r 3 PAQESTS THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, April , , When You CAN'T QUIT Fatigue is the signal lo rest. Obey it if you can. When you can't, keep cool and carry-on in contort, Aspirin was meant for just such times, for it insures your comfort Freedom from those pains that nag at nerves and wear you down. One tablet will block that threatening headache while it is still just a threat. Take two or three tablets when you've caught a cold, and that's usually the end of it. Carry Aspirin tablets when you travel. Have some at home and keep some at the office. Like an efficient secretary, they will often "save the day" and spare you many uncomfortable, unproductivehours. Aspirin is harmless, so keep it handy, keep it in mind, and use it No man of affairs can afford to ignore the score and more of uses explained in the promt directions. From a grumbling tooth to those rheumatic pains which seem almost to bend the bones, Aspirin tablets are ready with quirk relief and always work. Neuralgia. Neuritis. Any nagging, needless pain. Get the genuine tablets, stamped with the Bayer cross. They are of perfect purity, absolute uniformity, and have the same action every time. Why experiment with imitations costing a few cents less? The saving is too little. There is too much at stake. But there is economy in the purchase of genuine Aspirin tablets in the large bottles. ' The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Siorage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. A NEW THRILL that COMES BUCKINGHAM TREATED WITH ULTRA-VIOLET RAYS NO COUPONS ALL QUALITY QQtV I WATERFRONT WHIFFS Landings of Halibut For Week Fairly Heavy Spring Salmon Moving in Freely 3Iigra-tion of Seals is Now on A total of 506,200 pounds of halibut was landed at Prince Rupert during the week ending yesterday, this total including 345,200 pounds of American fish and 161,000 I pounds of Canadian. The week's business boosted landings -for the season up to and including yesterday to 2,191,950 j pounds of which American vessels had brought in 1,241,- I4W pounds and Canadian, 90,550 I pounds. I The heavy week's ' landings, of course, had the effect 01 forcing prices down again. The top bid of the week for Canadian fish was 5.6c and 3.5c which the Ternen was paid for 3,500 pounds while the low price of the week was 5c and 2c which numerous boats received. For American fish the high price was 7.3c and 3c which the Eureka received for 5,000 pounds and the low 5c and 3c which several boats received. Capt. Ben Severson was in port yesterday morning from the Por-cher Island trolling grounds, bringing in 1600 pounds of spring salmon which, sold at 10c ror red fish and 2c for white to the Booth Fisheries Impelled by the homing instinct, the most valuable seal herds in the world have begun their annual migration from the balmy waters of the tropics to the Pribllof Islands in Bering Sea. The glossy-coated mammals travel several thousands of miles under the protection of the Canadian and United States gov- ernments to their northern ren-iczvous, where many of them are killed each year under supervised methods, that their fur may satis-1 fy the demands of fashion. Since; the governments took over control 1 of the seals in 1910, the herds have Increased from 132,000 members to 1,125,000. The kill this year will be between 55,000 and 60,000. Only a certain portion of the three-year- old males are killed. Before the herds slide Into the sea to return to warmer dimes for the winter, 300 Aleuts "cut out" the allotted num ber, of young bachelors for their; skins. On their trek of more than 3,000 miles northward, United States Coast Guard cutters accom pany the seals, to guard against pelagic hunting. But the mammals have one gauntlet to run. along the Washington Coast. Indians of cer tain Washington State tribes re serve by an old treaty with the government, the right to kill the seals while they are In the open Pacific. Putting out in their native boats, the Indians mav nw nnlv I their spears, the primitive weapon of their ancestors. Modern guns and motor boats are prohibited. They have averaged as many as 2,000 kills during a run. After the seals pass the Washington coast, they again are in safe waters, for Cana dian boats escort them to the coast of Alaska. Doc Clapperton, popular member of the Government Wharf staff. has not been feeling so fit as usual these last few weeks. However, he has been able to turn out for most nf fliA 'PrlnnAM" hnari anH th i v Q h wee va at mb w a a aw rvWVi By the time the football season rolls I I rvi atu d Eagles' Dance Very Enjoyable Two Hundred Persons Present at Affair Last Nijcht In Aerie Hall A very -enjoyable daffodil dance was held last nignt by the Eagles' Lodge In the Aerie Hall, a crowd of some 200 persons being in attendance to enjdy the affair. Dancing continued from D:30 pjn. to 2 ajn. with splendid, music by Charlie 134-lagno's Venetian Orchestra. At midnight delicious refreshments were served. Frank Fitsgerald was master of ceremonies and James Brown presided at the door. Fraser Canyon Highway Opens Traffic Resumes on Southern Highway Following Repairs to Spuzzum Bridge VANCOUVER, April 16: -The Fraser Canyon Highway has been fin. ,rln ,,nhln P,ln,. Rnrvr . T. WaillC lOHOWinS re- has been enjoying the last few days 1 J? ST. It havlnir a nmnrierfnl trml,. offwt """""""" JSiuajr. iuau In fairly goodthape. is around, we have no doubt that Doc - will have been restored to his nor- son at Prince Rupert on April 13 mal health and exuberance. Mean- wne.n he came In with 500 pounds time, his many friends are wishing tnm the trollers In the nelghbor- mm an cany ana lmmeaiaie recov- hood of Stevens Island, ery from his ills. Back From Fatrol Halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert for February this Corp. A. W. Stone returned to year aggregated 226,450 pounds of port on Thursday afternoon with which 90,500 pounds was from Am-the provincial police boat P. M. L. 4 erlean vessels and 130,050 pounds alter a rour-day patrol trip as far from Canadian boats, according to down the coast as Butedale. On a bulletin issued by the United! Thursday the P. M. L. 4 made a States Bureau of Fisheries. For the speedy run up from Lowe Inlet In whole coast the grand total for this , seven hours and five minutes. The February was 878.611 nounds as P. M. L. 4 Is regularly stationed In against 65.589 pounds in the same the Rivers Inlet district but she month last year. The American to- j has been here tor the past couple tal was 724.461 pounds In February ' of months and has lately been re- this year a.s compared with 62,589 ! lleving the local boat P. M. L. 8 pounds In February 1931 while the which Is at present at the dry dock Canadian total for the month this! for,mlnot repairs,. jyear was 154.150 pounds In com- ''' ' ! parlson with 3,000 pounds'. Landings Xcacarcxcjstahllp.fuc.buycijl American fish at Alaska nort; has been engaged In hand logging for this February totalled 278.701 during the past winter' a t' Lowe Irt- pb'und5"ln comparison with 42,939 let. He has about finished his log- pounds in the same month last year, glng work for the season and is ex- Vancouver landings were 17,000 pected here shortly preparatory to pounds this February whereas taking up a fisheries patrol char- there were none last year. Vancou-ter for the summer -with his gas- ver Island received no halibut this boat Flying Spur. February whereas there was 1.000 pounds In that month last year. At Capt. John Clausen, well known Seattle landings this February Prince-Rupert salmon packer. Ian- amounted to 35500. pounds as ded his first load of fish of the sea- against 19,660 pounds last year. i 1 i vv en ivcaiiier t If you want folks to know about a new thingtnajig just have a pretty girl get into the picture. This is a new reamer for reboring oil wells. i DRESSLER PICTURE Canadian Character Actress Has Firm Vehicle in "Ema at ' Capitol Theatre The highly popular Canadian character actress, Marie Dressier, is the dominating star In the week end feature picture "Emma" at the Capitol Theatre here. The authors and producers of "Emma" nave concocted a story with a goodly amount of pathos, comedy and drama and the tale serves as ex cellent material for Miss Dresslcr's personality and for her unusual comic and dramatic ability. Although It Is largely a Marie Dressier monologue, the supporting cast is splendid. The picture is clever and entertaining throughout. Miss Dressier is always popular with Prince Rupert audiences and Emma" may be fairly described as onr f the finest of many pictures in which the veteran star has ever appeared. PROGRAM JS FINE Versatile Vocal Recital to Be Pre sented Next Wednesday By Prince Rupert Singers One of the most versatile programs local vocal talent ever offered to the music-loving public of Prince Rupert will be that to be presented on Wednesday of next week in the Capitol Theatre by the Prince Rupert Singers, under the able direction of II. N. Brocklesby. The recital is being presented under the auspices of the Prince Ru pert Gyro Club and the proceeds will be entirely used for relief Mixed choruses by the entire party numbering 34 voices in all. male choruses and ladies' choruses will feature the program. Considerable ingenuity has been exercised by the director In his selection of numbers and some popular features are being Introduced. On the program for the mixed chorus, besides the more or less conventional choral numbers, spirituals and folk songs are to be offered. Elgar's "Challenge of Trior" and Bridge's "Inchcape Rock" will be among the outstanding of the full choral offerings. which will total 11 items. There will be six male choruses and these will Include some rousing sea chanties and Interesting novelties. A brief humorous interlude has also been arranged. Notable numbers among four or five ladles' choruses will Include Elgar's "Snow." trio with dual violin obltgato. and Cadman's "Indian Mountain Song." Charles P. Balagno, well known! local concert pianist, will be the accompanist for the evening. Assisting artists In instrumental numbers and novelty dances 1 i OTVUMBsw sun li n 1 mmm 13 i nrtij In box or tube. BecauM it does positively relieve the itch ing almost at toon at applied and effects a healthful healing of the slun.Dr Chase's Ointment it a most tatufactory treat ment for Ecma, Hemorrhoid! or Piles and all Irritations of the skin. Fifty years of success. Generators from $4.5Q New Guaranteed Batteries $7.95 Lighting Plants Quoted on Application VANCOUVER AUTO WRECKING CO. 1219 Clranville St, Vancouver s t is 1 Laugh and Forget YourjTroublcs with "SUPREME" Hrand ii Fresh Roasted Fragrance and Flavor rriuay & Saturday 1111 VO SHOWS MIIIIVN - 7 T and i. . . a I 1 Feature Starts at 7 50 & .. SATURDAY MATINEE at Feature Starts 3:20 15c 4. ! MARIE DRESSLER s i- pour Slar Hit "Emma" Willi Robert Cromwell, Jean Ilcrsnolt, Myrna I.oy. The Ow.i Canadian star at her best. Recently winner of the Hollywood award Comedy LAUREL & HARDY in "HIXl'MATI'S" . Scenic "GEM OF THE ROCKIES (JASPER PAKRY' Screen Song "THE RUSSIAN LULLABY" MERTO NtWs g DONT MISS THIS liKrt.MI l'KUUKAM MONDAY & TUESDAY ".MURDER nY THE CLOCK1' n k. ia i i l ai iu a 1 u i,diiiniii - m .m urn h,u . m a f. j VlBABl B3 BXBJKi UBIBIB rBA K; Bl Bl M BIB" BIB'S; B5B' fl 3-1.1 j I New Things For The Babies A HEALTHFUL SELECTION OF Babies' Coats, and Sweater Coats Hats, Tarns, Bonnets and Dresses Has Just Arrived CALL IN AND SEE THEM CAPITOL BABY SH0PPE m (Mrs. Anna Johnscn) BCBTBiBIBIBf BJiaiBLEJBnirirBriEE' Brm.Q' E.BIB' I I III FRESH ROASTED IT IS DATED FRESH ROASTED We chooe our green coffee from the highest standards. The final decisions are always based just tW same as yours are n FRAGRANCE and SOLI) ONLY IN ONE-POUND AIR-TKUIT CARTONS A POUND FREE WITH EVERY TUN COUPONS Stewart & Mobley, Ltd. Coffee Importers & Rnanters Prince Rupert, B.C. oout without a collar 9 No man of good appearance porn out without a collar. nor tlot' he no about "lilt lnly, tinpollahcd shoes. . IVrMiiuil pride sujikc8'8 a frciirnt "Nugget" shine lo keep the thors smartly prmruluhlo and wutcr proof. SHOE IjliC NU00ET TIN 0)D with a llrijl 11