Todays Weather If Tomorrow's Tides Sunday, March 27, 1932 High 4:14 a.m. 21:0 ft. rrlncc Rupert Raining, light 17:26 p.m. 16:8 It. southeast wind; barometer, 29.96; Low 11:08 ajn. 4:1 ft. temperature, 45; sea choppy. 23:04 pm. 8:9 ft NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER VOl. AJVIUm WO. 11. vIa nnixtnn ntrnnnm T-i r r k mTTnr I ir n nnti rtn tnnn odito. PRICE: CTtrt? FIVE nvwva CENTS Several Prospectors Get Fine Samples Is Believed to Be Main Ore Body of Vein Which Caused Rush in 1807 CRANBROOK, March 26: Two shovelfuls of earth yielded $8 in gold to Albert Leland recently when he indulged in a little prospecting on Wild Horse Creek near here Leland found the ground already staked by August Suren and the two men are now disputing for its posses- A.' Rawforth of Cranbrook has also brought in fine samples. . The opinion is widely held that it is on the main ore body of a field which yielded millions of dollars of gold in the rush of 1867 which had not yet been found. ELKS DANCE ENJOYABLE Ut Year Officers Hosts at Jolly Gathering Thursday Night I Interesting Novelties j A highly enjoyable dance wasj .staged by last year's officers of the , local Elks' Lodge, under the leader-1 ship of George C. Mitchell. 1931 exulted ruler, on Thursday night in the Elks' Home. There were about seventy-five couples In attendance und a fine time was enjoyed by all from 9:30 pin. until 2:30 ajn. A splendid program of dance music was furnished by Charlie Balagnos Venetian Orchestra and. during the evening, some original novelty numbers were Introduced, much to the pleasure of all. The specialties Included an exhibition dance, the Tango, by Miss Lauro Frlasell and Dill Lamble; a burlesque Adagio Dance act by the ; Lcvlnsky Bros., who turned out to i be Bill Stone, Sam Joy and Joe Scott, and a flute and banjo duet j by Johnny Saunders and Joe Ar-seneau. Each number was well received. There was a slngtng competition between the ladles and the men. the latter losing by default. Feature of the refreshments, which were served at midnight, were delicious hot cross buns. George Mitchell was master of ceremonies and A. S. Nlckerson presided at the door. Sam Joy was chairman ond the refreshments committee of which George Rodger was also a prominent member. INDIAN FINED Jcames Mitchell. Hagwllget Indian, has been fined $10 and costs with option of five days' imprison mcnt by Stipendiary Magistrate H A Patriot patriotism is a shiniiw flame for this San Francisco lad. Each day after school he goes about polishing shoe to raise mony for Shanghai defenders Native Girl Passes Here L. Oalc of Smlthers for trapping on nfa(h Xnurs,iay Afternoon of Mar-another man's trapllne. divisional , juer,tc Ethc Kuby itudland headquarters of the provincial po- j ot Mctlakatla lice hero have been Informed. Fine and costs were paid. Marguerite Ethel Ruby Rudland, , niH rtanohter cf Mr. and .... wiiiiam midland of Metia House of Commons on Thurs- of ,unemi arrangements. day afternoon. Only the for- mnl Roynl Assent Is now awaiting before the measure actually becomes law. .-, vs ALASKA WEATIir.ll Ketehlkan Hlh. 48; low. 18. Juneau-Hlgh, 46; low. 36. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1932 Weldon McAfee Tells Rotary Club It Is Desirable to Live : Within Means "One reason for the slowness of the financial recovery I believe Is the refusal of the people to face facts and adjust themselves to the ' changed conditions,'' stated Weldon R. McAfee, In an address before the Rotary Club at its luncheon Thursday. "This refusal to face facte has been a great obstacle to a return to better times. At last, however, peo-, pie are realizing it and adopting' ways and means of carrying on un-1 der the changed conditions." I Mr. McAfee was one of the six hundred business and professional men who attended the dinner re-, cently In Vancouver which was ad dressed by George Kidd in which the finances of the province were, reviewed. He was Intensely inter-: ested in the facts and figures there produced. A realization of the condition started the Improvement in Britain where the value of the pound sterling is already rising and the bank rate decreasing. People' had been playing politics too long. fc .Noont couloi.dwhat was the reason the economic structure wa'S out of line, said Mr. McAfee. Doubt less it was due largely to the war. and Its consequent debt with vie-' tory for none. This was followed by j a period of frenzied finance and; then came the deflation. I In Vancouver Mr. McAfee said he j met H. R. McMillan, who had Just returned from a business tour of Europe. He had told of the conditions there, the outstanding feature being that Germany was on the verge of collapse. Closing his speech, Mr. McAfee made a plea to his hearers to help in bringing about a more stable condition by living within their means. That was most Important. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER. March 26: Wheat was quoted at 57c on the local exchange today. CONGRESS HEATSl SALES TAX BILL WASHINGTON, D.C., March 26: In one of the most spectacular political upsets in years, the general manufactures sales tax bill, principal measure spon- sored by the adminis- tration after three months of preparation at the present session of Congress, was defeated bv a vote of 223 to 153 by an insurgent house on Thursday. The House ways and means com- m i 1 1 c e immediately went into consideration nf alternative nronosals katla. died Thursday afternoon ln and Speaker John Gar AltOLITION OF ,... ',. nn-rt General Hospital GRAND JURIES -a palIcnt for lwo weeks. Mrs. Robert Hill of Kit- OTTAWA. March 20-The j JJJ Kl" J lw of tne dead girf. lolll providing for the aboil- ftJ took pUcc this af- Hon ot grand Juries In British at Metlakatla. the girl's Columbia was passed by thei . ii,,r.r Bros, were In ner expressed hope that these would be successfully devised. President Hoover expressed keen disappointment at the rejection of the bill which would have brought $600,000,000 annually in revenue. here. municipal interests of cated. and 2c. The World's Finest Saddle Thar'; gold in them there trappings yes. and sliver and rubies, too. $20,009 was spent by Mrs. H. L. Music of Palm Springs, California, in securing the world's finest saddle, bridle and chaps. It's the work of a Hollywood artisan. Victoria Wants Civic Cleanup Resignations of City Engineer and City Solicitor Among Others Demanded by Mass Meeting VICTORIA. March 26 Reslgna tlons of the city engineer and cltv tnllMthr U'rp Hminriwl hv ft mditl' Drott, 2,800, Booth, 5.1c and 2c. DOLLAR AT 89 l-2c; POUND AT $3.70 New York. March 20 The Cana dian dollar closed at 80 5-6c. on the foreign exehahge here Thursday. The British pound sterling closed at $3.70 c. SUPPLIED INDIANS John Myles was fined $300, with option of three months' Imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont in city police court this morning for supplying liquor to Indians. Kenneth and Roger Powell, the two Indians involved, were each fined $15 with option of 14 days' imprisonment. The whole party is serving time. DAIL SITS IN APRIL Plans of President Eamonn dc Valera i being given by the Free State council to an ultimatum which was re ceived this week from London in! I rip Jalpra In regard to the oath of Livingstone. 10,000, Cold Storage, aUeglance and olner matters. 5.5c and 2c. De Valera today reiterated. In an to the crown. Hollywood Wins Baseball Game From Detroit Dr. Mandy Holding Annual Classes For Prospectors and Mining Men ; A series of lectures on mining ; subjects to be given by Dr. J. T. Mandy. resident mining engineer throughout the northwestern district, started here Thursday night. The lectures are a continuation of policy started two years ago by the department of mines, to hold instructional classes and lectures in niirling. Lectures Uiis year will develop the foundation laid by the former series and apply the prin-1 ciples expounded, with particular ' emphasis on local conditions in the district. Further lectures will be held this afternoon and tonight in the city council chamber. Others J are planned for later In the year. Thursday night there was a capacity audience of about seventy. , Dr. Mandy stressed the importance ' of the mining Industry to Industrial 1 progress and economic integrity of ' Canada. The northwestern area of .jSCwasIayisbbf., endowed with ! mineral" resources. Prince Rupert . was In the centre of this area. De-! velopment of northwest mineral resources was of vital Interest to Prince Rupert its the fundament of i the city's Industrial expansion and economic Integrity. Prince Rupert ! besides being fish-conscious must also become mineral-conscious. Dr. Mandy sketched theories and principles involved leading up to the formation of the earth as a unit ! of the solar system with the rocks land minerals composing the earth, i He described the processes respon sible for the present form of the earth since the initial solidification ! from bases and vapors forming 'the original nebula Into molten magma gradually cooling to form Crisis With London Does Not Hurry the crust of the earth in which all minerals ot economic are found. j Weathering and erosion and for- DUBLIN, March 26: In spite ofimatlon of sedimentary rocks were the political crisis which is develop- : described. Disturbance of equilibrium between the new Nationalist urn of forces, setting up of new In the crust meeting of seven hundred citizens i government and the British colon- jatrwses stresses and and strains strains nl nt9ijm TI.A.IJnnl Vnw.,.v. ri Importance . n . ( 1 I I . 1 4 nmucui uiuuu ueigraauauy wcreascu i pouii A eeneral clean-up In the' malnlv in ii... ww iw iw h 1KU wnefc reaujusuneiu must wtiwc economy, was advo- Halibut Landings FRIDAY Canadian tlon of calling the Dall Earrean, I place, resulting In pressures and lower house ot the Irish Free State, j tensions In the crust and folding together until April 20. Meantime, full consideration Is : and faulting of rocks and resultant cracking and ftssuring ot strata and mountain building. Home of Metals Dr. Mandy stressed that the home answer to certain demands made by'0f metau was In agruous rocks and ul"" ! interview, his government's lnten- L of pressure Importance In the ..u. "JS.iI.ane-M n 9 J tlon to remove from tne Free stato ' formation of metalliferous concent nuu, wwiu .. constitution the oath or allealanco described how bathollthlc activity or later Infection towards the crust of molten rock carrying the metals trattons known as ore deposits which were later bared to vision. The Coast Range bathollth was described and Its Importance stressed as the source of ore deposits of the northwestern district. Its gene sis was analyzed and processes dis cussed that led up to the formation of this huge mass of deep-seated granitic rock complex. Processes In volved that led to the formation of ore deposits from this granitic in SAN DIEOO, March 26: Holly- .fectlon were described and likely wood team of the Pacific Coast areas and conditions under which League defeated Detroit Tigers of they could be found by the prospec the American League by a score of tor were Indicated. It was further 14 to 12 In a free-scoring baseball , stressed that Prince Rupert was In game here Thursday. : the centre of one of the most lm . I portant mineralized bathollthlc In Archie Watt, divisional master fectlons in the world and that every mechanic for the Canadian Natlo- encouragement and assistance nat Railways, Is spending the week- should be given the prospector who end here on official duties, having ,1s a vital and Important instrument arrived on this morning's train , in the furthering of Prince Rupert's from Prince George. industrial welfare. i Ks hoM rejects sales tax bill RICH GOLD STRIKE MADE IN CROW'S NEST PASS COUNTRY Two Shovels of Earth Yield Eight Dollars Of Precious Metal OBSTACLE TO i BETTER TIMES LECTURES jRETURN OF i COMMENCE1 BABY SOON Alsanlime No Trace of Lindbergh Child, Kidnapped Weeks Ago, Is Found Rumored on Boat BELIEVED ON SHIP NORFOLK, Vir, March 26: Very Kev. Dean II. Dobson Peacock, who was responsible for the report that the kidnapped baby was being held on a boat in Chesapeake Bay, said today that Norfolk intermediaries, who are endeavoring to bring about the return of 20-month old Charles Au;ustus Lindbergh jr. to his parents, were still optimistic although there were no new developments of any kind. HOPEWELL, tU.. March 26: 1 here is still no trace of the missing child of Col. and Mrs. Charles A. tndbcrgh although the feeling Is growing that it will soon be re stored to its parents. Renewed vigor was given the hunt on Thursday when reports were In circulation here that the missing child was in custody on a rum-runners' yacht in Chesapeake Bay,' within "3d. miles of Norfolk, Vu... in charge of five men and a woman. There was no dfflclat comment other than the suggestion that this report was jSrobibly "on a par with similar rumors'' which have been heard evdr since the kidnapping. A vigorous hunt off the Virginia coast was instituted by the coastguard, however. It Is stUl felt by the authorities that the great amount of publicity given rumors when the kidnapping was first discovered has tended to delay the early return of the child. Spring Schedule Now in Effect Service of Canadian National Steamships" Same as That During Winter The spring schedule ot the Canadian National Steamships bt-ween Vancouver and Prince Rupert is now in operation. SO Prince George, leaves Vancouver, north bound every Monday evening at d o'clock and calls at Powell River, Ocean Falls, Prince Rupert. Anyox and Stewart. She return. to her berth at the Canadian Na tional dock. Vancouver every Sa-urday at 1 :30 pjn. SS. Prince John is still operating on a fortnightly schedule to thr Queen Charlotte Islands. She leaves Prince Rupert alternate Sa turdays at 4 p.m.. and calls at nu merous island ports. Princess Helen Mi- J Visiting Royal Roumanian Son BUCHAREST. Roumanta. March 26:- Prlncess Helen, divorced wife of King Carol, came back to Bucharest Thursday . from exile to visit het son. Prince Michael. She was given a warm welcome and was met at the border by 24 soldiers and tho king's bodyguard and was given a royal salute. Miss Alle'en Patmore, daughter of L. W Patmore of this city, arrived in the city on this morning's train from her school teaching duties at Terrace to spend the Easter holiday suou at her homt h re. i: It 3 tr HE 9