Apsil 33. " '" iid...... "'"USe in thai nol1 Maw V EMENTS .ho... i ... . TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Trantrer Phone 171 for Dry Birch. Cedar and Jack Pine tt T. and R. Transfer. Wood for sale and prices reasonable. Phone Green 609 DAIRIES Milk 9 QUARTS FOR $1.00 14 PINTS FOR $1.00 Whipping Cream HALF PINTS 20c DOMINION DAIRY Phone: Red 608 SALVAGE & TOWING ' ' under the water we ilo it" l acinc salvage uo. Ltd. PHry Equipped For Dtying and General Salvage Work 'Acents for EAST;iOPE ENGINES Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire BARGAINS IN GAS ENGINES Northern B. C. Distributors-Coolidce Propellers Sand and Gravel in any quantity delivered anywhere by water Phone Day or Nilht 5C1 P.O. Box 15G4 SHOE REPAIRS SHOES REPAIRED WITH A FINISH Your Old Ones Made Like New - by - Louis Shibeg 318 Sixth St, Prince Rupert Manure For Sale No Straw, $2.00 Per Y'ard Casey Cartage Fuel Co. Phone 303 The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping and General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO. J. DAWES Phone Black 120 AUCTIONEER List your goods with us Prince Rupert's leading Auctioneer. G. M. HUNT 3rd Ave. Phone Red 11 PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 II Fin AlTf nnira ' IT WTnT hum Ltlfj WnlL I PlT Wf 1 t " gggg ... - - v " I n THE MARKET ! Prices eurrentJon the local retail market today art as follows: ! nutter i Fancy cartoned,- lb, No. I Creamery.- 3 lbs. l.u . Flour Flour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat 1.C0 Pastry Flour,, 10 lbs ,. .50 Fish Smoked Kippers, lb .15 Salmon fresh, lb .25 Halibut, lb. ... .15 Eggs B.C. Freeh Pullets, doz .. .20 B.C. Fresh First, doz .21 B.C. Fvesh Extras, doz. 2i Loefti. mw laid, doe. Mean Fowl. No. 1, lb. ., .30 Roasting Chicken, lb 25 Ham, sliced, first grade .3 Cottage Rolls, lb. Zi Ham, picnic; first grade, lb. .18 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade 2i Pork shoulder, lb. Pork, loin, lb Pork, leg lb. 20 Pork, dry salt, lb. Ayrshire Bacon, lb. Veal. 4-houlder,' lb . Veal, loin, lb I Beef, pot roast, lb !Bef, uolUng, lb, 10c to 12Li I tae Ma.tMA .tw i u 25; .15; oa' xjitca, iumv, ji.iiii. iui, iu Lamb, shoulder, lb Beef, steak, lb. 25c to Lamb, leg, lb Lamb chops, lb. 25c to Mutton, shoulder, lb Vegetables Potatoes. 12-15. lbs. sack, $1.50 to.. New Potatoes, Texas, lb B.C. Beets, bulk, o lbs. Asparagus, lb. , Parsley, bunch California Celery, head Spinach, CaL, Uj. Garlic. Imported, per lb Cabbage,, green v Calif. Head, Lttuce.,head 10c to Mexican Field Tomatoes, 45c to Cal. Cauliflower, 2ac to Sweet Potatoes, lb Onions, la. Bulk Turnips, lO.lbs. Carrots, C lbs. .t..- i CaL Ntw CarroU. bunch Parsnips. Hi. , : Leeks, bunch I Hothouse Cucumbers, each .... j Apples Delicious, fancy box .Newtons, fancy, box ' Newtons. C grade, box Wlnesaps, fancy, box Wlnesaps, C grade, box Fruits. Valencia Oranges, dot 25c to Lemons. California, large I Grapefruit, California, 5c to ! Grapefruit, Florida, 12Hc to .... Bananas, 2 lbs Rhubarb, hothouse, lb Dried fruit I Extracted Honey, per Jar . jComb Honr. Dates, bulk, lb., 8c to Lemon and Orange Peel uiuck uuukuib i ma, ia Currants, lb Citron Peel ! White Figs. lb. .. I Apples, dried iPnaches. peeled ! Apricots, lb j Prunes. 60-70, lb. I Prunes, 30-40. lb. 'Prunes. 40-50, lb. j Raisins. Cal. seedless. 2 lbs Sugar 1 White. 100 lbs. . Yellow, 100 lbs. reed Wheat, No. 3 Alberta . Wheat, Bulkley Valley! No. 5 Alberta Oats Bran Shorts Middlings Barley , Haying Mash Oyster Shell M .Beef Scrap .Ground Oil Cake ' Fine Oat Chops Crushed. Oats j Fine Barley Chop Lard .Pure, lb. 13c to mits .Almonds, shelled Valenclaa California soft shelled Walnutt Walnuu, broken snelled Walnuts, shelled halves QQII .13, XT 1 .20; 30' 15 20 1 20 .30 j on .30 .15 j 2S 1.60; and 15: 2o .25 . 10 1 25 1 15 40 .05' 12 30 25 10 06 25 25 la 06 j08 J25 trict 3.10 2.90 2.30 2.90 2X0 .65 35 10 20 35 11 the 25 .35 15 Phone 23 30! in 98 15 1 20 j 20; .20' M0 15 j 12ft1 25 j j 5.50 5.001 A'Veiled" Hint 'Peanuts 1.857" Clreese 1.75Ontart solld. new lb, t, h 1.65 Ontario- Solids, mature, lb. . 1.75. atilton, Ux l..V Sum. lb l. Olam, lb. 2.0!." Roquefort, lb 1.70- Gorgon Jiola. lb. Jj,65 1 ' r- - 1.80 '' .. 2.90 2.84 Hie following U the scale 1.85 't ' nars:es raadefon reading ; 1.85a' notices. 4 1.801- Marriage and Engagement ! annftuneement $2. .15 ( Birth Notices 50c. FUneral Notices it. Cards ot Thanks. 50 Funeral Flowers 10c. i name. Thousands of People Read The Advertisements on This Page Every Day! RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE,, REAL ESTATE, ETC., THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT ' ILASSIFIED ADVERTIS i, r:f. for Mlc and all other small advertisements In thh arctiun FOR SALE snap ,H CASII-Plano and gra- ,. Phone Black 722. (99) , u i' i ,.sf.HOLU Furniture for sale, In 99) 81..-iU. for si.e 18-foot speed bout, j i,, shape. Alao tO-horse- p,,,.. uray engine. Apply B .j iM ;iy Newt. tt SPK( I 'l rtievrolet Six. goodtlresj vh v K""1 upholstery and paint i nr'i?!i .iicliiuiiimu buiiuiuui ( i .o 1929 Ford Cabriolet ' Em'-'siu W"-; 1927 Pontlac, Snap, tn. many others. Term. Open ovi-iiTi'- Kalen Motors LU, prince Rupert. Phone 32. FOR RENT ... nrvr n.m iv.r,.H :un -.... -.-.wwm.. v.. : ir Booth School Phone s;u w FOB RKNT - Modern furnishwi iHinsmulr Street. Official Ailnui...trator. for RKNT -Clean well furnished awjfm 3-room suite. Palmer Vr'.-r.-nts. Phone Red 444. tl !uB k NT Furnished house on a - Avenue from May IS to s ptember. Phone Black f. r 5 pm. 9a ? H NT Modern 5 -room oot-.'mi lively decorated, elte-;.iace. wired fer eleetrie . : d wood floors, sun porch mar Booth and High .ivaUiible June 1. Phone - I99 Guide to Correspondents The Daily News welcomes Mtrespondence on live topics of 'he flay or any other sub--if public interest, but letters mu t be brief and to the (u t The long-wmded cor-ttndenf has no place in ''lOCfin nirnallsm. L i-vTv u ter must be signed S b Hi. writer, not necessarily fur i)Uhin',:tion but as a maU l s K faith and courtesy. at M unltcned documents go to 'tie .-ut paper basket Let-if i caustic character wiw hue t.he signature ap-'Jp'.aed (, publication. t' ttrr r i . u Id be written on one side f the paper only. 1 'ft'' .' tenU mint nvnlrt " ' i;.- fs and the language bt' uch as would be al-Jfd m '.he ordinary rules of Oi a Prince Rupert of DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD 0P'tinj three Dry Doeks '"I rapacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders d Ship Repairers ,or Steel and Wood Veasilf' l Minim SUhliwc 'paired and Overhauled ,rU and Brass Casting tle,,tric lnd Acetylene WeWlngr Derrick for Heavy Lifts MALE HELP WANTED FREE BOOKLET-Opportunltlej n the Canadian Civil SetvW th M.C.C, Kensington Bid)?.. Win nipeg. CHIROPRACTIC . . , ' C. Aspinall Three Year Graduate Chiropractic Modern Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment treen Zil and 549 Open Evenings 6 Exchange Blj j OPTOMETRISTS A. E. IRELAND WATCHMAKER & OPTOMETRIST ..., ...... ' Ti.trlv I i.. i.r.. n'w ' ,V ' iHniv jL-wciirry repairing PROMPT SERVICE ON OPTICAL repairs 1 1" your wah m for by return. 321 Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. PAINTERS LIGHTEN YOUR SPRING CLEAN-INO LABORS Phone Red 802 to J. P. MOLLER for Kalsemining, Painting & Paperhanging By Day or Contract RBASONABLE CHAR0E6 LAXII AVT Vnllrr f iHtrntlon la Apply In ln-o Uml IOROHOKC U Cant Otetrlct Land RnooMlnc DU-trM of Prtocr Rupert. B.C.. and ltute Bmltl) Ittand U 0am Point June-t:on. lavartMM uxt r ltonr PMft. 8krm Rlvrr mm In front pert of U CSlft, lUOf 6 mm dlntelat. Tike noUc Umm We. Imprrtal Oil LimMrd of Vneour. SC., oocnfxitton Oil Dtatrlbutor. tntMMb to apply for ' of th roltowJnt dMcrlbvd land'. OwnAiNKlnc at a pott planted at hita-vatM- nark and at 8 X. Corarr of mri. Rang 8. coat dlrlct. thane chain Baat: Uwnce 10 ehalna North lktm I ohftlna Went. thnc 10 habu South tollowlni and oonuin- S arm, more or tan. th ahora lino H W M to point ol commrnrenMnt. tilTitRlAL OIL LIMITED per M. A. Oerrard. Dttriad Murk 10 IMS. f"t I. AMI ACT tWr lnlmlkii lo Apply In laej Ijinil i In Qtten ClMtrlott DiaWlct Und R-' cording OUtrlct of Prtnor Rupert, suit : attuatc In frunt ol part of Block t. Supdlvtalon of Lot S. Quran Chariot:-( Dlatrlet. Map MS. Towmrtt of Oratiam Ttit notaw that w liprrlal Oil UmH0. of Vanoawn, B.C.. eccuptioii DvoibHtora. Intonda to apply fori Ut of tttt foliowlnf dmcribrd , lafida; Oentinenetaa a a port planted U, etkain aotith of the K W. corner of the aid Blot 9. Mienct aowlhwwtwardly 3 chain: Ummt ooutUMMtwardly Si charn; ttwm n-thetrdly 3 chain: throe nrtaetwar41y follow- .w. it- h w M. to mint ootnuienreentH and containing UV Mle. more or lean. IMPERIAL Olt MMITBD. tr H. T. Cotllaon ARefit. D lUed April S. 1M1 "TILLIE THE TOILER" Mail Schedule 25 CLOSES AT WWT orriCK: fur the East . .a- , Monday. Wednesday and Frl- day . 2 p.wtj .ftlll r"rim the East j ( .Saturday. Tuesday and Thurs; . ' day ..... 10:40 a.mJ 4 ' Kor Varwover - Tuesday 12:30 noon Thursday Friday April 3, 13- and 24 Vrom Vaneouver ' - Sunday Wednesday 4 Friday per 4 April 8; 20 and 30 For Stewart and am Anyox The Daily News The paper that Northern and Central British Columbia people look to to keep them informed world news, and the problems peculiar to the north. The Only A. B. C paper north of Vancouver west of Edmonton, The Daily News goes into all the- TOWNS AND VILLAGES MINING CAMPS LUMBER CAMPS PAPER MILLS FARMING CENTRES FISHING CAMPS It is the paper that is read by the fishermen, miners, workers and operators throughout a dis twice as large as the three Maritime Provinces of the east. When a person wishes a message to go to the people of Northern and Central British Columbia there is only one way of sending it, and that is through the columns of the Daily N ews. The future is full of hope. The Daily Newsfis making plans to keep pace with the progress of country. No one can afford to be without id The cost is small. Delivered by Carrier, in Prince Rupert per week, 10c. Mailed to any address in Northern, or Central B.C., $3 a year. Mailed to points in Canada, Britain or United States, $6 & year. rr 1 I i 1 1 iHY " ( hs. wor v 1 1 My 'wfaLU'JJf,Oi I tf 5 OOM'-r "1 m ( OH, 9 MAC MAC MU 0iH -L ki'fT S,7an,t JwW ON OF THOSE VH.T S lE-f THB Mr.JRc)l OLC MTtjSpr-JKav vMiTH THAT. C. fy ZwEnfJl THAT ZU.WA.yS 1 Vfiav NB y r:" M pm p.mJ ..10:30 a.mi pml sunmi 8 pjn.i wttfrKSdity 3 pml MM lllBBMmtW By Westover. ...9 p.mj .11 p.mJ