DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUP.ERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor JAP PICNIC SUBSCRIPTION "RATES , Vii City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly perloUf paid aid ENJOYABLE If you are troubled with constlpa-tion.read Miss Bundyfeenthusiastlc letter: "I would like to congratulate the one who discovered AliBra.n. 'It really doet'live up to its reputation when it it said to "relieve constipation.' I used to feel poor all the time just down and out and after reading an advertisement In a magazine about All-Bran I got a box. It has evermore helped me, and it is nothard at allto eat." Mist Mary Bundy (address upon request). Laboratory tests show AluBkan brings two things needed to correct common constipation : "BuTk" to exercise the intestines; Vitamin B to help tone the intestinal tract. Alx-Brak also furnishes iron for the blood. The "bulk" In All-Bran is much like that of lettuce. Within the body, it forms a toft mass. Gently, it clears the intestines -of wastes. How much safer than takin'g pills and drugs to often harmful. AlX-Bran it not haWt-formlntr. Two tabletpoonfuls daily will overcome moat types of constipation. If your intestinal trouble it not relieved this way, tee your doctor. Use as a cereal, or In cooking. Recipes on the red-and-green package. At all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. tor ft RESULTS In advance ; 5.00" , ror lesser pariods, paid Jn advance pet week- 10c By mall to iul parts or Northern and Central British Columbia, pair) in advance for yearly period 3.00 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em-. pirc and United States, paid in advance,.pcr year $6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year . 9.00 ADVERTISING RATEjS Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word Local readers, per Insertion, -per line ., Legnl notice, each insertion, per-agate line Translet display advertising, per Inch, per Insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member of Audit bureau of Circulations -98 .02 .25 .15 1.40 Monday, May 30, 1932 READY FOR LONG HOP One Hundred and Fifty Attended Nat C. (Browne Awaiting Favorable Picnic Held Yesterday at Wind at -Week-End For Flight Tugwell Island to Tokyo The annual picnic of the Prince Rupert Japanese Association was neld yesterday at Tugwetl Island. There were fully 150 Japanese pre-ent to enjoy the outing and it took ibout a dozen boats to transport, hem to .the. picnic grounds. The ooats started leaving the city at 10:30 in the morning and. by 8, o'clock In the evening, all were' safely home a'fter a happy day on the sands. During the day, games, baseball j and softball were enjoyed and there j were nice for the kiddles as well J as the older and younger adults. I There were abundant refreshments! in addition to the basket lunches, i H. K. Yamanacka, president of. the Prince Rupert Japanese Assp elation was in charge bf 'the picnic "ALL-BRAN 1IVES IIP TC' Her Constipation Overcome by This Delicious Cereal SEATTLE, May 30: Nathan C. Browne, New York aviator, was standing by his plane at Boeing Field at the week-end ready to hop off for his projected non-stop flight from Seattle to Tokyo for a $29,000 prtte. A favorable southerly wind was being awaited to aid the heavi'y laden ship In getting off on the long hop across the ocean. It is stated here that Harold Bromley of Tacoma, who has already made more than one attempt to cross the Pacific Ocean non-stoy between Seattle and Japan, wli' make another attempt to collect tfw $29,000 prize money for the fllghr which expires on June 1. BIG PICNIC ON SUNDAY Two Hundred Persons on Outing of 'Cold Storage Employees Under Auspices of Fish Packers' Union I Under the auspices of the Fish Packers' Union of the One Big Union, the second annual picnic fcr employees of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage.Co. and their families and friends was held yesterday afternoon at Digby Island. There were about two hundred persons on the outing which proved highly enjoyable to all. Among those present were ,T. H. Johnson, general manager of the company, and Mrs. John-n Col. and Mrs. J. W. .Nieholls. Mr. and Mm. E.. Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Boddie and Mr. and Mrs Robert Slance Two boats were used to transport the ptaniekers to Digby Island the company fish packers W. iR. Lord and Drier Starrett. The boats started leaving at 9:30 a.m. There were games and sports of -ill descriptions both for the children and the adults. Ice cream, soft drinks and candy were distributed tree. Danelna was. enjoyed with mu sk by a tour-piece orchestra con- "istina of W. Murray. T. Bussanlch V. Biwcanich and Mike Colussl. T. 11. Johnton. who took some in-,teitln moving picture of the outing, made a brief speech In whteh he lauded the o-operation and friendliness of the employees. ,Prw.wi orented to the children hy Mrs. Stance arid Mrs. . Da-vldin. -rs 't-Ver werc n ntey home by 9 pxn. Mrs. Ike Thompson sailed bv the Prince John Saturday night on her return to Queen Charlotte City af-! ter having spent two or three days In the cltv on business. hum lMvasivBW sa hhk si m m bbbm This advertisement Is not published or displayed by tne Ltquoi "Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Olympic Fashion American fashion fans claim to .have the Olympics "in the "bag." Sari Marirza displays the latest wrinkle In purses quite the thing for the summer games. DIES IN ALASKA Rev. Edward Marsden, Native of Metlakatla, Passes Away at Ketchikan . The many friends in this district of Rev. Edward Marsden will regret to know of his death in Ketchikan on May 6 of double pneumonia and au operation for gall-stones. The late Mr. Marsden was born in Metlakatla, B.C. and. when man oi" these people moved away with rather Duncan to Alaska. Marsden'f people were among them! Deceased was educated at Sitka and. from I f.nora Via Antara inHarrA r f fn , vaswsvw wiicsjC at mat i-ttte. Ohio. Returning to his people he entered the mission field unde: the Presbyterian Church and. at th:: lime of his death, was the minlstet of the Presbyterian Church at Metlakatla, Alaska. Mr. Marsden for a time was moderator for Alaska of the PresbyterianChureh. He always took an active part In all movements for the cause of the natives and was one of the founders of the Native iBrother hood of Alaska. He was one. of the outstanding men of his people and was many times sent to Washington. D.C.. and other centres to plead the eause-of his people. He was 63 years, of age and, besides his widow and children In Alaska, he leave at Port Simpson a few relatives including Mrs. Wm. fMusgrave and Mrs. Wm. Beynon. The late Mr. Marsden was well known In Prince Rupert. DIED HERE ON SUNDAY '-ftntlnuprt from -nave one) tive In hospital affairs and several years ago set as a member of the board of directors of the Prince Ru pert General Hospital representing (the Women's Auxiliary. During the war she took a prominent part In the work of the Red Cross Society and was also associated with the activities of the Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire. Predeceased four years ago by her husband, who was prominent In ,lrtoneer civic and business life here and who died in Seattle, deceased leaves to mourn her loss one son, H. Glen Morrissey of Seattle, and one daughter, Mrs. Mary (R. E.i Moore. Prince Rupert. A sister is Mrs. Emma Stewart of Waterbury. Connecticut. To the bereaved sincere and general sympathy will be extended. Following solemn requiem mass tomorrow-, morning in the Church of the Annunciation, the remains will be placed tomorrow afternoon on board the steamer Catala and taken jto Seattle where interment will be Unadej In the.tamlly tploUrM. Jp. Mc-Cnffery. VW& friend of JMrs.'Mor- nssey s iamuy, will accompany the remains south. The B.C. Undertakers are in charge of funeral E. M. Haynes. Post Office Inspector, was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening bound .from Victoria to Stewart on official THE UMlt NSWS DEAD AT ! SIMPSON Miss Ethel Ross, Member of Hos-. ... pital Staff, Succumbs .to " Cancer PORT SIMPSON, May 30: The death of Miss Ethel Ross occurred here-very suddenly. She had been 111 only a short tlniemnd. in an effort to save her life, Dr. Perry and Dr. Large performed ,an operation but she passed away from cancer trouble. . The late Miss Ross was a . member of the hospital' staff where she had been employed f or '.some tme. She was 36ears of age and. besides her mother, she leaves to mourn her loss one brother, Cecil, and, at Kltkatla, her uncles, Chief .Edward .Gamble, John Nelson and Henry Watt, and her grandfather, Joshua Tsibasa. The late Miss Ross was a member of the United Church, the Hosnital Auxiliary and the Woman's Missionary Society. In these she was a faithful worker. The whole upturn unity mourns her loss. The high esteem in which deceased was held was shown by the large attendance from outside places at the funeral on Monday last with Rev. Alfred Wilson of (Prince Rupert officiating. The KlUwtla Band, together with many of the people of Kltkatla and Metlakatla, were In attendance. The cortege. leaving the residence headed by the 'Kltkatla and Port Simpson Bands, was followed by-the Port Simpson Athletic Club and .Y. P. E. A. members, who were the active pallbearers. The honorary pallbearers were Rufus Dudoward, A. Held. W. Beynon, O. Watson, W. Lawson, H. Brooks and Wm. Dudoward. Among those who sent floral offerings were: Dr. and Mrs. Large (Prince .Rupert). Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Perry, The Nurses. Kltkatla Band. Ladles' Excelsior Club (Kltkatla), 'Ladles' White Cross (Kltkatla). Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Leask (Metlakatla), The Misses Deacon and Reed, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Dudoward. Rev. and Mrs. V. H. Sansuir. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bqyd Young, Musgrave and Beynon families. Ivy Guild, United Church Choir. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Moraes, Women's Missionary Society, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hellln. Air. and Mrs. H. Ryan. Mrs. F. Brentaen and Mrs. iR. Brentzen. Mrs. J. D. Watson. Annie and Ed.. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Wesley, Epworth League. Ladles' Aid of ' the Y. P. E. A., Mrs. Reid and family and others. NEW CHURCH BEING BUILT Bishop Rlx Officiates at Corner Post Ceremony at Greenville ComeJ GREENVILLE, May 30: posts for a new church whteft Is In course of erection to replace the one destroyed by fire In 1922 were .solemnly laid recently by iBlshop O. A. Rlx In the presence ol a large assembly of local residents and visitors. The Bishop was assisted by Jack Weaver and Rev. W. 8. Cooper. His Lordship wa.s on his way to Gltlakdamlx. travelling in company with Dominion Constable E.'G. Newnham and later confirmed a number of candidates who had been prepared by Rev. S. Klnleyjjf Kincollth. ' .v . ; At Oreenvllie. the party wa joined by Rev. and Mrs -Weaver and Rev. W. S. Cooper, the whole travelling under the escort oMhe Dominion police. Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20.000 tons ' :. Shipbuilders' and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmlll1 an .Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding ; 50-tnn Derrick for Heavy Lifts L I s f , ,i - 7 : i ' . - ' V j ' -Monday, May i0. I tf ityiMfi rtny i tuny nthnttk JJ i ' ' Home eep&Roof Over Qjjaiir A CTUALLY your home lias two ropfs one that XJiIie huiltlcr ereclciItOjiroUct your family (rum thoitU'tructive elements tlie .other .vt liich you .provided with your Life Insurance tp guard your home agaiut future hardships. You would not under qnyciriiuutances alluvr the huihler's roof to he removed after it has sheltered .your family for year-f- Tlirn, niuke mii re tltat.tlicother equally Important roof is never impairetl--'tIiut your'Ufe:InsHrane continues to keep your home intact and yotir.lated ones Nifc. I,ife Insurance Is property- just as much M.Ute roof out your head. It is rash property .which will provide you with tin income xheii you arc oh). Your wife and family are abo protected agiiiut ,poaihIe .financial disaster. Keep. the rouf of Life Insurance, ulways over yaur home. life Insurance &&rtfm immmjL tOne oj a 1jeriei,,o,meuigesuMomfojf Life Imtirance. pommnfei EDI SON MAZDA LAMPS TEW hpnjes hAve enough light vrj(t. s needed. X oid eyMtmnt ' j8 'Wi tbittse riothing less than 60 watt lamps wherever you worlt or read. And be sure to dioose Etjison Mazda Larpps tamed for soft, well-tjlffused lght. MADE IN CANADA 1.41 CANADIAN tGEKERAL ELECT.RIC tCO. LIMITED If you lose anythinif, try a clusstfied ad. m