Ii1 1 - Mlr B,,u a" mnn (, rffii advertisement 4 4hu FOR SALE i-inr Orctn 815. 181 year Tire atliewer any una! ottter Motors Ltd. Phjme FOR RENT :. ii -roamed 'huse. Ap: i! Avenue Bat. It Furntatd flit, four kith. Phone 132. 133 Modern furnished I p, (.i imiiuu iwi. uiimn htT..:.;-i nor. 1 Suite, "fw-rooms i ranfe $4UJD0. O P 131 WANTED v" oourdera, yHare nicety me in private feeme i private entrants i $40 including board B 403 139 M,ETS WANTED p" a td. Hxpertenee tin-sell direct to ron-t ..'luranteed line of OoMrtng. fcfeeral e write fr eempiete TtrfT-Wear , Otothos fnsi OHtee, Box 4,' ; ". we FOUND M OM'I Kid Olove- ve same by calling 1 Ni-ws nd p&ytR tor ment. TRANSFERS UMEPuN -' Trnifr Phone 171 Birth. Cedar ami JaMt It TRANSFERWuod4oi ice reasonable. Pfeen l Al'ERILVNGING lpPorhanj;inff, Ivalsomining and Painting that wKl auit you IIL.. ... I'"" KT1 1I rlnnio h AUCTIONEER Ul luting Wrapping 'i Furniture Repairs '' ' U' Koods vlth trie i I'ltWKfi-Pkn.. III. Mr in AUCTIONEER "1tou toodj with u Prince "IM ifajnt Auctioneer. C M. HUNT , d Av'- Phone Ked 637 Manure For Sale 0 Slriitv ftA .. v-.i ' ... . -'.It . I'liMrwi 900 " .'?J r- ; PRINTING ' ( 'TICK SITPMKS Cowan & Utta Phone 234 in the Uallr'N- o advertisement taken for less than 50c. CHIROPRACTIC HMMi W.C.AspinaII . iby bufgy and halrt- - rmree 'Ywr Graduate Chiropractic ModernKay Treatments Given Phone lor Appointment Green 3tl and 519 Open Eveatiags Board and room fer iu aays Balumi steamshin fare Care hire to and from boat t. '2 1032 , PAOfl! VI VP m fhis Paffp Evftrv Jlav RENTTJMTiROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE,, REAL ESTATE, ETC, THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT 7 id' sfCLASSIFIED SHOE REPAIRS OET THE BEST flN WORKMANSHIP "At the Same Price louis siimifi QUALITY SHOE RKPAIRS Bxctunte Bllr 318 Slsth Street Prince Rupert f Summer Resorts SUMMER RESORTS When Coming to TERRACE For Your'Picnlc or Holiday MAKE ARRANGEMENTS AHEAD WITH US To Greet You on Arrival We Meet All Trains Special Rates For Picnic Parties to Lakelse Lake We Can Take You Anywhere at Any Time At Moderate Rates SWAIN'S TRANSFER & TAXI Wood Coal Terrace, B.C. FOR RENT Furnished Cabins on the Lakelse Lake Shore Close to Mineral Baths and Lodge Apply V. Soucie, Terrace,.n.C. '"THE DUNES "TIME THE TOILER" IT'S A VIAF "TUP VAJAV -tltCIE K0 VJWSBT TO viOIK 3eJ HI IWVfcAJ iu J 9 AUBeauliful Tlell, Queen iCharldtte Islands 'Xke Waal sawner resort. A home away from home. A place for Ike ttrd ir.Mn;n to resl and where the children can play unmolested and without danger. Miles of sandv beach, uk' sand dunes, aN Wie pleasures of the farm wlUi fresh milk amd plenty of thick cream. Freahj-vewUblea art borne oooked meals. Trout and aatanon ftehing rftTlefi River, SnXiAL JfcXTES 1X)R"T1IIS SUMMER uiki It imastrrt" lor to pay a visit. Here U cosVpepeTson: ..Avxo U18 .53 40 Total for 12 Hays Children, half price. No extras Prtew )hn leaves Prince Rupert im 10, 4, JalyA. 2,ug. 8, 10 Write or Telegraph Mudamc Rajatit , , i ajp BBBaMaaaakIAaaMaaaaaaBHaa'Ba PAINTERS i-.- .. 'LiailTBN YOUR SPRING CLEAN-INO LABORS ' Phone Red 802 to J.P.MOLLER for -Kalgominiiig, Painting Pnperhanging 5By Day or Gontract 'REASONABLE CHARQES OPTOMETRISTS Mail Your Watch to A. E. IRELAND Watchmaker 32-1 Third Avenue 'l'rince Kupert for Estimate By Return JEWELLKRY and OPTICAL REPAIRS DAIRIES For FRESH LOCAL MILK DOMINION DAIRY 9 Quarts r 14 Pints for $1.00 PASTEURIZED MILK 1 IS SAFE MILK i fFreah from Bulkley Valley Farms I VALENTIN ;DAIRY Phone 057 i UWlt ACT ' N'utkr of iRCriilkn l Apply to la.o In Qiateo Charibiu IJtsUici Land Re- mMiUf District i,f Prltwe Huprrt. i . j imltr In I run I ol part ul BiocK t SapdlvKloii of Lot 3. Qumii CharloU'.' DkXTIct, Map 948. Townalte of Orahain City. Take notice that we. Imperial OH UinltMl. of Vancouver. B.C., occupatio 1 1 fOll OtatiUmtora, Inteoda to apply for t Itaat OI . IK" luuuwini gwrnoru i land: i CummenclnK at a Mat planted I,., ; chain aouth of tlm N.W. eorner of tht-. M StMk , tbenoe aotkwswardly 3 ; tnctioc nUaTjrafflfirarrtly 5 , tlwuoe northc twardly 3 cbalna: thence northweMwanUy follow- loc tk abort lint at H.W.M u point ; at eanuMnatnnt and containing 1 1 , j IMt0tIAL OIL LIMITED, I per H T Ostllmn. Agent.: Dated April s. 1932 'Mail Schedule For the East-Monday, Wednesday and Fi day 2 p.ui M-'rom the Hast 'Saturday, Tuesday and Thurs day I erVancouvrr Tuesday Thursday Friday 4WM 6, 18 and 22 From Vancouver Sunday .-Wednesday Friday ..10:40 a.m. 12:30 noon 9 p .m 11 p.ra p.m. pm 10:30 a.m. pm June 13. 17 and 27 a.m. Aust. Pastry flour, 10 lbs Fish Smoked Kiopers, ib 8almon, fresli, lb. Halibut, lb Just Stone Cold Ttut-tB-vou '-if yoo lioM'T i.vuuy svaooudI uwobuwnd, ( &b mi ewe. to J MuMsy rzrar 3 rn Phone 98 LOOK AT THBE FAMOUS IMV6MtUaf MOT HAMDSOMC, BUT VtXJ KMOVAl HANDSOME HANTJOMB I Roasting Chldken. lb 3o Dried Fruits ) Ham. sliced, first grade Extracted Honey, pef far veai, loin, id 5Comb Tlono Prices current on the local retail Becf' 1701 roast 'lb 15 market today are as follows: "neet- b0,Un8- lb- 10c to 12 Butter -fieef, roast, prime rtb, lb 20 .ftancy cartoned., lb JSo 'lam '"houlder. lb. .20 No. ,1 Creamery, ' 3 lbs geef. -steak, lb. 25c to .30 lAmb, leg, lb jo , 'Lamb chops, lb Sc to '.30 m Flour. 49 8,-No ;l u bard. a wheat u .. 1.60nUon, ouMer, jb is i asuj riuut, m ius. i jui 40 Apples Delicious, fancy box 3.1U Dates, bulk, . 8c to Lemon and (.-range Peel . Citron Peel Black Cooking Figs, lb. White FJgs. lb . Apples, dried Peaciies. peeled Apricots, lb. ,...... Prunes, CO-70, lb. Prunes, 3040,. lb. 15 (.Newtons. fancy,, box .2.90 ' Prunes, 4060, Jb. sistayman Wlnesaps,-fancy, box 2J0 Raisins, Gal. seedless. 2 lbs, .'Fruits 1 Currants, lb I Valencia Oranges. doz 25c to Ai -Suirar f B.C. Fresh Pullets, -doz 2liLemcns. Oallf6rnla,ilarge Jji White, 100 lbs, B.C. Fresh Firsts, doz Starapefrtilt; California. 4r to .... .lOj-Yellow, 100 lbs, iB.C. Fresh Extras, doz -25-Orapefroit. Florida. 12fre to . . .20' -reed j Local, new laid, doz M -Bananas. 2 lbs 35 Wheat. No. 3 Alberta .. Me,lis Rhubarb, field, lb OS Wheat. BuHcley Valley IFowl, No. 1. lb. 55 'Aust. Almerta Orapes. lb 3d No. S Alberta ii l inno I?ofl f.()X nr )!tf I The Daily News r The paper that Northerman'd Central British Cblumbia people look to'totkeep themjnformed 6n world newsrand the problems peculiar? to the north. T:he Only A.-B..C!papernorihoL.yancouvcr andwest of Edmonton The Daily.News goes into all the- - - . TOWNS i'AND VILLAGES MINING CAMPS LUMBER CAMPS PAPER-MILLS FARMING CENTRES FISHING :GAMPS "7 'is the paper that is read by thekfi&hcrmcn, miners, workers and operators throughout a district twice .as Jarge .as .the three Maritime Pro-winces of the east. When a person wishes a message to goto the people of Northern and Central British' Columbia there is only one way of -sending it, and it hat is Uhroagh thecolumns ohthe Daily News. The future is full of hope. The DatlyN$ws is making plans to keep paccwith the progress of the country. No one can afford to be without it. tTehcicosttistsmall. Delivered Tjy Carrier, in Prince Rupert, per week,'10c. 'Mailed to any address in Northerner iGentral B.C., $3 a year. "Mailed to points in Canada, Britain or United States, $6 a year. CT7 i Vcmovj -v VHM MAC tJ WB A MAtSUBIM THB HVUU - Westover. 1 j THE DEA fT n fAMGN V iO 25 .35 .15 2i 30 .. J2Vi .15 .20 20 ,20 ; .10 .15 .. ,12 , ... 25 1H 5,10 44)0 1.75 1.75 1.65