tttnrdty. April 16, 1932 WHY BUY FOUR-DAY OLD MILK? BETTER frice 50 MILK Good BoyI Tali lu- food doesnl disturb ton n t.M smiles st you out of bis bif blue e w. Yuu'd lve him anyway, but you lovt bun more when he k a good boy. Bab 's Own Tablets hlp cMWftfl to be guodby keeping them H your child has t cold, fever, no -tilt irt to ted tongue, be t prfebly CoMipitfd Don't wait (or a terlou flfeest to foBuw. Get Biby'i Own Tablet today Don't ever be without thtaa. TVy arr the ideal Illative fer tbO-dtrn. :s cent) a package at any druggbtV BABY'S OWN TABLETS (Dr. Williams') . For Children of All Agos c a box k DARE TREAT- 9- I illi FOR LESS MONEY 1'nrc Natural Milk From Our Own Cows ' 100 Percent Government Tested Grade A Dairy Inspection Milked and Delivered to Your Home Same Day 9 Qts. for .'...$1.00 14 Pts. for $1.00 This Price Positively Cash Tickets PMNCE RUPERT DAIRY Phone 787 DOMINION DAIRY - Phone Red G08 MAY CALL OFF TRIP 'resident Hoover Advised to Stay in Washlnston This Summer ther Than Go to California WASHINOTON. D.C.. April 16:-President Herbert lloover is being urged by hu political advisors, in view uf the election campaign this year, to forego plans he has made lor a tup to his home state of California this summer. President Hoover has been Intending to attend the opening of the Olympic Games' in Los Angeles and then pay a visit to his home at Palo Alto. The president has not been west i since he entered the White House. SUSPENDS DEMPSEY Manas Mauler Will Not Be Allowed to Bos in State of Mississippi VICKSBURO. Miss.. AprU 16 -Thc Mississippi But Boxing Commission yesterday suspended Jack Dempsey, former world's heavyweight boxing champion, from all boxing in this state. The suspension was the outcome of a bout in No-ember 1930. in which Dempsey was interested as a promoter, following which he left a number o) bills unpaid. The order of suspension it is be !leved will apply in 41 states allle with the NaUonal Boxing Sorry To See Night Coming She Could Not Sleep Mrs. K. MeElroy, KirkfieW, Oat, write: " I was very nervous aJxl run down, waa abort of breath, and had smothering Mints, sad was sorry to see night coming as I could not tie down or go toalerp. I was advised to um Milbum't Heart and Nem Pilla. I took seven boxen and am now completely relieved; can sleep fin all niht, and have gained in weight" . ""' t H tm( tni BnJ Horn, ar ni1od dirH lipt y Tka T. Ufov LUi Toronto, OdI. -ALWAYS MBS SAWi The most economical saws to use Simonda Canada Saw Co. L imited, St. Ileml ii. and Acorn Ave. Vancouver, B.C. MONTHfcAL S(. John, N.B. LOCAL ITEMS Grotto Taxi. Phone 456. Twenty percent, oft all me week only. Demers. Ml: ble Messenger. .tf dresses ,84 Phone ,131. Day or Night. Stand Besner Block. tf The great war has come to a close. The Fleet Barber Shop came out with a 100 epr cent, victory, thanks to all our forces. , W.H Tobey, CNJt. divisional superintendent, returned to the city on this morning's train from a trip to the interior as far as Smithers on official duties. CHILD need REGULATING? CASTORIA WILL DO ITI When your child needs regulating, remember this: the organs of babies and children are delicate. Little bowels must be gently urged never forced. Thai's why Castoria is used by. so many doctors and mothers. It is specially made for children's ailments; contain no harsh, harmful drugs, no narcotics. You can safely give it to young infants for colic pains. Yet it it an equally effective regulator for ukler children. The next time your child has a little cold or fever, ir a digestive upset, give him the help of Castoria, the children's own remedy. Genuine Castoria always has the name: CASTORIA Ginger Ale Plant At Los Angeles Is Now Being Erected LOS ANfiELES. AprU 16: -Con struction of a new plant for Canada Dry ginger ale in the central manufacturing district here has been commenced. It i to be completed by Juljil and,' meantime, several hundred men will be given Kasaan Cannery Cook Found Safe Charlie Wong Was Marooned in Southeastern Alaska After Taking Refuge KASAAN Alaska. April 16: Mourned In a bay on an island near here after his skiff had drifted away when he had sought shel ter from a storm, Charlie Wong, cannery cook here, was found safe the worse for his experience Queen Hatchery 36 W. Cordova St. Vancouver,, B.C. Baby Chicks. Queen Quality Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock, of high egg production. Catalogue free. QUEEN HATCHERY 36 W. Cordova St, Vancouver Income Tax Returns Dominion returns must filed by 30th April bi (ItOIttiE ROKIE & CO. Accountants and Auditors 21.1 Second Ave. W. Phone 387 THE DAILY NET78 PAOB THRZ2 Monday Special RHUBARB C per lb. JC Munro Bros. JTTT Save your T (inn.) spare, plants for tin Ridley Home Bazaar Reserve your seat now at Ormt's for Prince Rupert Singers April 2C 89 Miss Dupuls of Haysport sailed this morning on the Cardena for a trip to Vancouver. Frank L. Hogan of Porcher Is land cannery sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver. Anglican Cathedral Spring Sale, Tuesday, April 19. Fancy work, ap rons, home-cooking, candy and plants. H. W. Chamber1 of Inverness cannery is paying a week-end bus iness visit to town, having arrived from the Skeena River on this morning's train. B. E Morgan, manager of th? Blllmor Spruce Mills Ltd. sawmill at Porpoise Harbor, arrived In the city thl? morning for a week-end visit to town. Championship Badminton Pre mier vs. Prince Rupert, Auditorium, Tuesday, April 9, at 7 p.m., dance at 9:30. Balagno's Orchestra. 3t Louis Martin, Terrace hotel pro prietor, arrived In the city on this morning's train from the Interior for a brief business visit to town Mr. Martin was formerly manager of the Central Hotel here. The Sale that making the dollar" famous afcain. Never In r the history of Prince Rupert the dollar worked so hard, as at the Dollar Store's Removal Sale. .1 W Union steamer Cardena, Capt ton est Oeorgeeen, delayed by hav ing heavy freight to discharge at cannery points along the coast. arrived In port at ??15tns morn ing from the south and sailed ibout an hour later1 on her return to Vancouver and waypointt. Let us all go yachting again next Sunday and make it a point to have your finishing line at the fleet Cafe where we will Indulge oi a hearty chicken dinner, only 50c. Stewed chicken 40c. The) skipper of the Commodore was in last Sunday and seemed quite pleased. Rt. Rev. E. M. Bcnoz, D.D., OM L, Roman Catholic Church Bishop of Northern British Columbia, will be leaving the city some time next month to attend the Eucharistl? Congress to be held In Dublin, Ireland. While away, ' His Lordship will also visit Rome and other points In Europe. Soviet Is Regarded Seriously By Japan . TOKYO. April 16: How seriously Japan regards the Soviet threat around the Manchurtsn frontier was indicated vesteWay when It was announced by the navy department that additional warships had been dispatched to Kamchatka Peninsula waters in anticipation of 1 yesterday after a three-day search Soviet aggression against Japanese bv coastguard vessels. He was little fishing interests there ASM ELECTOR'S lmMiitrt of t-'tirelcn TiMugr Sl:inii Vi rt u ji-iir "Whiu Ua-. rw ivmc Service. Cbllcttnr' Acoe?rlca. Pri.'; ft Ftro. Wf Hiy Stampa and Cnl leetloiu iO I Orpliriim Wits. 731 (Intitfllle M. Vhmnuter. (IiiiihiIj, Announcements Anglican Cathedral Spring Sals April 19. (Prince Rupert Singers Capitol Theatre. vw. , Elks' Dance. April "22, April Ridley Home Hasaar May 5. Three Plays. Presbyterian Church May 5th and 6th. Legion Band Concert May 13. 87 Spring May 19. Sale, St. Peters Church II , li. :: , .1 PORTLAND, Ore.. April 16: The nasdlstrict attorney announced yes terday that he would move for dismissal of bribery charges against Mayor George L. Baker of this city. It was Intimated, however, that charges of misfeasance In office against the mayor would be proceeded with. " VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER, April 16: Wheat was quoted at 61 Vic on the local exchange today. "THESE HARD TIMES" "The hard times and scarcity of money makes it more important than ever to economize. One way I save on clothes is by renewing the color of faded or out-of-style dresses, coats, stockings, and underwear. For dyeing, or tinting. I always use Diamond Dyes. They are the most economical ones by far because they never fail to produce results that make you proud. Why, things look brtttr than new when redyed with Diamond Dyes. They never spot, atreak, or run. They go on smoothly and evenly, when in the hands of even a ten year old child. Another thing. Diamond Dyes never take the life out of cloth or leave it limp as some dyes do. They deserve to be called 'the world's finest dyesP " S.B.G., Quebec Hotel Arrival New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot ii Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PER DAY AND UP J Zarelll Telephone tSl A. Mickelsen, city. MI-LADY . Beauty Shoppe Kotcx Special, 10c Permanent Wave $5.00 Ladies' Hair Cut . . 33c Children's Hair Cut 25o Phone 655 COAL! COAL! Satisfaction guaranteed with our Famous Edson Alberta & Bulkley Valley Coal; No. 1 Bulkley Valley Timothy Hay, Wheat, Oats & Barley. Pratts Baby Chick Food, Seeds & Fertiliser. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONE 58 & 558 jQuality has WASHINGTON, D.C., AprU 16: Richard Whitney, president of the Xew York Stock Exchange, told the Senate finance committee yester day that, if the plan to Impose a one-quarter of one percent stock transfer tax was put Into effect, It might reduce business to such an extent as to force the New York Stock Exchange to close which, in turn, might mean a financial panic and national disaster. Mr. Whitney feared such a tax would be destructive in its effects. He was willing to accept a tax of 4c per share as an emergency measure, this being double the present rate. Bribery Charges Against Portland Mayor Dropped no substitute LEVY IS OPPOSED New Stock Transfer Tax Might Mean Closing of New York Exchange, Says Whitney WE Our New I' I 8 qfs 1 mm 'nesnrvm we qaruens BELIEVE That you will buy more At Reduced Prices rices Going Into Effect April 15th, 11)32 Cash Price (only) . or 14 pts. for $1.00 VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 H. S. OLSEN EUROPEAN EXFERT WATCHMAKER Five years' apprenticeship at the Royal Danish Watchmaker School at Copenhagen, then 12 years abroad working in the big cities of Europe. All Mail Orders Promptly Attended to. Prices Reasonable. TERRACE, BRITISH COLUMBIA RUPERT MOTORS Garage and Service Station Distributors of DODGE AND PLYMOUTH CARS DODGE COMMERCIAL VEHICLES Phone 566 Phone (Night Calls 161) UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMlTEh Meameri leate Pilnee Koprrt f u' Vnruurr: r.H..vrAT.iL EVERT Tl'ESDAV. IJO IVM. Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver, Thursday p m. T.S.S. V.AKKENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight approx. Weekly Ulngt to Port 8Unpaon, Alice Am Anyox, Stewart and Naaa River points. Sunday, 9 p.m. "irrtwr information regarding all aaUlnga and ticket at -PRINO' R I' PERT AGENCY: hrrond Avenue. Phon SfiS ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A DRY SHED Delivered Dry to Your Bin. You are assurrd in setting full weiht JASPER WILDI-TRE EGO Per Ton, $12.50; Cash Price $11.50 IASPEK WILDFIRE LUMP Per Ton, $13.50: Cash Price .. 1W0 PEMMINA EGG Reg. Price, S12J50; Cash Price 11 JO These Coals are from Alberta. Dry Jack Pine and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 aSBBXXXBE3S! -ifnitffcs Quick Relief for Coughs and Colds AT the first warning sneeze or sniffle take BUCKLEY'S. A sip two or three times a day held in the mouth and swallowed slowly will stop the cold right at the onset, and save you days or weeks of racking cough or maybe wone aa attack of bronchitis or pneumonia. Get a bottle today at any drug store. Protect yourself, U4 Ach UW a Rata A SINGLE tit PROVES ITI OVER 4,000,000 BOTTLES SOLD