Monday, January l, 1932. i Sores Irokc Out All Over Her Body Mrs. T, E. Cliff, Kelwood, Man., wntes: - "My little daughUr'a hand and arraa broke out in sores which spread all over ber body. Nothing I tried gave her any relief ufrtiM Rot's. Hottle OflBtrdock Blood Bitters', anil I cwild 'see 'ah improvement, as the sores began to disappear. I gave her three bottles and she has had no more trouble." f lain t til droiand f nertl ttoretj nnuftctv4, fat lk put 13 THri, eclr br Tig t, M. w" C" Ud., Troou, Ooi. ROWNTREES BUTTERSCOTCH CRISPETTES 50c per lb. $ ltd. 77int Pioneer Druqgists THE REXALL STORE Phones 81 and 82 Third Ave. and Fulton St. GESCO AUTO-TOP DRESSING 'j mi s .wiK will make an old top look like new. It Is absolutely waterproof, soften and preserves the leather. Trice, 75c per pint, postage paid Gesco Safety-First Windshield Cloth Th. . ii lorful cloth U chemically treated and will prevent the i!! ! ;id from becoming foggy during a rainstorm. Keeps the : .ir by making the rain run right off. The harder It rains, " in i it works. Simply rub cloth over wet windshield. For !.. : 'y of himself and others, every auto-owner should have one of these wonderful cloths. 1'rire each, 50c postage paid ::-. . station owners, etc.. write for our wholesale prices Mfg. by CEO. E. SYMINGTON CO. ,( K Port Arthur. Ont. T..1- UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Blrsmrrs leae iTIftc Rupert lor Vanrouer f.U.. EVKRV TUESDAY. 1JO M. V:.i ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver. Thursday p.m. TJA i AKIItVA EVERY rRIOAV MIIINIOIIT Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight approi. Wceo' sailings to Port Simpson. Alic. Arm. Anyox. 8twrt and Nau River points Sunday. 9 p.m r .formation regarding all sailings and ttrkeu at TRINCr KITEKT AOKNCY: Mrr ond Anue, rtione MS isv m te mr Inserted Point Saws The special steel used is made in the Simon Js riant and is the same wear-resisting steel that is used in the most expensive cutting txls. Simon Js Saw Bits hold their sharp edge under tin- mot strenuous use and give exceptionally long service SlMOMD CANADA SAW Co LTO, MONtmAh VAWCOUvr.W II.MWI.NJ. IMOMXt PRINCE RUPERT Likes the Best! Prince Rupert merchants say that their customers like to buy goods of the best quality. Thoy aro a dw-riminatir.g pcoplo If there are any Prince Rupert pcoplo not taking the Daily News regularly we suggest that they aro making a mistake in not taking the best. The price i ; now .so low that it is a mistake to do without the paper that circulates throughout the district. Call up the Daily News business office and ask that the boy call and collect. ft)c. Weekly Commence Getting the Paper Tomorrow 8 Local Items Note our coal ad for discount prices. Hyde Transfer. PHone 580. iMoose the Prince John today. tf) Whist and- Bridge Drive .30" 'Friday. 'Ca'sri ' prizes. "AdmlS slon on 5ffc.!' ' "m-tt " C. W. L. Bridge, Whist, Social, School Hall, 8:30 Wed. Jan. 13 Re freshments. Balagno's Venetian Or chestra. For drunkenness,' 'John Baker wasflned$25, with option of thirty days' imprisonment, 'In city police court this morning. Union Oil Co.'s tanker Unacana. Capt. Powers, southbound from Ju neau to Vancouver made a brief call here Saturday evening. No damage of any consequence along the waterfront is reported! following boisterous gales at the! week-end. Alberta Sootless Lgg, $11.00; Tclkua Lump, $12.50; Nanalmo- Wriliiigton Lump, $13.50. Phone 116 or 11? Aibirt & McCaffcry. G. H. Tycho of Smlthers was a week-end visitor to town, having arrived from the Interior on Sa turday morning's train. Mrs. C. A. Moses, wife of the Archibald J. Thompson of this city was among University of Brl tlsh Columbia first year students who passed In their December ex aminations at the university. He ranked .wll,,un. in Ola Two or among students who averaged from 69 to 80 percent. Mrs. E. J. Palmer arrived in the city on the Prince John Saturday afternoon from Crescent Inlet Queen Charlotte Islands, and Is visiting at BUmor mm until tomorrow afternoon when she will proceed with other members of her family on a trip to Vancouver. In the social fro tpiece of a recent Vancouver Sunday Sun appears an attractive picture of John Terry Johnson, one-year old soi ni Mr. and Mrs. Terry Johnson of Prince George. The little boy'fc mother was before her marriagr Miss Madge Murphy, R.N.. and rvrral years ago was a member of lv nursi-g staff of the Prince Ru-p .'i t General Hospital. "Build n. c. Payrolls" Something Better In Quality Jt vjartg From letters we get from ' mothers we learn Pacific Milk is unfailing as a food for infants, even those who in some ways are III. This particular excellence is the something that does so much for food when Pacific Milk Is used in cooking, and at the table. Pacific Milk '100 B. C. Owned and Controlled" PLANT AT ABBOTS FORD TELEPHONE 6S7 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City TH2 DAILY OTTWi ... PAGE THREE Everything Would Turn BLACK Mrs. H. E. Swanzey Considers that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills (tonic),, Savea;' Her, Life. "Feeling Like a Different Person." "I could hardly walk across the room," writes Mrs, II. E. Swanzey, R. R. No. 1, Colling-wood, Ontario, "Everything would turn black and I would become so dizzy I would have to rest. I thought I would never be strong when I was advised to get Dr. Williams' Pink Pill. I used them Util I had taken six boxes. . Soon I was feeling like a different person. I ant, now the mother of six strong, healthy children.' The iron and other elements in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills (tonic) increase the amount of haemoglobin, or oxygen-carrying agent, in blood. The result is a better appetite, a feeling of well-being, restful sleep, and the ability to do your work happily. Begin now to take Dr. Williams' Pink Tills. SO cents a package 154 Basketball, Auditorium, Tuesday. Local Fresh Eggs, a Hollar. rnzzeirsv. 3 doz. for William Gilchrist returned to the city on the Cctala last even lnc from a brief business trip to Vancouver. Oiler Besner, who has been on a brlel business . trip . to Vancouver returned to the city from the south on the Catala last evening, chief operator of the Dead Trre T.J Shenton, Inspector of mine, Point wireless station returned to left on this afternoon's train for the Queen Charlotte Islands on J a brief trip to Tejkwa on official last wfek's trip of the ss. Prince duties. He expects to return to the John after a holiday visit to Van- city on Thursday morning's train couver. Union steamer Catala, Capt. A Miss Violet Slgmund, daughter of E. Dickson, arrived In port at 5:30 Mr an1 Mm Jnanh S hrmund Of la- "ic suuui auu n..n nharlntt- citv arrived in t Pm- tor Anyox. Stewart the city on the Prince John Satur- a,,u u"ier uwwmn .puuhs wnenc J.. fA.rrw, frm th. i.unrt. tr, she will return here tomorrow receive treatment for her eyes. She morning southbound will return to Queen Charlotte on T. D Pattullo. leader of the provincial Liberal Opposition and M L. A for Prince Rupert, arrived In uie city on tne catala last evening trom Victoria: He will spend the next few days here paying out of his periodical visits to his loca constituents. r New Discovery Reaches Cause of Stomach Gas! Dr. Carl found that poisons in the UPPER bowel cause, stomach uas. His simple remedy Adlerika washes ! put tne upper bowel, bringing out ail gas. orme s. Ltd.. Drugs. To the Electors VOTE FOR YOURSELF By voting for the man with a plan to break the depression. VOTE FOR CASEY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE We maintain a day and night service. Our garage is open from 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. You.will like our service Please try It KAIEN MOTORS LTD. Telephone 52 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD tOperatlng three Dry Pocks i Total' rapacity 20,600 tons and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and MlningMachlnrry Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. General meeting of Basketball Association, city hall, Monday 7:45. ts E. D. Hogan of Porcher Island was1 a brief visitor wr town' at the '' ' week-end. - 'J . ,. 1 !' 1 P. R. Pioneers' Assn. will hold its annual meeting in the City Hall. Monday at 8 p.m. 3 Bulkley Valley the unit coal. High Heat Reid McLennan- returned to the city on the Catala last evening from a brief trip to Vancouver. J. C. Hunt of Port Essmgton was week-end business visitor to town, having arrived from the Skeena River on Saturday's train t CNJl. steamer Prince John Capt. Nell McLean, sailed at : o'clock this afternoon for Vancou ver via Queen Charlotte Islands The vessel took out a very light list of passengers. Oscar Landry, district superin tendent of Government Telegraphs who has been holidaying In Van couver, returned to the city from the south on the Catala last even ing, accompanied by Mrs. Landry who has Deen visiting for some time in the southern city.' II. B. Morley, Grand Master for the Masonic Lodge of British Co lumbia and hardware merchant of Pentlcton In the southern interior. arrived in the city on the Catala last evening from the south and will take part in the official open ing of the new Masonic Temple here tomorrow night. Accompan ied by a party of local Masons, Mr. Morley will sail on the ss. Prlnoc Rupert Wednesday afternoon to pay an official visit to Enoch Lodge at Anyox. returning here oi his way south Thursday evening ds Checked By modern vaporizing ointment 'Just rub on VICKS VapoRus L. W. WAUGH Solicits your vote & influence FOR ALDERMAN Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot St Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PER DAY AND UP J. Zarelll Telephone tSI SINGER SEWING MACHINES NEW AND USED For Sale and for Rent McRAE DUOS., LTD. We Carry a Represent tativc Stock of Popular Car Paris For Prompt Efficient Service Phone 566 RUPERT MOTORS Oarage St Service Station Night Calls 1G1 GOAL Bay the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy Wellington In any quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 aMaHBCHvaaaBsesBsaanamaai Announcements Prince Rupert Badminton Club Dance, I.OD.E. Hall, Juiuary 15. Moose Whist and Bridge Jan. 15. Eagles' Social Dance, Friday, Jan 22.. Gentlemen 50c. Ladles refreshments. Dancing 9:30 to 1:30. Presbyterian Bums Banquet Jan uary 25. C.N.R. annual dance will fa- held In Moose Hall Friday, Febru ary 5, 1932. Moose Valentine Dance, Feb. 12 Catholic Women's League Sprins Sale April 7. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Tuesday ss. Catala 1 :30 psa Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 p.rr Friday ss. Cardena, midnight. Jan. 17 ss. Princess Mary .. p.m. Jan. 21 ss. Princess Mary .. pjn. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala pjn Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert ... 10:30 ain. Friday- m. Cardena pjn Jan. 13 ss. Princess Mary .. pjn. Jan. 27 ss. Princess Mary .. pjn. For Naai River and Port Simpson- Sunday ss. Catala 9 p.n From Naas River & Tort Simpson Tuesday ss. Catala . ..11130 ajn For Stewart and Any ox-Sunday ss. Catala 9 pjn Wednesday ss. Pr. Rupert 4. p.m From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss. Catala ...11:30 ajn Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert 8 p.m From Ocean Fails Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert ....10:30 ajn. Friday ss. Cardena p.m Jan. 1358. Princess Mary .. pjn Jan. 27 ss. Princess Mary .. pjn, For Ocean Falls- Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 p.m Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 p.m. Jan. 17 ss. Princess Mary .. pjn Jan. 31 ss. Princess Mary .. p.m For Queen Charlotte Islands- Jan. 9 ss. Prince John 10 pjn. Jan. 23 ss. Prince John 10 pan From Queen Charlotte Islands- Jan. 7 ss. Prince John ... a.m Jan. 21 ss. Prince John .. ajn. From Alaska-Jan. 13 ss. Princess Mary .. p.m. Jan. 27ss. Princess Mary .. p.m. FINE NEW MASONIC TEMPLE HERE IS COMPLETED; OFFICIAL OPENING TAKES PLACE TOMORROW EVENING. (Continued from Page 1) The tyler's room is. fitted with cupboards for use of the various lodges. Passing through the tyler's room, the lodge room Is reached. Measuring 40 by 50 feet, the lodge- room Is handsomely appointed and luxuriantly furnished. There Is setee seating capacity for 125 persons with additional seating possi bilities up to 250. Indirect cove lighting has been used and makes a splendid effect. Organ loft, beautiful carpeting, etc. are other features of the lodgeroom. In another section of the second floor Is the committee room which Is commodious and excellently furnished with electric fireplace and mantel. An interesting little feature of the committee room Is a framed picture of the famous outdoor lodge of 1861 at Barkervllle, B.C. Other rooms of the lodge are In keeping with the rest. The Temple 18 hot-air heated. The building. In all. Is a real ac quisition to the architecture of the city and a splendid monument to the enterprise of the Masonic craft of Prince Rupert. Contractors and Suppliers General contractors for the build ing were J. S. Nelson and John Cur-rle Ss Son.. Sub-contractors and suppliers of material were as Plumblng-Smlth & Mallett. Electric wiring Parkin & Stuart. Painting and decorating Bell & Keays. Heating Steens Limited. Plastering, tile and stucco work John Brcmner. Furnishings Globe Furniture Co., Waterloo, Ont. Carpet Phllpott Si Evitt. Lighting fixtures Gordon's Hardware. The general committee in charge of the building of the Temple consisted of G. H. Munro. chairman, Robert Oordon, T. 11. Johnson. G. P. Tinker, John Dybhavn and W. M. Brown. In order to accomodate a Masonic visit which ts to bs made at Anyox that evening CNJt. steam?? Prince Rupert will sail from here at 3 o'clock Instead of 4 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon of this week for Anyox and Stewart. a savings account for your child at the Bank of Montreal and make his or her future safe. BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 Total Assets in Excess of 730,000,000 Prince Rupert Branch: F. A. MacCALLUM, Manager If you lose anything, try a classified ad. 0 :1V r 1 ) V i hi i if IU X i