Saturday, January 2, 1932 To One and All We Extend the Seasons Greetings May the New Year be Both Prosperous and Happy Ormes ltd. 7i4t Pioneer Druggists THE HEX ALL STORE Phones 81 and 82 Third Ave. and Fulton St. CHURCH NOTICES CHRISTIAN SCIENCE (Christian Science Society, 215 Second Avenue West) This Society Is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Mass. Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "GOD." Sunday School at , 12:15. Testimonial meeting Wednesday at 8 pin. Reading Room, 245 Second Avenue, open on Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 5. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Rev. W. I). Grant Ilollliiiworth, HJY. Organist, John E. Davey 11 AAI. Sermon Subject, "The Lure of the Unknown" 12:15 Sunday School Promotion Day 7:30 PJ.1. Sermon Subject, "RELIGION AND POLITICS" 1. To what extent should the church participate In politics? 2. How arc polities and religion related? 3. What of the present political situation? All visitors welcome ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Very Iter. J. It. Gibson. Dean 11 AM- Morning Prayer and Holy Communion 7:90 P.M. Evening Prayer and Sermon This being the first Sunday in the month Sunday, School will be held at 2: JW pm. FIRST UNITED CHURCH I'aslor, Ktv. A. Wilson, BA. NEW YEAR SBRVICBB Morning worship at 11 o'clock Subject, "THE GRAND OOAL" Sunday School at 12:15 Evening service and communion at 7:30 Subject. "THE NEW YEAR GOSPEL, OOD WITH U8' H. S. OLSEN EUROPEAN KXrEUT WATCHMAKER Five years' apprenticeship at the Royal Danish Watchmaker School at Copenhagen, then 12 years abroad working in the big cities of Europe. All Mall Orders Promptly Altended to. Prices Reasonable, TERRACE, 1M1TISII COLUMMA UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION FARES. EilwMW NovanUx MS (OOo nenvcm iUt-clabs arnmN parbs. Prom wrmr liiwIuiHtig M!i inrt nwth To Vancouver M VteSflfta SIWKt rrl. TO rHINOE HUPIRT Hiulurt.n(! MesU mid Dtrthl Kr:)m OCEAN FALLS Ul'M m ANTOX ....113.85 It. Frtm STEW AHT I1U 70 rrl Slni?m Imve Prliv.v Rupert tor Vimc-non KVSRY TUESDAY I .'.10 n ni. !5 C A I M.A I EVERY FRIOAV MtUNIUin (8S ( HDF.NA.I I'un lnrorinaii n ri'rnlmn nnd ilc Kn.- lirm ,. R M. 8MI1H. Prliio Ruprt AgfMfr. Kwniiil A.rillir- I'hotif .WX HHHr r--jl8 l!ct the habit of reading the advertisements in this paper, and taking advantage of the help they bring you. Local Items' John Wlllman well known Usk mining man, Is paying a brief business visit to the city. Norman,, -Moorehouse, who has been on a brief trip to (he Interior, returned to the city on thu mornlng'straln. Miss Edna Vlckers returned . .o I lng's city on this morning's train from Smlthers where she spent this week visiting friends. All haUHlit flViortnon are r u . h a meeting in Deep Sea Fishermen's Union hall Sunday, Jan. 3rd, at 2:-30 p.m. 304 Miss Ness, who has been spending tht Christmas and New Year holiday season at her home here, sailed by the Cardcna last night on her return to her studies In Vancouver. Miss M. Fawcett and W. Jones returned on the Cardena yester day morning to -their school teaching duties at Port Esslngton after having, spent Christmas In Van couver. Alberta Sootless Egg, $11.00; Tflkwa Lump, $12.50; Nanaimo- I Wellington Lump, $13.50. lib 1 Alberta & McCaffery, 117. Miss Barbeau wishes' ,to an- ounce that her store will be closed during the month of January, opening the first of February wltli a line of up-to-date spring mll- inery. Frank A. Neville, who is Inter ested in mining at Pacific, arrived jv the city from the interior by train Thursday and sailed the same night oh the steamer Prince Rupert for Vancouver. ' Mrs. A. K. Nelson sailed last ttlfht on the Cardena for Seattle, seing called there on account o; the serious condition of her son Bert Anderson, who was Injured in an automobile accident about a year ago. Jama StevAtrt who has been spending the Christmas and New; Year holiday season with his par-1 -nts. Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Stewart,! Mill FROM ST. JOHN ! I To niaaxuw-Ilrlfast-Llvrrpool kOoc 31. xJ:. Feb. S. Mitr 4 M . lriuolr" ! Muiiirm j Jn. 13 xPrb lJ , . Xlelttt JW 21 Feb 1 Mo-ntcalnt I CjU aft Qlaatfow Liverpool only To nrreniirk-ltelfa$tLlverpool Jn Duchans of York To Cherbourg-Southampton Hamburz Aprll 14 Uuut-klm April at Ktoutoterc FKOM NEW YORK To Clicrbo.irs-Soulhampton-Aprll B Kinpraw ot Brltait. In.m VANt'OI Vi:it ml VICTOIM To IliiHall-Juwn-t lilna.riillliiliir xJaa. a. xMar. 12. Imp. of Oanad xJan. IS. Mr. as. ..Bmp ot Hum: xjn SO a Apr, e. ...Kmp. of Japan Feb. 27. Apr. 33 . . . BHpreai of Al xCalla at Honolulu. Aorvl to Atenu erenrwher or J J. KOKSTKR Btrutvahip Oenl. Pa. Aent C P rt Station. Vanrouvar. Tt;lp;otie Tilnltjr US1 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN "AMY FOK , RKKKNA URAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FIIESII PASTKimiZEU MILK ANI CRFM DAILY Karly Delivery Throuchout the City this dailt news PAQB THREB Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. C. C. Gleason of. Ocean Falls was a visitor In the city over the New Year holiday. Mrs. L. G. Skinner of Copper City Is paying a brief visit to th city, having arrived from the In terlor on this morning's train. Mr. and Mrs. James Farquhar returned to the city on this morn train after spending New Year at Terrace with Mrs. Far quhars mother, Mrs. T. J. Marsh Miss Jessie Rothwell of Booth Memorial School teaching - r staff re - . l.Ultkl . . . . , quested to attend a reorganization turned to the city' on this mom lngs train from Regina where she spent the Christmas holiday sea son visiting with friends. J. T. Harvey returned to the city on this morning's train from Prince George where he spent the Christmas and New Year holiday season. Mrs. Harvey will be return ing to the city later. John McCasktll. for his sixth ol fence cn a charge, of drunkenness. was sentenced to two months' im prisonment, without option of fine by Magistrate McVlymont in city police court this morning. For his second - offence on -a drunkenness charge, James McAngue was fined $50. with thirty days' option. For first Intoxication offences, Albert Swanson. Vernon Martinson, Slg-frid Johnston and Rupert Galdt-ner were each fined $30. with option of thirty days In jail. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Tuesday ss. Catala. 1:30 psn Thursday as. Pr. Rupert 10 p.rr Friday ss. Cardena. midnight. Jan. 3 ss. Princess Mary ... pjn Jan. 17 ss. Prlnceser Mary p.m Jan. 21 ss. Princess Mary pm From Vancouver- Sunday ss. Catala pxn I . I ,.,.! n -- .ma - w cu. as. rr. iiupenv,. . iu.ou, Frlday s. Cardena pjn, Jan. 13 ss. Princess Mary . pjn. Jan. 27 ss. Princess Mary . pjn. For Xaas River and Jort Simpson-Sunday ss. Catala ... ,,....9 pn. From Naas River St fort. .Simpson - Tuesday ss. Catala .11:30 a.m For Stewart and Anyos Sunday ss. Catala 9 p.m Wednesday ss. Pr. Rupert 4 pjn "ourtli Avenue West. saUed by UieFrom Stewart and Anyox- .araena ia3i nigni on ms return j Tuesday ss. Catala 11 30 a.m :o nis studies at tne university or British Columbia in Vancouver. Miss Irene Mitchell saUed by the Cardena last night on her return to her studies at the University ol British Columbia li Vancouver after having spent the Christmas and New Year season here with her parents. Mr and Mrs. Juhn R Mitchell. AUln Ave. Thurs. s. Pr. Rupert 8 pjn From Ocean Falls Wpd as. Pr. Rupert ...10:30 ajn. Friday ss. Cardena p.n Jan. 13 ss. Princess Mary p m. Jan. 27 ss. Princess Mary pjn. For Ocean Falls-Tuesday ss. Catala' 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert lO p.ra. Jan. 3 as. Princess Mary, .. . pjn. Jan. 17 as. Princess Mary pjn. Jan. 31 ss. Princess Mary . p m. For Queen Charlotte Islands- Jan. 9 ss. Prince John 10 p.m. Jan. 23 ss. Prince John 10 pjn. From Queen Charlotte Islands-Jan. 7 ss. Prince John .... ajn Jan. 21 ss. Prince John .... ajn. From Alaska- Jan. 13 ss Princess Mary i Jan. 27 ss. Princess Mary iFtom Alaska Jan. 3 ss. Princess Mary Jarr 17 ss. Princess Mary Jan. 31 ss. Princess Mary NOTICE pjn. pjn. pjn. pan. p.m From Skeena Itlvcr Friday -ss. Cardena pjn Op. and after this date, I will not ba. responsible for any purchase': made for my account, unless delivered on my written order, or made by me in person. CARL JOHNSON December 14th. 1931. Announcements Eagles' Social Dance January 8. Gentlemen 50c. Ladles Presbyterian Durns Banquet 25. :M ll "'It;' The Dally News can be pur- chased at r Post Office News Stand; 325 Oranvlllc St- Vancouver. KarW Anderson. Prince Oeorge. B.C. . U. W. Riley. Terrace. B.C. f- dcncral Store, .Any- Smlthers Drug Store. Smith- era, B.C. A. J. Phlllipson returned to the. city on this morning's train from brief fur buying trip to the In terior. Will the Dartv who took coat bv mistake from the Moose Hall New Year's Eve please return same to the Moose Hall. i . .i ,t;frr tu B. Button of Anyox Is paying -a brief visit to the city. He arrived In town from the Interior this morning, being on his way back to the smelter town. R. W. Sinclair of Inverness can- returning to Inverness on yester day afternoon's train. Good have taken up residence In; the house on Ninth Avenue Ease recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mitchell. to give manics 10 uoi. a. i. xucMor-die. DS.O.. and the staff of the Capital Theatre for allowing an announcement to be made from the platform regarding receiving toys at the Theatre. Col. C. W. Peck, V.C.. DS.O.. re turned to his home at Sidney tor the Christmas holidays aftpr an A SATURDAY SERMON 1932 - A New Start Exhortation Is to Forgef Past' and took Forward to Bright and Useful. Future',. (By Capt. Ruby Steele, Salvation Army) None of us can know what any year will bring to us. It is an PviV1pnrP nf finrl'a Invp that Hf wirhhnlrls frnm lis all SsSTm tile6 jSSJ? knowledge of what lies ahead of us-whether it be joy or jsunuvv, Jain ui juss, vitiury ui. ueicau iuiiji w uiviuc uic future is not a profitable occupation. It is even in'sdme decrees dishonoring to God, whose love and interest, shown City Engineer and Mrs. F. N.;to us In ten thousand ways, surely give grounds, with a trust and confidence, which will enable us to face the future with the assurance that II? will do all things well. "Hitherto hath the Lord helped us." Capt. Ernest Georgeson. regular- i have not the slightest doubt ly master of company vessels ort that 1932 holds for most of us the lower coast runs. Is now relieving I usuai complement of disappoint-as pilot aboard the Union steamer ment and sorrow shocks, and sur-Cardena in . place of Capt. Johniprfces, failures and mysteries. ... We m i i Muor, wno is asnore in vancovcr , should be wise. I think, to antlci- on sick list. pate these and to strengthen our I faith in pod's ability to uphold us, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Parlow are! in spite of all, and to enable us to taking up residence in the Mus- come through so victoriously that grave Place residence of Mr. and we shall declare with St. Paul "In Mrs. Wallace C. Orchard, who ar all these things we are more than about to leave for Vancouver take up future residence. to The fire department had a oaK at 5:30 on New Year's Eve to the residence of A. Mcintosh, 221 conquerors. Comparatively few people find much Joy in reflection on bygone days, and fewer still are really satisfied with the record past years have worn into Eternity. Usually Eighth Avenue West, where there there are so many wasted hours to was a chimney fire which resulted In no damage being done The Boy Scouts in their report mourn over, so many Indiscretions to lament, untold lost opportunities to regret and, alas, with some, hid den sins which call for repentance of the toy shop activities, omitted and restltutlon New Year's day dawns white and clean, ushering in a period of tunc as yet unsullied by shortcomings and unstained by any wrong a period of time pregnant with opportunities, bright with promise and abounding In unlimited possibilities. Stretching away back through a absence of several months in New lon& visU ot ears lles the Past Brunswick and other parts of the east In connection with his duties as-Aimemberof;ttie-6oldiery Pensions' Board or the Dominion. Victoria Times. Archie Thompson sailed by t'nr Cardena last night on his return to University of British Columbia In Vancouver after having spent the Christmas and New Year holiday season here in charge of the business while his father. J. H. Thompson spent the holiday with Mrs Thompson in Vancouver. Mi. Thompson is expected to return here tomorrow. Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot St Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. Ttn DAY AND UP J. Zafelll Telephone tSI W. C. King. W. Wrathall. V. Col-usl and I. Bruyn, city; R. E Woolsey. Winnipeg. Drink More Milk For Fresh Local Milk Phone Ited 608 DOMINION DAIRY We Carry a Representative Stock of Popular Car Parts For Prompt Efficient Service Phone 566 RUPERT MOTORS Qaragr St Service Station Night Calls 161 1 COAL Buy the real Coalour famous Edson and Cassldy-Wrlllntton In any qnantltles. Alto flulkley Valley Hay. Grain and llobln Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 5S8 with its disappointments, failures and Its tears. Here and there sue cesses have been recorded and victories won which give cause for praise and thanksgiving to Ood. who, despite man's lethargy and lack of faith, always proves faith ful to His promise Yet the sight which meets the gaze of many people when they look back is not too pleasant and leaves much to be desired. Sad to w, for scsie folk the past consti- ( tutes a huge graveyard wherein He burled unrealized hopes, frustrated purposes, unmatured plans, lost Ideals and youthful ambitions, years which can be described as those which the locust ot indolence has eaten, and the grasshoppers of misdirected energies have destroy ed. For some people, doubtless, the past is full of happy memories, a perfect reservoir of Joyful recollections. The passing days have been enriched by holy aspirations, reso lute endeavors, kind words and loving deeds. Life has been lived at its highest. Sqme people, however, are npt too well satisfied with their achievements but if it be true (And who shall say that it isnot?) that God Interferes with the affairs of man, and unwinding the coll of consequence, Ss able and willing to give to all men a new beginning, there Is hope for all, the most despairing, and the most bitterly disappointed can have a new start and another chance. The years eaten by the locusts may have been few or many, and, out of the unsatisfactory past .misty vapors of despair and doubt may rise, threatening to dampen pre-lent ardor and blight the future ivith paralyzing Influences. Yet no one need be unduly distressed by 'he difficulties of the future. Cod lives, and in Ills strength allures can be made stepping tcnes to success while the present iour can be wisely utilized in tackling the difficulty or performing '.he duty which lies nearest to hand. To be constantly mourning over the past is not wise as it tends to dissipate what strength you already possess, and seriously interferes with the rendering of Joyful srvice in the present. Longfellow's lines are well worthy of consideration, "Look not mournfully Into the past; it comes not back again; Wisely Improve the nesent, it is thine; Co forth to neet the future with a bright and nanly heart" Miss Dorothy Moody, who teaches school in the Telkwa district, left by yesterday afternoon's rain on her return to the interior ifter having spent the Christma and New Year holiday season visiting here a sthe guest of her un- le and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McRae, Fourth Avenue East. SiMONDS JTREArf CK SAWS iii$ Specially tempered alloys of Slmondi steel ensure the even quality of Slmonds I lack-Saw Blades. They cut faster, easier and resist wear longer. TRULY ECONOMICAL MONO CANADA SAW CO. LTD. MONTREAL TORONTO VANCOUVIW tiNT nam. M a, K-H PRINCE RUPERT Likes the Best! Prince Rupert merchants say that their customers like to buy goods of the best quality. They aft a discriminating people. If there are any Prince Rupert people not taking the Daily News regularly we suggest that they, are making a mistake in not taking thp best. The price is now so low that it is a mistake to do without the paper that circulates throughout the district. Call up the Daily News business office and auk that the boy call and collect. , . e 1 10c. Weekly Commence Getting the Paper Tomorrow . . IslH I IT . I ' " 5 ! y." ' 5 : 8 i A