Lsdi AprU 14, 1932 MILK At Reduced Prices Our New Trices Going Into Effect April 15lh, 1932 Cash Price (only) 1 8 qls. or 14 pts. for $1.00 VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 I, L. Hotel Arrivals TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOK S KEEN A BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK A-ND CREAM DAILY rrly Delivery Throughout trie Cltr Had Eczema All Over Her Body Mr. Leo Wardler, Springford, Out., writer "For a long while I was troubled with eciema all over my body. It would burn and itch to at night I could not rest I tried different remediea but of no avail. I wu adrued to Uke Burdock Mood Bitten, and after taking fire bottle mv blood wai completely cleared of the eciema." Tf mU It n Ant tMral lom; mutftetarW, for U pMt II Mn, Jy br Tin L-jm C. i.taV TarctU, 0l. SPECIAL From April 1 - April 15 Wo v ill wash your Double Blankets for 60c s ingle Blankets for 10c LVo Curtains 50c 'per pair) Srim "Curtains ' 30c ' per pair) Pillows, each C3c Carpets 33c prr square yard) Let ui help you do your spring home cleaning Canadian & Pioneer Laundries Limited New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE IM St Cold water Steam Heat 75c. FF.R DAY AMI VP 3 Zarelll THephflu, tl Westingh ouse Washing Machines Vacuum Sweepers Flat Irons Mazda Lamps, etc. McRAK BROS., LTD. COAL! COAL! '.i.tcuon guaranteed will. o"i F.imous Edson Alberta Si Biilkl.y Valley Coal; No. 1 Binkirv Valley Timothy itay. OaU it Barley. Pratta Chick Food, Seeds & Fonuucr. Prince Rupert Feed Co TIIONE 58 tt 55R Announcements The "Laughing Cure' Church April 14 and 15. Spring May li Unlteo BagJe' Daffodil dance Friday April 15. Admission, ladies refresh menu genUemen 50c. everybody welcome. Anglican Cathedral Spring Bale. April 19. Prince Rupert Stagers April an. Capitol Tlwtre., ' it ' ' yj y -f Hks' ban.- Ajwtl 2. Ridley Home Bazaar May 5. Three Plays, Presbyterian Church May 5th and 6U. Letjior. Band Concert May 13 87 Sale, St Peters Church Week-End Specials FitASErt VALLEY BUTTER Finest B.C. butler on the market iio cartons 95 C PURITY QUICK OATS P. MALKIN 8 BEST PLUM JAM ti TtU A IK .I- MALKIN'S BEST SPINACH 2's. 2 tins EMPRESS JELLY. POWDER 5 pkgs. LIBDY'S PICKLB ' 20c 35c MALKIN'S BEST ROYAL ANNE CHERRIES 9 go 2 l:a's. tin PURITY FOOD I 5 lb sack NORTH STAR PICNIC HAM SWIFT'S PURE LARD 3 lb tin GLOBE ROAST MUTTON . IK tin . : ,...! KADANA COCOA 1 lb pkg. A3IICR0FT CATCHUP 26 08. bottle FAIRY BATH SOAP 0 bars . 30c 40c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c NABOB BAKIN6 rOWDER 7Tp o 1 o n m w Let your next pound of. coffee be 'Supreme." You will like It. Reliable Messenger. Phone 131. Day or Night. Stand Besner Block. tr Baseball .annual meeting hall Friday Aprir 15, 7 p.m. city Forget depression and come ar.d take the "Lauehlne Cure" at the. united Church tonight and to morrow night at 8 p.m. Adm. 50c. and 25c. a great assortment of Leckie's high grade shoes for men. ladies and children at Cut Rate Shoe 8tore, Meeker Block, at bargain prices. Nomination of officers of the Women's Canadian Club for 1932 will clow this week. The election will Uke place the first Wednesday In May. Fatbe Champagne arrived In the city on the Prince John this morning aftar a Visit to the Queen Charlotte Islands and will proceed on tomorrow's train to Terrace. Mr and Mrs. H. McEwen and family of Anyox will pass through the city on the Prince George this evening bound for Vancouver whence they will proceed to Carle- ton Place, Ont. Mrs. James Denholme of "Thr Dunes." Tlell. the popular holiday resort, arrived in the city very early this morning on the Prince John and Is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Pullen, Westvlew. Stop f listing with an old range that drives you wild. You will en-Joy reliable results and kitchen freedom and charm when you install a Beach All Enamel Coai Range In pleasing colors. Very reasonable prices at Gordon's Hardware, McBridr St. Phone 311. tf The Truth Wins We starlrd the reduction on prices oiid through our effort you have saved a good deal of money. We are glad to hare your business and support to help us maintain low prices. Stand behind Economy ; Stores and get the best results. Here's a Good Offer NABOB COFFEE nffn per lb with every $5 cash purchase ilNOAPORB SLICED 2s, 9 tins for PINEAPPLE $1.00 . ROYAL CITY JAM Raspberry, Apricot, Greengage, strawberry, 41b tin .50 ' CREAM BR Y BUTTER QtZn ODK, , Al.Sloa i ROBERTSON'S SCOTCH MARMALADE Op SOCKEYE SALMON Oold Seal Brand j 32C i ADELINE MOLASSES i 3. nor tin 21c j TOILET ROLLS 25C PIN-OLA Miracle cleaner for your kitchen. I'se I'in-ola, 3 sizes Is, 2s and 5s, THE GOLD COIN POTATOES Oood for seed J ffA per sack vv DELCO BACK BACON Machine siloed, per lb Of?g Fruit sn'd Vftetables at re- mi3 nrlrpt Mill Orilrra rlvm prompt attention NAVEL 4 dozen SWEET . . ORANGES Qfc i MuSSallem's Casll &. A1L-..1. nr-li Carry Stores rtiuuiia inanvei P GAMUI.A. Fifth Street P'onrfefor Phone 208 so "Where Dollars Have More Cents" No. 1 Store Fifth Ave. Phone 18-84 No. 5 Store 319 Third Av. Phone 360 No. 3 Store 127 Third Ay. Phone 375 I I II tits' tiatt.y mntra PAGE,. THREE LOCAL ITEMS Wlndolene, FRIDAY per SPECIAL can 20c WE BELIEVE Windows Crystal and Mirrors like jQtiality has i Regular meeting Trades and La-bour Munro Bros. That you will buy more Council tonight 8 o'clock. 87 HQ substitute I Twenty n'erhcht...rrff..'ill ! -me w.ejek only, Demtrsv 84 Grotto Taxi. Phone. 45G. ... .tf Reserve your seat now at Orme's for Prince Rupert Singers April 20. 89 For best coffee results use nothing but a few spoonfuls of Supreme and some pure water. Ladies, Boys, Misses and Children See Cut Rate Shoe Store, Meeker Block, before buying your running shoes. We can save ycj thirty-five per cent. When a lady pays for coffee that is what she expects to get. Why take chances? "Supreme" coffee, roasted In Prince Rupert, Is pure and fresh. The packets are all dated. CNJt. ss. Prince John, Capt. McLean, arrived in port at 1:30 this morning from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands and will remain over here until 10 o'clock Saturday night when she will sail on her return south over the same route. Provincial Constable Ronald M. Stewart of Atlln arrived in the city from the north on the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon and will sail tonight on the ss. Prince George for Vancouver. He has In his custody John Prescott jf Atlln cuaguia EBtf auatisn ms buklki Week-End MONEYSAVERS CRISCO I 3 lb tins, each . -j. .,...... PRUNES medium size) 3 lbs l RINSO 'The Hand Soap i per large package SWEET MIXED PICKLES Happy vale. 32 dZ. jars per jar SHREDDED WHEAT per pkg. TOILET ROLLS 6 for EMPRESS MARMALADE Orange, i lb tins, per Un EMPRESS MARMALADE Pineapple, 4 lb tins per tin EMPRESS JAM & JELLY No. 1 jars, all varieties per Jar SUNKIST ORANGES per doz. 3 dozen . AUSTRALIAN PINEAPPLE No. 1 1-2 tins, containing 9 slices, per tin BUCKWHEAT FLOUR Aunt Jemin. per pkg. OAINER'S BACON By the side, oet lb Supar cured by the piece sliced, per lb 77c 25ci 22c 3ic 11c 21c 45c 62c 22c Large size, sweet and Juicy ODg UUV KRAFT OR CHATEAU CHEESE per 1-2 lb pkg 17C ROYAL ANNE CHERRIES Malkin's Best No. 2 1-2 tinsACf, per tin ,.. SOI, RIPE OLIVES 9 oz. tins per tin ROWNTREETS COCOA per 1-2 lb tins per 1 lb tin snmtmia tm swniaxa.rjiaB m : : 1 j; MI-LADY Beauty Shoppe Revised Prices to Suit Y'our. Pocket Permanent Wave $5.00 Ladies' Hair Cut . . 33c Children's Hair Cut 25c Phon6i355 CARNATION is whole milk with only the natural water-content removed and nothing added. Carnation is the famous safe-guarded milk "from Contented Cows." That means that every precaution is taken to insure its purity at the source by the strictest cleanliness in the care and in the milking of the'eows. After Carnation is evaporated to double richness the cans are then hermetically sealed to continue the' protection until Carnation reaches you. What Expert Cooks Tell Us Domestic Science experts have found that Carnation makes foods richer, tastier, finer in texture. They say that the "homogenized" butter-fat in Carnation makes it super-smooth. Use it in cream soups, sauces, puddings, ice cream, cocoa, candy. Enjoy its creamy double-richness in coffee, fruits and cereals and cut your cream bills in two! C Approved for Baby Feeding The highest medical authorities recommend Carnation Milk as an excellent milk for babies because of its purity, uniformity, nutritious-ness, richness in vitamins and minerals, and super-digestibility. That's How Good It 1st arnation "From Contented Cows" LOCAL ITEMS I Mrs. G. E. Oullck and Mrs. A. S.i Nickerson returned to the city: on this morning's train from ai brief trip up-river. Sam Jabour sailed yesterday af- " rnnce ueorge ior i 431 A1' J)l.vl4ja week's trip to Anyox on insur -, jance ouainess. He expecu to re-. 1 turn to the city on the Catala next ! lC Tuesday morning. 19c 24c 47c 20c 21c Ib 22c 25c Watts' Grocery PHONE 55 PHONE 56 THE BEST FOR LESS Capt W. P. Armour, local manager of the Pacific Salvage Co.. was the speaker at the regular! luncheon of the Prince Rupert Ro-! tary Club in the Commodore Cafej today, his subject being "Salvage. ' HOTEL ARRIVALS Royal W. Oladstone, Queen CharJott Islands. Income Tax Returns Dominion returns must tw fUed by 30th April GEORGE UOKIE & CO. Accountants and Auditors 243 Second Ave. W. Phone 3S7 Queen Hatchery 36 V. Cordova St. Vancouver, B.C. Baby Chicks, Queen Quality Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock, of high egg production. Catalogue free. QUEEN HATCHERY 3G W. Cordova St., Vancouver resnwm we aaruens K Send for Free Booklets I Tht Cruatl Ck I "Ctnltnltd 1 I Btb'm" art two uiw I 1 bH'tt tvtry ktmttwift I 1 i milker tkmli luvt. I Writ, jtr tktm f I Ctrnttim C, LimittJ, I IS4AbbttSt INTilk MILK FROM CANADIAN COWS, PACKED IN CANADA IN CANADIAN-MADE CANS 'AND CASES 28 20c on the $1 Iy Xew Kodtii'ctI Itles n Sailings to si it 1 f r o in EUROPE Sail the short St Lawrence Seaway-cut 2 days off your open ocean trip to Europe. Sail by the Canadian Pacific fleet led by the Empress of Britain. The 'Empresses. Firtf diss 4 Duchesses Lutury with economy Cabin Ships. Solid Comfort at low cost All ships Tourist and Third Class Frequent sailings each week from Montreal and Quebec (trains to ship-side) to British and Continental ports. JJa A.k m mbokt Alt. CXrENSE TOURS- CMcbtristicCtngrtaSmt' Glasgow Rtunitn. FlU tmftnutin frwm Jmr lnt tttnl stnt, r J. J. FOKSTER Steamship Oenl. Pau. Agent O P.n. StaUoa Vanoourw. rCaoiadisui Paeifie WORLD'S GREATEST TRAVEL SYSTEM UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Strainers Irate rrlnce Rupert t or Vancomrr: T.8.H. CATALA EVERY Tl'ESPAY. I JO IM. Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.M. ARDEM EVERY FRIOAY MIDMflllT Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight approx Weekly saUlnga to Port SUnpaon, Altc. Ann. Anyox, Stewart and River points. Sunday, 9 p.m further information regarding alt tailing and ticket at -rniMT UITKKT AGENCY: ttrcond Atenue. Thone SDK S8MONDS SAWS The most economical saws to use Simonda Canada Saw Co, Limited, St. Reml SLt. and Acorn Ave. Vancouver. E.C. MOnTREAI. St. John, N.B.