I Saturday, A -v.-!! PAOE TWO THE D.XLX NETS THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PUIXEN SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, ly mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance 5D0 Tat lesser periods, paid" in advance, per week 10c By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance tor yearly 'period .. By man to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Ins pire and United States, paid in advance, per year By mail to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per insertion, per word DAILY EDITION .02 CONTROL OF RADIO The Financial Post in its recent issue arruesAeainst4he PROTEST DEALINGS REMOVAL GOING ON Trades & Labor Council Asks That Lindbergh Kidnappiny Case Gets Winn Be Retailed as Head of rmnliratiTV7ipv-d T-a-o 25pwprnsitlon Board Groups Have Dealt With iV;3! j . Same Gang The Prince Rupert Trades & La- bor Oeunefl. at Its regular monthly NEW YORK. April 1 : It became meeting on Thursday night, went apparent yesterdav that the two 3X)0 on record as being emphatically op- separate groups of negotiators for posed to any more which might be the return of the kidnapped baby $600 :m wK1 a Tlew having E, S. H. 0f CoL and Mrs. Charles A. Und-9.00 'Winn removed a chairman of the .ergh were dealing with the same Workmen's Compensation Board, gang. fvuccess of JUs service, the -couricU tingsCol. Wndbeih,represen-, ' f lt that hie ramnvfl I wnnlH mwn a fAiA nirt tuinAA in Kill'- E5S&9ait Saturday April 16 l&32Lerlou5 lo8S Tns ttmey general to Itoe supposed a&tectors under ai 1 : : S win be oommunloBted with along pmmlse that the child weuld be re-1 ! there lines. turned which undertaking. how- Municipal and school affairs uere ever, was not ilved up to. j discussed at some length by toe At Norfolk Dma Paaooek and undertaking radio mettin but 00 decisions reached. government broadcasting as a state mnsinnlv .loi'mi'n.r mncf hncmoo tnV k.. un ! meeting observed one mm DEFECTS OF PRIVATE CONTROL The Congress in its memorandum to the government gays: "The worst defect of the existing broadcast rr nrrano-p. associates have been acting as me-d la tors for Col Lindbergh. ute's silence in honor of the mem- Both arsons claim to nave been ' Kuveiiiineni nave wwn iauures. tvnai me rest lailS tO,orvf the kite Jack Ratehfard. who m t.u.), ih. vMn,nr. rv note is that the government 1S the only authority that has died during the past month. Tri- Psacock announced yesterday that the power to collect tolls from the audience. Under recent i1"" pld Mr Rtehford in he was advise that the child was authority given them by Parliament they can collect tWDjremark8 rad a numbr of de 'till aBve and well dollars each from owners of radio receivers. If collected, nn . . wth . Lf' a conWerin a as it should be, this will provide a very considerable it2SSt uXS&. mATZ TZ'- come and the tax n receivers might well be increased if S.D. MacdonaW. the president was ttons for the return of the child, the government gives something in return. i5l the chair and there was a good Ithis step being considered advts-' The All-Canadian Congress of Labor has made repre-!Btt'ndanc ot de3egate- w prevent any farther fraud. : sentations to . the ...... government . in favor of a national svs-i . New neKoUtlons m m ! laat MlsvVit tn Ka ivAw man K ITKl tern, advocating that the tax be increased to four dollars, i "IS; c vZZL "rZSZ personal of which three and a half dollars should be expended on broadcasting and the other half dollar on improvement of reception conditions, PLACE OX WHOLE -COAST ladvisor of Col. Lindbersh. CoL jBreckenridge spent the night alone (Continued from "Pat;ei jat the home in New York of Dr. rCendon. supposedly to meet repre-Talktng further about the possi-1 j-entatives of ttw kidnappers-with bKUes Mr. Borbank said m -effect: j, view to having the child returned. Spring flowers are the ones I like New York police were still en-best because they bring a note of deavortng to trace one of the $20 brightness and color after the ra- bills from the Lindbereh ransom' ment is its relegation of an important 1 public utility to the , r ,OT8jn The money wh,ch m , J and daffodil well .f berelottv si.; .i i -crocus grow hnnir on Thirrtin i jHiiun i an agency to promote me saie ior prom 01 are effective. Tulips also do! other services and merchandise. Such value as is received Tery wen. ciadiusas can be planted by the public from broadcasting is as secondary in the'in tfae same ground between the, IU'TCPT'ITC minds of those who pay for it as the coupon in a packet of rtheT $unw make a t00 I Jiu 1 Es 1 1 V u cigarettes is to the tobacco manufacturer. So long as radio , I0i , 2r T?T?e . A broadcasting is a mere advertising medium, the adver-lJtlii trSing IS bound to OCCUpy a predominant position in all mux and secured "wonderful re-1 programs. The hours when most listeners are tuned in will ;Jiu. There ts no danger from be at the disposal of the advertisers with the greatest re-iIrwzln8 thCTe bul0S sources, and each advertiser will seek to attract attention wreciatedrven more by using his period for entertainment rather than for in- !j U'TTwaTS struction. During the evening hours, therefore, theisten-jthink about the spring." er has no choice except as between one kind of amuse-; Perennials, xir. Burbank did not ment and another. The educational possibilities of broad- j"cuss at any length as heconsid-casting are almost whollv neglected. The occasional ser-f1? ut5ft n thcm" ions program is broadcast in the unsalable hours, late atj'JgSSf'SJ night or in the morning, when feu- can benefit bed and the shorter ones near the "In Canada the disadvantage resulting from private tront and to give room tor niHng enterprise in radio broadcasting is coupled with that of m 'ttn nnuais. the inability of such private enterprise to provide effec- Dtecuin the armuais. vir. Bur-tive. competition with United States stations of greater, tLtS." range and more substantial endowment Canadian sta-;0i color a the time. Personally, he tions, in short, xrannot "keep up with the Joneses." The favored the scented flowers such as Royal Commission found this to be a matter of general stocks. They gave a variety of 1 a tt aaIa. A 1 11 11 complaint' CHURCH NOTICES ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Very Rev. 4. M. Gibson, Dean 8 A.M, Holy Communion 11 A.M, Morning Prayer and Sermon 12:30. Sunday School 7;30.PJJ, Evening Prayer and Sermon CHRISTIAN SCIENCE (Christian Science Society, Third SL, Besner Block) This Society Is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, AUw. Sunday morning service at 11 O'clock. Subject. "DOCTRINE OF ATONEMENT." Sunday School at 12:45. Testimonial meeting Wednesday aVo'pjn. Reading Room; Third Street. Besner Block, open on Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 5. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Kev. W. I). Grant Hc..fncuarlk, 15A. Organist, John E. Davey 11 AM, Sermon 8ubcct: "And the Doors Were Closed" 12:15, 'Sunday School igJSQ PJH, Sermon Subject: "HOW SHALL WE THINK OF i. 3. 3. r All 11 Jite we Justified In praying for bodily healing? How can we differentiate between human and divine healing? To what extent does faith play a part In the healing ot disease? You are Invited to unite with us In WORSHIP, FELLOWSIUP, SERVICE color, bloomed for a long time well Into the fall, withstood rain andi ' wind and gave off a wonderful per-' ' fume. Flowering Shrubs The flowering shrubs were also mentioned as being effective, snchj i as lilacs. They were hardy and 'beautiful. ! Quoting Luther Burbank. who. by ; the by. Is a diatant relaUve of M. A ithe importance of soil was stressed. Any soil should be so porous that rain and air eonld penetrate Hot-ten manure was very effective m bringing about this condition. New1 manure brought seeds which proved troublesome but once 4t had decomposed most of the seeds were destroyed. "Visitors who come here should go away visualizing flowers," con cluded Mr. Bin-bank. "The Lord put them on earth 'so that they could be enjoyed by rich and poor alike. My Wea ts to have o many that I have nlenty to irive away and still there are plenty in the garden to brighten and beautify the place." Mr. Burban puts his theories into practice at his own place. He Is away often for weeks at a time Just when he to needed In the garden but still he makes a good showing. BOTH ARE HEAD DIES William John Barns, President of International Atency, Passes In New York, NEW YORK. Aprtl 10: William John Burns, head of the International Detective Agency and noted United States criminologist, passed; away yesterday. Born at Baltimore on October 19, ' 1881, the late Mr. Burns was educated at public and parochial schools there, after which he took a business course. Fie took up investigatory work and ultimately became president of the William J. Burns International Detective Agency. He hafl offices in New York and Chicago. The late Mr. Burns, who was a! Republican and a Catholic, Is sur-! vrved by a widow. ' PIONEER OF WEST Samuel McKay. Indian Fighter and Buffalo Hunter, Passes Away at Calgary CALQARY. April 16:-Samueli McKay, noted buffalo hunter and Indian fighter, died at hU home here yesterday at an advanced age.' He was a schoolmate of Archbishop S. P. Matheson. former Primate oil Canada for the Anglican Church,' and knew Louis RJ and Sluing Bull personally In hte younger days he was hi charge of a Hudson Bay post In Manitoba. uod Fraser and Jerry Pott f tl.u city wtll sail on the Prlnct John tonight to py a visit tb Queen Charlotte City. ON.R, TRAINS Mondays. Wednesdays and Frl- - 3 p.m From the East Tuesdays, Thursdays ana Satur days "' ' io:40 niTI D1 A T17C I ,Jn : V . ' ' ! The Dally News can be fpoS NEW YORK, April 1 : -Both chased at- Former Governor A. E. Smith. 1028 t Post Office News Bland. 323 candidate, and J. W. Davis, stand- ! Oranville fit Vnnivpr. iaw bearer lor the party In 102V Karl Anderson. Prince were elected delegates yesterday to George. B.C. the Democratic convention this! R. W. Riley. Terraoe. B.C. isummer when a candidate for the; General Store, .Anyox. 132 campaign w be chosen. i Smlthers Drue Store, flmlth- The convention here passed a re-' ers. B.C. solution demanding repeal of the 4 Eighteenth Amendment. s 444 Lite Insurance at a LOW RATE Y)U can restore your depleted estate to its former value immediately by means of a Mutual Life of Canada Low Kate Life' Policy .. For example, a $10,000 ptJUy requires a yearly '. outhiy of only $182.10 of ttff 30, and thi amount btromes Uss each yvar at Jiri4rnJ are allotted. 1J preferred the diiidends may be used to increase the amount of insurance or left on deposit lrith the Company, at interest, and usnl to prepay future premiums. Life Insurance is (lie Unique Investment . there are No Shrinking Values ; Life iniurance is the only road that itill take You 4tnd Yours to guaranteed imlejtendcnce, because the uilttes of life insurance policies do not fluctitnte tdth changps in economic conditions. Recognizing the outstanding merits of life insurance as an investment, Business and Professional men and women, Laborers, Farmers, etc., are investing their funds in Mutual Life of Canada Low Rate Life, Endowment, Pension, Family Income and other tyjies -of policies. We frhall he pleased to tell you the cost of a Low Rate Life or other policy for any definite amount for yourself. Clip the coupon now and mail it to our Head Office for information or call our local office. Let the Klreiijif Ii of-the Mutual he your protection the MUTUAL LIFE Me-pTe tne further particulars of . r Vur Ixw Hate Life IVJicr. Q OF CANADA Ueail Officet WATERLOO, ONT. bublUhcxl 1869 1 am alto interested in the following type f tlicyt ,f Jit Ap. SPENDING TO SAVE . . THROUGH Advertising Not many of us, these days, are trouhled with so much money that wc cannot spend it. Rut wc arc interested in spending the money we have, to get the most out of it. One way and not a new way, either is to make a Imdgct. Put down, week hy week, the money that comes in. Put down he-side it, week hy week, the money that goes out. So much for food, so much for clothing, so much for rent. So much for giving, rind for luxuries. Where Advertising Helps It won't always he easy, of course, to stay within the budget. That's where advertising helps you. Advertisements in this newspaper tell you how much rugs, butter, breakfast foods, dishes, homes, automobiles will cost, More you go shopping 1 They point out ways to save money. They show you how to cut a Hllle here, a little there. And each dny, they tell about new inventions, new products, new ways of doing things, that help make this life of tmrs very much worth living! Lei the Daily News Classified Ads. work for you. vmatm.