I iroo . . Li.. C I I lis IS my wcLicL iui Keeping My Family Well" Ililtnn Reach. On- r. nf six well.' ForVl ? tawe used BtUffrOwft' r" 1 cannot praise thom too " 'i ... -Km. and in a short II were u hkii u tb,cts- tablets, and nd she she ' Is rri ri v the If If he e is is connipa contipalfd, ita, l I L . . 1 bc'ter, r'?.l! iv a wonderful regulator. I1 .... fine durini teething. I think of being without a box taJ-elpeticBy reared my fimily on DR. WILLIAMS' he flamea Details of Los :,u occupied by the .ire and the Montreal owned by R. Eston ll .j ford, Conn. The as- :i,n of the buildina r 'i Commodore Cafe which 11 d with water. NOTICE OF Sheriff's Sale Donald I'cclc Et-AI vs. North Taclflc Alines Inc. fly tiu hority of a Warrant of Exe- on uad Judgment to me dlrec- 1 Wi I 1 . . .. . n..l. - - ui .-.iu.se 10 DC soiu at ruu- owir-.- Pile I w at Massett, B.C. the fol- v 1 T I.antn 11 .Vlolnltu A1 omm :r:.4v:: r7. vr ,cicntl:ints. now at the building on - no 132 at East Massett, u.u., r 1 T . rM.. on the 2nd dav of June. An lnvptitnrw of th above rn.iv. Via coon nt sheriff's T.'i mo-, MirlU cu.-it'. AobiiI oiiviii o rill '"conduct the sale at above place na We TERMS CASH. n a viTr-'itrncjnM Sherlf(., Haby's Own Tablets," writes Mrs. Roy Holland, Dunnville, Ontario. "Thiy have saved my children from many a ' sick spell." ; ,i Hundreds til other mother htvf written their heartfelt thanks for Baby's Own Tablets, the absolutely SAFE remedy for the common illnesses of babies and children teething troubles, simple fevers, colds, summer complaint, colic, upset stomach and the peevishness that indicates something wrong. Me a package more than lJSOfiOO packets sold in 1931. Ms ... I ! I IV II A II II tf and Keep nnoren wen ai roomers Nnow u HAltUtiAllfe mil M rjiLi " DESTKOVED BOSTON CAFE I OCK IS DAMAGED. i ,uund from Page 1- j iv tred and they realized business. ' PACKERS CURTAIL ontinueu irom pajte one) .uiT .' we i " v" " n.vtr this it i. rnor. duties, has remained steady during the past year and B. C. Packers Ltd. enjoys a substantial share of this p, ,w was on fire. Mr. i Stanley Burke, president, in his ,.itptcd to draw enough ' annual report to shareholders of , imrket from a small .B. C. Packers, points out that the a'-' lore to throw on the 1W1 P-k has been almost entirely . ;,' . line difficulty in get-:801'' and tnat a' medium size pack '"it;,-vM water. In a few rain- anticipated for 1932. i.n department was cal-' Tne statement shows total deficit .i.- u.j aa at Prbniarv 20 1032 .if 41 1nfi f ; In ins nine, mc iuc uau I :n u It had, apparently.1 nis "aae up oi so.oa carri?a r'ard rm the previous ttu ci ii li ;ui overheated chlm- year, ,$290,807 loss on operations for the m :-. nrr-lared this morning "J1 072 on bank : x had been completely or! fund-d d--bt: $n.085, di,- ,,,,!,, by fire. smoke . . ' 1 ma tit 1 1 fin n at f aeaamae-l m m xklnA ; Kl regarding a report,-" " - - "1" $379018 written off i : $8,000 insurance, Mr. i iiat he believed some 1 ; ex med and his cover-t, : illy only a few thou ; ' : Hi estimated the value :l nt upwards of $30,000. .store of Uie Kaien 1 I:: inventories of 'nets and boats, cannery supplies. ; merchandise, labels, etc. and $32.- 735 p;timted value of assets con-veyed In settlement of contract, i The b.il trice sheet shows current land workuiK assets at $1,051,593 com oared with $4,481)040 the nre- the most severely ,-.,, ..r f,,,r,.ni i,oKiiitiA i our: to $1425.269 compared with ! ! $4.318 093 the previous year. Thus. while wo'kmij capital at February 26. 193! amounted to $16847 the coniinv found Itself at February 29. 1932 with current liabilities in excev of current atteU to the tt9r $3(H0ifiwasrfuiip large c ;rruver from 1930. However inventories of canned salmon and ',. t aomc dispute ft ' rs stock which has I ... ,i .. eo Arm t. , a. irl"' ... " ' The reduction in taventorie is 1,... '. "fleeted also in toe big drop In 1 better than ; nk Ioans ,rom j3.042.OOO to $44.- 1 000. Bills payable are slightly higher sported today that there , t832.SAS comnared with $839,735 i. ;.j ujvurance on tne naien u... .mnnn. nm,na smutrv erari OCk Damage Will prob- n- ,hnwH n rodnrtlnn rlurins the R u rafe building is own-T rminal Investment Co. J valuation Is $12,000. building, which max ' t :: OJO or so. Is reported uiuncc. Possibly $1000 done by water and interior of the Bwaton I'nulpment. Insurance reported to be held. year from $372,593 to $128,701. L0CALNEVS Joe Sing. Chinaman, was brought to the city yesterday afternoon for observation Sis mentality Is be lleved to be affected. uv navirt norMddsan. Unite'' 1 b' waUr was done states pastor at Bmlthers, arrived .s m Annette s Ladles' the Prince Oeorge jm the clty on i,ir. mere oeing mil Lhk mmninir. after having attend - "'vrraRe. This store U L, lhp recent conference in New bu mrss tody ! wen-.lnster. and proceeded to the n : building to the west;mtJ.lor afternoon's train. ! Mont real Importers, until J'vupied by the B C. Clo-! Mr Ju,tice D. A. McDonald, af-Mlghtly soo relied on the j ter conducting the spring session II. a shed to the rear also L qj, supreme Court Assiaea at t rniiRcd Damage to this 'prmce Oeorge. and H. Langley. owned by R. G. Hulburt , -ourt stenographer, will be leaving ' n Will nOMlblV not ex- Iniwrlnr trmttl tomorrow DV I train for Vancouver via Jasper Park. Mm. 0. S. Cadden and child, who have been visiting In Seattle, arrived in the city on the Prince, Oeorge this morning enroute t! Hazelton. They viere met here byj Mr Cadden who is in the Govern ment Telegraph service north of, Haselton. j Charles Bocking. president and aencral manager of the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co., is a paaaenger aboard fche PrinM Ufam. .today going; 1 nansxmssiBEMiRWL .w .fs regular .Tiff E 1 AJ .klVl i IkMnW A 1 A W. Solway, Vancouver, executive rlnmni iMioner of the Boy Scouts' Association, arrived on the Prince Oeorne this morning. He is making b tour of the province on behalf of the association and will meet the Smuts, novers and leaders In the United Church Hall this eveninn. and pmrnts und othrrs Interested in the movement In the Toe II room tomorrow .evening. LOCAL NEWS Chimneys swept, stove pipes ancV gutters cleaned. Phone 5. tf Donl forget the Elks' Flag Day June 3. Come out and give the children a good time. tf VIGORO Complete plant food for lawns. eardens. flower anr! 'ehriiHe in 1W. oe. -.T-r--Tir- HARDWARE. tf Mrs. McBrlarlty, mother of Mrs. Harold McEwen, returned to the city on the Prince George this morning fata Los Angeles where he has been spending the past two or three years. CJIJt. steamer Prince George, Capt. H. E. N?dden, arrived in port on time at 10:30 thli morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Oc ean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow evening ' "I Had Almost Despaired," Then Started Sargon 'It's remsrtabl th wlj BtrcoB raurea my hiilLh titer yetrs misery vltb stomach trouble. I nl I wk nfftrini for houri tTry nliht o4 tlmcwt dtipftirea oz pvtr teelnf m veil day l!n Tht maitng reiulta X obtained from Sareoo proitd rtft-I latlon; tTary aliment X I had U toot, and the 1 nrw atrencth and en-Jertr I hay haa ttrea m a MT Im on life. Barton Pills are Mwirnf, too. I wish I could tell everyone la Canaan about thla wonderful treatment.' Ura. Aaat Dunt, Toronto, 44 fern Ate. ORMES LIMITED Hzvc you sufficient fire Insurance? We represent eleven very tron? , Independent companies. Absolute protection- -lower ratas I. Lorn; MacLaren Ltd. The regular monthly dinner mealing of the Prince Rupert Kc-all Merchant' Assortatlon scheduled for Uat nigtU, wa postponed rjflp I4er In feemorrthl ' VCm Dorothy Patmore. who has ren fp?ndlng ttn diys camping at Boundary Bay, following the close of- the University of British olumbia term, arrived In Uie city -n the Prince George this morning from Vancouver to spena the summer vacation at her home here. Skin Sufferers Try This Test A Pure Antjaeptic Treatment Are Tea temmited with the anay of a baralaa Hcalac kln whlrk aeeau to defy re tteft rStVe yon the tee, rroila, ernptloee. Meailekee, of akin dleraee? Try lae pure etml-laf llaaM D tl D. It praHrelee the ekla. awttlu tad keallu the Irrtttted Ueeuet. A So bottle neoTea lt nerlt or your dmxrlit - - - -v ilaa,.'ZfX noeybec. .McCUTCHEO.VS DRUG STOKE OK.MLS LIMITED Westinghouse Washing: Jlachincs Vacuum Sweepers Flat Irons 3Iazda Lamps, etc. McKAE BROS., LTD. Piumbing Prices Reduced Why Send Out of Town For Plumbing Goods? 4fWce Plumbing Outfit fftftita&tc s Compare this with Eaton's catalogues and remember, we pay the freight. Labor charges reduced from SUO to $1.25 per hour . Sinith & Mallett Ltd. , Phone 171 P.O. Box 271 Thurs. Special nail White Beans lbs. r Munro Bros. Watch for Annette's Outstanding 95c. Sale. 117 Why hire a ton truck for pound parcels? Phone Messenger 131. (tf) C.L.D.L. dance May 20, 835 2nd Ave. Ladies Refresh. Gents, 23c. 118 On account of the fire the Elks' balloon dance will be held In the Eagles' Hall Friday night. 117 Catholic Ladles will hold a tea and sale of homccooklng Thurs day, May 19, from 3 to 6 at Mrs. Harold McEwen's, 5th Ave. E. 117 Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Drysdale of Premier are passengers aboard the Prince George today returning north after a trip U Vancouver. Frank Boomer, Lloyds surveyor, arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver, being here to Inspect the ss. Prince Rupert which Is undergoing annual overhaul at the local dry dock. John Newtek of Hazelton arrived in the cityon the Prince Georjfc this morning from Vancouver ana proceeded on this afternoon's train to the interior. He has been attending the recent United Church conference in New Westminster. John Walker, chief steward of the steamer Prince Rupert, which is bein goverhauled at the local dry cock, returned to the city on the Prince George this morning to resume his duties aboard ship after having spent a holiday at Vancouver, jfr Northland Transportation Co.'s motorshlp Bcllingham arrived In port at 7:43 this morning from Ketchikan with two carloads of fresh halibut for transshipment to the United States on today's train After discharging, the .Belllngham galled on her returrpto, Ketchikan. C. C. Perry. assisUint commissioner of Indian Affairs for British Columbia, Victoria, and Col. O. S. Pragnell, inspector of IndUnAgen- cles, Kamloops, will sail: by the Princess Adelaide Friday night on their return south following a week's visit here on official business. W. E. Balllle, assistant superintendent engineer. Canadian National Steamships, arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver, being here in connection with the overhauling of the steamer Prince George at the local dry dock. He expects to return south on th? same vessel tomorrow night. Norman H. Kllpatrlck of Smlth-ers arrived in the city on the ss. Prince George this morning from the south after attending the re cent United Church conference at j New Westminster and will visit for !a few days here with his brother ,and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. :w. Klrkpatrick. Fifth Avenue East, j before proceeding to the Interior. I The Mtstaya section of the Bri tlsh Columbia-Alberta border In the Rocky Mountains, between Banff and Jasper parks Is pictured In a new and Interesting map ot large scale which has been Issued by the topographical survey of the Department of the Interior and a copy of which has been received at the Dally News office. The area contains great mountains and Announcements Spring Sale. St. Peters Church May IK. Elks' Balloon Dance May 20. Eagles Narcissus Dance May 27, Ladles refreshments. Gentlemen ' " 50c. Prince Rupert Slriges Concert, United Church, May, 30, Elks' Flag Day June 3, Eastern Star Tea June' 15. Moose picnic, Digby Island, June 26. 0k- jn R. Boyd Young, well known Port Simpson merchant, arrived in the city yesterday for a brief business visit to town. R. G. Johnston, manager of In verness cannery, was an overnight business visitor to town, having ' arrived In the city on yesterday's I train from the Skeena River. P. L. Woods of Premier, who has been enjoying two or three weeks mgllng at Lake Lse lake, arrived In the city from the Interior on yes terday's train and will sail this afternoon by the Prince deorge on his return to Premier. 1 Albert Farrow, steamboat inspector, arrived in the ctty on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver to inspect the steamer. Prince Rupert which is undergoing i annual overhaul at the local dry dock. He will sail Saturday morn-' ing on the Princess Norah for Yukon Territory. j Mrs. McMaster and Mrs. Nelson, of Vancouver, are passengers on , board he Prince George today, making the round trip north. Mrs. j McMaster is the mother of A. E. McMatter, managing director of the Powell River Co.and ot Alex McMaster of Anyox. and Mrs. Nel- son is the mother of Mrs. A. E. , McMaster. I ttieniholaium 'Jfie ftealwg cream or Colds. Caiarrh. Jore lAfoat efc. MAPI IN CANADA Mackenzie Furniture USED FURNITURE SPECIALS Solid Oak Dining Table, extends to six feet with two leaves $18.50 Day Bed makes full size bed with mattress $10.00 We have taken these In as exchange on new furniture and turning them over to you at cost. Mackenzie Furniture Phone 775 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders ' and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and MlningMachinery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acelylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts Price 50c a bax MADE IN CANADA PAGE THREE and you can buy on Easy Terms. QET tne facta on General Eleetrie'i unequalled record of expenae-free performance then pay $10 down ami (Urt Immediately to enjoy the marvelous adran-lagea of G-E Refrijeralion. Every new buyer la now ; proteeted irainst cerriee expenae for 4 year. VIIXX Northern British Columbia Power Company, Limited Her Heart Wis So Bad Couldn't Do Housework Mrs. 8. Dragoman, R.R. 2, Midland, Out, write:--M I bad been troubled frith heart troubla for man years. My leart would beat ao fast I could hardly breathe), and I had headaches, and diiiy and faintinr; apella. I or aldn't get my housework done I wu so weak. ! took three boxes of Mflbum'i Heart and Nerve PUla ksd felt much better, and now I would not be without thea in tha houae." Sold at all drst and (men! etoree. or auiW direst ea receipt el priee by The T. Milbara Caw Ltd.. Toronto. Oak. LOWER FACES E S W m m m m This year, Canadian National otters four different fores to Eastern points for you to choose frorrit 1. COACH ONE-WAY FARES Good Id ctaeb. 2. INTERMEDIATE ONE-WAY FARES . Cood In Tourtat 5lWpn apon payment of le per ebmige. 3. 30-DAY ROUND TRIP FAKES Good In all rlaue mt equipment upon payment of aleoper e bar yea. 4. SUMMER EXCURSION ROUND TRIP FARES Good la all elaaaea of oqulpment upon payment of alee per chargea FJTeeilta May IS to 1W II. Urerttw May 22 to Oet. IS. Ret am limit Oct. SL. CvmoeVfa (ft for ata Htm from II. McEwen, D. F. and P. A. Prince Rupert, B. C Canadian National I 525 Phone - 525 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand SMOKED Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 8teftmers leave Prtuca Rupert Kr Vancouver: l'.H.S. CAT.AI..I KVKKV TtT.fUUY. 1:1 I'M. Vlu Ocrn Pails arriving Vancouver. Thiiradae am. T.N.S. UUlK. EVKUY lltll MIDNKlilT. Arrlyltig Vsmconvr Sunday mtdnllht. apprcx. Wtkly'eil)rtg to Port 8taipon. Allc Arm. Anyox. 8trwart RUer polnta Sunday, w pjn. Further Information regarding all tailing! and ticket at IIIIN'T HlTtlKT AOKNCY: Setond ,trne. I'hone .VW. and Maaa Early Ad. Copy is appreciated