PREVENTS : THAT SINKING FEELING THE DAILY NEWS.' PRINCE RITERT VANDERH00F The annual meeting of the Van-derhcof Lawn Tennis Club was held last Friday night in the chambers of the Canadian Bank of Commerce when arrangements were made for the coming season's play. Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson and three daughters have arrived from Shelbrooke, 8ask, and have? rented the J.VM. Johnston farm north of the Neehako River, about two miles from town, on which they will realde. They brought a large quantity of equipment and stock with them. CYR. TRAINS Mondays. Wednesdays days and Pri- . 3 p.m From the East Tneadayj, Thursoays ana Satm days 10 40 a m BRITISH COLUMBIA,, , Publlshid 'Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert ? Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery bv mall or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week By mail lu ait parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, notices. 5.00 10c paid In advance for yearly period 3.00 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Etn- . pi re and United States, paid in advance, per year $6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per insertion, per word J02 Local readers, per Insertion, per line .25 Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate line 15 Transict display advertising, per inch, per insertion 1.40 Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone ..... 98 Editor and Reporters' Telephone 8G Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION ajc Thursday, April 14. 1935; District News flTwefeAg Marriage and F.ngagement annruncement $2. BlrtM Notices 50c. 4 Funeral Notices $1. Cards of Thanks. Funeral Flowers lOe. pet namiv aporI a. t NESTLfi'S ? 1.1 t'V CONDENSED EVAPORATED iT,l t Mbr $i) Sweeteaid Condtated Milk htt the Blue Label Un$wettod Evportted Milk Ass the White Label MEETING OF MUSIC CLUB Frederick Delius Was Subject of i " The Letter Box KEL1EF PAY REFUSED Study Yesterday TeluiarimgetlnOf ,the La- that a rumor is beint clretilat(?d ' dies'- Music -Clubr, wlueld.yester- around town to the effect that the day afternoon at the Japanese (majority of the men in camp are Mission, on Sixth Avenue. (willing to go to work for the de- ! There was a large attendance of grading wage of $7 JO per month, members. The president, Mrs. R. L. xnis js a deliberate distortion of i Mcintosh Was in the Chair. ;the truth on th rnntmrv tho I The topic for the day was Frederick Delius. Miss E. O. Lenox was ! in charge of the program and pre- loared jery Interesting and Informative piper ohLnis'modern composer. The program was as follows: O Canada. Paper, "Frederick Delius," Ml&j E. Q. Lenox. Songs, "Chauson d' Automne and Mrs, Song, "Y Brasll" (Dellusl, Mrs. E. Anderson. i Accompanists were Mrs. R. H. W. Bartlett. Mrs. W. M. Blackstock and Mrs. C. E. Cullln. I Tea was served at the conclusion of the program. Mrs. C. E. Cullln i poured. Mrs. Hlnton and Miss Cur-; rle assisted Miss Lenox in serving. Toe H Bridge and Dance Enjoyed Happy Affair Held Last Mint Un- i der Colorful Surroundings i Second of Season The local group of Toe H held its iseQond bridge party and dance of . ... 1 I 4 I April 14 1912 ' eoni urn. evening, me anair Aid. W. H. Montgomery continues !bein h,hly successful and enjoy-to protest at the "star chamber" ab,e- The rooms were tastefully de-methods of Mayor S. M. Newton in C0TaU Ue occasion In a color connection with the hydro-electric i 8Cheme ot ye,low and black wlth tamPs After rds had been project. People are clamoring to know when work will definitely start on the scheme. played, delicious refreshments were served by members of the group and dancing was then enjoyed un- Most of the canneri. on th.H1 uie " noun ot me morning. Skeena River are now engaged in Tne P" "Innew at cards were ralld-curlng of spring salmon and'8 ollow: ladles' nrst- Mrs. W. C. there are many boats engaged inAPlnall; on M"- J- -D. Allen: fishing, B.C. Fisheries at Balmoral !men'a flrst- Jack Vleck; second, and Wallace Fisheries at Claxton jDr W- c- APtaU. are amdng the active purchasers. , A cemm'ttee under the genial leadership of A. J. Squire was res- n . . ponslble for the success of the eve- W 4. 41WUIV VI WIW VlfcJT IUXO VI I tcauwsi uie uninqr risnenes uia. Rev. S. O. Steer has resigned all which has purchased the Namu and responsibility in this field of the Klmsquit canneries. Mr. Moore is: Anglican Church missionary work, now manager of Cassiar cannery on : Rev. B. S. Prockter has been ap- the Skeena River but he will be sue- i pointed to take charge of Vander- j ceeded this year by James Lamb,1 hoof parish. jwho has been foreman there for ; several years. Hfhwv m the district are now In a bad condition and will h that ' wav until U frost Is entirely out T nIiL V t V. Thi U the ofthegwiml . following aealei. t vi uiaiKi luttue ior mauls ning. PATIENCE British Labor Party Expresses Vfews In Crisis With Irish Free State LONDON. AprU 14 The BrlUsh ! bor Party Issued an appeal yes-! te,rday for reason and forbearance! by both sides in the dispute between the British government and tha't of the Irish Free State. The crisis appeared yesterday to hive reached the deadlock stage. The Laborites have urged a round-table conference. estle's-World est Producers and Sellers of Condensed and Evaporated Milk CREAM in Every Drop. Nestle's sweetened condensed milk dcliciously sweetens, and creams. .ted, .... coffee and cocoa. The -evaporated is unsweet- facts are, that out of 80 men in the camp only eight are willing to accept this coolie standard. j It Is the contention of the unem- j ployed, that by accepting this pit-1 itance. we will automatically lower. the wages of the more fortunate! worker who Is In employment, and j although It might bring suffering' upon us, also abuse from a certain . class of peoDle. we are willlne to I Twilight Fancies'' (Deliusl.j stand for the good of the worklnz ! J. A. Hlnton. i class as a whole Song. "The Minstrel" (Delius), We very much appreciate the Mrs. W. Cruickshank. ! stand taken bv th nnd eitin nf PHitiM Dlmn t U L. . 1 1 cil. in condemning this insulting1 offer of the government, and wish ! to thank them for their moral sup- j port. xnanklng you, Mr. Editor, for your valuable space. T. MURPHY. Secretary, Prince Rupert it District Unemployed Association. Boy Scout Assn At Anyox Formed W. R. Lindsay Is Chairman and V. S. McRae Secretary Treasurer of Organization ANYOX, April 14:-The Anyox Boy Scouts Association has been formed with officers as follows: Chairman, W..R. Lindsay. Secretary-Treasurer, V. S. McRae. Executive W. F. Eve and George W. Allen. -w K1KXK risUKXsTlgUJ THRIFT SPECIALS for K AQKETI Friy & Saturday 1U ri.ljlVLlLjiALAioUiC SOAP- ened-an4sddj;MintfC.ffl yswlFT PREMIUM SAUSAGE form richness to all milk dishes not requiring sugar. in per cake BRAID'S TEA limit 3 lbs) per I lb pkg. UAINERS PURE LARD 1 lb cartons, per lb QUAKER OATS Quick cooking, per pkg. CREAMERY BUTTER Alberta Prints, per lb POTATOES Grown at Terrace Small size, per sack WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR Royal Household. 10 lb sacks, per sack GRAHAM FLOUR Royal Household 10 lb sacks, per sack TOMATOES 2 1-2 tins) Packed In B.C.. per tfn READY CUT MARCONI 2 lbs FINE CANADIAN CHEESE per lb ROAST BEEF Llbby'a 1 lb tin per tin TOMATO CATSUP Ubby fine quality per bot COCOA per lb PORK & BEANS Clark's No. 2 tins, per tin PEANUT BUTTER per 1 lb tins QUAKER CORN per tin SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR j Fdr better Cakes ! Per pkg. I I RED ARROW SODAS I New stock. 16 oz. pkgs, per pkg. 31c 10c 18c 26c 65c 32c 32c 10c 13c 18c 14c 14c 13c 8c 14c 9c 28c 17c 'or a nasty economical ()() meal, per lb tin AOC Thrift Cash & Carry Phone 179 201 Third Ave. J "CARRY AND SAVE" vmtntu ra i a rB tna sam I cut el turn Geld Sim) Rut So. 628 Is ileum hire. Les$ work more hours of leisure. . . Enjoy your beautiful rooms free from worry lent muddy footprint stains or traffic marks might tipoil your tasteful floor coverings ... Kelense yourself from the tiresome task of carpet hwiting und sweeping. Congolcum Cold Seal Ilugrt relain their delightful coloring . . . soiled spots ore made bright and new with a damp mop . . . house, work is rut in half. IS'o other floor coverings can hriug you euch heatity . . . surh freedom from tiring housework ... I 1 tl'AUUfTTJ IJ1 tViiiMiMia J J Tlie CoM Sl on tbe Ut of every fnulnr Csnfolcam -Itu( guaraolrr 8alUfaHln or Your Moor 7 IImL. CONCOLEUM COLD SEAL RUGS CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED - MONTREAL SPENDING TO SAVE '.THROUGH Advertising Not many of us, these days, arc troubled with so much money that wc cannot spend it. Hut we arc interested in spending the money we have, to get the most out of it. One way and not a new way, cither is to make a budget. Put down, week by week, the money that comes in. I'ut down beside it, week by week, the money that goes out. So much forTood, so much for clothing, so much for rent. So much for givinir nnd for luxuries. Where Advertising Helps It won't always be easy, of course, to stay within the budget. That's where advertising helps you. Advertisements in this' hews-'jinper tell you how much rugs, butter, breakfast foods, dishes, homes, automobiles will cost, before you go shopping! They point out ways to save money They show how you to cut a little here, a little there. And each day, they tell about new inventions, new products, new ways of doing things, that help make this life of ours very much wortli living! 1 wTini 11 mn 1 Ml'