... v, April 18, 1532 ' 4 Thousands of People Read The Advertisements on This Page Every Day RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE,, REAL ESTATE, ETC., THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT Hi. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS For rrnt, for sale and all other small advertisements in this section charted at the rate of 2 cents a word per Insertion with six insertions for the price of four. 'By the month the charge Is 25c a word. No advertisement taken for less than 50c. FOIt SALE : ALE Cheap. Moffat Elec-K uige: lour rings and oven. ;:. Dally News Office. 91 sl.E 18-foot speed boat, (lass shape. Also lO-horse-oray engine. Apply Box u.iily Nsws, tf 1 1 rur for sale. Sacrifice price. Blue oil -93 sk lor sale. Attractive price, i i, h aving town. Phone Blue ) 93! (.l,U)I()I.AS AND DAHLIAS a.. it i UH GLADS. 100, assorted ,T, s. only $2.50; 50 for $1.50; v. FDl: ( i i is 12 assorted $3.00; 6, $1 , , i , stpuld. O. Dodds, Sorrento, .-ALE I No. 20 Morrison j i iilt.ir Tractor with sum- ml winter trousers. Pnu-i, new. price reasonable. Ap-i) B. Utterstrom, Kitwanga. Hi 91 I'HiAl Chevrolet Six. good tires ..tod upholstery and paint J 1 1 Ti t mechanical condltlor. !:: S450: 1089 Fort Cabriolet ts i m SVi; 1927 Pontlac. Snap, v:t. many others. Terms. Openi mRs. Kalen Motors Ltl, v Rupert. Phone 42. FARM FOR RALE ; ! J0 acres, good location. ;5 outh Burns Lake. Best of Darn with hayloft. Chicken Two shacks. Oood -well of -. Have grown all gart.en ) and grains. Part fence, i main road; Close to two s. taxes low; clear tltl. i i 500 Apply W. E. Fun-.1 1'nnce Rupert, B.C. i FOR RENT iviu t ,tx. m ,i m i-i i oodini 3-room suite. Palmer A.unmeiiu. PheneRed44. U " , , t')K KENT Heated Apartment, i hi nom.s and bath. Kitchen !m lushed, 22S Second Avenue i Hi KENT --Cottage, newly reno- I., it,,:, "I 3 bedrooms, fullv modem. no ranKe Dybhavn & Han-, SO HELP WANTED ; MN upwards of $25 weekly. " mushrooms for us, In " :l" ind sheds. Begin now. 11-' ''"l booklet free .Canadian M"-:ir.m Co., Toronto. MALE HELP WANTED '-X)iaET-Opportunltle tn ; 'miudlan Civil Seivice The v- ' Kensington Bldg., Win- BOOKLET How to earn ,n" with a Kindergarten s : i at home. vrhe Canadian Kl marten Institute, Kensing. 1: '"''K., Winnipeg. LAMl CT il Intention to Apply to l.eHe 1 a Chaflotte DtotrM TjdmU Re-lm'iict of Prtikoe Rupert. an4i 1 Iront ot pan of Blook B. '"i of Lot 3. Queen Charlotte. M"l 948, TownaMe of Qrahani ' " "W-e that we. Imperial Oil,' ' vanoouvw. B.C.. oocuTJatioa " ."iimtara, mtemU to a4pty tor u' "i the following decrttd ""fx-lnn t noat flanked U Ki rv ;"i ol the N.W. corner r thei o, thene aeuthweatwardly 3 'liwvie Mutheartwarcny o 'h-uo-. northcuttwardlv 3 "' !ii'iic nnrihw-jii.ufa.nllv Sallow -hora Una at HW.M. lo point '"""luement and ooi.Udnlnf. IU re or leJta. IMfLNIAL' OIL tJMITED, Pr II. T. Oolll-on, Aenfe ' Pni S, 111.13 Why no Bet the best ln- Shoe Repairs lor the same price? louis siiinin 318 'Sixth Street CIHROI'RACTIC W. C. Aspinall Three Year Graduate Chiropractic Modern Itay Treatments Riven Phone for Appointment Green 241 and 549 open Evenings 6 Exchange Bile. TRANSFERS j - . . . , CAMERON'S Transfer Phone 177 i for Dry Birch, Cedar and Jack, Pine. tt and R. Transfer. Wood for sale and prices reasonable. Phone ; Green 009 SALVAGE & TOWING j "If It's on oi under the water r do It" Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped for Diving and Oeneral Salvage Work Agtnls for LAST II 01" K ENGINES boats and Scows of all -dessrlrt-tlons for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire UAIKiALNS IN OAs ENGINbs Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Uravel in any quantity delivered anywhere by water Phone Day or Nlcht 564 P.O. Box I5C4 LAMl ACT v. Noltrr- l lnttntionato apnlj to lav In Quen Cbartottc Idtne DUtrl:t bMMl hMordtng DUtrlct oi Prtnae Ru-1 pert, ttio lttMt or U Southrrl; prt ol Uogart Uliiul. Ptrry PMgc iui. tjrtBQ tbc furohure Mljolnlnc the irc-ItOMl WNt baU oi the fractional South-aat uaarter of Lot 874, Queen ar-, lutle laland Dlatricl. Take notice that the Home OU Dia irlbutora Limited of Vancouver. .BrilUit iXMlunuia. inwim corse-ration nsenoa to applv xer a leaae ot rfce fotluwlns deMUtbFd lands:-- r Sf t'on., Wrst jyjj ttif Traetlonal 8outii-eat quarter of Lot . Queen Charlotte Ii- uiairict; vnence ouuiu uk sup hi iia&a more or 4ea lo low water mark: Ihennr foUovlni low ater mark In a South- wealrrly direction M chaUM more or lew to a point South of the South-west cor-1 ...tiao! south-eaat quarter ot Lot i H4: ihente North one chain more, LuSTSi ,etewttMi4 bewMtary of Uie saM Lot 674, 20 cbalna more or lea to point of oora ieaeint nl convMnrig two (Jl mare nr lesa T1IE HOME Oil. DISTRIBUTORS uiuirco. jy Theodore Nelwn Le Pae. Aftnt Oated IVbnmry 7Ui. ma. Steamship Sailings For Vancouvri Tuesday . Catala .... 1:30 p.m. Thursday-. Pr. George 10 p.m. Frlday-ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 p.m. Ss. Cardena midnight April 3 ss. Prln. Norah p.ra. April 13 ss. Prln. Norah p m. April 24 ss. Prln. Norah p m. from Vancouver-Sunday ss. Catala pm. Wed. ss. Pr. Oeorge 10:30 a.m. Friday ss. Cardena p m. Ss. Princess Adelaide p.m. April 9 ss. Prln. Norah ajn. Manure For Sale No Straw, '$2.00 Per Yard Casey Cartage Fuel Co., Phone 303 The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping and Oeneral Furniture Repairs List your goods with tne GEO. J. DAWES Phone Black 128 AUCTIONEER List you goods with us Prince Rupert's leading Auctioneer. G. M. HUNT 3rd Ave. Phone Red C37 PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 Painting and Paperhanging By Day or Contract Charges Reasonable J. P. MOM.ER Phone Red 802 - Guide to Correspondents The Dally News welcomes correspondence on live topics of the day or any other sub Ject of public Interest, but let ters -must be brief And to the point. The long'Wtnded correspondent has, no place In modern Journalism. Every .letter must be -signed by the writer, not necessarily for publication but as a mat tor of good faith and courtesy. All unsigned documents go to the waste paper "basket Letters of a caustic character must have the signature appended for publication. Letter should be written on one side of the paper only. Correspondents must avoid personalities and the language should be such as would be allowed In the ordinary rules ot debate. All fcl A.rfVlklY ir . , Of" STDPPiwxS 111 .,T Ho.VS. I 1 My VUT II "TILLIE THE TOILER" CM SOISBV VOU VMCISB LATB, MAC ro much HATHee. VOO'O CJOME" OUT Manure For Sale S2.00 a Yard. Delivered Phone: Red 608 THE MARKET Prices current on the local retail market today are as follows: l Butter Fancy cartoned, lb ...... iNo. 1 Creamery. 3 lbs. I Flour Flour, 49's, Norl hard wheat .40 1.00 1X0 .50 rastry i-iour, iu ids. Fish Smoked Kippers, lb Salmon fresh lb Halibut Haiibut. lb id. E B.C. Fresh Pulleta, doz ;B.C. Fresh Firsts, doz ,B.C. F?esh Extras, doz. Local, new laid, aor, Meats Fowl, No. l,(ltk- - l Roasting Chicken, Ib Ham. sliced, first grade I Cottage Hoik, lb. Ilam. picnic, first grade, lb. j Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .. jPork shoulder, lb. 'pork, loin, lb Pork, leg, lb Pork, dry salt, lb. Ayrshire Bacon, lb Veal, fhoulder, ib Veal loin, lb Beef, pot roast, lb Beef, boiling, lb., 10c to Beef, roast, prime rib, lb Lamb, shoulder, lb Beef, steak, lb. 25c to .. Lamb, leg, lb. Lamb chops, lb 25c to j Mutton, shoulder, lb. ! Vegetables I Potatoes. 12-15 Jbs . sack, SUO to New Potatoes, Xexas, lb B.C. Beets, bulk, a lbs Asparagus, lb Parsley, bunch - California Celery, head Sptnach, Cal., lb. Garlic, lrrrnorted. per lb Cabbage, green .. Calif. Head Lettuce, head 10c to Mexican Field Tomatoes, J&c to Cal. Cauliflower. 2oc to Sweet Potatoes, lb Onions, lb itsuiK Turnips, io ids - Carrots, 6 lbs Cal. New Carrots, bunch Parsnips, lb. j Leeks, bunch I Hothouse Cucumbers, each .. j Apples i Delicious, fancy box Newtons, fancy, box Newtons, C grade, box Winesaps, "fancy, box .Wlnesaps, C grade, box ) Fruits Valencia Oranges, doz 25c to , Lemons. California, large (Grapefruit, California, 5c to Grapefruit, Florida, 12 Vic to .... Bananas, 2 lbs. Rhubarb, hothouse, lb . Dried Fruits Extracted Honey, per Jar . Comb Hone Dates, bulk, lb, 8c to , Lemon and Orange Peel Black Cooking JFlgs, lb Currants, lb . 35 15 23 .12V4 IB Citron Peel White Figs. lb. Apples, dried ............. Peaches, peeled . . Apricots, lb Prunes, 60-70, lb. Prunes, 30-40, lb. Prunes, 40-50, lb. . Raisins, Cal. seedless. 2 lbs Sugar White, 100 lbs Yellow, 100 lbs. feed Wheat, No. 3 Alberta Wheat, Bulkley Valley No. 5 Alberta Oats Bran Shorts ' Middlings Barley fcaylng Mash Ovster Shell . -- ' ttroimrt nil CuVrt Fine -Oat Chops - .15 Crushed Oats - .25 Fine Barley Chop 15 lard Pure Pure, lb lb. 13c 13c to to .201 nuts .21 'Almonds, shelled Valenclas ' 2i California soft shelled Walnuts Walnuts, broken snelled . Walnuts, slielled halves 30 .35 35 20 .11) .35 j 15 1 22 20 2b SO 15 55 .15, 2l 20 j J20 .30 j 30, on 20 .15 2S: 1.60 and 15 2j 2b 10 2h 15 40 .05 .12 .30 J35 10, .Ofi; .23 'N' ii 25 lb 05 j .08 j .25 3.10 ,19 2.90 2.80 2.00 230 .C-i j 35 1 10 i 20 ! 35 j Ill I the 25 i Phone 30' 98 15 20 R.C., 20 20 10 15 12V 35 5.50 5.00 An Inspiration JPeanuts -.. 1351 Cheese 1.751 Ontario solids, new lb, ,. 1.C5J Ontario Solids, mature. To. 1.75jtilton, lb i.5$! 2.turcs. lb - 1.61lEdam. Jb 2.0(JfRoquefort, 3b i.7ojOorgon5!ola. Ib 2.651 l0i 2.81 The fbllowme Is the scale Tuesday ..12:30 noon x)ri Ik1.". - . . I've eoriT r kL mizszt-rat 1 I I S3 AIL I W l ' " IN.- 1 " f ' ' - v - VA .n it l 1 (JO! "J liNU 1 TWV ' " 1 V aaiaI tiXt . . 71. N iMa I'M ooiua .in VtRESi-T.hfi wees -,-. vtT tit i (wi A,a ii I . . a. .r. a. .Ate w . a-i . 1 m I a I ME mLi-JMr-wr- , ". " -4 f day 135 of eharges made fop Teami? Thursday .. 9 pjn,' 4 For Vancouver -w - ....10:40 a ijaottccfc Triday . . li p.ny 130 j Marriage and Engagement 4 April 3. 13 and 4 pjnj j announcement $2. From Vancoaver- is, IS5 Birth Notices 50c. Sunday pm: . Wednwrf ..loaomm j a Mim iH rwAjm .. Cards I ThafllES. 10 Funeral Flownt 10c 35 mfflp 35 .4 .15 MailSckduIi .-25 zit 3S CLOSES XT TOSt OFFICE: -s For the East-Monday, A Wednesday and jw Mi From the Exst ' Saturday, Tuesday and Thurs 4Tiaay pjn. jr . April 9, 20 and 30 am, aJr-ir f-wart and Anyoi A Sunday ; 8 pjn. The Daily News The paper that Northern and Central British Columbia people look to to keep them informed world news and the problems peculiar to the north. The Only A, B. C paper north of Vancouver west of Edmonton. The Daily News goes into all the- TOWNS AND VILLAGES MINING CAMPS LUMBER CAMPS PAPER MILLS FARMING CENTRES FISHING CAMPS ucdnecday ......2 By Westover- I MVTH It is the paper that is read by the fishermen, miners, workers and operators throughout a dis-trict twice as large as the three Maritime' Provinces of the east. When a person wishes a message to go to the people of Northern and Central British Columbia there is only one way of sending ity and that is through the columns of the Daily News. The future is full of hope. The Daily News is making plans to keep pace with the progress of country. No one can afford to be without it. The cost is small. Delivered by Carrier, in Prince Rupert, per week, 10c. Mailed to any address in Northern or Central $3 a year. Mailed to points in Canada, Britain or United States, $6 a year. FrH J PJHj