COLDS Some men and women fight colds all winter long. Others enjoy the protection of Aspirin. A tablet in time, and the first symptoms of a cold get no further. If a cold has caught you unaware, keep on with Aspirin until the cold is gone. Aspirin can't harm you. Does not depress the heart. If your throat is sore, dissolve three tablets In a little water' and gargle. You will get instant relief. There's danger in a cold that hangs on for days. To say nothing of the pain and discomfort Aspirin tablets might have spared you! In every box of Aspirin are proven directions for colds, headaches, neuralgia, neuritis, rheumatism, Prince Ritjicrt Capitol Theatre. ASPIRIN (MADE IN CANADA TRADE-MARK RtO.) H. S. OLSEN Ja n:r Wildfire Coal is now the hot'.c f Jn the domestic field. Oov- emmnn analysis shows It to be tht hlghr t jn B.T.U.'s and less ash. It start i quirk and lasts longer. Fur- tli rn. ire for yeur benefit dont hi;:k f ir one minute because our c lower In nrlee that we are you a cheaper grade as other coal dealers mv state to you. Y .a next order "Jasper Wild fire cez or lumn. Note our adv. for cash prices and save your dollars. tf) Hyde Transfer-Phone 580 Announcements Q'! T Mary Daffodil dance Eas ier Monday. trikd Church Easter Sals Mai :h 31. Royal purple bridge and whist Mar :h 31. Boston Hall. Admission 35c Tinnls Tea. Mrs. Mitchell's. Ea ifr Monday. E iclrs" box social and dance, April 1. Special prltes for bringing boxes. Admission, la- di refreshments; gentlemen, 50 ct! Everybody welcome. E' al Covo, Parish Hall Dane.; April 7. Catholic Woman' League Sprlus mir. prn 7. , Presbyterian spring sale April 14 ; The -Laughing Cure" United Church April 14 and 15. Anullian Cathedral Spring Sale.i April 10. 8lngers April 20 t Spring; Sale, St. Peters Church, May 19 Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot Si Cold water: Steam Heat 15c. PER DAY AND UP LJ. "ZarnHlvi lf ,VSoW Mf'- EUROPEAN EXPERT WATCHMAKER F,c years' apprenticeship at the Royal Danish Watchmaker School at Copenhagen, then 12 years abroad working in the big cities of Europe. All Mail Orders Promptly Attended to. Prices Reasonable. TERRACE, BRITISH COLUMBIA ANNOUNCEMENT How About Your Face or Easter Keep your skin healthy by washing it using Baby's Own Soap with warm water rinsing well and drying perfectly. It's far better to keep your skin well than to be obliged to seek the shelter of cosmetics to hide Its defects. The delicate and lasting fragrance of the skin-soothing lather of Baby's Own 8oap adds to the pleasure of its use. 10c. in individual cartons. 11-35 "Best for you and Baby too" LOCAL ITEMS Conductor T. M. Spencer arrived in the city on this morning's train from Smithers to spend the week-end at his home here. Beatrice and Eric Berner left on yesterday's train to spend the Easter holidays visiting with their uncle. Adolf Berner, at Telkwa. Mrs. Annette Stone sailed by the Prince Otorge Thursday night on her return to Vancouver after one of her periodical business visiu here. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. Andrew Johnstone, arrived In port at 0:80 last evening from the south and sailed at 13 midnight on her return to Vancouver and way- points. & Auirnrrf New Westminster auditor and oromlnent football .player of-the Royal City. saHed by the Prince George Thursday nlghr on hft return south after a week's business visit here. "THESE HARD TIMES" fc.i "The hard times and r$V. &l monimportahl lhan makes it money One Ipm ! ever " to economise: j i.iu. i. i.o rnuini! the color Kiockina. and underweur. l or die- Sieibfar ken IhjJ fail to produce results that never look make you pJd. Why. thtay when rcuyeu wuu lUtt than new Kond Dyes. They never snot. Mreak. or run. They go on smoothly und elenV. h. in h handj old child. Anoiner even n ten year thing. Diamond Dye never lake the leave it limp i n out of cloth or e lame 4y? d"- 'l'ncy WV'i b LWiTwwurU.anst.dyel . uui h s U Quebec LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Tennis Tea Mrs. Mitchell's, Eas-ter, .Monday. Home Cooking. 71 ffEaslJPIift hats. Every tenth hat a gift alf this week at "Demers." . (71) Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McLean have moved residence from Bowser Street to the house on Oreen Street which was7 formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Atex McRae. Mrs, J. Lome McLaren and daughter, Miss Lorna Mclaren. sailed last night on the Princes Adelaide on a two-weeks' holiday trip to Vancouver. J. S. Wilson sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver where he will attend the Eas ter convention of the British Co lumbia Teachers' Federation In his capacity as president of the local Federation and official del egate. The following Is from the Twenty Years Ago column of a recent i Vancouver Province: "A sub sidy or $12,000 a mile to the Ca rutdlan Northern Pacific for its line, 525 miles long, from Yellow-head Pass to Vancouver is in cluded In the Dominion govern ment's budget of transportation' William Fldler. who has Joined up on H.M.C.S. Skeena as an abla seaman, arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday aftei-nooii from Esquimau. He will pay - three-weeks' visit to hs home here before returning south to rc loin his ship. He was on the Skeena recently when It put In n San Salvador to protect British oroperty during a revolution there. The Latest Broadcast Max Is smiling at the big gains made over the week-end. Keep your eyes on your local paper for the last minute reports. Fleet Bar ber Shop reporter speaking. (71) BE HAPPY SAVEMONEY BUYRIGHT A summary of business conditions shows low prices on wheat, fish, lumber and metals, with high taxes by Dominion and Provincial Gov ernments and municipalities. The outlook for Western Canada is not too bright. What shall we do to make the best of our present con dition? First, of course, practice all cc onomy possible. Second, do not try to "keep up with the Joneses." Third, convince yourself that you can live and be happy without spending money foolishly. Fourth, read something of the history of our forefathers In the early days of Canada, In Ontario and Quebec. Fifth, picture Prince Rupert without automobiles, electric light, steam heat or telephone. Lastly, before buying lumber, building materials, or fuel, consult ALBERT & McCAFFERY. LIMITED, who arc in a position to quote prices to your advantage. Phones 116 and 117. EASTER HOLIDAYS GIVE GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE YOUR CHILD'S EYES EXAMINED. If you expect your children to puss the exams In June, why not give them a chance by having their eyes examined during the Easter holidays. The final term before the midsummer exams Is always the most trying on the nerVea of the child, even If the eyes are normal, so the child who " really needs glasses 'is under an iXB&ft. handicap. If"yoif suecWrint your child has eye trouble, an examination by Geo. F. Davcy. Registered Optometrist in charge of the Optical Dept. of Max Hcllbroner, Jeweler, will give you the facts and you can rest assured that glasses will not be supplied unless absolutely necessary. Phone 261 for appointment. Moose Legion dance Monday night. Admission 25c. It costs no more to ride In a Nash Special then In any other car. Just call Nelson's Taxi 849. tf F. W. Allen sailed by the ss. Princess Adelaide last night on his I return to Vancouverfafter a three- weeks' visit to his home here. MURESCO. for beautiful, durabie economical decoration of wall and ceilings. Muresco is supreme. 75c. per packet. Phone 311. Gordon's Hardware. McBrlde St. rf When TEETHING makes HIM FUSSY One of the most important things you ran do to make a teething baby comfortable is to see that little bowels do their work of carrying off waste mailer promptly and regularly. For this nothing is better than Cas-loria, a pure vegetable preparation gprriaNy made for babies and children. Castoria aits so gently you can give it to young infants to relieve colic. Yet it is always effective, for older children, too. Remember, Castoria contains no -hauh drugs, no narcotics is absolutely harmless. When your baby W fretful with teething or a food upset, give a cleansing dose of Castoria. Be sure you get genuine Castoria with the name: CASTORIA Miss M McLean arrived in the city on this morning .s train from Hazeltcn to spend the Easter holiday season visiting here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. A. McLean, Green Street. C.PJI. steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. S. K. Gray, arrived Ir. port at 2:45 yesterday afternoon from Vancouver and sailed at 10 p.m. on her return south. The vessel had a light passenger list but a good freight cargo of four cai-loads for here. Capt. Andrew Johnstone for years master of the Union steamer Car dena, was paying his last visit ij this port last night before assum- j lng his new duties In the pilotage rervlce to which he was recently appointed. It Is not learned yt 1 woh his successor in command of the Cardena will be. COMMODORE CAFE Easter Sunday SPECIAL Chicken Dinner 50c. Chicken Broth Roast Sliced Chicken Potatoes Green Peas Dessert Fruit Jello and Whipped Cream Coffee. Tea or Milk U SPECIAL 75c. Dinner Chicken Broth Combination Salad Filet of Sole. Maltrs d'Hotel Sliced Roast Chicken Apple Pie a la Mode Coffee, Tea or Milk Patronize Home Industry Itulkley Valley- Products A4aV iiB I If' Ml at I a WHAT IS SUCCESS? i i Prjdc and, .Satisfaction in Work 1 ' Illustrated umirDonc- In i Prince Rupert This "will of the wish" called success what is . It? And when achieved, does it bring that elu-j slve phantom called happiness?! What brings these gifts of the gods? Ask your next door nelghbcr j that question, and he will proba Dly say. "Give me a million dollars and I'll be happy." But pick up! the dally paper, and see the men with millions, who apparently araj desperately unhappy, so much so that they choose the quickest way out. The next man you ask will say, "Give me power, and I'll be happy " But who today envies kings, presidents, or prime ministers? No. Success and happiness do not lie that way. Oftener they lie In the humble paths of lift. A crafteman produces an article and in the achievement he is lost in happiness. Plain .Tom Brown is building a small house for himself, and family. He has planned It carefully and gradually he see.i the finished product take form before his eyes. He Is happy. A man- j ufacturer produce an article In which he takes a great pride. It; Is the . very best that skill and '. knowledge ran produce He Is happy In this work and to that ex-' ent ht Is successful. j Making a good article is a mat-, ter of pride and satisfaction. This applies to all commodities, even the making of Coffee. Take, for ntance. the product made by the , lo:al firm of Stewart & Mobley.i Ltd. Supreme Coffee Is the best i No effort Is spared to produce the I very finest Coffee that skill and experience can produce, and In that effort they get a great am ount of satisfaction. Are You an Eagle? If Not Why Not? There Is to be a, great all-day parade Sunday and Monday to the only cafe in town operated by an Eagle member. Beware of lnfrlng-era, as without experienced white help in the kitchen It can't be done. The greatest chicken and T-bone steak dinner in Prince Rupert for the money will be put on these two , days at the Fleet Cafe on the waterfront. You will get chicken, not a mixture of pork with it. (71 A meeting of the Carpenters' Union was held last night when matters concerning the trade were up for discussion. Another meeting will be held soon. George Dun-gate, the president, was in the chair. BABY'S COL PS Sftm& TIn!T'--W5B Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and MinlngMachlnery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts Wonderful Value VICTOR RADIO A nlne'Hfte" "SupeTfieteTodyne, equipped with automatic volume control, full-range tone' control, pentode and super-control tubes. Provided with the new Victor Illuminated 45 degree dial to facilitate tuning. Glowing station indicator. Chassis is rubber-mounted in a luxurious six-lei design console cabinet of finely matched walnut veneers. $149-50 Backed by the World's Most Famous Trademark m Call or Phone 6, Radio Headquarters, For Free Home Demonstration &MaMrm.Jk Price 50c a box I K2J.V f B& Jl Serry T See Right Coniig She Ceald Not Sleep Mr. K MtEu-oy, Eirkfield, Ont, writes "I was my nerroua and run down, was ihort of breath, and had smothering feelings, and was sorry to night coming as I could not lie down or g to alerp. I was adriiml to dm Milburn't Heart and Nerrs Pills. I took eerta boxes and am now completely retiered; eaa sleep fin all night, and bare gained in weight. Sold at n draf and inml Htm, ar ataiM diraat M mrfpt a ptia Wr Tka T. IflTliaa C., Ltd.. Toronto. Oat. SPRING IS HERE! Get Your Garden Seeds and Equipment from Thompson Hardware Company Ltd. SEASONED SITKA SPRUCE We are pleased to offer the following special for a short time: 1 x 4 1V x 4 Hi x 4 Mill Run Common Random Lengths either SIS SHIPLAP T Si G $12.00 per M ft. BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LTD. Do Your Spring Repairs Ruild Your Garage mmammmmmmaaamammmBmmm UNION STEAMSHIP LIMITED Btrainrra Irart Prlnc Ruptrt f ur Vimouftr: TJ. I ATALA CVCKY TIE8DAV, UU PAt. Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver, Thursday pjn. T.H.H. AIIOEN A EVERY FBIItAV MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver Bunds? midnight approx. Weekly laUlngt to Port Simpson. Alice Aral. Anyox, 6twitrv and Nan Rivtr points. Sunday, 9 p.m Further information regarding all sailings ana ticket at rillMT RITKKT AGENCY: hrconil Avenue. I'lione WM less work for Mother when she serves Kcllogg's Corn Flakes. Delicious for any meal. No preparing. Wholesome. Easy to digest. Have Kellogg's often and save yourself trouble 8tayj II CORN CORN FLAKES Fint for tht thiUrrnU rrrning mral, Mail if Krllotl In LoniHhi', Ontario.