AQE TWO OYRIL Yiifi IU IIWnTTsl COALLXOAL! Ji Satisfaction RiiuranteW-wTtrTT our Famous Ed son Alberta & Bulkley Valley Coal; No. 1 Bulkley Valley Tlsaothy Hay, Whta,t, OaU it Barley, PratU Baby Chick Food, Seeds tt Fertiliser. Prince Kuperl Feed Co PHONi: 58 &. 55S 'jtMasuaMmMin "Beef Goodness" AFTER ILLNESS MAY save you 'weeks of weakness THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Eviry ' Vtemoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert I kiy :Tews. Limited, Thin! Aven ti ll. 1. PULLEN - - Managing-Editor 8UBSCKIFTION KATES City delivery, by mall or earner, yearly period, paid In, advance. For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week , , - , , , ay man iwM'" .cjiiial BMUStf Columbia, paid hi advance for yearly period .. By mail to all other part of British Columbia. the British Empire and IfnUed States, paid in advance, per year By mail to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch, per Insertion Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word . .. ,, Local readers, per insertion, per line , -, ,,, Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line , ... .. Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters' lelepnone 8fl Advertising and Circulation Telephone . 98 Member ol Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION PULP MILL PROPOSAL 3.W $eou 9.00 Severe Headaches Pimples on Face Mias Mri L. C. Rlttkwell, Gunn, Alu., writ:-"For two ytn I fullered from aever lwdafl, aod pimrilri on my Ure. r btdcb lerroed isoirable, aod I thoiixbt the pircpW would Qtvtf diMp(r, A (riond rtcoroawnoV! Burdodi Wood Bitten, atul o trying a Wula I found tli keadarbes diMpjwir. I ant not bothered any ioor i(h the pun mm." SEASONED SITKA SPRUCE We ;irr ijafeti to niivi the following .iprcla) for a short time: 1 !'4 x 4 U,K4 Mill Hun Common SIS lUudam Leoxtus eitlicr . SIIH'LAI' T U a $12.00 per M ft. I)I(i RAY LUMHEK COMPANY, LTD. io xonx bpriius Hepaiw iM Your Garat. 1.40 .02 Thursday. March 17, 193J -MLWHONE 657 SKEENA BKAMt Creqmcry Butter fe VUV.SH PASTEURIZED MII.K AKI (,'HEAM UM.Y Early Delivery Turoiirhqui the City IDR. MANDY 1 IS HEARD "The World on Which We Live," Interesting Subject For Discourse ' to P. T. Association There was a larger attendance than usual at the regular, monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Pai-ent-Teachers' Aseociatlon last evening at the Booth Memorial School when Dr. J. T. Mandy gave an extremely interesting talk on "The World on or in Which We Live." Prefacing his talk with the state-' hnent that It was a beautiful world, i Dr. Mandy referred to the songs "The Spring lias Come" and "Down 1 in the Forest." which had been so well tung by Mrs, II. N. Brocklesby. as evidence of one of the phases of the beauty of the world, the melody $5.00 of the human voice. Kh-I To introspective people particu larly, but io all In general, the questions as to why they are here, why they are living and why they die, must be provocative of much meditation. Undoubtedly the acquisition of knowledge with its re-: cultant advancement of humanity , followed upon the application of this knowledge must be a real reason for being. Yet. with the Increase of knowledge, people found, first, that they thought they knew little about a great many things, then they found they knew less about more and more till, finally, they were sure that they knew nothing about everything. The complete dependence of people upon the earth for every' Today we ase able to announce definitely that the or-'the very earth to which they owed ganization ot the proposed pulp null for Prince Rupert has COmmenPPfl and thnr thp hnpL-pr nf flin nrnioot will nvn- the result of this decrease of bk-'tlon, was effectively brought home icKuiuiiuc ine enrin vii i np ttm n I - recnonea up ull they knpw, they Msic :hed THE DALY NEWS Thursday, March 17, t93? Decorative Only iivaBDBnnrn9R-:A&jBa se pense iheii; a ders. More decorative useful we imagine. ... m reason. man's wardrc k was into inspire tnue suspen rust realize in all humility than that they ttnow very little. A very hearty, vote of thanks was accorded the speaker on motion of Mrs. J. EL Boddie and conveyed to thing was emphasized and contras- i him by the president. Mrs. S. V. ted with their general Ignorance of j Cox. At the business meeting preced- all. The value of the microscope in ! fns the address. It was announced revealing the secrets of parts of the I that the regular Easter sale of 1 material world, the result of this would take at the var 0,i n candy place Ceed as D all the i j mu- mi i SOOn as plans are completed. This Will take (knowledge accumulatton and the tous schools on Thursday. Marcl March tuiue inuiujus, possiujy six or more, DUt rranK u. liUCKley, broadening of foundations for fu- representing the various interests, assures the Daily News ture knowledge were stressed. How that the mill will be built and will be located in Prince Ru-much more a would mean to pert 4 .children after they had been made TfconWititnlu.fAWl,.,. A.-....:u:-Jcflualnted with Its ite composition composition! j 26. Owing to the Prince Rupert' Sinters' Concert taking place on' ' the regular meeting night of the P. T. A. the next regular meeUng to be held at Borden Street will take. r--"- t - . ""vtu iiiu inyji and the marvellous complexity of nlace on Thursday. Anrll 21. A tea Class sulphite, SUCh as that made in Sweden Which IS used ! Its structure! 'To the natural phil- 1 is to be held at Mr. Cox's residence m the manufacture of high class stationery and other pa-;topher no natural object is unim-'on April 29. pers for which there seems to be an unlimited demand. portant or. trifling, From the least j Mte8 Mmai treasurer, reported, a At the dinner last night much enthusiasm was shown !of nalurc'8 work he ean learn the credit balance of fifty dollars, but a few were disappointed that Mr. Buckley did not - TLTTt JlT?Jl?TZZ that the work M w'u " nounce of construction would commence a world, and every insect an accu- the.1?p" iiext week. They had been filled up with foolish rumors. Itimuiation of incomprehensible ev- n bd would have been ridiculous to expect this. Much hard work'enU- reveal wnat philosophers iyBnJcWei,b , her attractively ren-has to be done before construction work is commenced. In if tnls a.bout whlch 80 many!dercd snios. the meantime the strong backing of the company seems ' Zi Tor Sinn, took his hearers ! to indicate that the organizers are likely to meet with r i ( n u , r m, tmx jkmnLwm.wmm Complete SUCCess. I solar system, revealing his rare fa-! lZ?&i21S2ZJXZEXEEm In regaixl to the labor situation it mav be wise to sav n ;mniartty with his subject, impress- u u&m.i rbv r.i i aj nxMirnim 1 Tl . ... . 1 Win nw alt thA ImmnKUu n tli. In. woiu. urere are ai present several nundrea idle men in ,"6. . Z - , m tt r r 1-1 m thecity and many more in the district, quite sufficient toj SS.'S T H R I H umn..uw an mc uii ncccaacti wuyii uiv iiiiiv arrives to commence. In the meantime no one should come to the city expecting to secure emnlovment as a result of the nnln mill. It Will be tKlSRihlv SIX mnnthS hnfnro rnncf i-11.tinn nnr, 1th6 beaC 1 In tWa Dr. Connetlon Mandy'i rnmmanna anrl m..,m tan H u r r , . l"c" ",CI.C " ui w iiiwii.v ui men nere i reference to the fact that the earth io unuertane meworK. All mat will be needed will be a i was gradually slowing down, and lew specially trained men for certain classes of work. mm, sag earth such as might result from the logic of the philosopher telling the story of the earth from "a pebble on I Carry & Save SPECIALS ! by applying such a change to every- ,day routine. The length of day fifty AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS iteven million years ago was onfy KaUHNS, per lb jsuc hours so that one would have iGKANULAi to SUGAR .been kept busy getting in three . Limit 20 lbs.. 10 lbs. 'meats a day In addition to getting SWAN8DOWN CAKE ' up, dressing and undressing, work- KLOUK, per pkg. jing and playing. What H would be DiastCAlBD COCONUT j In another similar period of tbne, ' pr lb j when one would require to eat en- 'SHELLED WALNUTS jough at a meal to last four times as Light Pieces, per lb long as now. was too terrible to con- HOUSEHOLD BROOMS , template. 1 ; C1-1 of Eartf COTTAGE ROLLS. Swift's, With the facts verified that the : a vie. 5 lbs. each, per lb. I crust of the earth was two and a S1N0AP0RE PINEAPPLE .half t a, due as water whye No. 2 . squat ttns. 2 tins the whole earth was five and a half cniSCO ! limes as dense as water, geologists j Jb u 'r.nTifVr HED ARROW SODAS . tln acts about the lnterjor of the ; . . . . earth. At a depth of 25 miles rock. Jg rrngRNS r ,CLARKS PORK & BEANS must be molten, the greatest pene- N- 2 tin. 2 tins tration of thP rn..l nt 1h- Mrfh K i man belrig less comparatively thani0ANADI4AN 8ALT a v(hi unt.k n ....... per etn an DEL MONTE SLICED PEACHES orange. The application of this knowledge I Na 1 t,ns' Fanc Q11 1 fip - ii 11 ... . . ner tin Uv 'the neceaeity of knowinir vhere ROYAL CITY CORN ithey might be found, couid not be' Crosby. No. 1 tin.s. 2 for jovensfttimated. In fact. It was this NABOB TEA I urge that led Julius Caesar to In- P lb, "CARRY 16c 44c 27c 16c 29c 28c 16c 21c 24c 18c 15c 9c cular business of trie mining en- R0YAL CITY PEA f"ancv Iflp aineer. The Importance of metal. ; QalltX. No. 2 tuis. per tlnxu 15c 42c (vade Enaland. Leif Erlkaon tn WILD ROSE PASTRY FLOUR search for'what is now Canada. Co lumbus to try to find a shorter wsjr I to Asia where metals and the spices of the earth nUnnt be obtained. The exDloratlnn of the various parts of the worn In deta.ll weve attributable to the same urge. In concluding his very interesting talk. Dr. Mandv aonln rmlnr!ri 10-lb. cotton sacks per nk. 42c Shop The "Thrift" Way and Save Thrift Cash & Carry Phone 119 201 Third Ave. AND SAVE hi audience that, when thejr have "FB1if" : n ia nr tm vm, Support Local Industry Ask Your Grocer for SUPK EME DATED Fresh Coffee is the Hesi Coffee! lilertdcri, KoasUU '& Packed muht Mem ir Prlurc Uupert. a 40c Per Pound TT n r.OFF EE Save the. Coupons For X'rce Coffee Your Greece Uw it-Aaa it U Fresh uman Lives al Stake! " XODAY, many a man is wagering the highest Make knoHtt lite security of his wife and children. Ou the turn of a card on the whims of fate - -depends tlie safety uf his loved ones. Are you making jut such n gamble? Are you betting the future welfare of your family ogaiust the uncertainty of Iivlug a long as they need your fcuniutrt? Consider the odds! Take no further chances involr. ing future hardships for those who are nearest and dearest to you. Invest, lit adequate Life Insurance and keep your policies in force. Then you kuow that your own old age is provided far - . your wife and children are safeguarded. To. delay ii to speculate. Consult a Life Insurance representative now. life Jnsurance j&r mce Onn of a iertn of mr$agtfinjHn$oftjl hy Life liuitfaut Ctmianit Let the Dafly News Classified Ads. work for you. J