:4r Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides Sunday, April 17, 1932 High 10:40 a.m. 19:0 ft. Prince Rupert Overcast, calm; 23:11 p.m. 19:9 ft. barometer, 29.64; temperature, 50; Low 4:31 a.m. 7:1 It. sea smooth. 16:55 pm. 4:7 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUM UIAS NEWSPAPER Vol, XXIII., No. 89. WCMSLEVATOR UNDER DISCUSSION COMMISSION TO INVESTIGATE FINANCES OF PROVINCE Olof Hanson Asks Minister of Trade and Commerce Intentions Regarding Local Grain House Hopc of More Satisfactory Grain Movement Seems Justi fjed Wheat Pool Has Not Applied For New Lease OTTAWA, April 16:- Hope of a more satisfactory grain movement through Prince Rupert seems justified, according to Olof Hanson, who asked a question in the House yesterday of the minister of trade and commerce, Hon. H. H. Stevens, about the elevator there. Mr. Hanson informed the House that the elevator was leased to the Aihci ta Wheat Pool and that. dur- Uig 1926 and 1927, 7,000.000 bushels df main went through that elevator in 1928 and 1929 about the siiiic umount. In 1930 and 1931 Ok re was one cargo and in 1932 w la; there has been no cargo. He said he understood the lease of the pool apired In a short time and he wanted to know If the government intended to rc-lease the elevator to thr Alberta Pool, which used It ontr us Morenuute. I Mr 8tevenpolnte4 ut -tMHTltf thr present time, trie elevator was full of grain, ownd by the pool, but it whs not moving owing to difficult c onditions In the world market-. The elevator, he said, was a very modern one, the rate was low, he freight rates low and everything that the country could do had been done for the movement of grain through that port. The lease expires next year.' ronduded Mr. Steven, "and. when that Ume comes, the government " will have to decide whether to renew the lease. If so desired, or to make a new lease with other parlies. No application so far has been received from the Alberta Pool for' renewal of their lease." ASKS FIVE-DAY WEEK President Herbert Hoover Discloses Administration's Economy Plans to Congress WASHINGTON. D.C.. April 16: Unless a five-day week policy Is "I'lpted In the civil service of the United States, It may be necessary discharge between five and ten thousand employees of the government, President Herbert Hoover ''Id Congress yesterday in speaking 1 administration economy plans. On the other hand. If the five-day week is put intoffect, It will probably be possible to take on some 3.000 additional employees, nt the I sme time effecting a saving In the 1 public service of between $75,000 ! WW and $80,000,000. VANCOUVER ; FISH PRICE Buyers Pay i2c and 5c For Spring Salmon and 5c and 3c For Halibut VANCOUVER, April 16: The Loyal II sold 6,000 pounds of spring "almon here yosterday, 12c and 10c being paid for reds and 5c for white. The Rap I landed 9.300 pounds of halibut and was oald 5.4c. 5.2c and 3c. The Dorlo received 5c and 3c for, 5,300 pounds. on Plant STIMS0N IN PARIS United States Secretary of State and Premier Tardieu Talk Disarmament PARIS. April 16: Secretary of gUtcs Henry L. Stimson of thy U) tfntf$ states and Premier Anure Tardieu of France were in conference yesterday and are repor-ted to have made definite progress at a cordial session towards an agreement on the subject of disarmament. A proposal of Secretary Slim-son on disarmament by zones whereby certain regions or continents would be permitted forms of armaments suitable to their peculiar requirements was discussed. Secretary Stimson, who landed at Le Havre in the morning, arrived here later in the day and was given a great reception. r.itiTisii rtunoET COMING TUESDAY LONDON, April 16. nt. Hon. Neville Chamberlain. Chancel- lor of the Exchequer, will pre- sent his budget to the House of Commons next week, pos- sibly on Tuesday. Optimism still pervades the British . peo ILL pie and it is considered possiDie that some reductions in taxa- Hons may be announced. Bip; Robbery In Dallas Friday llank Messenger Held Up By High wayman and Relieved of $38,000 In Currency DALLAS, Texas, April 18:-John F. McCormack, a bank messenger. was held up In the rear of the Fe- deral Reserve Bank here yesterday and robbed of $38,000 In currency. Silver Prices LONDON. April 16: Bar silver was selling at 16 11-16 pence here yesterday. NEW YORK, April 16 : The price of silver In the local market yesterday was 28 '4c. Halibut Landings Margaret I, 6,000, refused 5c and 2c, holding over Cape Spencer, 7,000, holding over., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1932 MANY HURT AUCKLAND Jhurch Burned During Disturbance Yesterday Number of Com- j munists Arcrstcd j AUCKLAND. N.Z., April 16-. Three hundred injured as a result of unemployed riots In this city dur ing the past couple of days were reported to be in hospitals last night. During the riots a church took fire and was badly damaged, the unemployed being blamed for start' Ing the conflagration. Windows of shops In Queen Street, the rtty's , main thoroughfare, were .smashed but there was no looting. Stones used by the rioters are be lieved by the polite ttt have been brought 4ntA4JA.ciiy indicating OiaTwie dUturbane'eif were preme ditated. A number of Communists have een arrested. Rupert Should Be Place on Whole Coast if the Residents Would Grow Flowers Local Expert Urges Hcautification of City By Means of J Gardens So That It Would Be Talk of All Visitors ''Prince Rupert could be made the prettiest place on the coast from early sprin by all visitors, if peop declared M. A. Burban CITY BARBER put SHOPS TO RE REDUCE PRICES Citv barbers, oers, at a meetlne last nlght.Jleclded. on account nf the deoression. to reduce the chargi for ladies' and men's hairuttlng from 75c to 50c and for children (except of High School age) from 50c 35c.vThew$rtewtll be- come effective In all city shops today. Prettiest ? until late in the tail, talked about e would only grow more flowers," k, divisional engineer of thee Cana dian National Railways, in an interview given the Daily News just before he left for the interior yesterday. He en- Uused over the possibilities here" and over the advantage accruing p o the city from united action on hartilOUake lYl he part of the citizens toward ( jeeutifylng the city. The gardens; ihould Mr. Burbank thinks, be so1 seautiful that visitors would carry; twmy with them a mental picture ol their beauties Instead of remembering some of the ugly buildings, un-palnted shacks or crude sidewalks r streets. i (Continued on Page Two ) BUILDING BLOWN UP Eight Men jiilled 'n Disaster at Columbus, Ohio Probing Circumstances COLUMRCS. Ohio, April 1C: Investigation, is continuing into the circumstances of an explosion on Thursday which virtually destroyed th new state office building here nbich was just about completed at a cost of $8,-000,003, eight men being killed and 40 workers injured. The circumstances pointed to the fact that the building was bombed although the Investigators have not yet announced their findings. 4 Santiago, Cuba SANTIAGO, Cuba. April 16: -No extensive damage was done early yesterday morning In a violent earthquake shock which drove resi dents of the city out of their homes into the streets. Vancouver Members Deserting Tolmie Ship; Walkem Out and Dick Expected to Quit Soon VANCOUVER, April lG:-George A. Walkem, M. L. A. for Vancouver, announced today that he will not sit again as member of the Legislature although he will not send in his resignation until late enough in the year to avoid, the necessity of holding a by-election. , "After eight consecutive years I feel that I would like a rest from provincial politics and hence my decision," Mr. Walkem said. Co-incident with this announcement, it was stated in party circles that William Dick, another Vancouver member, is Also on the point of retiring. Mr. Dick refused to confirm or denthe statement for a little while yet. Non-Political Committee To Look Into Fiscal Affairs Of British Columbia, Announced Aviation Flag The new British civil aviation flag is hoisted on an air liner at Croydon It consists of the cross of St. George with the Union Jack in the corner. THIRTY-FIVE MORE CARS OF GRAIN ARE DELIVERED TO FORT The last of 35 additional cars of grain which have been delivered during the past week to the Alberta Wheat Pool's lo- cal elevator arrived on this morning's mixed train from the east. The local house Is now full to capacity. CONFESSION LOOKED FOR Lieut. Massie Expected to Make Clean Breast of "Murder Killing" Clarence Darrow 111 HONOLULU. April 16: Owing to Ithe illness with gastritis of ciar- mce Darrow. chief defense attorney, who was confined to his bed with physicians attending him. there was no session of the "honor murder" trial yesterday. It was expected that Lieut. Thomas H. Massie, one of the four defendants, would have coniessea vesterdav that It was he and he 1'ilone who killed the young Hawaiian who is alleged to have assaultec ; Mrs.' Massie. The trial will be resumed on Mon day providing parrow Is sufficiently recovered. It was announced by the presiding Judge. Unemployed men have been making from $5 to $50 per day holding ... line at the Court nlaces piacw In m the w.c IHouse for persons anxious to near the trial. There was considerable: j, mnr,w .rniiirt-hA spectators yesterday when the trial i failed to convene. Government Consents to Plan Following Interview With Delegation of Businessmen Yesterday Probe Is to Be Complete and Thorough VICTORIA, April 16: A complete survey of the financial structure and internal economy of the financial administration of British Columbia will be made by a non-partizan voluntary committee 6f prominent businessmen of the province. The committee will be set up without cost o the government and will operate along lines similar to ihe May commission In Great Bri Three Officials In Stockholm Are Arrested Friday STOCKHOLM. Sweden. Arirtl 18: -Three officials of the company of which the late Otto Krueger, who a,m 5C"lce DPa'es. Tn? tommlttee. wJU, consist of committed. suicide- a. month-. or so x core Kldd- Austin Taylor and A-ted ago In Pans, was head wire arres- yesterday on charges of falsifl- H- Douglas of Vancouver, W. L. cation of the company's books. Pound and Dollar NEW YORK, April 16: The Bri- at!?11 Preralet ffofcltej Ba4e j it tkh txmnd sterling was nuoted $3.86 V on the local foreign ex change yesterday. The : dollar was selling at 90c. TAX RICH' SHE URGES Miss Agnes McPhall, Lady Member, Speaks on Budget Bennett and King to be Heard Next Week OTTAWA, April 16: "Collect the: taxes where the money is," urged Miss Agnes McPhall, only woman member of the House of Commons, j in speaking yesterday In the budget debate. She urged the government to place the burden of taxation on the rich and voiced her objection to inheritance of large amounts of money. The budget debate has been going along quietly this week but 12 expected to liven up early next wee when Premier R. B. Bennett and Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenile King, leader of the-Opposition, are both billed to speak. Portland Mans Body is Found Corpse Floating in Elliot Bay at Seattle Identified as That of James L. Ford , SEATTLE, April 16: A body vhich was found yesterday in Elliot Bay was Identified through papers in the clothing as being that of James L. Ford of Portland, Ore. WEATHER REPORT Dead Tree Point Overcast, light southeast wind; barometer, 29.58; temncroture. 45: light swell. Triple Island-Overcast, .,m.f t,t,f light northerly wind: sea smooth. Langara Island Overcast, light j easterly wind; light swell. PRICE: FIVE CENTS tain, the findings of which led to the formation of the National Gov-srnment last year. Premier S. F. Tolmle announced ast night that the government had '.ccepted a suggestion for such a survey which had been submitted earlier In the day by a delegation representing Vancouver and Vlc- torla Industrialists, business men mac&ui oi ununwacK ana u. w. Mayhew of Victoria. Announcing the readiness of the government to Jacllitatet In iSvery way a nonlltlcal .anactimplte clear that the eovernment was nnt responsibilities nor was it binding Itself in any way to accept In full or In part any recommendations that might be made. The Premier had explained to the delegation earlier In the day that. In the final analysis, the government, as representing the majority of the people, was responsible for the finances of the province and could not delegate Its authority or Its responsibility to anyone. DUST STORM ON PRAIRIE Southern Saskatchewan Hard Hit Following Drought Roads and Railways Piled High REGINA, April 16:-Centerlng iround this city, a violent dust itorm visited Southern Saskatchewan yesterday. Big drifts swept over highways and railway lines to a depth In some places as great as two feet. Trucks were stalled In the roads and railway traffic was Interfered with In some instances. Coming on the eve of seeding, the storm hit the farmers badly. Prior to the storm, the land had been suffering for lack of moisture. MORATORIUM FOR BALKAN'S PLANNED GENEVA. April 16: The fl- nance committee of the League of Nations yesterday discus- sed the financial posiUon of Oreece, Hungary. Bulgaria and Austria all of which countries ' are in a sorry plight so far as public finances are concerned. The principle of a complete moratorium for a year for Oreece and Hungary and a partial moratorium for Bui- garla and Austria was agreed upon.