MILL HERE NOW BEING PLANNED Today's Weather f Tomorrow's Tides frfday, March 18, 1933 High ...10:15 a.m. 18:4 ft. Prince Rupert Part cloudy, light 23:18 17:7 It. p.m. northerly wind; barometer, 29.80; Low 3:53 ajm. 10:4 It. temperature, 49; sea smooth. 16:55 rxm. 5:0 It. -",1 Vol XXIII.. No. 64. PROVINCE HEW NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1932 RESPONSIBLE FOR CUTTING RELIEF WORK Preliminary Arrangements Have Been Completed For Plant With Capacity Of 200 Tons Col. C.W. Peck V.C. , Rr;t- ,' ; Puni c Rupert jcVISIUIi-' l iiv tod.iy with (If P( liM'-l lommisMoners. TRIBUNAL ON HERE Hoard of Tensions Commission Is In Session This Afternoon to Hear I-ocal Appeals . r ,1 r . vv ... - m - vr. . DUO. of 1. J v Vancouver Island, and t it E. C. McKenzie of Lethbridge, K . - i . are conducting a tribunal ', n this afternoon of the board of tne mm u operated at capacity, C NMons commissioners of wh,cnwoiad amount to something like f y are Judges Col Peck and Capt. 1 jsj oOO a month, in addition to the M Konile. who have been holding j 8UbidJary operations which would wigri-iirr wim uwiu vm of the board at point all ac Canada, arrived in the city on morning's train from Prince . Cioorne where the last court wWlthin 18 months from now. "lirld . n was pointed out by Mr. Buck-AiTompanylng Col. Peck md; tnal at tne present time there dpt. McKenzie is a party of ot- n0 wlphlt ptant Idle on the In 1, tits consistiint of Major A. M.I ... , j i,0iuvH pvrrv Daykin of Vancouver, commission counsel; Dr. Frank Mahood of Cal- My. medlcal adviser - E. a. Keeling .'inrnnvor nomlnnx OOVOCBie. t Corrall of Vancouver, registrar, id Mr. Christian of Calgary and :r. Macy of Vancouver, reporters. ! . ... ... . .1.. inc pariy win sail wnujiu " Pr.nceSeo?Be for Vancouver where they will sit on Saturday. MAJOR JOHNSON HMDS REGIMENT OTTAWA, March 17: Major S. D. Johnston has been ap- pointed to command the First North British Columbia Real- ment, 102nd. Battalion, with roglmental headquarters at Trlnce Rupert vice Lieut. Col. J W. Nlcholls who has been trnnifercrd to command the Second Reserve Battalion of that Regiment. Important Scheme For Local Frank L. Buckley at His Honor Last Night Site at Seal Cove Selected; Organization Starts at Once Mill Payroll Would Amount to .$36,000 Per Month 700,000 Feet of Logs Daily Consumption Construction Within Six Months Planned Prince Rupert will very soon have a pulp plant capable of turning out 200 tons a day of high grade bleached sulphite pulp to compete with Swedish pulp, if the plans of the promoters of the scheme . succeed. The money j - for the t t 1 M t it. 1 1 preliminary operations nas being men from Minneapolis, ti) principals of a large southern h'pptns company. The scheme was outlined at a dinner given by the ciMzrns of Prince Rupert last night to Frank L. Buckley of Vancouver, representing the different Interests of the enterprise, who told something of the work he had done on it during the past two years and of the bringing to fruition of the preliminary plans. The plant is to be established at Seal Cove In the city of Printe Rupert. A site has already been selected and organisation work will commence at once and will take several months before actual con struction can commence. The proposed plant will manufacture hlah xrade sulphite and approximately 700,000 . , feet will w 111 use uoc K J !Qf dally. The labor costs In the nmwi or manuiaciure run vu ahrtllt .Jx dollars a ton which, when g$o fmpiOy & great mmixy mm. 4 actual construction commences , within Six months, as is planned, j f h ml .hould be in operation one in Canada . was working working at at ca ca- pacity. , Mavnr nrme n resided and intro- ' ... duced the speaker bury. Ptot l 2"5 J Commerce, spoke Ivdy 0 ih nrpiimlnary work done ana 01 v 1 :,. c. ,ih noomo to .1.. ii if ihp nlans matured. Ai derman Macdonald, president of the Trades and Labor Council, wel comed the advent 01 an mauSjr which might mean so mur to the City. . ...llmlngHI In telling 01 me yic...... work done. Mr. Bulkley read a which he had copy of a litter written to the Minneapolis interests before he undertook the work ronition. He told of his pre vious Interest In the district In ,n.Mon with his airplane uons on Oraham Is- land during and after the war. He stated that he ueuevea u y m k unrked out and brought to a successful conclusion, the con- (Conllnued on Page Four) Development Outlined By Dinner Meeting in Deen. suosc cribed, the backera, bt. raul aM New York and 1 Accuser Senator Andrew Huydon who makes wnj.atiouaJ charge against former Ontario Premier. Accused Ex-l'rcmier Ferguson Whom Senator Haydon declares demanded $200,000 from Beau-harnols. BRITISH DISCOUNT RATE IS CUT AGAIN LONDON, March 17: The Bank of Enirland. which only a few days ago cut the discount rate to four percent, today an- nounced a further reduction to three and a half percent. Si Per Day TAXATION EXPLAINED Details of. How New Income Tax Will Operate Kevealcd by Minister' of Finance Jones . Surplus Expected Municipal Grants Remain Un touched Although Cities Must Increase Participation VICTORIA,' March 17: Hon. J. W. Jones, minister of finance, in presenting presenting his nis,puaget budget to to the Hie lx Legis- Jature-yestereUy, -announced an an- ticipated surplus of $155,000. Under the new Income tax. salar ies up to $1000 pay one percent with two Dercent on the second thous-1 and, three percent on the third and ! so on up to $19,000 when the taxj would approximate ten percent and where the gradual Increase would 1 cease. For Instance, a man earning; $2000 would not pay two percent on that amount but one percent on the first thousand and two percent on the second thousand. There are exemptions of $500 for married per sons and $200 for each dependent and also on life Insurance premiums up to $300 per year. Municipal grants remain as heretofore but municipalities pay fifty percent of mother's pensions, $1.25 instead of 70c for patients at Tran- qullle Sanitarium, 50c per day for! each inmate in mental hospitals and 80c per day for each inmate in boys' and girls' industrial schools. ; LLOYD GEORGE ISSUES CALL Would Have Progressive Party Men Join Him Against Re. actionary National Rule LONDON, March 17: Rt. Hon. David Lloyd George, having recovered from a. recent Illness, Issued a challenge yesterday to progressive men of all parties to rally around him in order to save Britain from four years of reactionary national rule under -the "sham" national government. RAID BY CHINESE Forty Lighters Taken From Shanghai Waterfront By Daring Manoeuvre SHANGHAI, China, March 17: Under the very nose of the heavy artillery of the Japanese, Chinese soldiers made n daring raid from I their positions behind the city onj Tuesday and took possession of 40 1 Chinese lighters on the Shanghai! waterfront. Opposed to Rt. Hon. David Lloyd George cha'lenges progressive politicians to Join nun against Nationalist government rule. Extravagance In B.C. Was Found by Senator Gideon D. Robertson Michael II. McGcogh, Federal Director of Unemployment Itclief, Makes Disclosures Before Special Committee of Legislature VICTORIA, March 17: Michael M. McGeogh, director for British Columbia of Dominion unemployment relief, appearing yesterday before the special committee of the Legislature investigating unemployment relief, testified that it was on recommendation of the provincial government that the $5,321,000 municipal aid program of last OFFICE IS ABOLISHED R. B. Teaklc, Vice-President of C. N. Steamships, Now Takes Position of Capt. Nicholson MONTREAL, March 17: The position of vice-president In charge of steamships in connection with the Canadian National Railways has been abolished effective April 1, It Is announced. R. B, Teakle. now vlce-preslent in charge of steamships, has been appointed manager of steamships and car ferries at Toronto, succeeding Capt. C. II. Nicholson, former manager of Pacific Coast Steamships, who Is being retired after many years of service. NO HALIBUT SALE There was no sale of halibut on the local Fish Exchange today. The only boat in was the American Polaris with 18,000 pounds which b holding over until tomorrow. Reaction ftoctober was cut down to 53,250,000. McGeogh read a telegram quoting Senator Old eon D. Robertson, then federal minister of labor, as stating that "the federal government is now confident that there have been extravagant expenditures in British Columbia." McGeogh also testified that he found 104 carpenters on the payroll at Deroche camp last fall when only four or five of them were working. AC0UITTED OF THEFT Jury Dismisses Charge Against Official of Education Department at Victoria VICTORIA, March 17:-John A. Anderson was found not guilty of theft by a Jury here yesterday on charges of having embezzled funds from the Textbook Branch of the Department of Education. ALASKA WEATHER Juneau High. 42; low. 32. Ketchikan High, 42; low, 31 PRICE: FIVE CENTS MAY RUN CANNERY B. C. Packers Considering Operating Shannon Bay Plant in Mas-sett Inlet This Season Officials of the B. C. Packers arrived in the city on the Prince John this morning from the Queen Charlotte Isiands where they made an Inspection of the Shannon Bay cannery in Massett Inlet which it is planned to operate this year. Watun River cannery was also visited. This Is the cycle year for a large run of fall brands on the Queen Charlotte Islands and. is a result, more canneries are expected to be operated. The cannery officials will sail on the Prince George tonight for Vancouver. OPEN SPAN ON JULY 1 Vancouver Preparing Now For In- New Burrard Street Bridge VANCOUVER. March FT: The city rouncil'ffas launchecTprclimln-ary plans for the formalopenlng of the new Burrard Street Bridge; over False Creek, on July 1 'as part', of Vancouver's" Dominion Day celebration. A special committee of the council has been appointed to make arrangements for the event. A few days ago the two ends of the bridge were linked up by the steel. OPPOSITION WEAKENING Democrats Called Into Conference to Consider Alternative to Sales Tax Bill WASHINGTON. March 17: Democratic members of Congress were called into conference last night to consider an alternative plan to the administration's $800,000,000 general manufacturers sales tax bill. This move Is taken as a further weakening of the Democratic opposition to the measure. Forty-three members of Congress from New York are overwhelmingly In favor of the manufacturers tax bill, was revealed yesterday. A night session Is called for to night t6 wind up the general debate with a view to beginning the vote on the bill tomorrow. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER? March 17: Wheat was quoted at 63c on the local ex change today. PEACE TERMS AGREED UPON GENEVA, March 17: Japan and China have definitely agreed upon terms for an armistice at Shanghai, it was re- ported to the League of Nations assemblv ves. fnrilnv nn lmVinlf r.f ft. commission of t h league which is negot- iating peace terms. " A tf 4 t