rr. it'l If Stationery Office Supplies r it Toys unans Hooks Radios Sewing Machines IcKAE BROS., LTI). Y FLEET ON PACIFIC Ll Stales Says It Has No Slf licancc In Retard to China and Japan :;:r;r..T ON. D.C.. March 2: ourtmcnt denies that t- n i-Japanese crisis Li T warships have been ;:rc for manoeuvres, tSHINGTON "i v; Ur r a HAS SLIDES (til Conditions Following Spell Wirm Weather Several Are Killed v; M i n il Z: Two per und five were mis , :m avalanche at 1 near North Bend. drath list as a re- ither during the f 14. v.: rf killed by a snow- "i Seattle's new i i ' on the Skagit believed to have ' 'he river. in the mountains by unusual condl-uiden warm wea-; Railway traffic Is "-d -l T uses in the lower pai'dlzed and numcr-he Cascade Moun- vacuated In fear hp town there was n the streets and j destroyed. x end bridge were r i highway and 'rail-l - Paralysed Dam- ' minted would run f dollars, t ins and high tern- -ttle promise of Im- uro m a very dan- n as the flood wa "f slides on the lln uem trains art now ' i Vancouver, Wash iiikr.' Railway Is run i tracks of the Nor via Kennewltk and ;1 'liming of Its own OCAL ITEMS 1 M. E:rl returned to the Prince George thli ''m a brief business trip JV"1 1 ( t Dowthcr. who has 1 buying trip to Vancou ;1 J o the city from the ''it- Trlnce 'George this Tuhi'V. CN.R. divisional "'"'n' returned to the 1,11 Prince GeoiEe thi 1: m a brief trip to Van- 'iip.son. city treasurer. r,t the cltv on tho Prlnp hi morning from Conrnd. ' hcre he was called a " opks as a witness in a '-use. Queen Hatchery 1 30 W. Cordova St. Vancouver, B.C. Baby Chicks. Queen Quality Leghorn. Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock, of high egg production. Catalogue free. QUEEN HATCHERY 36 W. Cordova St., Vancouver DIED HERE LASTNIGHT William Mclver, Superintendent of Elevator, Succumbs After Critical Illness William Mclver. for five years ir1ntiflwi with tho AlWta WhMl tif a large portion of Pool., Prlnce Rupert eievator lhci 1 ''" Navy " the Pa" last four years as superintendent r any significance so --a 9n , n-in i.t i ssvj srtj u v wiiv in CKUUi; Bk his home. 1107 Park Avenue, where he had lain critically 111 for the last month, his recovery having been despaired of during the past two or three weeks. The victim of heart trouble, he was 46 years of age. Born at North-Tolsta, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, Scotland, the late Mr. Mclver had been a resident of Canada for over twenty years. He came here five years ago from Fort Wil liam, Ont., where he had lived for 14 years and where, before coming west, he was foreman of the government elevator. For the first year here he was foreman of the local house, assuming the position of su perintendent In succession to Jo seph Bennett, when the latter became Pacific Coast superinten dent. of Alberta Wheat Pool eleva tors with headquarters in Vancou-vere. Deceased was well known and esteemed, not only In shipping and business circles here, but by many friends whom he made. His death is greatly regretted. He was a member of the Masonic and Loyal Or-mge Lodges. The late Mr. Mclver Is survived by Ills widow, there being no children. William Finlayson of this city is a cousin while Alex Murray, alternately a member of the local elevator staff and of that In Vancouver, Is a nephew. The latter is leaving Vancouver tonight and will arrive here on Friday afternoon on the steamer Princess Adelaide. The remains are resting at the 8. C. Undertakers parlors. At the lying request of deceased, the body will be forwarded to the home In Scotland where interment will be uade. It Is expected the nephew. Mr. Murray, will accompany the remains to the Old Country. Moose Whist Drive-Dance Large Crowd Enjoyed Affair Last Night Twenty-Five Tables of Cards The local Moose Lodge held anther of Its very enjoyable whist irlve and dance affairs last night in he Moose Hall. There were 24 tables of cards and ibout 50 couples more came In for he dance which followed. Frtsc winners at cards were as 'ollows: ladles' first, Mrs. T. F.; Fitch; second. Mrs. D. C. Schubert; . tt t v Fitch: second. D.l W I v I a - C. Schubert. Delicious refreshments were served with Mrs. Charles Edwards in charge of the kitchen. Pat Brewer was In charge of the tables. MuMc for dancing was furnished by Bob Oreenfleld and his Premier Orchestra. A. K. Nelson was master of ceremonies and Joe Slaggard floor manager. Presiding at the door were H. Loakes and Ted Rorvlk. The affair started at 9:30 p.m. and concluded at 1:30 a.m. Dallr News Waat-Ad brtni rwuiu. C. V. Kvltt of Prince Rupert has been spending a short time in the , Oh yes, that reminds me-,I-have tf go to therfed& rgtfertor' my waffle. Gee! they are good, with that nice home-made syrup. SI Mr. and Mrs. A. Currle of Clax-ton arrived in the city yesterday from the Skecha River for a brief visit tc own. i A meeting of thPrlncc Rupert I Retail Merchants' Association. scheduled for last .night, was post-iponed until next Tuesday evening 4 . 4 Why pay more? Best Alberta footless egg Coal $11 per ton. Albert 1 McCaffery Ltd. Phoney 116 or 117. tf Teething "Baby's Own Tablets take away that teething fever," writes Mrs. Alfred Bungay, North Sydney, NS. Effective also in relieving colds, fever, colic, Pill upset stomach, constipation. Children like them. Absolutely SAFE See analyst's certificate in each 25c package. 231 Dr. WlllUmi BABY'S OWN TABLETS H. O. Marvin, formerly of Stewart wel known In Prince Rupert Is seriously ill in a hospital In Eng land, according to word reaching the city. Mr. Marvin left this district a few years ago for the Old Country. Northland Navigation Co.'s mo-torshtp Belllnyham arrived In port at 8:15 this morning with one cai-toad of frosen fish for transship ment to the united states over Canadian National Railways. After dlschaifinc. . the vessel sailed on her return to'Kltchlkan. ' Orv&.)eMtedt of trie flclen tlflc staff of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from Depai-ture Bay Biological Station and Vancouver where he gave a course ef lectures for officials of the Dominion Fisheries epartmdent NEIGHBORS TALK "I am employed in a theatre and it is a problem to make ends meet, as I belp support my mother and sisters. I like to dress well but haven't very much to spend on clothes. To give the appearance of variety to my slender wardrobe I change the color of a dress or stockings as soon as the thinR become faded. I always use Diamond Dyes for the work using them as dyes for dresses and as tints for stockings. I have always gotten such perfect results that our neighbors talk alxul the great number of new thing I have, "I learned about Diamond Dyes from our wardrobe mitres. She says she has tried all the dyes on the market but none do such splendcd . work and are so easy to use as Diamond Dyes. I understand they are the world's most popular dyes and they deserve to be." L.P., Montreal. Why Pay a high price for fine clothes when Tip Top Tailors will make to your measure any of their wide range of fine all-wool fabrics j)27 00 TIT TOP TAILORS , . . 1. Crcvatlo Corner sixth and Fulton Streets Income Tax Returns Save expense by having them (;i:okok itoitiE & co. Accountants and Auditors 213 Second Ave. W. Phone 387 GLADIOLUS 10 Choice varieties in mixture 100 Bulbs prepaid for $2.50 FLOWEKFIKLDS COMPANY Ask for list Duncan, B.C. Presbyterian March 17. Shamrock Bert's Taxi, Phone 678. Is our motto. Give us a call. Tea, 51 Service" tf Miss B. Brock of Hazelton lb spending some time In the cit) visiting with friends. Vancouver Province. Daffcdll tea and sale of home cooking, Thursday 3 to 6, home of Mrs. B. E. VaJdff J512 Tatlow Street, in aid of, United Choir nymn books CI Mr. and Mrs. D. G.Stewart, wno have been on a holiday visit of several weeks In Vancouver, re turned to the city from the south on the Prince George this morning Mrs. J. H. Horton and two daughters, who have been paying an extended visit in Victoria, re turned to the city on the Prince George this morning from the south. Judge and Mrs. F. McB. Young returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancou ver. The Judge has been spending three months' sick leave fn thr south and Is now feeling consider ably improved In health. Dr. H. S. Thompson, who Is to give a series of lectures here oi behalf of the Canadian Dental As sociation, arrived In the city on th? Prince Ocorge this morning from Vancouver and will return south on the same vessel tomorrow nigh Oliver White arrived in the city on the Prince George this morn ing from Vancouver to assum duty here as bookkeper for the Home Oil Distributors Ltd. In succession to Eric Hart, who 1 to take charge of the company's dock here. Dale L. Pitt, general manager o: the Premier Gold Mining Co.. is passenger aboard the ss. Prince George today returning to Premier after a two weeks' trip to Vancou ver and elsewhere in the south on business. Mrs. PlU'lssaecompany Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Gordon Terrace, who have been on a six weeks' vacation trip to Portland the Willamette Valleji and the Yr klma district arrived in the city from the south on the ss. Prlnre George this morning and proceeded by train to the interior. Mrs. A. K. Nelson returned t the city on the Prince George this morning after spending several weeks In Seattle. She was accom panted by her son, Bert Anderson, who Is now recuperating following serious Injuries In an automobile accident some time ago near James Boyd. A. Mclvor and W. Strachan. local officials of the Dominion Fisheries, returned to the city on the Prince George thU morning from Departure Bay, Vancouver Island, where they have teen attending a course of lectures for fisheries officers at the biological station. ANNOUNCEMENT Jasper Wildfire Coal is now the hottest in the domestic field. Government analysis shows it to be the highest in B.T.U 's and less ash. It starts quick and lasts longer. Furthermore, for yeur benefit don't think for one minute because our coal Is lower In price that we are giving you a cheaper grade as other coal dealers my state to you. Your next order "Jasper Wild fire," egg or lump. Note our adv. for cash prices and save your dollars, i af) Hyde Transfer Phone 580 Announcements Eagles' .March 4, Social Dance Friday dancing 0:30 to l'JO JJipntlemcn 50c. Ladles, refresh-;Venti. Everybody welcome. Pioneer Banquel March lb. ' St. Patrick Celebration, Catholic Hall, March 17. Scotch Dance April 1, Boy's Band benefit. I.O.D.E Catholic Women s League Spring Sale April 7. Presbyterian spilng sale April 14 DIED HERE SUDDENLY Mrs. Agnes Catlette Succumbs Early This Morning After Complain-1 ing of Pains in Chest After complaining of pains in the chest to a colored man who was vis iting her house at the time, Mrs. Agnes CaVlette, who was between fifty and sixty years of age, died about 1 o'clock this morning at her home, 741 Eighth Avenue West. The woman had been playing a game of crlbbage..,wl(h' hep visitor -hen she complained of feeling unwell. She became worse and Dr. C. H. Hankinson was called but she ex pired before his arrival. An inquest was opened this morn ing before Coroner Norman A. Watt and, after the body had been view ed, the hearing was adjourned sine die. An autopsy has been ordered with a view to definitely ascertain ing the cause of death. The jurors are W. M. Watts, Jack Bulger, Geo. Frlzzell, Thomas Yule, A. J. Mathe son and S. A. Bird. Deceased, who had resided here for five or six years, has a niece here, Miss Melvin Polk. 737 Eighth Avenue West. BOAT SELLS CATCH AT SEWAItl) A wire has been received from the halibut schooner Takla, Capt. Chris Parkvold, stating that the weather had been very bad to the westward and that he had sold his catch of 3.000 pounds at Seward. Everything was all right on board. CNJt. steamer Prince George Capt. Nedden. arrived In port t 11:15 this morning from Vancou ver, Powell River and Ocean Fal'.s and will sail at 4 o'cock this af ternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here tomor row evening southbound. j i.irtl Mil' ' 'fcrSurns. ScaiJs. 8Uex Colds. Chapped skin. Cufs.orujes. ere. M AO t IN CANADA PRIVATE SALE Household Furniture Afternoons of Thursday and Friday, March 3 and 4 Piano, Radio. Chesterfield Suite. Bedroom Suite. Wilton and Axmlnster Rugs. Pictures, Lamps. Dishes, Miscellaneous Furniture and Kitchen Utensils. STAN MOHAN Suite 8 Besner Apartments Bryant Company Limited Quality Men's & Boys' Wear New and complete stock of the best lines of made In Canada clothing and furnishings Fashion Craft ,: Suits, $25.00 and up. Made to measure and ready for service lUtOCK HATS Stanfleld's and Ceetee Underwear Arrow and Forsyth Shirts Sixth Street Prince Rupert '1i Lsday. March 2, 1932 " fta Mat ixtna -PAQB THREE THE BEST MEAL-TIME BEVERAGE IS OVA LTI N E' TONIC FOOD BEVERAGE LOCAL NEWS ITEMS GET RID of that old dread of indigestion, and eat without f eaf of distress. When food ferments; disagrees; ' lies like lead in the stomach, it is a sign of too much acid. The stomach nerves have been over-stimulated. The quick corrective is an, alkali. Don't resort to burning doses of soda take instead, an antacid that will correct the condition. Phillips' Milk of Magnesia I A spoonful of this soothing alkali restores the proper alkaline balance to an arid-soaked system. Then the stomach, liver and bowels function as they should. Phillips' Milk of Magnesia is what you need when bad breath or coated tongue indicate too much acid. Take a spoonful today, and for several days, and see how soon it sweetens the entire system. Your rx i ill i i rx NO D STRESS after eating digestion will be vastly improved. Things will taste better and you ' will feel better in so many ways. Also, you will find when your system is properly alkaline you are not so susceptible to sickness and colds. That you are no longer troubled with constipation, or with headaches, gas on the stomach. An alkaline balance builds resistance. Ask for Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, which is the preparation of magnesia prescribed and recommended by your own doctor for correcting excess acid. 50c bottles arc sold at drug stores everywhere in the dominion. To avoid the condition of arid mouth, you should uk a milk of magnesia tooth-paste. Your teeth are worthy of the best dentifrice. Try Phillips' Dental Magnesia, which contains 75 concentrated Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. PH has: III I U I I (MADC IN CANADA) UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION FARES. Effective November Ut (Oou4 lo February 29. 1932. REDUCED FIRST-CLASS RETURN FARES. From I'RINCE RUPERT (Including Meals and Berth) To Vancouver nd Victoria flu.ou ret TO PRINCE RUPERT (Including Mf&li aild Btrth) From OCEAN FALLS 2l3l ret. From ANYOX S13A5 rtt From STEWART 118.70 ret. 8 lea mem leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver EVERY TUESDAY 1:30 pjn. (S3. CATALA.) EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIOHT (SB. CARDENA.) Full Information, reservations and tickets from R. M. SMITIL Prince Rupert A;rnc, Second .Uritue. I'lione ASS TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City fine COAL Satisfaction guarantee wiUi Our Famous Edson and Bulk-Icy Valley COAL, No. 1 Bulk-ley Valley Wheat, Oats and Barley. Pratt's Chick Food, Seeds and Fertilizers. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONE 58 & 558 for breakfast or lunch equally good for children's suppers or a wholesome bedtime snack. No trouble to serve. Delicious. Healthful. Economical. In truth, Kcllogg's arc a wonderful buy I FLAKS? H Jlfy mi coitx FLAKES Extra fooj trilh mill or honej, hliJe by Krlloff in Lon Jon, Ontario. N sikr taoi jwti caa bur wfll tl M I mock 4Jlcki. eurUsm.it for such lift). a CKOWN KRAND CORN SYRl'P - ta ( scwMav lacs'. Itkj tratsr will . Sa4 lac tar "Caaaai Fria rta" M arartkat, aaaii ltad racina. EDWARD8DUIVO I CROWN BRAND TU I CANADA mS-CK CO., I MONTSSAL i1iiiI mini lav h aaata! AMaam - If you lose anything, try a classified ad.