La e City, has molar removed. It took four men and a can and a-half of ether to persuade him that no mekay business was going on. Zoo Dentist Burnham is his pal for life now though. HOLD-UP IN VICTORIA One Man Shot in Capital City Ac cording to Radio Advices This Morning According tp radio advices re ceived in the. city this morning ?here had been a large hoM-up in Victoria. No other details were received other than that one man had been shot Canadian Press dispatches received up to noon contained no Information regarding the affair. LIQUOR CASE ADJOURNED The cases df five men who are charged with theft of liquor In pro vincial police oourt came up again before Stipendiary Magistrate H. P. McLeod this morning and were all further adjourned until June 10. NO HALIBUT IN No boats being in with catches. there wsa no sale of halibut on the local Fish Exchange this Dr.W.H.Sutherland i IsVrisss9Rbpv 3bst9s! Will uua 1 be Mmi.itri- Public Works u Liberals Succeed In election. PRAIRIES CONFIDENT Quebec .M.LC. Sees Signs of Prosperity in West QUEBEC, June 2: Travelling by easy stages, and bringing back with him an impression of dominant optimism which he found exlstant in Western Canada, Hon. Frank Carrel. M1.C, has returned to the city from a trip which occupied nearly a month, in which he visited many of the larger cities in the golden west, and which took him to the Pacific Coast. The journey was made in connection with a project which Mr. Carrel and a number of his associates have sponsored, to boost an "Intra-Emplre Crusade." by the inauguration of an "Exchange Goods Week'' in which Eastern and Western Canada are to co-operate in an interchange of their products. "I found the west looking as fresh and fragrant as ever, and with its people Imbued with the same optimistic spirit for the future, as they had when I passed over the isame ground eight years ago," said Hon. Mr. Carrel. "Pessimism seemed to be non-existent and I found little or no signs of bolshevism among the Canadian-born, while the foreign element, or a large .section of It seems comparatively frse from it in fact the latter seemed to be more Interested In the future of the Dominion than mdst of us realize." , Today's Train Away Late on Account of Slide Near Jasper Due to a large slide and washout ten west of Red Pass Junction which earned out a small bridge, the regular train, due from i till 7 a.m. tomorrow. Railway crews are at the scene of the slide rushing the clearing of the line. Repudiation of Pact Cause of Not Having . Conference Dealings Negotiations Have Been Opened Already With AH Other Dominions, Rt. Hon. J. II. Thomas Informs Parliament Today LONDON, June 2: Because the Republican govern-ment of the Irish Free State has repudiated the Anglo-Irish agreement, Great Britain has not entered into anv j trade discussions with the Free State preparatory to the j Imperial economic conference at Ottawa. Rt. Hon. J. H. ! Thomas, Secretary for the Dominions, made this state- nent in the House of Commons to- TIPHPTtl TTn May, adding that Britain has al KHailKVLd OF POWER VICTORIA, June 2: The British Columbia government has received a report from Investigators entrusted with inquiries relative to water-power reserves the purport of which suaeests that the nrovlhce need not in future" suffer' from any lack of hydro-electric power. After 20 years of intermittent study of the areas comprising the headwaters of the Fraser River, as well as the catch-basins emptying into the Skeena River and other northern waterways, it is demonstrated that the Coast Range can be bored through at several places to release heads of water up to 3,000 feet for the development of hydro-electric power. One possibility is the development of 1.430,000 h.p. by the diversion of waters in the area of Chllco Lake and Homathko River through a tunnel bore of nine and one halt miles. This would create a head of 3,000 feet, which could be utilized for power development at a plant situated at Dean Channel Transmission lines could carry the enormous power developed over an area, if nearly one-third of the Province f British Columbia. A choice of al ternative routes northerly from a ooints on the mainland opposite Queen Charlotte Island, with bores through the range not more than ten miles in length, would permit of the development of 2.500,000 h.p. in the aggregate, ranging from 657,-000 h.p. to 800.000 h p. Klmsqult River Another 800,000 h.p. could be developed from a head of 2.000 feet on the Klmsqult River on the mainland opposite to Graham Island by driving tunnels between nine and one half to nine and three quarters miles in length through the Coast Range and tapping the headwaters of the Skeena and Nechako Rivers with Eutsuk and Whitesail Lakes. The available waterpowers in British Columbia are now calculated at sltshtly under 2.000.000 h.p. at "ordinary minimum flow." The magnitude of the reserve of energy I which could be taoped by the exe cution of the engineering projects mentioned Is therefore obvious. Transmission lines could carry the power great distances for the operation of light, power and industrial enterprises. The distance from one of the outlets mentioned to Greater Vancouver is 150 miles. The withdrawal of water from the head- the East at 10:40 this morning. lj waters of the Fraser River would reported twenty hours and twenty: affect the flow of that stream by minutes late which means that It six to ten percent. The cost of de-wlll not arrive from the Bast un-1 velopment would. It Is contended, permit of the production of electrical enenry at not more' than $100 per horsepower. eady discussed trade preparatory o the conference with Canada, Australia. New Zealand. South Africa. Newfoundland. India and Southern Rhodesia. CAPTAIN IS CASTIGATED Finding of Court of Inijufry is Very Critical of Navigation of Steamer Prince David The full text of the finding of the marine board of inquiry at St George's. Bermuda, on the recent stranding of the Canadian National Steamships steamer Prince David has been received on this coast and the document has proven to be very critical of the navigation of C&pt. Charles Wallace McKay and the officers under him at the time of the wrecs. The concluding paragraph of the finding reads as follows: "After giving the fullest consldi eration to all the facts and circumstances which have been laid before us. we unhesitatingly come to the conclusion tnat the captain, under the existing conditions, failed to navigate his ship in a proper and seamanllks manner, that the neeond and third officers kepi a negligent watch and that, owing to such failure and neglect, the ship was stranded on the reefs." The Prince David was recently salvaged and is now receiving' repairs in the Marlttmes. IS CHOSEN MODERATOR Rev. Robert Johnston of Ottawa Ii New Head of Presbyterian Church In Canada LONDON. Om.. June 2: Rev. Robert Johnston of Knox Church, Ottawa, was last night named moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Canada succeeding Rev. W. O. Brown of Saskatoon. ENID WILSON STILL GOLF CHAMPION SAUNTON, Eng.. June 2 -Enid Wilson today retained the British women's open golf championship by defeating 4 Miss Clem Purvis RusseU- 4- Montgomery. Scottish player, 4 4- 7 and S in the 36-hoIe final. 4