V lb w Jirtknsm ,:' tfK? .'P ' iZ.tofcsOlliV 'JW . .'El Rat5 i' .aw- mm 111 PAQE FOUR THETDAILY NEWS Hatch i mm m 1 R News of The Sport World WILL BOOST Obtains Consent of Interstate Commerce Commission WASHINGTON, March 17. Postmaster General Brown has obtained consent of the Interstate Commerce Commission to effect an upward revision of parcel postage rates In Milwaukee Well Satisfied With Present Mayor three opponents. PIPE TESTED by a GARAGE OWNER , lp(, 1H and 20i ulna In H-jtoutul humidor tin Fellowship II. ls one of the faste-t pleasure craft on the west coast. Her lines and hull show an unusually departure from ordinary construction. A good, cool smoke 1 SPORT NOTES As a preliminary to the final probable that the crack Y. P. E. A. ! game between Prince Rupert All iKtnrs and Port KImnsnn Y P.E.A. nn POST RATFS Friclay n'ht r thu week' tnere vvJ 1 IVrt. 1 lavJ wUj between j an important game i Merchants and High School. The Postmaster General Brown of U. S.tHlgh School won the first half of the schedule and now, with only a lead of one game over Merchants in the second half, they must win Friday's game to claim this season's city intermediate championship. Should the Merchants win, the teams will be tied. This will necessitate a play-off In conjunction United States in an effort to reduce with the senior and junior play-offs the ever-amounttng deficit of his j next week. As Panthers won the department. jthe first half, and jC. N. R. A. the 1 1 'second half of the senior schedule, it will be necessary to stage a play-oft next week. The same applies to the Scouts and Japanese in the junior division. Probably the basketball thrill of I the season is In store for those who I witness Friday's games the Port MILWAUKEE, March 17: At the, Simpson-Prince Rupert final, and civic primaries here. Mayor Daniel , the crucial intermediate game be-Webster Hoen. Socialist chief ma-jtween High School and Merchants, clstrate of the city, was given a 'Even If sport enthusiasts have fall- majority of more than 10.000 votes ed to follow the season's play, they In excess of the combined vote for . should make an effort to see these ! icani ui run Dim peon coma Dmiiie on even terms with some of the best j teams in the province. And our in- j termediate division rivals the seniors in its stirring exhibitions of I the hoop pastime, It ls hoped that Prince Rupert fans will rally to the support of their boys In this series, besides according the Simpson team a reception worthy of the turnout that iurauy which city us vo now me i Northern B.C. basketball eham-j pionship. I WEATHER REPORT Langara Island Overcast, northeast wind; sea smooth. Triple Island Overcast, light light easterly wind; sea smooth. Dead Tree Point Overcast, fresh southeast wind; barometer, 29.72; temperature. 46; heavy swell. Hockey Scores National League Detroit 1. Chicago 1. Hockey Standings International Division Americans .16 .16 Rangers Stars displayed their wares. This i Boston inter-city encounter, will decide 91 , 1 . . l 1 l . 1 . I . i , 1 . . ' W. 1). L. P. ...32 7 16 SI ...0 7 17 47 ...19 7 21 45 8 21 40 n Division .22 8 16 52 .17 11 17 45 ...17 9 19 43 14 11 20 37 JOHNSON CRITICAL Fiery Senator From California At tacks l'. S. State Department and Foreign Bankers WASHINGTON, Marfh 17: In a scathing attack upon the State De partment while speaking A man Ives in proportion to the Senate. Senator Hiram Johnson of really first-rate games. It ls highly number of thoughts he la alive to. California declared that, as a re- ' m suit of the avartoe and greed of in "Afler-huyitig and lining Turret pipe tohucett for sonic time, I believe that I urn iiulihYl to ai jtialginrnt on its merits. After opening package after nnekagc of. tliln tbluc-o, I always fiml It of uniform iiialily, rbol, fragrant anil long burning. I am convinced uflcr trying many bruiiils, that Turret pipe toburro stlttn my taste better than ajiy other. I like your linlf-poiiml luimiilor tins enough tobacco for a Health of enjoy nirii ami alvrnys In giMil tonililIoii.M TURRET PIPE OBACC Pipe tested Turret ftnm rut for tfio xthtt roll f h f r own ternational bankers in this country. United States people had been 1 duped into purchasing nearly two billion dollars of foreign bonds Heated In this country. These bonds. Senator Johnson declared, were of very Questionable value today and it was more than likely that some or all of them would eventually be repudiated. EVENT IS EXPECTED Queen Marie of Rouinanla ltuylng Tiny Clothes For Daughter, i Princess Heana ! BUCHAREST. Roumania, March 17: Dowager Queen Marie of Rou mania Is buying tiny clothes these days. A blessed event it said to be ; expected before so ver- long Con cerning the Dowager Queen's i youngest daughter. Princess Ileana, who was married not long ago to the Archduke . Anton of Hapsburg ed to the city from the interior on this morning's train. r '.:;. . ' ,' oniinr floods in ' ' NOllTHKIt.N RUSSIA MOSCOW, March 17, Preliminary A furnishes empoyment to a largp number of settlers all of whom are directly or Indirectly tributary to the city of Prince Rupert. There are many other points In connection with this that I could enumerate and enlarge upon but wtil leave them for your imagination tor the time being. "On the other hand, there are your executive offices right at your ; plant, instead of maintaining two sets of offices and In some cases A 11311 crpmpnt?' inrce' as ls ne 0380 w'tn 50x1x6 f m mm m w wwyy (Continued from Page 1)" the operator in British Coumbla H - Tower cent interests respectively in the subject matter of the litigation, should have Joined as parties. Qulckstad a awarded $10,000 damages by Mr. Justice D A. McDonald in Supreme Court for breaeh by defendants to sell the Red Top mine which adjoins George Copper ioacK 01 oiewari. ine piainim at- up the city and community, belnrrjleged that McNeill and Connors a steady industry for 363 twenty-1 broke an option agreement to sell four days out of the year, as that of the pulp and paper business. Therefore, as stated the city wauu these sort ut things, -nU it iij develop other lines of Industry such as the building of liouici for the employees, whlrh. !s vastly Important. And as the houses, art of wood, so l? 'the pulp and paper of wood, all of which come from the mine to him for $250,000. Qulck stad was negotiating tor a sale of th monertv to J. P. Dntlile RmUIc always two sides to every ques-:contlnuallon f development work lion, and In Lhl.i mtinnin tlon the Oennria River rinlri Mine Ralph Smith, who has been vouM iust mention th art.n. . Ltd. nroncrtv on the Cannrtlan Ide spending some time at Telkwa with jf those engaging In this industry ' Portland Canal below Stewart. his brpthtr Thomas Smith, return or any otner ty locating In a city oomeining definite In this connec-;u:h ac Prince Rupert. You are t,on s expected to be announced not burdened with the necessity of before very long houses. raiting capital to to build build itores, places of amusement, etc., for your men. or the malntatnlnt of the same. You, ore on. sv r4l)w8v j as welt as a harbor which gives , yon a variety as well as comnetl tlve transportation facilities to all -Oreat parts of the world, which none of flood covering an enormous "our -omtvtUors ore favored with 4 area li the twrthcrn Caucasus jin their entirety. Your labor stip- region of Russia have been re- j piy will be much more easily porterl here. Fifty villages have maintained. Especially is this tru ben lnundatM and the flonth :rf skilled and hiirhlv teehnirnt r. 1 toll lr believed to number nun- ployces. on account of living con-I dreds If not thousands. 'ltlon. educational facilities for I their families; etc. You can have government ested in an - "Power Is a most.hruwrtAUt.corisldTl: '.,"0' " ' e .fitctnn halnir hicsrl 'litvin iVlB fnl.' uixiHnn nnrl lh eltnatlm In Irl n f WlUl the m- ,,,,. rmBaimti'aHiKniuBiB'i!aKa iwiaKitn wi'Iiiiimimiib . .......? "I""' - . MiiiBimBB"w"M facts: Itupert ls now .most unique,: a' K1 BASEBALL ISPLAYED St. Louis Cardinals Win and Philadelphia Athletics Lose In spring training camp major league baseball Tuesday, St. Louis j Cardinals of the National League: defeated Indianapolis of the Am-! erican Association by a score of 6 to 5. j New York Yankees, American League, defeated Boston Braves,! National, 3 to 2. j Brooklyn Robins won over the Philadelphia Nationals, 9 to S. Newark Internationals defeated Philadelphia Athletics 9 to 0. MILLIARDS POSTPONED The fifth and last game of Roy Fong (League of Nations) ve. A. Strachan (Jewelers) from the Junior Billiard League fixture of last Monday evening, will be played on Sunday. Speedy West Coast Pleasure Craft "With the supply of suitable oulte recently there has been com- ! wood and timber within a xadlun' pleted a magnlfleent hydro-electrift of 100 miles, which wa.have Hs. plant of large dimensions and ca- member ness." "busl raw materials. and a market tared nrofucts np.ss Provincial Govern,,, 'The member, XT IIIK Olli ilend themselves to that particular f-1 A" .KBiing ,s ul) "iiureti uwlnR ' Mliy .villi propose .... . ou pruce product After considering since November la . , , , . , . . . . ... M . .. . . C which - -. . . V t UJ mn . and again more Part, ."'Wli, thill nrr, a J 1 4 1 1 1 if rn . and lua"r lnmW ..... . 'M icussed, you would have perpetirt) parity, vhlch Is ow delivering ltilf, wtu&n, (u 'supply for' any-developmentvwlthirr. power Into Prince Rupert, and they,'"1' P1""0' dfrive v fc reason. You are most fortunate In ure in need of customers at the f . f c 1U' h: which your proposed development of r for power if you had your mCl z on aU thf' :' 'sUnct t commands ana carries. Tney an completed and had not arrangd 7.17 ,m" ''ra ule, as follows: -for ycur power. Remember thW'y?, '!",(,'f1 nn I Raw Materials 'ni 13 iplcted, not going to bo wrl- ' L. '"" and -There i an abundance of raw ced, Jt.li an i-,anrt tmen., dustry 6Peratln " a pulp and materials, the soecies of wlilch and. Marketlnr rentage or spruce tney conuin and 7" ,r . ' : .. "ia;-turini hat tne a; cheap . .... ... 1 1 m r miirn Riruii UT'i.nniTiir. nr I nrAn accessibility which UusUres " " a ,uuui iHnnu thj-i, k delivery of wood and logs ("..aw not Pai',n8 ay premium Jadgm-n; would .should . . .were: An ab.uif :,:.. ,. lor all I time time. Thp The nnprntlnni operations ii'dude a medium canacltv saw .in vrui Ml 1 T. arjii B m nan I , , c I mui I in h. . . I iraiiuriauon Canadian Canadian National National mill for th tn,nnf9f.i. nf rm.w.-. "T" Rail clears way d Canadian Oovemmwl principally, so that los could be sorted, taking out the Mercnant Marine is an Immense No. 1 and No. 2 clears only. I pre- tranportaUon system which, in sume you are aware that clears in "allty; U e Txmlnlon of Canada spruce bring the highest price of would rQUP thera as one- lh any of the clears on the Pach ,beln ta nd of Industries, which Coast, ranging In price from i&jto urn are leeders for their trans per M feet B.M. to $300 per m., 1 porUtlon llns as bad,y or worw this latter price being for airplane !than ,ne clty of Prlnce Rupert grade. In this way you would have reeds thm They nlP tral load two sortings, one in the log ane'f f.kh to Ewn points the long another In the sawing, as anything hsu,-nd now in most cases re-that then developed In the saw- fum the cars emPly n u a ded mill below a No. 2 grade would go, osl 10 hul rmPtles 1 any dlree-over to the pulp operation and in by railroad. But In evem this way eliminate waste, getting 1 7M Dum a P"P na paper the maximum in quality and quan Uy of the operation, whleh in the final analysis gives you the rrent-est value in dollars and percentage of profits. Location "The location for the mill, owing to the abundance of raw material, as stated before, ls most suitable for the industry, the best on the Pacific Coast. You can draw a cir cle of 100 miles around or from Prince Rupert, using this point for your axis, and you Include the greatest volume of suitable timber for the manufacture" of high grade pulp and paper, viz: spruce, balsam and hpmlrvV that thprv l 1ft nv. ailable on the North American'! coniineni. second, prince Rurxrt ls located on - and ls the v trminus mill at their terminal, it would mean these as well as other cart would roll west loaded with merchandise, etc., so we can see they will be. and in fact, are most anxious for an industry of the proportion which you contemplate. Re- or Yd woe i ,ir- l w 'm tlx b nn or a premium $8.00 pr ton with an win tn tnlra tk , . juui mm. The letter al., Tmi B management of m and mentions two incn u ecwa i or wr po ;-: , CJ. -..w viimuiti' u' Hr; ku-tO thff preUimiiarv lxation and AH41AK 1 craura ii surrrss : t , Bj,"1 tne duiner wnv nni of , st tended and ever held In Mv ent represented u: and profeesion.v m merchants. d -t n: -. bor represen'.i';,. T..f -' tub NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Jjicwan .nnc L-aisc is anil in i:ouris rianaScrv Injr McConncll Creek (Joldfields- New D . . on Georgia River I 'Mi mVXii 1 InW a mils! .llm.t. V. . . . UtAitiim. r .1 f.t.A.... ........ ... ... ........ 1. ........ . MAr w - - " mi v mm i . iiiiii a i i i ' ' m - finest deep water harbors In the world, with ample shipping facU-ites with an open port the year round, and it a mill Is built at tru point, it .will be the only one on the Pacific Coast, in fact, the only in the one in Canada, which can boast of and capitalize aU of these advantages . "In connection with the locution of a plant at Prince Rupeit and its relation to the city, first, this northern terminus of the Canadian National Railways need.' and wants Industries, whleh in turn produce and maintain pay rolls, and there u not any Indus try. comparatively speaking, that develops the country arouild, builds lllllhf Hl,t,ltHIM. U. fin fff A T I . .... I I. ,l-t - . J " - - . . . . . . V J vvtvwv ' . ' ' ..I t . .a ieui neani atimiionai arLiiment last w i i; and again' rcsened Judgment. On . behalf Of the appellants. It was I lA'ninT urged that David Johnson and J. J. LcclgUe 0n JOUUllg UIri flf I., 1 1 n -I. .1.1. If 1 11' tutu auiKiicu iru uiiu iuuren per-I a rorenn Krunoi U. S. Se nat. ill Nl I" Report lpn " WASHINOT S WfMrent thai o exorr .shelve t! . '.cd Ki.ites to ' : iatkm assetnhr tUom eomniini wen report v- ite: The revised 10 ' millionaire. Qulckstad's assignees 8t4". should have been before the court. "'. nf' Mrnl , ' It was urged and. without them, thei"" claim should have been dismissed. !":e r"' . iWill be heard . .. .. 'wetk. rianes oi ie uanaaian Airways t H m lln n .v.lt.nt ,mrvirm . ... . . . ' MIV HI1I1IK ftSSB V A VSBVtS S. S S,S cu:i - v!.:j ne countryside xvhl-Ji-U wooded between Bunu Lake and the new C" s.1. Cf-nnf In every direction, which stain l ... ... .. . .Paillf illIcCl making as many as three round trips tn a single day. The operating pompany Is well equipped and expects to make a good showing during the coming summer. A deal Is reported to be under way whereby New York Interests will provide additional finances for i UK v w - i x .f m W mmw Car Fares Ma! I1C Ul"" SEATTI.E M ment of a Sc t days ana evening railways Is U im hope of lncre. regular fare l kens for 2Sc If you have no trouble dt; 1 ati,MUp ' ia, or '6 ex ' BASKETBALL Final Gamp of Northern H. C. Cliampionshlp Prince Rupert All-Stars Port Simpson Y.P.E'A' 4 .. i., , .... i til io.'l2 Auditorium, Friday, iwarcn j. urn h a m a i rtnr . v - - fllltsi