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Wednesday, May 18, 1932 It was a despicable act of John Hughes Curtis, Norfolk ak came in shipbuilder, to play upon the sympathies of a man who had lost his child as is reported to have been done in the case of Colonel Lindbergh. How much more of the search story may prove to be fiction remains yet to be told. The report that the child was held at sea must have turned the searchers from other possible clues and helped the real criminals to escape. The fighting in Bombay, India, between Moslems and Hindus is one of the periodic quarrels that develop between people of two hostile religions where bigotry and fanaticism prevail. It indicates one of the difficulties of governing the country and shows how impossible it would be to leave the people to their own resources as they were before British intervention. At that time they were broken into dozens of different warring nations or clans. Britain has united these and is gradually preparing them for self-government When all become educated and learn to be more tolerant of each other they will be able to take upon themselves the very important functions that self-government imposes. MUST CULTIVATE GARDEN'S The relief department of the city of Edmonton is insisting m that every married man receiving relief must cultivate a garden this year. Those who have gardens of their own are expected to get them under cultivation and those who have no garden are given one by the city to cultivate. They have plenty of vacant lots and seeds are provided by the city. The compulsory order is all right for the city of Edmonton where it is easy to cultivate a vacant lot. In Prince Rnpert the case fe rather different A vacant lot is usually covered with stumps and roots or is swampy and unfit for cultivation without extensive and expensive draining. Once a garden is prepared, cultivation is not difficult but the right kind of weather is desirable and the gardener has to await his opportunity. l 'if Headaches caused by Acidity haunts its wum hie do cat disagree, rjaws fliituk-nre and makes you sluttish W ork i an effort, before night, a heuda lie Do you know mhat is wrong? An arid-soaked system) Too many acid foods. But yu need nl diet your way out of tuts difficulty! Take a taMmpoonful or two of Phillips Mflk of Masnoia. From tfce hnt you relieve that aeid condition you will feel like aooUter penoa. Every spooaful of Philtipii' Milk of Magnesia wfll neutralize many times as much acid. Take it when stomach nerv es are over-stimulated through worry, or excitement; when everything ferments in ytnir stomach, and waste matter is poisoning the bloodstream or whenever the bowers are clogged. 'ACID Phillips' Milk of Magnesia has a penile, laxative action. It i ever so much better for one than the harsb purgauves that upset the sloraeh or weaken the bowel metrics. An occinn dene of PhiUint' Milk of Magnesia is all that is necessary to avoid those periodical attacks of sluggishness so apt to occur with any person who docs not get a great deal of phv-jiod exercise. Phillips' Milk or Magnesia is sold at drug stores everywhere in the dominion in bottles. Be sure to say Phillipa'" when you buy. . Then You're sure of getting the product that doctors prescribe. The ideal dentifrice for tJean teeth ami healthy gims is Pbiltlps' Dental Magnesia, a superior toothpaste that safeguards against add-mouth. (Made in Canada.) PHILLIPS' ULK OF MAGNESIA If you lose anything, try a classified ad. By Tom Reid, M.P. ev Zealand Treaty Under Discussion 1$. C. Tone. Opposed to Lower Freight Rates Relief Work to Be Curtailed 3.00 Friday, April 29 Practically the whole of the day was taken up. in discussing the New Zeafend treaty and con- $fio giderable interest was shown in this throughout the day. 9- Hon. H. H. Stevens, minister of trade and commerce, who piloted the treaty through, was kept busy explaining to u tne ttouse every pnase ot the treaty 25 .15 1.40 ii was somewaat amuMag to lis- ten to the accusations of the Liberal mem ben whs seised the opportunity to remind the members of the government side that ea:h and every one of them had in July they were silent as the treaty was going through th Houe tiie duty on butter being reduced from 8c. to 5c. The question of wool entering Canada free from New Zealand r a great deal of ?rlticlsm, especially as the government only about two weeks previous had voted ka the House for a duty on all wool entering Canada. IVen one of the Conservative 1930 promised better prices u the 1 mitnber eeuM not refrain from farmer and more protection In the rising and chldlne the Minister matter of butter and. now. here and his fellow members for not be- ng altogether honest during the last election to the matter of promises reipawUng the entry of butter to this eoceiry To tie, R s?ems there is very Mttle to be gained by -r 'longed discussions after the treaty has been signed If both xantriu, and it was evident that the members on the government side were very glad when the discussions ended and Hie treaty pasted the house. Time will prove the wisdom or otherwise of this treaty. I am not, unmindful, however, that both "New Zealanc and Australia at present nave their currencies at a Discount rate considerafity betow ours on the world market which allows ' hem oalui a rati', tide to the mar-rets of the work, they being in a position to accept less money, y :teh means more to them In heir coin than it does to us However, it is well to remember that we must buy as waU as selL No na tion can have it all one way. Trade I my mind is the life-stream of , oar country. Monday, JEay 2 It is rather In-iterenimj to wasth the parade ot . the Speaker leave his quarters and ipioceec" to the House The procession is headed by the chief eon-I stable and his two deputies; then comes the seraant-at arms carrying the mace on his shoulder, following him 1? the Shaker with the chief page at his nne and. following the Speaker, is the clerk, the assistant clerk and two pastes. Everyone must stand to one side as the procession marehes along the main galleries and enters the PA OB two mi ; THE DAILY NEWS. - - PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA PnfeMthed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor A Week's Doings at Parliament House of Qommons a few minutes before three o'clock. The mace it-laid on the' table as the Spsakar takes his seat afer which alarm bel are set ringing for the space of three or four minutes r--'.;inv the members to prayers. Monday has. usually a sparce attendance of members. The second reading of the C-mi-uanies' Ajct amendment was moved by ttu Hon. C. h. Canon, Secretary of State, the purpose of the bill being to avoid ft certain amount of confusion regarding stock companies as between the provincial and dominion governments. It was interesting to learn that certain companies, who are refused charters to conduct business in re gard to insurance and stock of: various kinds, could go to the pro vince and in many instances re-1 eeive charters. Cases were cited where companies, who were re fused charters both by the pro- vinees and dominion, went to Lon- ; don and obtained a charter there, coming back to Canada and. op-', erating as a company, all of which Is not very good for me welfare of the nation The Premier raid that he hoped sometime to appoint a federal board, that Is If h. rrould I get the provinces t agree, and this Nard would have tne final say or supervision of such companies be- naaaaaaaaaaW aW lJ!L-ttr ' ! ..E31 1 Jin MAY WIN THIS CAR! GOOD AND FOR. As irw n..e'p WRIGLEYS Turret Cigarette Smokers to Win A - FREE - CAR Each Week for most Interesting Handwriting QcCUpatiwiL 'so 50 'rce 3raPholo3ical readings of handwriting by well-known expert, Mr. F. D. Jacob . . . ...... ... . . k. V.... Your I !!.. 1 lie I i aer I fwvince haiulritip may pixxl, had or liulifTcrcnt that doon't mat ter a partielr hut if It m interenlinf; . . . if it reveal character . . . if it it unusual or unique in any of a dozen ways . . . then you have more than a pmmI chance to Mm a hrand new 1932 Chevrolet Standanl Coach. Enter your handwriting in eiery one of thce weekly cnnteitts. A contestant vhwe huixl writing does not win this week, may win next week or the week after with another specimen. So, smoke Turret Cigarette ave the empty park-ages and enter every one of these hig CAK-A-WF.EK CONTESTS. Think of the joy of ow-nlng one of thee new, hand Mime, powerful cars. What a holiday you could have what joyoin triis on weekends what glorious evenings in he cool moonlight. There will Iks no wailing the prize car will Ik- delivered immediately through the nearest Chevrolet dealer. It's worth trying for and jour writing has as good a chance to win s that of any other contestant. CONTEST RULES Tim wwllr mtNU mrr Pii la .ar mU,a WpaUkMi mf CmtuUm. "t ni,lu. r ImprrUI Tiilri i-tmpmrny of Or1-, Uatllwl, IWr MMrUtfd mp..ir. mn4 th.ir lrrlk,iax Mti, 31 ka 4 pan. I. mu.l K. faaLnni laa.lkt and maOnl writhia f'Mtt. r.O. lUn Jioo, Miattnal, f.O. a A aHaa af a n.w OmnLi 9..MJHJ t - lou simply write the following on the hacks of 4 front panels from 4 empty Turret Cigarette (20'a) packages, with iortioii of excise stamp altachedt on one Your jaine on another Your Occupation on a third Your Street and Town on the fourth Your Province Pin or clip the four panel together and mail to Turret Cigarette Handwriting Gintest, P.O. Iku 2500, Montreal, P.Q. Entries will be Judged by a committee of competent judges, headed by Frederic I). Jacob, well-known handwriting authority and for 13 jears Dominion Government C.raphologi.t. T10 handwriting of the winner, a selected by the judges, will be the one which, In their opinion, reveals the mot interesting features. In addition, fifty frre readings will he given each week to selected contestants. All Entries for First Contest Must be Mailed by May 25, 1932, and the Winner will be Announced June 8th. ta Tml Qfaittl. Itaai. b. daUrarad FREE tbraa.b - . i.-'-''""'''"' la lb. )rm aaa k.M.nii.f Mar 7 ' "'"-" rai ina maat tol.rrlna rcataraa. tkaaj oax raa maj aa foa i,J may fwUMta.l. 6lmHal Taarra rtapaaT a Cauada, Umll4. iO nal rain I aauM with mny raalntanl. 7Carb aaal atmlWamt .kaa .. rlo.l.( J.t. Um aarb mkU aalrWa bearing paltturk lalrr IKna la. data aaiaad a III hm aa aatarad la tba caajtMt tor lha IUM'U aark.. 8Vlaam af wtak aanla.1 aUl U aaaauorad laraaah Iba aaraiiautali; Ikm w.kV Uaaa fraai tba r.aiiaam.nil W aarS lmn;il T-cct Cxir.p.n ,4 Caiunli. Iaiad Mall tMl aa-l fore commencing commennnv; : r r .,. (, !iore the the greatest greatest diffi. diffi. ur, ur, Is that some of ry.- net ts'v- up cert ... :!eg?s which : ...