Today's Weather prince ItuperU- r, light easterly wind; l , , 29:96; temnerature, 38. . M Vol. XXIII., No. 1. W months of the year n . T O I -i V. v' r . compared with $31.54970 in the corresponding period of 1930 Following is a record of fire calls and loss In the city this year and last month by month: lire Keeords 1930 Calls Loss January ... 8 $19400 February .... 4 March 9 90S AprU S May .10 JO June S July ...... 4 T August ... I 35 September I 30.600 October 4 WT.TO November I S8 December .. 4 tio 38 1388 33 300 no 78 31.74i.70 60 ? Stole Effects From Downtown Home Two llcsldcnts of Prince Itupert's 'Jungle- lined This Morning On Theft Charges Sunshine In Prince RuDert for fTttte'TeRr 1931 totalled 8243 hoursj as against 1.194.74 hours in 1930, 1.33.3 hours tn 1929 and 1,158.8 hours in 196, a summary of official futures reveal. While the sunshine for the year Just ended was a good deal below average, rainfall was n..n4irahlv iMM than averaee. was $4,131 as During 1931 101 21 Inches of preci 1931 Calls Lo 8 S 11 8 8 8 9 4 pitation were recorded as against 85.33 inches In 1930. 81.45 Inches in 198 and 8034 inches in 1928. Prom the temperature standpoint 1931 weather was slightly below that of 1930. The highest thermo meter reading for the year Just ended was 74 above tn June whereas the highest temperature in 1930 was 80 above in August. The mini mum thermometer reading for 1931 was 32 recorded In March and November as compared with the 1930 low of 38 above In March. The following figures summarise weather conditions for 1931 here Sun Rain 11. L. Hnv - In. Temp. January 3 57 33 February 9.8 8.8 47 S3 March 197 8.8 86 32 April 9 10.7 70 31 May 91.1 8.42 71 32 jM 138.7 1.77 74 40 July 136.6 387 71 48 August 93.1 5.7 70 48 September 67 8.1 64 48 October 61-5 I- 49 November W.l 54 32 December '.....IM 1 52 24 Totals 8342 101 Jl December Weather During the month of December ... t. ...t..t ' lUai LTierV WVIO i9.u rv-we w James jonnaton. rran I"" as uiga. 8fldmt none In the same erf -hlne dentoen and James Morrison n , rlnce Ruperts "jungle" 1931 amounted to 113 in city police court this morntag f6?' mttA wUri i5.48 In- hnrged with theft of IM M ,1 cupboard in the Wallace f?Ant tor the month longing to A. E. Parlow over V wa? 52 above a. corn- New Year holiday. Johnston ana ln tne previous wit n M wauo abovc ! . Rurhet were each fined 836. with temieraiure ior option cf fourteen clays' Imprison ment. while Morrison was distnta sed. December. Low December 1931 us a aoovc . compared wilh 33 above in Decern-k tain ' .lk. 11 uas as folio! 1AY OF PltAYlIK IOU , "r'Tnb 2:-AU Bng- j ""j LONDON. Jan. temperature. 82 on on ue De. land will obesrve Umiorrow as Maximum a National Day of Prayer ask- cember 2. temperature. 34 on ue Df. tag tukltnce aa Great Britain Minimum eotett upon one of the meet .cember 11. u. oal years In her hUtory. Mean tmpraare. 38. ' 112 mm- Total preclpltmioi' T,,,Hl "',,lu'' l!8 "ol ' Inir them off. MS. tor r ... . iii.wi The weainer summary " " we piincniuj school at Terrace Despite Depression Building in IIAZKLTON MOUNTIE IlEINO MOVED SOUTH 1931 Here Was, Higher ihpflhat Of Two Years Immediately Before Tn an ft. nr thn era n a rQ 1 rlorttocairm Kinlriinrr tvamita in All CJ vv J vuv jjvuvi cat vtjJi Lfvivrn, kutiAiaiiat, lvl llllko ill the city of Prince Rupert during the year 1931, totalling $156,443 in value, showed a small increase over 19303 $l4a,0U4.&u and a very marked increase over $yilsyo.82J in 1920. Permits of 1931 were, indeed, within very close TERRACE MAN IS MARRIED Miss Ruth Eboiall Iteeomes liriile of Major W. J. Wllby. At 12:30 noon last Monu-iy In victoria a quiet but pretty wedding was solemnised at the First United Church manse. 777 Pemberton Road, when Rev. W. O Wilson. D D , untted In marriage Ruth Edna. Meat daughter of Mr and Mr? Prank Bborall of Heatings, to Major W. J Wllby. M.C.. elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Wllby. Yates Street Often In marriage by her father the bride was attended by in I ' Ihft llM"f 5Lauia Wllby. and the bridegroom was suDDorted by his brother-in- law. Mr. Harry Robson. The bride ppression cominrnoeu Permits Is sued in December 1911 were light at $1338 as compared with $2760 in i December 1930 : Following was the building list month by month m 1931, 1930 figures also being given for compar ison: 1930 1931 January . 8 4.8MM $ X9W.00 rebruary 36.738M IIWM March S100i 918jM AprU 33W0 34.786M May MMiM 23.260.00 June 3m00 iMM July 20.6M 38.4HM August , u mm September " ,876-90 X390.00 October 7jft4. 3.88640 I November 3.46848 749640 December 2.TM46 148940 ! Totalis 3148.99140 lf.44340 Aid. James Black. Alfred Street, repair foundation, $190. T. TroUer. Se osjfl Avenue, a.ter looked charming in her travelling aUona goo. sutt of marine blue gabardine wiin v BMI0.gert QHgar Place, gen a blouse of eggshell satin, with hat . M50 iMM and shoes to match, hen ... . .. only ornaments being a necklet of pearls. Only the Immediate relatives of the young couple were pr-wnt. The gifts received were nu- mtnuu Aud CQStlV Dvbhavn 4: Hanson. Third Ave nue, repair foundation. 8300. Mrs. P. O Dm w son. Third Avenue, general repairs 8189. B. C. Telephone. Eleventh Ave- Msjof and Mrs. Wllby left oil the nue. erect cabin 3386. afternoon boat for Terrace, where K mo wMI MalHa min frlands MM-, l """ Jt.J.AAJ.AJ.AAAAJ. formerl' on the teaching staff ol . the Victoria High School, leaving CLASSIFIED nitl.NOS the elty six months ago to assume WJHl HVH..'L, nt tha hutlt iitvr-i aimmiimuh e "Your classified advertise- e menu certainly bring quick results," decl.ired a man who had advertls. d a baby buggy Oonstable L. S. Kingston Is being this week ami sold It the day .transferred from Esquimau to 11a- PPrM He dropped In t IseUen to tueeeed In the service of to pay the blU this mwrimg. Uie Hoyal Canadian Mounted Po- was very ple.ed with results I Itee Oorp M. P. Uerger. who la being obUlned. transferred to Victoria to take NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1932 CHINCHOW Japanese Did Not Hare to Fire Shot In Taklnt Important Railway Tolnt MUKDEN, Manchuria. Jan. 2: General Kamura's Japanese brigade entered Chlnchow at 2 o'clock Ihlv afternoon without firing a shot. All Chinese soldiers had fled southward before the Japanwe en'erfd. Quiet In Manchuria Is expected now that Chlnchow has been PROFITS DIVIDED Municipalities of I'lorinre Iteeelr. Ing Cheeks on Uquor Profit snit Parl-Muluel VICTORIA. January 3-A toUl if tSM.780 30 U now being distributed by Hon J W Jones, minister ol finance, u the raunldpallUci' share of liquor profits for the pet-led of six months ending November 30 last. This Is a decrease from the distribution for Je precedlnj ix months which totalled 3489490 The liquor prottU are apportioned among tbe municipalities on th basts of school attendance. The minister of finance is also distributing among the municipalities 3163,781.67 representing 1981 pari-mutuet race-track receipts This U a decrease of 87.000 from last year This parl-mutuel distribution Is made on the basis of th 1931 census. Amounts being sent to northern municipalities are as follows: Liquor Profit Chnki Uquor Pari-ProflU Mutuel Prince Oeorge Prince Hupcrt Burns Lake Smitbers Stewart I Terrace iVanderhoof $1.97183 S 771.44 4.4M 75 1.992 60 31736 1.082.78 m.23 700,21 484 83 wind; sea moJerate. 6161 314 SJ 192.18 110.88 99.22 WEATHER REPORT Tstpie Island Clw. light south- Dead Tree Psmt-Rainlng. fresh southeast wind: barometer. 29:82 temperature. 40; heavy sweU. Tomorrow's Tides Sunday, January 3, 1932 High Low . 9:01 a.m. 20:4 ft. 22:11 p.m. la:9 ft. .. 2:24 a.m. 8:3 ft 15:46 pan. 5:4 ft. PRICE: FIVE CENTS ROY TURNS DOWN GANDHI TERMS CREW OF JAPANESE STEAMER RESCUED IN PACIFIC OCEAN Grave Developments in India Are Anticipated; Crisis Seems Imminent Lord Willingdon Kejccts Terms of Nationalist Leader For Settlement of Political Disputes Air Fraught With Feverish Anxiety BOMBAY, India, Jan. 2: Viceroy Lord Willingdon to rtijrht rejected the terms of Mahatma Gandhi, Indian Nationalist leader, for settlement of political disputes of In dia and grave developments were believed to be imminent, j The air in official circles is fraught with anxiety and the next developments are awaited with feverish interest. A crisis in Indian affairs appears to be about due. FIRE LOSS WAS DOWN Fewer Calls and Damagr Lm 1931 Than In 1930, Figures Show in During the post year the Prtnct to sixty alarms at compared with ! 75 In tbe year previous. Owing ti loss in a fire tn December baring yet U be finally adjusted, total estimated lou tor. 1091 cannot be definitely gvn. although ebthna led fire loas-Tof the) lirit WEATHER WAS BAD Rainfall Higher Than Average 1931 While Sunshine Was a Good Deal Below Normal In A London Officers Corps in Training Want to buy a suit? Here's your chance It's the London Merchant Ta.brs Officers Training Corps but the trouble is they're churning. Which Is not jo ood. Sinking Tamaho Maru Is Abandoned by Men Now on Another Ship Had Fought Vainly For Sixty Hours Against Wintry Northern Seas Being Taken to : Japan on Reiyo Maru SEATTLE, Jan. 2: The crew of the Japanese freighter Tamaho Maru were safe today in the North Pacific Ocean after abandoning their sinking ship following a sixty-hour fight with wintry seas. A brief message relayed to the coastguard here last night told of the rescue by the steamer Reiyo Maru which had convoyed the Tamaho Maru for many hours. Forty-two men were taken off by the Reiyo Maru which is now proceeding towards Japan. J t THOUSAND POLES DOWN IS ONTARIO TEMPEST t r TORONTO. Jan. 2: -In Ice and slush, hundreds of line- r men tolled today to restore l'IBW-' iieWnenW"" V uon lines throughout Western t Ontario. More than 1000 tele- graph and telephone poles col- 4 lapsed under burdens of New Year's Day sleet snd snow. The damage was centred 4 around Oalt. e PHONE IS UNIVERSAL . F. Pullcn Tells of Wonders of, Radio Telephony VANCOUVER, Jan. 2 The wonders ol modern radio telephony which enables Vancouver to talk to 25 countries and 32 mUUon telephones constituting over 85 per cent of the telephones In the world were told ln Uie Hotel Vancouve: by N. F. Pullen, publicity manag-of B. C. Telephone Company, a. a luncheon meeting of the Ad vertlslng and Sales Bureau of Vancouver Board of Trade. Radio now spans the vast pares not covered by land wires but modem engineering hat mide the radio hook-up as efficient as Hi wire. Anyone ln Van sourer can tele-nhone to Australia at a cost of $57 for 3 minutes, but there Is no record of it having been done yet "But it Is sure to happen before I long when someone Is tn a hurry." Mr Pullen said. The Australian sef-I vice la longest of all m mileage. 17-looo miles via New York and Eng-1 1 nd To Call Hawaii The rate on the new aonneettop with Iitwau U Ml for 3 minute so '.hat anyone who wishes to send New Year greetings to lion. H. II. Stevens In Honolulu can do so fir 'hut comparatively small sum Mr Pullen explained. Polng a world map, Mr. Pul len gave a graphic picture ol the reach of the human voice Ihrnuth the magic of modern electrical engineering. Brarll has Just been added to south American countries that may be reached. Bermuda has been added within two or three days. Sumatra li also a new country on local telephone lint i.nd Rumania has been added to (Continued on Page Four) DEATH OF GEN. PAU XainouiJPenc, Expires Today In Paris at Age. of Llghty-Three PARIS, Jan. 2: General Paul Oerald Pau. noted commander of French troops during the Orcat War. died today at the age of 83. Pau was listed among the immor-tal with Marshal Foch and Marshall Jof fre both of whom have died within recent years. Me will be accorded honors of state at his Scotch Dance On Hogmanay I. O. I). E. Hall Scene of Delightful Affair on New Year's Eve As has been the custom for many years, many young folks gathered together on Hogmanay night to ipend the last hours of the old year in tripping "the light fantastic toe." The I. O. D. E. Iistl had been pret tily decorated and the Scotch or chestra, consisting of John Brem-ner, James Watt. J. B. McKay and J. L. Lee. played for Scotch dances while Mr. and Mrs. McKay played for Canadian dances The Highland Sehottlsche. danced to bagpipe !tfa!na.'waa especially enjoyable. Delightful refreshments were wrved at 11:30 pjn. after which Piper Leslie piped out the Old Year and all joined heartily tn the New Year's welcome "A Quid Kew Year tae One an' a ." Dancing and merriment were kept up until 2 a.m. J. Hadden and D. Ritchie proved efficient masters of ceremonies. MAYOR WILL KEPOUT TO COUNCIL MONDAY Pending the making of his report to the city council at Its regular fortnightly meeting on Monday evening next, Mayor t Cyril II. Orme declined this morning to comment upon the results of his trip last week to Victoria to confer with the provincial government ln re- gard to financing of municipal I unemployment rafleX work. It e is understood inai iae mayor met with little, if any, success. V