MEiiiiiBMsiiiamimiimMiaiswiwtii haz i.i:iBn utvun wi...ikti!: . su sKikifl R sttav i News of The Sport World a RESULTS IN BILLIARDS Several Games .Flayed nut Neither of This Week's1 Junior League; Fixtures Completed The lead of Empress over League j of Nations In the Junior Billiard League fixture from last Monday; night was built up to 571-507 whenj Pete ChenoskL Empress, defeated j Prlmo Vaccher yesterday. Two games remaining to be played in! this fixture are: Roy Fong 'League of Nations) vs. A. Zadaroski 'Empress) and Frank Aldrldge vs. Geo. Howe. Three out of five games were played in Thursday night's fixture between Hawks and Jewelers, the) Hawks taking ad aggregate lead of ' 565 to 547. Individual scores: i John May (Hawks), 200; John! Bulger (Jewelers), 186. W. Hutson, 165; L. Raabe, 200. Chris Perry, 200; Alex Strachan, 161. Games remaining to be played i are: Roy Wicks (Hawks) vs. Wil-1 Ham Stuart (Jewelers) and William I Murray vs. Johnny Saunders. It Is planned to run off all postponed games this week-end. Billiard Averages Junior League O. T. AW N. ChenosHl E) 14 2694 192 J. Saunders (J) 11 2109 192 J. May (ID 15 2842 189 W. Stuart J 14 2641 189 O. Howe (E) 13 2446 188 R, Fong (LN) 13 2445 188 1 P. Johnson (E) 14 2581 184 A. ZadaroskI E) 13 2392 184 P, Vaccher LN) .. ,,.14 . .2568 ,183 ' P.' Chenoskl E) .. 2732 182 W. Funnell (J) 3 546 182 L. Raabe (E) 13 235 181 W. Hutson H) 14 2668 178 F. Aldrldge (LN) 13 234Q 180 R. Wicks (H) 14 2488 177 W. Murray H) 10 1773 177 E. Batt (LN) 14 2454 176 B. Wendle (LN) 11 1864 169 A. Murray (LN) 2 335 168 A. Strachan (LN) .15 2504 107 J. Bulger (J) 15 2410 161 C. Perry (H) 14 2238 160 W. E. Hayhurst (H .4 C04 151 CityCribbage Championship Game Monday The game between Grotto, cham plons of the' City League, and Car Shops, champions of the Canadian National Recreation Association League, lor .the cribbage champion ship of the season, will be played on Monday evening In the Canadian National Recreation Association rooms. It was announced today. Wash Away That Itch With a Penetrating AntiacptSc Now jo rim atop burnlnf itchlni kin lor. rora. AppIT U aii earning liquid D.D.D. ITCH1NO HTOFS INSTANTLY. The Utllot elHD-BIt penetrate the akla aad aooth tbe Irrl- Ute4 tlaaaaa, Miiaaia, tlim4, ainra, raa, all forma of aila trouble qulrklr yield to tble famous aatUfptle. A SSe hottk ttroTta Ita oertti ar four drufftat.flres. Jaar awart back. W. 3. McCUTCHEON. DliUOGlS". Established 1819 LAMB'S RUM AGED, BLENDED AND .MATURED AT THE LONDON DOCKS "Lamb's Fine Old Navy' PROOF OVERIMtOOF Old and Good! Ask the British Navy! On sale at Liquor Vendors Or direct from Government Liquor Control Mall Order Department, Victoria, D.C. This advertisement i not put lished or riisulaycu by Liquor Control UonWI or by the Government of British British Columbia Old Country Soccer SCOTTISH CUP SEMI-FINALS Rangers 5, Hamilton 2. 0. Kilmarnock 3, Airdrie 2, SCOTTISH LEAGUE First Division j Falkirk 9, Leith Athletic 1. Hearts 1, Ayr United 1. Morton 6, Queens Park 2. Motherwell 4, Dundee 0. Third Lanark 4, St. Mirren 0. ENGLISH LEAGUE First Division Aston Villa 2, West Bromwlch Al bion 0. Bolton Wanderers 3, Sheffield United 1. Chelsea 0, Everton 0. Grimsby Town 2, Manchester City 1. Huddersfleld Town 1, Portsmouth Leicester City 3, Birmingham 1. Liverpool 1, Sunderland 2. Middlesbrough 0, Blackburn Rov ers 2. Newcastle United 3, Derby County tropole Hall By Ladles' Orange Benevolent Association The Ladles' Orange Benevolent Association held a successful and enjoyable bridge and whist party Thursday night in the Metropole I Hall. There were twenty tables of Icards and prize-winners were: Bridge Ladles' first. Miss Orace H6we; second, Mrs. J, Lawrie; men's mcn first, Dan Archie; second, H Smith. After cards, delicious refresh Touring Bermuda Gene Tunney achieved fame In the squared circle, but In the picture he and Mrs. Tunney ar- starting out to tour beautiful Bermuda, where they arc spending a short vacationi Relief Funds Are Raised Donations Made to Help Family of Edward Burton at Vanarsdol VANARSDOL, March 28:-Capt. M. O. McKay of the Salvation Army, Kiteetas Corps, and his wife, assisted by Mrs. Edward Bolton, have collected provisions among the comrade, towards the relief of Edward Burton's family. The members of the Salvation Army were very glad to help out the good cause. The captain states that plans will toon be laid to raise more fundi to ( help Mr. Burton who had a mis fortune In a recent basketball game at Vanarsdol. Contributions have already totalled $30.24. Donations were made mostly in Terrace. Everybody throughout the surrounding district regretted the misfortune that Mr. Burton met. Burton, who played centre in the Vanarartel .team, alwavs showed clean and clever play, as well as Sheffield Wednesday 3, Blackpool I Eood sportsmanship, In all the West Ham United 1, Arsenal 1. Bridge and Whist Party Enjoyable Affair Held Thursday Night In Me- games he played. On Friday night he played his last game against the Terrace High School teem. The game had just started when Burton happened, to Jump for a ball, and fell down orr his foot, and broke his right leg above the ankle. He was taken to the Prince Rupert General Hospi tal for treatment, under the charge of Dr. Stanley Mills of Terrace, and accompanied by Ben Seymour, pre sident of the Kltselas Young Peo pie's Association. It Is hoped by his team-mates and neighbors that he will make a speedy recovery from his injuries. WEMHER REPORT Dead Tree Point-Ralnlng, Uvht thwest wind: barometer, 29.M; i'flrst. James Krlkeviky; second, 8. 1 M Newton. fmrrature 46; sea choppy. : WnTsWXadiea'1l,CMrs.TomaAL?uar? I?,a"dr??,rcat' 1 sht rinC-.. southwest wind; light' sw'ell. : Triple IriandRalnlng, strong I southeast wind; sea moderate. ments were served and an hour's! The quarantine an at such dancing followed with music by -oint Anyox, Oeein Falls and Mrs. J. S. Black and Bert Cameron. , POwell River, under which it wat Fred Boulter was master of cere-; required that any passengers ar-monies and the committee In living at those places should have charge consisted of Mrs. Alex Mac- been recently vaccinated, has now , aonaia, convener; Mrs. Barber. Mrs. neen lifted as a result of the ame Jack Preece. Miss Dolly Smith. Mrs. Iteration of the epidemic of small-Connery and Mrs. George Oeddes. pox in Vancouver. ' 'Yankees Defeat I St. Louis Cards In Baseball Game ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.. March 2ft Babe Ruth's hmc run gavr the New York Yankees a close vk - Jtory ovtr St. Louis Cardinals in a spring training basrball game here Thursday, SPORT CHAT i ! John Mcdfaw. as the king of j managers. Is the outstanding head- ' ! liner of the New York Olants. Hej has been running things at the Polo , j Grounds since the spring of 1903. lOreat ball players have worked un-1 Ider him during that long period but ; most of them are now forgotten., McGraw. always the personifica- j ' lion of victory, with ten National League championships to his credit, j Is the New York club's mainstay. He does not wear a uniform and take a place on the third base coaching. line any more, but he is the favorite . of millions of fans. Temporarily deserting the. resin .centres around Broadway and other eastern spots, Billy Townsend is to take on Joe Goodman of Cleveland in a 10-round main event in the Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles on I April 5. Wad Wadhams signed i Townsend for the Los Angeles date land Jack Allen is now bickering with Armand Vincent, Montreal promoter, who offers the blonde battler a mix with Bat Battallno In the Forum at Montreal In May. CANAD1ENS WIN 4- F1KST PLAY-OFF f MONTREAL. March 28 Montreal Cahadlens defeated New York Rangers by a score of 4 to 3 here last night in the first game of the play-off series for the championship of the National Hockey League. Positive support and comfort i for the RUPTURED S.MI1II MI.UK Tilths haa no f turtle to cut, no u run niter? under aoapa to pull, no atee or iprlnsi a ltd mitik our flexo pad (nnct Irritate. Durable, light and tcc Ouaarxee-i (or five jrar. Write (or information. dmitii ma. in- n.u.T. ot. EatablMhed 1893 Why Pay a, high price for fine clothes when Tip Top. Tailors will make to your measure any pf their wide range of fine all-wool fabrics Q97 ftfi or only v.ovv TIP TOP TAILORS P. Ctavetto Corner 6th Ave. and Fulton St. Phone Hi Queen Hatchery 3G W. Cordova St. Vancouver, B.C. Baby Chicks, Queen Quality Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock, of high egg production. Catalogue free. Ql'EEN HATCHERY 38 W. Cordova St. Vancouver Typewriters FOR RENT Call or Phone 6 McRAE BROS., LTD. America's Weight-Lifting Team " m'i m '' 'i K : -:7r The chaps get a load of fun oleklng things up and laying thlnttt down again. They iv America's weight-lifting team, train ig at Los Angeles for the Olympics. Davis. Otp-mi., w; Jure. Aveff, Scott and Kingsbury. District News NEWHAZELT0N According to information received here from a private source, it is understood that, when the redistribution bill is introduced in the Legislature at Victoria, it witl be found that the riding of Skeena has disappeared with the territory being divided between Prince Rupert and Omlneca and the Hazel-ton section In Omlneca. Mrs. George D. Parent Uft eri Monday for Vancouver where she will spend the Easter season with her two sons who are attending school there. Rev. S. V. H.' Redman held a special service In the Hazelton United Church on Oood Friday, hU subject betnf "life of Ohrtet In Verse." The lecture was Illustrated. Befort they departed for Vancouver last week. Rev. and Mrs Bannister were presented with a mbstantlal purse by the people of Hatelton. They have gone south on account of Mrs. Bannister's continued Ill-health. The men were In attendance when the Felix Bridge Club held Its meeting' on Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. John Newtek. James Tumbull and Mr. W. W. Anderson were the prtee-wlnncrs. Plans for tbe new community hall at Hazelton have been prepared by M. A. Myros. The building will measure 85 by 35 feet wlln dantlng space of 35 by 35 feet. If lumber Is used, the cost of the building is estimated at $3,000 with $500 saved by using logs. L. F. Coles of Prince Rupert has been visiting Hazelton during the last few days. Would Purchase Burbank Estate SANTA ROSA, Cal.. March 26: Civic leaders of Santa Rosa are making plans to purchase the residence and estate of Luther Bur-bank, the great naturalist with a view to establishing it as a public museum in his memory. Generators from $4.50 New Guaranteed Batteries $7.95 Lighting Plants Quoted on Application VANCOUVER AUTO WRECKING CO. 1249 Granville St- Vancouver PROGRAM ENJOYED Sacred Mmlc Offered at fit. Andrew's AniUran Cathedral Last Night The augmented eher of St. An drew' AogJJcan Cathedral rendered a fine Good Friday special pro gram of sacred music in the Cathe dral last night, the attendance be : Local Items Today's tmin from tv turn twenty mlnuvas lau li.i mont iarnvirn: at 11 am t B. M. McCrea ui T 'ley tni I In the city irom uii- uittma Thursday's train ': a brirtti to town. MUs II. C. Tuck o! Port Smrrt Is paying a brief mmi to the df having arrived yes.rrday ln tS ing so large as to tax completely nhborrn me capacity oi we enuven. iw program was greatly appreciated by , T Harvtv of lhf Uw tim all. Vllllnma Unnm Brown b Hi!- The first part of tbe proatsm ratwned to tv my on consisted of .the rendition of four BMrntn's train iron: a trip (r anthenjs. "Walchman. What of the soutnen on profeionsJ bwtoen Nlaht?" Sargent-Field). "PUgTlm's . . Chonls" from Tannhruaer tWag- Adam Mclntash of the C. K. B. ner. "Into the WoecH My Master )relht department suit bert, rf. Went" iNevlni and "By Babylon's turned to the city on UiU Wave" Gounod. inc's train after paying s rUtti For the second part of the pro- nig native home in Scotland , , gram, the cantata "The Crudftx- '1 Ion" iStatneri was splendidly ren- j y. P. Armimr local dercd. leer of the Pacifi' Salvage Cs. if Soloists for the evening were Dr. turned to the city on iheCiritaj R. Oeddes Large. J. E. Davey and it evening from brief xafn II. Lincoln. Mrs. E. J. Smith presld-1 trip to Vancouver ed at the piano and Peter Lien at the organ. Proceeds or the P Dean Gibson presided, offering the held Thurvday afternoon wl opening prayer and making the an-j children of the various jcboAjl nouncemenU. 'the city by the Prime Rupert W ! ent-Tcachers' A-utton The fire department had a call very satiafactoTy Mrs W W. I at 10 this morning to the tailor O'Neill wa amoni: -. tnefta.'l hop of Shaman Oo. In the Wash at Borden Street s hoo! lngton 13 look on Second Avenu- where there was a smoke sea- Thr Dally News W apP" which did no damage. ,msmw on Kaster Monday this Rhym j advertisement Is not purjllstii-d or display.-: a rv Control Board or by he Government of British Columbia, tM Because it doesn't pay to advertise poof jroh'ctg' It does pay to huy those advertised.