HARBOR REPORT IS TABLED IN HOUSE 1. I L.'gqgg Today's Weather i rif i omorrow s uaes Saturday, April 9, 1932 ftote High - 2:39 a.m. 20:6 It. Prince Rupert- -'dy, light 15:21 p.m. 17:9 ft. .southeast wind; r. 30.26; Low 9:22 a.m. 4:1 ft. 47; 21:10 pm. 7:7 ft. temperature, A vs. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL IJRITISFI COLUMHIA'S NEWSPAPER 4 3r Vol. XXIII.. No. 82. "7 . Crew of US mi-scr Louisville holstiwr damaged plane aboard alter two pUnes collided in the air. One was a total wreck, the other was only slightly damaged. None of the pUott was Injured Game Service In Province Costly Employees Number 69 and Salaries Total $9,161.10, Legislature Is Told In answer to question! asked by Dr J. j. amis. Liberal member for Yule, Hon. It. H. Pooley. attorney Taku Area Is Under Reserve In Order to 1'ermlt Examination of Industrial Sites and Ship-pint Facilities An area In the Casslar district m the vicinity of Taku River wa nlaced under icservc m Septem I'nii iai nviiinri in tho t Miniature i her 10 last the reserve to be tern tii 't there are a total of 69 employ- porary during the local mining W'x in the Game Branch of the pro- boom to permit examination and AnnnrUnnmtnt of limited tndua I VANCOUVER WHEAT PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1932 Vancouver Can Become Outlet For Peace River Valley Only if Protected From North B.C. Port Would Abolish Harbor Commissioners at Each Port and Set Up Central Board in Ottawa With Individual Managers OTTAWA, April 8: Dealing with Vancouver, the report of Sir Alexander Gibb, British expert, on Canadian harbors, presented to the House of Commons today, ' views arguments in jajor of Peace Riyej grain coming j f n Vancouver as vcrv strong but states that this goal can j Most of the capital expenditures oi an narnon,, u . the exception of Montreal and Vancouver, should be written off, Sir Alexander declared. The report was tabled m the House of Commons today. Inquires About Road Spendings In Fort George ....... , vnv m(wi,wiiuuuii oomitvw -rr" - . . for 1932 being $9,161.10. Employees , trial sites and shipping lm , membcr were located, among other point. Hon. N. S. Lougheed stated In the nr.J.J.OUlIMl member ha. bee n e in answer to for Yale. "t Prince Rupert. Prince George, Legislature recently - ' . ii i, a Vtu nrav. mutations In the Legislature ai ::.uernooi. rouco ooupo ana ton nuio.. , "--, - ------ ,.,,.. exDendt- St. John. m . . . I a I"?' had t.m in the Fort George district. Birr. Ill IClfalU IV aivw" " hL mM unoer reserve by the In one question. Dr. Glllis askd government .and the reasons , iplaclnc the reserves . MOKATOIIIUM ON . MORTGAGES FOR vrAii rimiumri) VICTORIA. April 8:-A bill 1 4 OrnvlHlnw f nr n mrtm tfirliim nn WEATHER REPORT Dead Tree Point-Cloudy, i fresh awinble? 4 mnri . j. southeast wind; barometer, ou.uo, "vKaua lui urn; jrcu una . 54; sea rough. been lntrnrinrnd m the Louis- temperature. lain. U.. tt.. n IT TWO x ' Langara wind; sea calm easterly attorney-general. Interest and 1 T tax payments must continue to he paid, the moratorium ap- Plying only to principal pay- ments, fnr if nv amount was speiu irom September 1. 1928, to December '31, 1931, on Davie Lake road north of' Summit Lake, If so. what total rrtm was spent on such road dur-in 1939. 1930 and 1931, and for what class of traffic is this road , In another question, amount so spent? Dr. amis innulres If any amount was spent Island Overcast, light . September 1. 1923. In con- Inftetln the Bellos ranch with the I Queincl-rtlnce George hlyhwy ianrt 11 SO. What ftHS tilt tQtal M "V- " " o- . .. I exchange today. ,Dyu. j Terrace Fair Directors For Year Selected TERRACE. April 8 J. K. Gordon, James Lever, G. Hamblln. D Allen s . . i n . rr . In New Role The iamu,is p!mo-slUer. Helen fc.org.ir.. is pi-tuied in a new tole. She seems to be quite aw name tn a leaping -lena as she vacation at Miami Beach. - only be obtained if the port is protected from the estab- lishment of a competitive port further north and infers , CTADp J C that, if the central harbor board at Ottawa is appointed, j U 1 VllJLi 1U this question will be decided "upon ine Droaci grounus oi i7MTL7D T7T national policy," particularly in consideration of the fact j fcREjU that a port further north ol Vancouver "couici oniy cxisi on direct or indirect subsidization." Lashing out at the present system of administration of Canadian ports, Sir Alexander, who is a noted British port engineer, in his report as a Royal Commission for the federal government, recommends the abolition of all harbor commissions and the establishment of a central board at Ottawa to administer the ports. The central noara would be under the jurisdiction of the Department of Marine, independent of the deputy minister and answerable only to the minister of marine. The body would have a personnel of three a controller of harbor finance, a director of port engineering and a director of port operations. A harbor manager would be appointed to each port. This officer, under the central board, would be assisted by a purely advisory committee composed of out-t-imwlinir pStl7lns! tin mod bv the provincial government, Loose Silver and CUarettes Taken From F. E. Hunt Establishment on Waterfront Some time between 9 o'clock last night and 6 o'clock this morning the F. E. Hunt Ltd. marine outfit ting store on the waterfront was broken lntq, loose silver from the cash register as well as a quantity of cigarettes being taken. Entry was obtained by forcing the sash of the side office window and climbing in. The breaking and entering was reported to the police at 6 o'clock this morning since which time in vestigation' has been proceeding. the municipal council, the board of trade, the steamship ;wa8 rom0ved companies, the railway companies and the labor unions, while the va moved Is BORROWING INCREASED CI'.U. Permitted Under New Bill to . Raise Up to One-Half of Company's Property Investment OTTAWA. April 8: terms of a bill approved yesterday by the rtillway committee of the House of Commons the borrowing Kerr, u . inomas, ev. . i.i nwM . ... Ranadlan Pacific nd Mrs. tt II. Thomas have ,raQOfiH tn on .t.nt': been elected directors of the Terrace Fall Fair Association for tne year. It is intended to hold a fair ts usual this year. INTERIM PAYMENT ' MADE TO FARMERS iwtunnjF . s. uivtvunv w - where the company may Issue consolidated debenture stock to an! amount which, with secured obit-, gatlons of the company outstand-; lng. sliall not exceed one-nan oi the company's property investment. Burns Lake Man Gets Twenty Days in Jail WINNIPEG. Anrll 8: Inter- i Divisional headquarters of the; im luvmmt nf fn ini a hu. nrnvlncial Dollce here have beer.; shel on all grades of last year's advised that Otto Lundberg was wheat crop delivered to pral- sentenced to twenty days imprls- rle wheat pools was made to- onment. without option of fine, day. The Initial payment was by Stipendiary Magistrate R. W. 36c per bushel. MaeOowan at Burns Lake for his third offence on a charge ?lr drunkenness. of PRICE. FIVE. CENTS POOLEY PROPOSES VICTORIA POLICE BOARD ABOLITION Damaged Plane After Collision SIGNIFICANT FINDING OF SIR ALEXANDER GIRB, BRITISH ENGINEER, ANNOUNCED TODAY WITH TABLING OF ROYAL COMMISSION RETURN Drastic Action in Regard I To Ports of Canada Urged1 Course of Law Alleged By Magistrate G. Jay Was Tampered With ' Permissive Adoption of Three-Man System Elsewhere in i Province Advocated By Attorney-General I ' In Legislature VICTORIA, April 8: Immediate abolition of the police; board of Victoria consequent upon a complaint made to him by Magistrate George H. Jay and permissive adoption, of the Ontario three-man system in other parts of the pro-! vince was recommended by Hon. R. H. Pooley, attorney-general, in the Legislature yesterday. The attorney-gen- neral was speaking on proposed am- . .endments to the Municipal Act. nniiTl fT 1JA Wvl) I H i The recommendation in regard to 1 jnuJuJUi VJ Vi , Victoria. Mr. Pooley explained, GEN. CLARK Noted Vancouver Soldier Won Distinction in War; -Prominent Broker a leader in Pacific Coast financial circles, died In hospital shortly before noon today. He was born in London, England, on April 17, 1874. Before the War he lived at Victoria and was president of the Western Motor St Supply Co. and the Sun Rubber Co. Ltd. while there. Educated at Broadstalrs College . and 3c In Kent, England, the late General Clark was attracted to Western. arose from charges that the board had Interfered with the course of law on more than one occasion. Halibut Landings Summary American 70.500 Bounds. 5.9c -WAS-IN KLONDYKE-U&nd 3c- to-Wcand.3a VANCOUVER, April 8: General Robert Percy Clark, one of British Columbia's outstanding soldiers, vhe Great War and for many years Canadian 9,300 pounds, 55c and 4.5c to 6.2c and 4.5c, American Pioneer, 18,000, Cold Storage, ,5.9c and 3c. ' Grayling, TCttffcift.2c hd Senator, iS.000, refused 6c. an.cL.3c, left for Seattle. Aleutian, 35,000, refused 5c and 3c, left for Seattle. Superior, 27,000, Atlin, 7c and 3c. Oony, 6,000, Pacific, 7.3c and 3c. Rap III, 5,500, Cold Storage, 7.1c Canada by the Gold'Rush and went and 45c. to the Klondyke in 1897. He went to Teddy, 700, Cold Storage, 55c arid Victoria in 1900 but went to the 45c. Boer War In South Africa the same j Vera Beatrice, 3500, Cold Storage year and returned to Victoria in J 6.1c and 45c. s 1906 when he went into business. I Alice May, 1.C00, Atlin, 55c and While in South Africa he served 45c. with the Seventh Irish Fusiliers, the Tne casn in uie reamer which ,Jorg, and tne Diamond Fields . amounted to about so : ptp1 rt Artnrv He won the Kind's alue of cigarettes re estimated at $10 or $12. - -" - I and Queen's Medals. Canadian Toodie, 3500, Cold Storage. Gib tfimhprlpv RMlmcnt. the Diamond' Mwe Annto Rrnnln . , I . , . - I I - - - Of Cedarvalc Dies CEDARVALE, April 8 Mrs. An- Returning to Victoria, General nie Brown, a well known native Clark retained his Interest in mill- j woman, passed away here on Bas-tary affairs and was captain of the ; ter Monday. The Juneral was cot Fifth Regiment C. O. A. He went ducted on Thursday by Rev. T. K. overseas soon after the outbreak of Totnllnson. the Great War and during the con- . . fllct rose to the rank of a general FINED $100 The late General Clark is sur- vived by a widow and two sons and j Peter Galy. for contributing to two daughters. He was a member of :the delinquency of a Juvenile, was the Masonic Order. Sons of Eng- j fined $100, with option of three land and Eagles. His recreation was months' imprisonment, by Magts-nnln Hp wax a Conservative and an i trate MrClvmnnt In eltv noltee rnurt Under the; Angllcan this morning. Co-operative Gold Seeking Expedition to Alaska; 250 Miners Plan to Go .North SEATTLE, April 8: A co-operative gold-seeking expedition to Alaska in June was announced today by Seattle men who have organized the Alaska Grubstake Co. and have purchased the barquetmo Conqueror to use in the project, Bob Wark, Seattle flyer, who is president of the company, plans to fly the miners in from the ship to the claims. It is hoped to organize an expedition of 250 mjners all to share equally in the profits.