PA02 rotra Friday. f Apm THB DMI.Y NEWS , TORONTO LEAPS WIN SECOND STRAIGHT HOCKEY GAME Maureen Orcutt jart Canadian Team is Now , AN ew uame Heavily Favored to Capture Stanley Cup; 6-2 Last Nigtit We've had masked crooners, masked boxers and now masked golfers. Maureen Or-cutt has developed that sixth sense and doesn't need to keep her eye on the ball. SPORT CHAT It is about time for Jack Demp-sey to stop taking on two or three shows a week and go through some regular training and get a chance to rest, If he has any intention of fighting again. The barnstorming has been very profitable, but it Is not doing Dempsey any good in other ways. He has been meeting a lot of rough fellows and even II he knocks them out, some of them land on his chin now and then. A boxer at the age of 36 years and nine months, has to ease up a bit in taking punches. Years ago Dempsey would let sparring partners cut loose and sock him a few before he let go himself. Dempsey always had a lot of ability to weather punishment. He showed that in his fight with Tunney at Philadelphia. Dempsey boxed Levinsky and did not make a good showing. He was skipping around the United States before that bout, boxing two or three times a week, and evidently he expected to take Levinsky in his stride. He; found put that nightly tmltiiavAiuleklumRS'from towni to tfiwn did rWltfutnlm infighting trlriii All this show boxing may have been good to get Jack used to the ring again, but he has had enough of It. What he needs now is a rest away from the crowds, no more travelling and a month or so of easy training and plenty of sleep to! loosen up and Increase his speed, After that let him go out and fight anybody and see what he can do. If he does not put It over then he had better quit 22 kW5 j "ttil yr nut," u$i OfJen't fine cut titatttu tobacco. BOSTON, April 8: The Toronto Maple Leafs took a strangle-hold on the Stanley Cup series last night by winning their second successive victory over New York Hangers in the finals, the score being six to two. After the Hangers had taken a two-goal lead, the Maple Leafs came back with one of their sensational bursts of scoring and rained in six goals in a row The Maple Leafs will be on their home ice for the third game tomorrow night and, if they win, they will have cap tured the world's professional hockey championship. Of course, they are heavy favorites now. SPRING TEA-SALE HELD Successful Affair Yesterday Afternoon By Catholic Women's League by the Catholic Women's League, of which Mrs. C. P. Balagno la president, In the parish hall which was attractively decorated for the occasion with green foliage and spring flowers, the decorations being in icharge of Mrs. J. J. Oillls. The proceedings continued Into the evening wnen a wnisi ana onage patty was enjoyed. In charge In the afternoon were the following: Sewing Mrs. M. P. McCaffery and Mrs. Wilfrid Gratton. Home Cooking Mm. Couture and Mrs. Hugh Smith. Tea Room Convener, Mrs. Har old McEwen; pouring, Mrs. B. Cur tin and Mrs. W. H. Klnkade; serving, Mrs. Frank St, Amour. Miss Mary McCaffery. Miss Mary Coma- dina. Miss Gwen Palmer and Miss Yvette Desrosiers; kitchen, Mrs. DeMarco. Mrs. Arthur Murray and Mrs. F. Magnet; cashier, Mrs. Hubert Ward. Prize-winners at bridge and whist In the evening were as follows: Bridge Ladles' first, Miss Mary Astorl; second. Mrs. M. P. McCaffery; men's first, M. P. McCaffery; second. Miss Ruth Gillies. j Whist-Mrs. Whiff In; 1 1 Alii. B. Fltspatriek; men's first, Joe moil; second. Theo Fortune. Winners In the raffle were ax follows: j Caice, Mm. Couture; cereals. Mre. Wank St. Amour; ham, Mrs. L, Ai i i tori; pillow slips, Mrs. F. Magne'. I wool cushion, Bishop E. M. Buno,, (footstool, Mrs. Fortune; wool tush- ion, Mrs. O. II. Blernes (Hazel ton); ' wool cushion. Mrs. I. Astorl. A very successful spring tea and) Winners in the grand drawing sale was held yesterday afternoon were as follows: First, $10 in gold, Mrs. O. C. Young, No. 581. Second, 15-piece china bridge set, Peter Byrne Jr., No, 151. Third, $5 in gold, Miss Winnie Hill, No. 68. Fourth, linen runner, Miss Swan na Olafson, No. 644. Fifth, cushion, Mrs,. L. Astorl, No. 490. Mrs. Theo Fortune was cashier for the evening. HER SEVENTH HEAVEN Mrs. Helen Wills Moody, of San Francisco, who returned td the women's national tennis champion ship in 1931 to win the crowh for the seventh time, equalled the record of Mrs. Molla Mallory In being ranked first for the seventh time by the United States Lawn Tennis As sociation. Several hours behind schedule, C. P. R. steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. S. K. Gray, Is reported dtie in port at 2 o'clock tomorrow morning from the south and will sail soon second, after arrival on her return south. This is Maureen Orcutt and her polo pony Maureen s;iys there is not such a lot of difference between golf arid polo and who would argue with such a charming lady. She was snapped at Augusta, Ga. TREAT YOUR PIPE RIGHT! Fill the bowl with fragrant Ogdcn's cut plug artd you will be treated by your plpq to a cooler, richer, mpre satisfying smoke Y$s, it's a paying proposition to 0. fimntff n tnhnrrn t Vint is i ALL QUALITY! OGDEN'S CUT PLUG It's golf on horsback to Maureen Ofcuti. You'd cai lit polo and nobody would call it a horse, but the famous golfer says the games are much alike She learns the rudiments from a trainer. NORTHERN B. C. NEWS NEW HAZELTON The New Hazelton baseball club has been organized for the 1932 sea son. John Rukin has been elected manager and S. H. Senkpiel, captain. ; Mm. Dorothy Brown, formerly teacher at the Klspiox School, after having been a patient, In the Hazelton Hospital for several weeks, left yesterday for Vancouver where she will visit with friends during convalescence. Oordon Freeman of Vancouver's arrived to succeed Mrs. Brown in charge of the school. Instructions have been Issued to the Indlansjat HagwlJget to get busy and clean up the premises and the whole reserve. Wilson Mulrhead of Smlthers Is relieving on the staff of the Royal Bank of Canada In Hazelton. He is (relieving Be,n Jones who Is on a holiday visit to his home in Vancouver. Dr. H. a Wrlnch. M.L.A. fo Skeena. is expected home next weel from Victoria where he has beer attending th session of the Legls lature. The Felix Bridge Club met on Tuesday niatat'the home of Mrs. Walton Sharp; Mm. A. D. Chappdl was the prize-winner. There is expected to be the usual large Influx of tourists to this district during the coming summer season. There was anbther quite heavy fall of snow in thU district on Monday night and the roads are in bad shape again. Several men have been at work during the past week filling up bad holes on the road between Hazelton land South Hazelton where cars (were continually getting stuck. I The annual meeting of the New ! Hazelton Citizens' Association was held last night, Officers for the en suing year were elected. Mrs. Peter Smith and daughters returned last Saturday after spending the Easter holiday at Pitman with Mr. Smith. Mrs. N. Museflllem of Prince Ru pert has been visiting with her daughters eled at the hospital ihcre. and Wadea, in Smlthers. An enloyflbje April Fool carnival i was held in Hod.ders Hall last Frl-1 day night bmhe Women's Auxiliary to the lliftelton Hospital. There twas a larRe '.attendance. The pro-. ;ceeds amounted to $60.75. i Through the Instrumentality of Mat Myros a handsome run has been obtained for competition am-,ong members of the Hazelton Oolf ciuo. a schedule of play is being worked out by Mr. Myros. Last Bun day Robert Hunter and William Larmer had the first round of the season on the course. Alfred Hall of Hazelton was camped for several weks last summer near the bridge on the Pacific Great Eastern which collapsed last Week while an engine was crossing. He was prospecting the creeks. 1 In spite of Ue fact Uutttere is considerable snow on the road. Austin Goodenoutn sod Antorfla Sartori motored down (ram Bml there at the first ot the week. Dr. Galbralth left yesterday or his -return- to -Vancouver aftel spending several weeks atjthe Ha-aelton Hospital. The Women's Auxiliary ta the Hazelton Hospital held a meeting on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Walton Sharp. Wiggins, an old timer of Hazelton, was sentenced to three months' 'nprisonment last week for supplying liquor to Indiana. SMITHERS Prospects for early marketing In Vancouver of surplus Bulkley Valley nay are looming as a result of the Canadian National Hallways having agred to reduca the rate by $2 JO to $10.80 per ton. Ifforts are being made towards having another reduction granted. A. J. Oalland, excise Inspector from Prince Rupert, has ben spending a few day here on offi cial duties. ALICE ARM Miss Alice Kergln returned on Thursday of last week after having pent a few days In Anyox visiting with Mr. and Mm. P. Powell. Mrs. j. Weir returned to her heme here last Saturday after a brlif visit In Anyox. Pete Monohali left last week for the Queen Charlotte Islands where he will spend the coming summer. FUESII AND SWEET After washing milk bottles, never turn them upside down to drain. Keep them upright so the air can enter them and keep them sweet and fresh. U.X, CORNS 6 WARTS 1 1-V .. in U.. D.k W M T Min.rd'l I im, Im ll V II dr m. Afw vkil Cm M II 14 Wmu V lift right off -m Ctkihc or mr2 1 I GENTLEMEN -- CHOOSE I YOUR CLOTHES WITH CAlttj CONSIDER the three c$-sentialpointsof fine clothes, Style Quality -- Value. Then see how these are combined in Fashion- Craft Clothes. You'll see distinctive smartness in perfect taste, the finest materials expertly tailored, and prices that doubly empha- size the values. rASHION-eRAFT CLOTHES from 25 The 100 Celinesc Linings In ill Fsihlon-CrsFt Clothes f (he smoothest nd mostdurablc linings obtainable. Spring Showing of New Ilffts. Shirts, Neck-wear and Hosiery. All of the latest styles and colors It pays well to dress well Bryant Company Limited Sixth Street Prince Rupert Insist on "GRANTS BEST PROCURABLE" The Orlfilul For Sale at Vendor or direct from "Mall Order Dept." Liquor Control Board, Victoria, II, C, A PURE R MSCOTCH WHISKY ft J0V?mCHEST IN FINEST JHL 0 J0VHIOHLAND MALT . . ANM R Tins ndvci-tis.-n.ieiu js not pubi,,. , or displayed by the Li'i" " Control Uoard or the Government of British Columbia. Dvcuusc it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, U does pay to buy those advertised.