THE DAILY NEWS et Cake Section 9 Township 1 Range 4 4 id TTT CROWN GRANTED) NECHACO VALLEY PRICE:—$15.00 PER ACRE, EASY TERMS This is an excellent section and was one of the first to be staked in the Valley. | Samuel Harrison & Co. Brokers and Financial Agents, Prince Rupert + ee eee. — = ee WE - HAVE - FOR - SALE dim |= THE COSY CORNER = DEVOTED PRINCIPALLY TO THE INTERESTS OF WOMEN ot ot —- ~4 This is a little section of the paper, which from day to day will be devoted to subjects of special interest to women. Any and all of the ladies of Prince Rupert Cosy Cerner’ will fill a social need. ES SMART, COOL LINEN AND | demand for blouses LACE SUIT Ls to be found on the fashionable hosie ry. For day wear, however, the stock- ings always in best taste which match the color of the gown. HARDWORKING HOME MAK- ERS are also Census List of Questions Class Them as ‘‘Unoccupied”’ It is time that the census forms which classify wives and mothers as unoccupied women, were chang- ed. Of all the people enumerated, there are very few whose work is more important, or who spend longer hours at their toil than these housewives’? Especially, per- haps, is this true in Canada. In other countries the wife of the ordinary mechanic or farmer can obtain assistance. Canadian wo- men as a rule, do their own work. Who, in fact, works harder, for LAND PURCHASE NOTICES | , ! , : sceens Land District —Distriet of Coast Range . | [ wrens potice tnat Alexander Melntosh of Van | C., occupation real estate broker | ouve, Bb | for permiasion to purchase the 4 intends 10 y : folowing dercnived lands ' Com 5 a post planted 40 chains south | ‘ from Une corner of Lot 986, thence 60 : chains 00% ce 40 chains west, thence 80 : chains 40 chains east to point of | 7 con ue: containing 820 acres more or less, 4 April 17, 1911 bund Apel i, SY \LEXANDER MeINTOSH Peb. May 6 i Skeena Land District —Distriet of Cassiar notice that 1, Percy Francis Godenrath occupation journalist intend to purchase the following nw a post planted on the right r about seven miles above t, thence south 60 chains, a, thence north 80 chains, theoce east 50 chains Lo point of commencement, cootaining 640 acres more or leas PEXCY FRANCIS GODENRATH Dated Mare 25, 1911. Frank Sidney Wright, Agt Pub, May 17 | a ae =e Eee Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar Take notice that i, Alfred Kyte of Prince Ru pr, b. C, cceupation electrician, intend t ‘ply for permuwion to purchase the followin Gecrived lands ‘ Commencing at a post planted about (3) three mie south of the forks of the White and Fiat mvern, thence 60 chains south, thence 80 chains , thence 50 chains north, thenes 80 chains ALFRED KYTE Francis 5. Preston, Agent ated April 18, 1911 Pub. May 18 . District of Casstar James Millar Johnston of yn storekeeper, intend to the following e Steena Land District dake notice that |, B » Cove purchase * plasted about one mile 1 and about nine mies r, thence north 50 thence south 60 at MILLAR JOHNSTON Frank Sidney Wright, Agt triet—-District of Canlar berte Edwin Badger of ton plumber, intend to purchase the following ing 41 & post planted about one mile miver and about seven miles a the Naas Kiver upstrwam, SV chains, thence east 80 chains, et ,» thence west 50 chains te encement, containing 640 scres District of Coast Range 5 1, Lienel Kingsley of Vancou- o miner, intend to apply hase the following described n to pure neing at & post planted near the south- o lot 982, Range 6, Coast District ’ thence south 60 chains, (hence north 60 chains to LIONEL KINGSLEY District of Coast Range 6 ‘iden 5. Detwiler of Berlin, ctor, intends to apply for ichase the following described mt. | Oceupatic Sato to pu ds: Commenei f cmnacing poet planted at the sotth- Ore Or lous pnt 2925, thence east 30 chains ) lene, ‘hence south 45 chains more or leas, jon “ine more or less, thence north pataials © OF less to point of commencement Dated Ads 140 acres more or leas. ' wana 81, #11 ELDON & DETWILER 15 John Campbell, Agent: ata Let 80 ot land Distriet—Digtriet of Coast, Range 5 hil, Mine that Mrs. L. CO. Putnam of St te tees occupation married weman : Pply for per urchase Cont Gescribed wa wis ™ olunencing at Lot No. | * post planted at the southwest / marked Mre. LO. Putnam's t © west 40 chains, thence hence east 40 chains, thence 320 een °° post of commencement, con d Maret : more or leas. DAs ll, MRS. L. C, PUTNAM & Geo. KR, Putnam Agen me Lane t nd District—Distriet of Coast Range 6 “oat 1, John Ivan Peters of P nee » CCCUpaton clerk, i © purchase the following dmecned Com, hall mie, st & post planted about three an sta, * south Westerly d rect on from Observatory Inlet where chains to en Taig. 640 acres ane Wi, OHN IVAN PETERS nee south 80 District of Coast Ra ° 1, Charles A. Vaughas’ of apply for Deriniae tPation merchant, intend nf ‘0 LO purchase the following rout planted on the sout River and about four =n with the Skeena Kiver, thence 2 4oht chine north, thence 80 chains south ntaining 649 seres mare or ia yi Apri 9g #11 CHARLES “A. VAUGHAN Sheen, 1 # Land Distrio woular e Boticg that 1, Swan He! of wart, praia oe earpen ter, intend Re i ; © purchase the following c ceenci ng at th and ® post plan: d Fig tient? tlle West Of the fork at ok yeniies ins tas ti thenee 50 chains south, thence 80 D8 went “ee 80 chains north, thence 80 a LAND PURCHASE NOTICE ~District of Cassiar ———————EEE Skeena Land District Take notices that 1, John Robert Pacey of Prince pert, BL. to ly for dewert bet lands: « Commencing at a post planted (2) two miles south and 2) two miles west of the forks of the White and Fiat rivers, thence south 60 chains, thenee east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 50 cha ns. Dated Apri 20,1911 JOHN ROBERT PACEY Pub. May 13. Franc s 5. Preston, Agen Skeena,Land District—District of Coast Range 6 Take notce that I, Martha Leek, of Frince Rupert, B. C., cecupat on marr ed woman lutenu to apply for permiasion to purchase the following described lands: Commeng@mg at a post planted about three and one-half miles distant in « southwesterly direction from « blind slough from Observatory inlet where the same touches the ind un Keserve, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 cha ns, thence west 5 chains, thence north 60 chans to point of com- mencement, conta n ng 640 acres more or less. Dated Apr | 14, 1911. MARTHA LEEK ub. May 14. Skeena Land District District of Cassiar Take notice that 1, John Unwin of Prince Rupert . C., cecupation laborer, intend to apply for a to purchase the following described lands: Ce at « post planted about (2) two miles south of the forks of the White and Fiat rivers, thence south 50 chains, thence east 50 chains, thence north &) chains, thence west 50 chains. Dated April 14, 1911. JOHN UNWIN Pub. May 14, rancis 5. Preston, Agent C., ceeupation cook, intend m to purchase the following Skeena Land District— District of Camiar Take notice that 1, Alfred Berryman Williams of Prince Rupert, b. C., cecupation merchant intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands Commenci: at & post planted about (2) two miles south of the forks of the White and Fiat tivers, thenee 50 chains south, thence 50 chains west, thence 60 chains north, thence 50 chains ALFRED BERRYMAN WILLIAMS Dated April 14, 1911. Francis 5. Preston, Agent Pub. May 15. Skeens Land District — District of Cassiar Take notice that 1, Charis Frederick Metcal ol Stewart, B. C., occupation freighter, intend to apply tor permission to purchase the following described lands. Commencing at 8 post planted on the right bank of the Naas river about six miles above the forks of the Naas river, thence south 50 chains, thence west 50 chains, thence north 50 chains, thence east 50 chains to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or jess. Dated March 26, 1911, CHARLES F. METCALF Pub. May 17. Frank Sidney Wright, Agent Skeena Land District—Distriet of Coast Take notice that I, William John Corley of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation rancher, intend wo for permission to purchase the fullowing described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southwest corner of Lot $068, Range 6, Coast District, thence south 20 chains, thence east 40 chains, thence forth 20 chains, thence west 40 chains tw point of commencement, containing 50 acres, more or lems. Dated April 68,1911. WILLIAM JOHN CORLEY Pub, April 29. Skeena Land District —District of Queen Charlotte lalands Take notice that George W. Arnott of Prince B. CC. vooupation real estate broker, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described Lands Commencing st « post planted about seven miles and one-half mile we and one mule south from the mouth of Stanly Creek, Naden Harbor, thence west 80 chains, thence south 5V chains, thence east 30 chains, thence north 50 chains. Dated Mareh 17, iil, GRO, W. ARNOTT Pub, April 22. Numa Demers, Agent Skeena Land District — District of Cassiar Take notice that 1, Alice M. Knouse of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation married women, intend to apply for jon to purchase the following desorbed leads: i Commencing at « lanted about two mi south and two eee the forks of White and Flat rivers, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence est 80 chai pit Dated April 20, 1911. ALICE M. KNOUS E Pub, May 15. Francis S. Preston, Agent Stikine Land District —Detriet of Cassiar Take notice that Sydney Hodgkinson af Tele era, Creek, B. C., occupation clerk, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described land: Commencing at post planted about ® quarter mile north east from Glacier Kite and on the east of Stikine River, thence east 20 obains thence north 40 chains, thence west 20 chains, thence south 40 chains to point of commencement and ova) 80 acres more or less. Dated Feb, 1 » WEL VDNEY HODGKINSON Pub. April C.A. Tervo, Agent LAND LEASE NOTICE keena Land District—District of Coast Tae notice that William Munford io Princ® B. C., oo jon prespeser, intends to a for pe to lease the folowing a st a post planted about 100 chains Comm Reserve on the east side of Gos i the fein side of the peninsula thence south 80 chains along shore, thence west 40 chains to Goose Bay, thence north along shore 80 chains, thence west 40 chains were or leas to more or less. Sad Mae Wk WILLIAM MUNFORD Pub. April 15. istrict—District of Coast Hume Babington of Prince master mariner, intends to lease the following Skeena Land D Take notice that Ly occupation or peri n lands: more or less. es, 1911 SWAN HALLEN Francis 8, Preston, Agent 1911, HUME BABINGTON Pubs Apel 16. — longer hours, at a greater variety of trades, or to more important and valuable purpose, than dee: the wife and mother in every family where the income is of | modest dimensions? Cook, house- maid, dressmaker, children’s nurse, | sick washer- |'woman, gardener, tailoress, and | carpenter by turns is the workmans or middle class man’s wife. Working-men who are fair mind- led admit that the wife often has sin |# harder and Songer day of toil jthan the husband; yet all such skirts. | Wi¥e* and also all other ‘female jrelative’’ working in the home, were entered in the census “unoccupied!” nurse, upholstress, The linen suits are usually attractive with their smart, short narrow The linen model illustrated today lace introduced in new coats and : as shows linen 2 most attractive way on both coat] Piquante Minced Beef Mince the remains of cold roast beef. Boil together for twen- lity minutes half a pint of vinegar, NOON TEA Will be all you can desire if you use..... RIDGWAY’S TEA WE AAVE IT; ALSO and skirt. The straps of linen on| ro the coat connect and take away the effect of patch~-| ing that would result if the under- the two sections | arm section was just a plain inset The kirt is in one piece |* and in habit-back The | AFTER double effect on collar and cuffs is The pale coral of lace. style. new and smart. color of the linen forms a pleasing | contrast to the linen-colored lace. The hat French model and developed in ecru straw, faced and is a trimmed with coral colored velvet. Peet . RIDGWAY’S COFFEE FETCHING FOOT GEAR so essential to a good breakfast Latest Fashions and Fancies | oceries for Dainty Feet at Picnic or) Dance. Fruits Vegetables Little belongings of dress ove|ldeal Provision House many, and if it is possible more | Third Ave., near Sixth St. Phone 190 ePRePaePae SESRESSESSESSES ESERIES SSIES SRE SES SESE SEES Stalker & Wells ee eoecoe > GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS —_———————— Oo 000 C0 OTEo Coe ero ecvesoesocso‘so ce e beceesee: SSS} 2nd Ave. and McBride .- Phone 187 C0 000 090 0000000004 two small onions, a bay leaf and bunch of herbs; add half a pint of brown stock, thicken with an ounce of butter worked into an ounce of flour, boil and strain, add the meat, letting it heat without boiling. Season with salt and garnish with toasted sippets, attention than ever is paid to footgear this season, Satin slippers and dull surah silk shoes and slippers are very smart. The low shoe is the model par excellence for summer use, for nothing else gives such an opportuaity for the display of dainty hosiery. It seems an extravagance put Irish crochet on stockings, yet this is what one finds on some of to Banana Cream Peel six bananas and pound to the new evening hosiery. Fine|a pulp with six ounces of castor spun silk in tones to match the} sugar. Whisk a teacupful of cream to a froth, add juice of a lemon and fruit pulp, soak half an ounce of gelatine in a cupful of cold water, add half a pint of boiling gown forms the stockings, which have the insteps inset with me- dallions of lrish erochet or elabor- ately embroidered by hand, nm +] The Great Flour are invited to contribute to its columns, and to take part in its discussions. Sug- } gestions and criticisms are invited by the editor. The hope is expressed that “The and vicinity. - ——________— Robin Hood f Greater Canada Your Desler Hes ft ITEMS OF.. SPORT During their stay at home, the Brooklyn Dodgers played five error less games in succession. ++ Manager Chance picked up a >a pes oes x pee £89 80 cep ese ce The Digby Rooms Located on Sixth Ave., near Fulton Three to five minutes from cen- tre of business district. Nine- teen newly furnished rooms. Hot and cold water, bath and telephone. Newly furnished. Under new management. INSPECTION - - INVITED PRES SESE SESE SAE ISLE PEELS) [SESESEIESE SESE SERIE MESES EE | FRED. > STORK j —General Hardware— t Builders’ Hardware Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves Graniteware Tinware ¢—?-—e—-e-o SECOND - AVENUE eeseoe We have a complete line of Lenses, Field Glasses, Min- eral Glasses, Compasses and Aneroid Barometers. oeoeee R. W. Cameron & Co. Official Watch Inspectors for the G.T. Cor. 6th St. and Second Avenue, PHONE 82 nearly cold, then whisk slowly into pulp and pour into mold. Fish in Custard Take two small haddocks, fillet- ed. Sprinkle each fillet with pep- per and salt, roll up and pack into a pie-dish. Beat one egg, add a gill of milk, pour over the fish, and let it bake three-quarters of an hour in a moderate oven. German Biscuits Rub four ounces of butter into eight flour, add four ounces of fine sugar and half a teaspoonful of ground cinnamon, make into a paste with one well- beaten egg. Roll out, not too thin, cut with round cutter, and bake in a moderate oven. When cool spread with jam aad stick ounces of two together. A NEW PUBLICATION Prince Rupert Realty Bulletin Makes Its Appearance On Saturday the Prince Rupert Realty Bulletin made its debut. It will be published monthly, by its editor, Mr. Jos. F. Swift, and in accordance with its announce- ment will devote itself to the real estate interests of Prince Rupert The initial number is a very reasonable one, and has many pictorial and magazine fea- tures. The Bulletin is welcomed into the family of Prince Rupert publications, INSERT YOUR LAND PURCHASE NOTICES IN THE The beaded effects so much in water, strain and set aside until NEWS Lots Block Section] Pitcher Koestner, with Cleveland 22, 28, 24, 2h 8 1 last season, is doing great work a a ; for the Portland team of the 4 35 1 Pacific coast league. 7,8 14 6 *+¢+¢ Billy Gilbert and Jack Warner, who used to star with the Mc- Graw Giants, are playing with GC R. NADEN COMPANY the Erie O. and P. team. Gilbert Limited. is manager of the Erie tossers. Second Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. 2 or rattling good player in Doyle, who is playing the third station for the Cubs. *+¢ Freddie Welsh and Matty Bald- win will meet in California the latter part of this month. ¢++¢ Fred Thompson, secretary of the Toronto Lacrosse club says that an effort wili be made to bring back Fitzgerald and Carter, who went west to play with Vancouver this year. also Lavelle from High River, Alberta; and possible West as well. The four mentioned have been wired for terms. ++¢ In a 20 mile race in New York the other day, I. Kohlimienan of Finland, finished ahead of Gusta Ljungstrom of Sweden, in 1:57:35. Jim Crowley of the Irish-American A. C., was third, and Trent of Colombus, Ohio, fourth. Henri St. Yves and Tom Longboat, the Canadian Indian, the only other starters, withdrew at the seventh and twelfth miles, respectively. +¢+¢ Before leaving for England Jack Johnson received a cablegram from Hugh MclIntosh offering a big guarantee for a 20-round bout with Bombadier Wells, the English champion. Johnson says he will agree to terms if there is enough money in sight. McIntosh thinks that Bombardier Wells can beat Johnson if he manages to stay away from the negro for five rounds. e+¢+¢ The well-known race horse, Lit- tle Joe, at one time holder of the Canadian 1-2 mile record, 1,04 1-4 to road wagon, dropped dead at the exhibition track. He j}was 18 years old. Little Joe had |just finished first in the Farnmers’ Double Weekly S.S. PRINCE GEORGE For Stewart, Sundays, 8.00 a.m. For Vancouver Victoria AND Seattle Mondays, at 8 a.m. ss. Prince Albert sails for Port Simp- son, Naas River Points, Masset, Naden Harbor, every Wednes- day, 1.00 p.m. and for: Refuge Bay, Skidegate, Queen Charlotte City, Loc eg Pa- cofi, Jedway, Ikeda Bay, Rose Harbor return via Charlotte City every Saturday, 1.00 p.m. The Grand Trunk Railway System ° connecting with trains from’ the Pacific coast operates a frequent and conven- ient service of luxurious trains over its double track route between Chicago, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Halifax, Portland, Boston, New York and Phila- delphia. Information and tickets ob- tainable from the office hereunder men- tioned. Trans-Atiantic bookings by all lines arranged. A. E. MCMASTER FREIGHT AND PASSENGER AGENT Canadian Pacific Railway Famous Princess Line s,5. Princess Royal —sails for— Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle Friday, June 16, at 9 a.m. J. G. McNab “ et CANADIAN 1 aa General Agent Rates and Tickets Tickets To All Points —BY ALL LINES— ROGERS’ Steamship and Railway Agency Second Ave. Phone 116 S.S. INLANDER .-- FOR... HAZELTON SUNDAY, JUNE 11th Take the fast light-draught steam- er Inlander for Hazelton, trot, winning two heats of the junfinished race held here Victoria |Day. He stepped his last half mile in 1.28. He was owned by Ed. Westgate. e*+¢ Now that the Chicago White Sox have left their home city for a few weeks’ time a change has been made in the make-up of the team. Rollit Zeider, the former Winnipeg star, is again playing at second base in Tounehill’s place. Zeider is described as one of the best base runners in the game todaym, and should be in the Law-Butler Building H. B. Rochester Agent W. L. BARKER Architect Second avenue and Third street Over Westenhaver Brus.’ Office. MUNRO & LAILEY Architects, Stork Building, Second Avenue. STUART & STEWART ACCOUNTANTS -;- AUDITORS Mhone No. 286 P.O. Box 361 Prince Rupert game for his offensive playing if for no other reason. +++ Roy Luck, the live bird champion shot of the world, is anxious to meet anyone at the traps with clay pigeons, although he is better Cc. V. BENNETT, B.A. of British Columbia of B.C., On' Sas- and Manitoba Bars. Cee ae Al- CARSS & BENNETT! BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Ec. Office— Exchange block, corner Third ovens and Sixth street. Prince Ruvert, at the winged ones. It is recorded than in a ten-bird live competition he obtained eight and won out. Better shooting than that made by Roy Luck seldom Nearly 93 per cent out of 200 is seen. WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., D. DS. DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. All dental skilfully treated. Gas and local anasthetics eet the painless ex- traction of teeth. Consultation free. Offices: Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert. birds, in a gale of wind and snow storm, and 96 per cent out of his last 100, from 21 and 22 yerdsa, has never been equalled in Can- ada, and places him in the first rank in the trap shooting world. Alex.M.Manson B.A., W.E. Williams, B.A.,L.L.D WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.C Among shooters he is known as name. *¢+¢ Rod Mackenzie sustained a seve- re loss last week when -Darley, a Billie Bounce, his Canadian-Indian | p, O, BOX 2 PRINCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, BSQ., A..A.M.,"LON., ENG six-year-old green pacer, died in Indianapolis of pneumonia. The price paid for this horse was a fancy one, although Havis James, who made the purchase, did not give out the figures. _The horse SIXTH STREET GEORGE LEEK MERCANTILE AGENCY COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS PRINCE RUPERT was bought in California only a few weeks ago when the string was shipped to Indianapolis. TRY THE ‘“‘NEWS’’ WANT AD. WAY OF FINDING Fruit ;: Produce : Feed WHOLESALE H. H. Morton 3rd Ave. Coe . punters A a ~ cf Mat an te ame