Hi! ; PA02 jtotra - 1 1 - ... - - i M, M , M SOFTBALL ! IS PLAYED Falcon.; Defeat Pirates 9-3 hi High School League Vesterdays High School Leagu Softball pame between ths Falcons and Pirates came to a elo. with the Falcons romping home holding a four-run lead. In the first Inning the Falcons brought In 3 runs but this lead m'as quickly cancelled when thr Pirates countered by bringing home three runs before they were retired. In the second the Falcors broke loore. They went in tor n session of heavy hitting whUh netted them five runs. For this onslaught the Pirates were unable " to retaliate. In the fourth dnnlng the Falcons brought In one run while the Pirates sncceeeded In getting two. The fifth started with ibolh teams playing air tight ball. Th? Falcons, were retired !n quick order hut the Pirates were still unable to bring home any men. The Falcons owe their victory to heavy hitting. The fielding of both sides was loose, the batters finding many gaps In the Infield. The teams were as follows : FalcSns 11, Allen, p.; W. Cro.. c. (OapU: J. Welle, 1st; Dungate, 2riti:Peftehy, 3rd; ChristVsoiUss':, Hale, rss; W. Murray, If; J. Ritchie, cf.: M. McCaffery, rf.; H. Fisher, 3rd. Pirates K. Nakamoto, p; (CapU Postulld, c; Walters, 1st,- N. Allen. 2ndi Ivarson, 3rd; Santurbane, lss.; Orme, rss.? klrkendall, If.; Cromp, cf; Obachinaj rf; Kanaya. UmpireB. Moxley. Base Umpire W. Tobey S Blake. Seoukeeper T. liarshall. Reporter V. Kiihomoto, R, latches Freak CARDINALS If this were a lobster there would be nothing to It. but it's a marine freak brouhgt up by Clara Thurston from the depths of Santa Monica Bay. tfame It and you can have it. SPORT CHAT With an aggregate bco ot 26 tt 24, the High School team won P series of two games played with thi Spooks to decide the ladles' basketball championship of Anyox. The High School girts won tiie first game 10 to 7 and iost the second 16 to 17, both being very strenuous encounters in which great basketball was played and much excitement developed: Thirteen couples took part In a successful tournament which was held recently to wind up the bad- . . mlnton season at Anyox. First prl-S. C. Obata, secretary of the es were won by Mrs. J. Smith and Prince Rupert Japanese Assocla- Mr. Edwards and second prizes by tian, and of the Skeena Fishermen's Mrs. Stretton and MrElgood. Run Association, returned to the city on ners-up were Mrs. Klrby and Ed. this morning's train from a trip to Johnson and Mrs. Spencer and H. Port Esflngton and other Skeena Peters. Following the play, priaes River cannery points on business. were presented. SlilSRlINC 'LONDON Hi til : rw Tfttar f'kallfll LONDON DRY GIN This advertisement Is not published or displayed by tne Liquw Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. RUPERT MOTORS Garage and Service Station Distributors of DODGE AND PLYMOUTH CARS DODGE COMMERCIAL VEHICLES 1 Phone 566 Phone (Night Calls 1C1) ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A. DRY SHED UM& Delivered Dry to Your Kin. You are assured In getting full weight JASPKU WII.IM Uti; HOOPer Ton, $12.50; Cash Price $lt.5 JASPF.lt Wll.nniti: LUMP Per Ton, S13.50; Cash Price .. 12Ji PlftllltNA l:fifSnrg. Price, $1230; Cash Price 1U These Coals are front Alberta. Dry Jack Pine and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 WIN AGAIN Senators and White Sox Also Score Second Victory of Season NEW YORK, April U: St. Louis Cardinals scored five runs In the ninth Inning yesterday to inflict a second straight defeat, 9-8, upon Pittsburg Pirates. Chicago Cubs defeated Cincinnati Reds 3 to S hi a hard fought I tame. 1 The Boston-Brooklyn and Philadelphia -New York games were rriined out. In the American League, four I runs in the ninth gave Washington Senators the victory over Bos- ' ton Red Sox by a 7-6 score. i Cleveland had a tight win over Detroit Tigers, 6 to 5. i Chicago White Sox defeated St I Louis Browns, 7 to 3. Philadelphia vs. New York game was rained out. The scores summarized: American League i vvasnmgton 7, Boston 6. Cleveland e, Detroit 5. St. Louis 3, Chicago 7. National League St Louis 9, Pittsburg 8. Chicago 3, Cincinnati 2. The league standings are as LEAGUE STANDINGS American League W. L. " Washington 2 Chicago . 2 0 New York l o Cleveland " l b Detroit o 1 Philadelphia 0 1 Boston 0 2 St. Louis 0 2 National League , W. ,L. St. Louis ...u... Boston .'-....a Philadelphia Cincinnati Chicago Brooklyn 2 l f " o New York ...i. 0 Pittsburg o 0 0 1 ,1 1 1 2 Pot. 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 .000 M0 .000 .000 Pet 1.000 1JD00 1.000 300 .500 .000 .000 .000 Ma lor M. A. BiirhnnV rilvlalnnal engineer for the Canadian National Railways, returned to the city on mis morning's train from one of his periodical trips along the line on onieiai amies. - The Dally News can be pur- chased at ' Post Office News Stand. 325 Granville St, Vancouver. Karl Anderson, Prince t George, B.C. R. W. Riley. Terrace, B.C. General Store, Arfyox. Smlthers Drug Store, Smith- era, B.C. Dangerous Condition Now Removed Kidney Trouble Overcome by Fruit-a-tives OTTAWA, Ont From Mor-risburg, Ont., Miss II. B. expresses gratitude to Fruit-a-tives. She writes: "I was tortured with a terrible backache caused from my kidneys. I had to bend to work, and In straightening np the pain was awful. I got no relief until. I tried Frult-a-tivcs. The change was almost unbelievable I feel so wonderful." For any kidney Irritation nothing will give you such complete rrlief as Frult-a-tlves, because (hey also act on four other vital organs, strengthening your whole system t function naturally. 25c and 50c Sold by druggists everywhere. -THE DAtLV NEWS ... iimiku.tLi. - I ' - " ; ' SOCKS Made of th fi not botany yarna in pure wool nj (ilk nd woL Correct in styling and patterna, Iiuiit on Mercury Socki and you'll get real wear out of them. 50c 75c S..00 Sold by nearly all good men'a wear ahopa DIVIDING UPW0RK Additional Men to Be Giveri Em ployment in City Waterworks and Garbage Services Acting along the lines of a suggestion offered by Afd. O. B. Casey at the regular meeting on Monday night of this week, the city coun cil, at Its special meeting last evening, left it to the board of works to Wotk out a scheme whereby one additional man will be given a .share pf th work on the city waterworks crew and two additional men part of the city garbage service work. The existing crews will be put on part time In order to permit of the additional men being given some work. The council decided that It was inadvisable to put a suggestion alonf similar lines Into effect so far as nlghtsell collection Is concerned. NORAII HERE YESTERDAY - There &t4te 86 passengers on board ths steamer Princess Norali which was in port yesterday afternoon .southbound from Skag-way to Vancouver. Three passengers loft "the vessel here while three went south from here on board her. TRY I, 'EM... ley re oreati Thin, strong and pliable ... a really better cigar erte paper for all who roll their own, and, at the same price as ordinary cigarette papers. ..ready gummed. 120 leaves jor 3f CIGARETTE PAPERS Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three. Dry Docks Total, capacity Stf.OOO tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and AtinlngMachlnery Repaired, and Overhauled Iron and' Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts ONETRUSIS AN EXPERIENCED CAPTAIN During the past 63 years The Royal Bank of Canada has encountered every variety of conditions wars, crop failures, booms and panics gaining strength by each experience. In a stormy sea, one trust3 a captain who has weathered storms. From a small beginning, The Bank has grown steadily to a position of long-established strength among the twelve great hanks of the world. Today its 881 branches serve every part of the' Dominion and assist Canadian business in many foreign lands. - The Bank has reached this position because many thousands of people, through successive generations, have found it always fair and dependable in its dealings. THE HOYAL BANK OF CANADA Capital $35,000,000 Reserves $39,155,106 Assets over $750,000,000 EMERGENCIES Trr&Trri j ' You enn mil the doctor nt nt 1 n. n. m. iu. hut hut von you ft'Siw' " ' ur -m in ennnot poHHihly get HcnncHsy Three Stur Ilrnntly nt thnt hour HENNESS BRANDY BOTTLED AT COGNAC. FRANCE COCNAC Vhls' advertisement l. not published or displayed b, the MqUor Control Hoard or by tt, (ior Bf riUh Columbia Daily Hews Want Ads. Bring Quick Returns