3 fags rotrs 7KT. DAILY NlttVS Sat u i.i i r sii:riimri3iBiis.i!iiiiis'aiBa:i!!'i5RiTBi i ffrui bi iro i Bin iiufjiioi biei int mB,ifflwi maun btibi a ir bi 1 News of The Sport World SOFTBALL YESTERDAY Tijcrs Defeat Giants 8-6 in Uigh School League League Standing ' W. Falcons 2 Tigers 2 Giants 1 Pirates 0 Cubs 0 L. 0 0 1 2 2 Fine of $200 in Connection With Victoria Hospitals Club FINED AT BURNS LAKE P. 4 4 2 V 0 SWEEPSTAKE IS ILLEGAL! Magistrate George Jay Imposes; - VICTORIA, April 16: Operation of the Victoria Hospitals Club were declared by Magistrate George Jay In city police court yesterday to be an Illegal sweepstake venture and he convicted James I. Davidson, manager and organizer, Imposing a fine of $200 or one month's Imprisonment. - Davidson's counsel announced his Intention of appealing. Baseball Scores ;.vTacifie;Coast League 8rfcram1fhW.2,' PortiandjlO. Oakland 7, Seattle 8. Lbs Angeles. ;7, Hollywood 0.' San Francisco 3, Missions 3. Reuben Wallace Nelson has been fined $10, with option of three days' imprisonment, by Stipendiary Magistrate R. W. McOowan at Burns Lake for assaulting Edward Van Tine, divisional headquarters of provincial police here are advised. Both men belong to Ootsa Lake. They quarreled over throwing stones at cattle. Established 1119 LAMB'S RUM AGED, BLENDED AND MATURED AT THE LONDON DOCKS "Lamb's Fine Old Navy" I'KOOF OVEItFKOOF Old and Goodl Ask the British Navyl On sale at Liquor Vendors or direct from Government Liquor Control Mall Order Department, Victoria, B.C. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by tba Government of British British Columbia Senior and Intermediate Ball This Year is Planned by Meeting Baseball Association Last Night The Prince Rupert Baseball Association, at its general V 4 I I i X ) . A 1 i ? 1 J 1 ' 1 1 A I -1 1 myosieraajrs iwure-oi vne jugn meeiing lasc nignt, aeciaea io organize DOtn senior ana school Softball League the Tigers i intermediate leagues tins year with three teams in each Sfgamtby a -re ofYto 6 ! league. The plan is for each senior team to sponsor an in- The game started off evenly Nwith termediate team. Aid. George Kudderham, president, was the Tigers getting one run while , in the chair and there was a large attendance of local en- the Giant brought home two. The tnuslasts, about thirty in all, twenty. honors of the second Inning, how- of whom were prospective inter-ever, went to the Tigers who took ! mediate player:. An executive meet-the game into their hands by bring- j In be held on Monday at which ing home five runs. This lead was ; entries will be received for both held for the next two Innings as! leagues. It is expected that the the Giants only scored one run to Senior League teams will be spon-the two brought In by the Tigers, 'sored by the Elks, Sons of Canada In the fifth inning the Giants 'and Old Empress Hotel. Play Goes Off Well On Second Evening The second presentation of the two-act play 'The Laughing Cure" last night went off even better than the opening night. There was also a larger attendance. After the play, the Ladies' Aid served refreshments to all those participating In the social parlors of the church. The Australian Olympic Federation has announced a team of twelve to represent Australia In the Olympic Games at Los Angelch tnis summer. There are nine repre t DRAW rLAYCD IN SCOTTISH FINAL GLASGOW. April 16 G las- ow Rangers and Kilmarnock today played to a one-all draw made a heroic effort to equalize.' Of fleers for the year were elected ! in the final of the Scottish Several long hits brought them " follows: within grasp of the game. At lost. Honorary President, Mayor C. H. with only 2 more runs to make, the Orme. Giants were retired by the Tigers President, Aid. George Rndder-who finally got together. ham. Heavy hitting played the most First Vice-President, AW. S. D. prominent part In the game. The Macdonald. fielding cf both sides was good al- Second Vice-President. II. G. though the slackness of the Giants Kennedy. In the second cost them the game. Secretary-Treasurer. Joe Scott. . The teams were as follows: The executive will be the officers Titers W. Tobey p, GilMs lb. Me-1 and a represents Uv of each senior Rae 2b, Marshall 3b. R. Tobey Iss, team, the intermediate aJso ap-Morgan c, L. Wilson If, Emmelman i pointing one man. cf, MeLeod rss, Greer rf. Giants Smith p. Unger 3b, Blake lb, Forbes 2b, Dominate rss, Ktshi-moto Iss, Wingham c. Suehlro cf, Amey If, Peachy rf, Murdoch rf. Umpire K. Nakamoto. Base Umpire J. Welle. Scorekeeper D. qhrlstlson. Reporter R. Allen. : Cup at Hampden Park before a ! crowd of 10006 people. The replay will take place next Wednesday. WILL PROBE SWEEPSTAKE British Government Not Satisfied With Affairs of Irish Hospitals Lottery LONDON, April 16: The government is planning the appointment of a Royal Commission to investigate affairs of the Irish Hospitals Sweepstake, It was revealed yesterday. It Is stated that Great Britain put $45,000,000 into this sweepstake during a year and got only $20,000,-000 back. Inches separated Frank Wykofi and B.-b Kiesel Hefti. California track stars at the finish of a recent 100-yard dash. Wykoff will not compete in the 220 Olym pic dash, to the disappointment of many fans. SPORT NOTES Gray, N.8.W.. cycling: E. Scarf, N S.W., heavyweight wrestler; J. 8. W. Eve will act as manager of the team. sentatives or New south Wale. I Whether the girls and men will twr fnm Victoria and one from travel on the same boat has yet to Tasmania. Tne team is composed be determined. On arrival in Lo. or: Abore Charlton, N.S.W.. swim-1 Anml th m n mri m!nor 40n nnri 1 fW rwAtroa Jr ,bJ it r1 . i imm i ..tf i ......e, w. .v. "w-s. k wto uijmpc vtuage woim-im Ryan. RS.W.; swimming, 400 and,Blrls wltf ao to-the UnlvftrMtfeao 1J00 metres: Miss Claire Dennotf Southern California. ' A rlgicToi. N.S.W.. swimming, breast stroke; ympie rule forbids the mingling of iMiss Bonnie Mealln. N. 8. W.,tsexes during the names. The selec-; swimming back stroke; Miss Fran-; tion announced by the federation ces Bolt. Vic, swimming, tree final, conditional only on medi- Olympic Hostess PJ 1 Miss Vuvj::.i Neiun. Los Angeles so lety girl, will play hoctcss t. visiting women Dimple stars 6he is shown with the official Olympic games insignia. PHILLIES IN LEAD In Exclusive Possession of National League Supremacy Athletics Defeat Yankees PHILADELPHIA. April 16: Jimmy Fbxx and Mickey Co chrane had slammed out home runs earlier cb the game. Al Sim mons in the ninth inning drove in the run which enabled Philadelphia Athletics to defeat the New York Yankees yesterday and thus even up honors In their first series. For the Yankees, Lou Gehrig scored a home ran with Babe Ruth on first. The aos-re was 9 to 8. Chicago White Sox defeated St. Louis Browns 4 to 3 In a 13-inning battle Washington Senators made In three straight win over Boston Red Sox by a score of 2 to nothing to retain the league leadership. The PliUliea took sole possession of National League supremacy by taking another victory from New York Oiantt 7 to 6. With the excep tion of the Phillies, at the top, and the Giants, in the cellar, all National League teems are now tied with 50D percentage in the standing as a result of yesterday's play. Yesterday's scores: American League Washington 2, Boston 0. Cleveland 2, Detroit 3. New York 8. Philadelphia 9. Chicago 4, St Louis 3. National League Bostan 2, Brooklyn 8. Chicago 8, Cincinnati 2. Philadelphia 7, New York 6. Pittsburg 0, 8t. Louis 7. Baseball Standings 1. I Clevmnd St. TOuta Boston Amerlcan'Lrague Washington Chicago .... Detroit New York .. trhUadiiphu W. 3 ....'.'.3 2 1 .....1 styie sprmts; Alex J. Hlllhouse, eni examinations. The athletes Philadelphia 2 Vic, dlftrn-e runner: Georeaold-,were chosen from a vast number Boston .. .1 ong. Nfl.W.. 400 metre, flat and , representing all parte of the com-, St. Louis 2 ihurdles races; William Barwlck .monwealth. only those conceded Cincinnati 2 ,Tas, distance runner; Miss Eileen 'to have a good chance of winning Chicago 2 .Weame, NJ3.W., sprinter; H. R. belne chosen. If a member of the .Pittftbiirv ' -rr 2 uoDDyj pearce. NJ3W (at pre- team drops i sent In Canada), sculler; Duncan j substitute. 1 National League W. out. there will be no Brooklyn 1 J New York 0 L. 0 1 1 1 1 . 2' 3 3 Pet. 1.000 .750 .667 00 33 1250 D00 Pet. 1J000 .500, ioo; 00 i iOO ...500 .500 .600 Old Country Soccer; ENGLISH LEAGUE First Division I Arsenal 3Shef field l Wednesday JL Birmingham 3, Liverpool i. Blackburn 'Rovers,' HtfdderWleld" Town 0. Blackpool 0, Bolton Wanderers 3. Derby County 3, Aston Villa I. Everton 6, West HamUntted 1. Manchester City 1, Chelsea 1. Portsmouth 6, Newcastle United 0. , . . i 8heffleM United 2, Middles' brough 1. Sunderland 2, OrbnsbyTown 0. West Bromwich Albion i, Leices ter City 2. SCOTTISH LEAGUE First TtivisUn Dundee United 0, HamUton Aca demicals 5. Hearts 2, Queens Park 0. Leith Athletic 1. Clyde 4. Motherwell 3. Cowdenbeath 0. ENGLISH LEAGUE Second Division Barnsley u, Burnley 1. Bradford City 3. Tottenham Hotspurs 0. Bristol City 0, Stoke City 0. Bury 1. Wolverhampton Wanderers 0. Leeds United i, Nottingham Forest. 1. Mlllwali 1, Manchester United I. Notts county 1, Preston iiorthend 1 Oldham Athletic 1, Charlton Ath letic 0. 2. Plymouth Argyle t, Southampton Portvale 1. Bradford S. Swansea Town 1, Chesterfield 1. SCOTTISH LEAGUE Second Division Alloa 2, Arbroath 0. Armadale 3. Albion Rovers 2. Dumbarton 3, East Fife 2. Dunfermline Athletic 1. Hlbern-ins 1. East Stirling 1, Stenhousemulr 1. Ralth Rovers 2, Queen of South 0. St. Bernards 4, Kings Park 0. St. Johnston 4, Montrose V. TELL THE ITOrLE "Tell 'em quick and tell 'em often. Explain to folks plainly and sincerely what you have to selL Keep everlastingly com- big at them. Advertising Is pretty much like shovelling a furnace. Once you stop stok- Ing. the fire goes ( out."--Wm. Wrlgley Jr. (tf) PIPE TESTED by a GARAGE OWNER 10j, m and IH package ' Im in yi'pounil humidor tin When Friends ..Drop In After a couple of hours of "Auction" ,, tract" . . . complete an enjoyable even in light repast of sandwiches, crackers, eh,,. PHOENIX LAGER. k PHOENIX LAGER is sparkling, healthful. It is so easy to serve, ami m, n ft a Is late evening beverage because it tion and induces calm repuse. mil IIUl Tin :vtrUMrn nl is nut ulli-lw( it tl i - r ' (H l,Uuor ( out rut Hoard or the (tvrmni'i.; H l.'oluHlbt. H Best Remedy for Colds ana Flu I This advertisement is not published uiypu o control Board r by the i.overnmi-nr oi Krnib v cu ' .i After buying un.I u.lng Turret pip tl,cr for some time, I believe that I in qualified to pan jii(!Kmnit on its merits. After opening package after package of this tobacco, I )lWay flIM U f Illlform ,Illan,v, cool, fragrant ami long burning. I am convinced afu-r trying many brnmU, that Turret pipe tobacco stilts my tuto belter than any other. I like OUr l,alf-,H,un.l humidor tlns-enougl, tobacco for a wraith of enjoyment and always In g,Ml condition." TURRET A good, cool smoke Turr.t In. out jor th0t0 PIPE OBACGO Pipe tested ho roll their