Madame LacroU'a dellolous CHOCOUTC LA VI Ft CAKE cup butter 1 u,' m i , 1 t-ispoon vanilla extract 1 ;ii milk , ; ! paltry flour (or 2 cupt and .l ltspoontof bread flwir) .. -i n Magic Baking Powder . j'poon salt ant hurter; add wjtar, a little ; iiiik, beating until light add . i! olks and flavoring; add r. Mltcd with salt and baking i , t , ali crnately wit h milk. Fold fit-.- twaten egg whites. Bake f iiv& layer cake pans in !.,.,- oven at 375 F. about 20 t,s Rrcipe for Chocolate n and Filling in the Magic Why Magic Baking Powder is used exclusively at this Montreal School of Domestic Science "We teach our students only the tureit method says Madame R. Lacroix, Assist ant Director of the Provincial School of Do- r omcc, Montreal. "That's i . I alnjvs we am) tccopi BakincTWerMfi ' t v .i oimii; quality is aiwayi unuvrra i j e t the same satisfactory re-r. st crv time you use it" Ami Magic Baking Powder Is the i; i-stiviied choice in the rnajor-it i v -iking schools throughout t' e Dominion. Cookery teaebers .1 hnuwwivei, too prefer Magic In .im,e of its cunsistently Utter tfc,ult, tree Cook Book When you bike at Some the new Magic Cook H . t Hi give you Josens of recipes f t dtluious baled foods. Write to i'un.lajj Brands Ltd., Fraser Ave. anj Ubetty St., Toronto, Ontario. Outrlaineuiilitale CONTAINS NO ALUM. Thlotal. our guarmalM It Malc BaklaS dr to tra trm m r mr iiim USradiHi. "" ! Dunlca of Atlln has been u provincial election " fr Atlln district. It ls J in the B. C. Oazettc. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Eriy Delivery Throughout the City COAL! COAL! R('i luction guaranteed with out' Famous Edson Alberta & Buiiil..v Valley Coal; No. 1 Biiikipy Valley Timothy Hay. " Oats & Barley. Pratts Jbv Chick Food, Seeds & ftrtlluer. nce Rupert Feed Co PHONE 58 & 658 "SUPREME", the coffee de luxe Twenty percent,, off all dresses, one week only. Demers. , , fi-t I Reliable Messenger. Phone 131. Day or Night. Stand Besner Block. ! tt Mail orders loi hemstitching returned by next lmtfl at the Dollar Store. 8(j Canadian Lesion Members! IU!f yearly pencral meeting will be held Wednesday. April 13, at 8 pju. Business: Election of officers, etc. 86 The city council last night finally reconsidereo and adopted a bylaw providing for the renewtl of a loan, of $90,000 which fell dut a few days ago at the Royal Bank of Canada. The Grotto Cigar Store is now operating- their own taxi service. Phone 136. Driver: Reuben Srherlc. Operating day and night. Just Phone 456. We do the rest. tt The B. C. Oasettc announces the appointment of J. H. Byrne of Smi-thers as a marriage commissioner for Smithers district In place of H. F. Shaw, who recently left that district. i One of the most popular evening amusements in the city todry Is writing limericks on the excellence of Supreme Coffee. b J Mrs. Ed. Unger, ho has been on a two weeks' holiday visit to Au-yox, returned to the city on the Oatala this morning from tru smelter town. Frank Wilson n' Icvecness can nery Ls paying a brief visit to the cify. having arrtvtd from thu .frkcena River on this morning's , tialn. i Roy II. Ourd, accountant of Caa-star cannery, ls paying a brief bus iness vtstt to town, having arrtytcU Itvm . th. Skeena River on -this morning's tnurn Rolf Walker came In on thLt ! morning's train from his duties at , Falls Rtver tor the Power Corporation of Canacia to pay a visit to ' his home here. ' ' On rezocrunendatkm of the finance committee, the city council last night accepted an offer from E. Skog to purehaw lot 7. block 12. ectlon 7. for $76 and pay 1692 I 'axes. I H. S. DeWoit, Ioa: manager of! W H. Malkln Co. Ltd. teiumeti u the city on the Catala this mom-ins , after having made the round trip to Anyox and Stewart on company business. I Oood progress Is being made on the erection of the new Oddfellow's Hall at the corner of Fourth and Bowser Street. Framework h&3 now been completed and the sld jlng ls being put on. I a. S. Oulick. local manager of the Swift-Canadian Co., returned 'to the city on the Catala ttila j morning after making the round itrlp to Anyox and Stewart Qn ecmpany business. Union steamer uataia, ipi. -i B Dickson, returned to port at; 10:30 this morning from Anyox Stewart and other northern points and sailed at 1:30 this afternoon , for Vancouver and waypolnts. , Elmer R. Oatman of Anyox has been appointed district regisrar of vital statistics for the district of Anyox in place of Stephen II. Hos-klns. who. has left t"nelter town. Mr. Oa Uriah is also appbintna msrriage commissioner in succession to Mr. Hoskins. A recommendation ''om the finance committee that an offer 1 A. B. Storrie to pay $50 for lot 76. hlo'-f. 3, sretton 7. at ,$23 down and the ha'lancf $5 per "month fm 't months be aeJepWd,' provide:! the purchaser pay this years' tax. s was adopted by the council lasl r.ljht. Cltv Solicitor E. F. Jones will in future waive the formality of 'ttndlng when reading minute -nrrpfTjondenee, reports and othei documents at meetings or the cltv -o'tndl Suggestion that Mr. Jonrs sit tnstood of stand was made at last night's meeting and agreed u by other members of the council Save your spare plants for Uk II Ridley Home Bazaar. ,-ton Ford Light Delivery, 1931 Model fdrlsdle, good condition. Aji ply Box 1 30,. Dally flews.. 85 City accounts for two weeks end ing April 8. totalling $18,74955. were passed for payment at last night's council meeting. Halley K. Henry hay been appoln ted deputy, mining recorder, for the Omlneca Mining Division with sub recording office at McConnell Creek, It is announced in the B. C. Gazette. "Listen to me on CONSTIPATION "I recommend suffered "Personally,! Fruit-a tives from rll constipation I and dizziness, and never knew what a food night's sleep was be fore I took Fruit-a-tivcs. They have done me a world of good." Mr. A.T.,Aylmer,Ont. Thousands of people have been completely and permanently relieved not only from constipation, but also from serious illness of long standing by the proper use of I'ruit-a-tives. whkh stimulates FIVE vital organs to work naturally. The great discovery of brilliant doctor. Try itl You are sure to benefit. 25c and 50d a Lex. Fruit-a-tives MAKE AND KEEP YOU WELL Exceptionally good value In Lawn Mowers. Made in Canada Prices from $7.00. Gordon's Hard ware. Phone 311. tf j The "regular monthly business , luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club was held in the Commodore Cafe testy . President William CruikshfnWt waj In the chair and there was g4odtzed attendance ' ' W member. - t Rose. Cowan Si Latta Ltd.. whose tender was $290 plus sales tax, was given the Job last night of print ing 100 copies of the 1931 auditors' report. The only other tenderer was Alex McRae Co. Ltd.. whose bid was $354.60 plus sales tax. Announcements Presbyterian spring sale April 14 The "Laughing Cure' United Church April 14 and 15. Eagle' Daffodil dance Friday, April 16. Admission, ladles refierh meats gentlemen 50c. everybody welcome. Anglican Cathedral Spring Sale, April 19. Prince Rupert Singers April 20. Capitol Theatre. Elks' Dance. April 22. Ridley Home Basaar May 5. Three Plays, Presbyterian Church May 5th and 6th. J Sprmg Sale, St. Peters Church, my 19 - SOUTH WINTER SAILINGS From Prinre Rupert for Van-router, ratlin at Ocean Fall and l'awrll It Iter 10.00 p.m. Thuradaja For Anyot and Stewart 4.00 p.m. WeJneadajra Forlnlsntly aertlre to Queen Charlotte InlanHi. Fartleulara on reqlieet. Strain service ' raenger Iralna leave Trlnea ( Itupert Monday. 'elneilaye ami Krltlaya at 3.00 p.m. for Kctiioiilon, Winnipeg and point KaM. ii. M.KWK.N. n.r. r.A. Trine Kupert. It.C CBaadian national fmS DAILY NEWB LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 1 i mHH RssH Wed. Special Orange Marmalade 35' 32-oz. jar Munro Bros. I Ail the world loves a laugher no1 Join the crowd at the 'Laughing Cure," Thursday and Friday In tne United Church at 8 p.m. Rev. Father Joseph Allard, O.M. L, returned to the city on the Ca-tala this morning following a weeK's visit to Anyox. If you wish to learn the meaning of aroma, buy a pound of Supreme Coffee and make a crp yourself. It's great I C. C. Mills returned to the city cn the Catala this morning after making the round .trip to Anyox end Stewart on business. Earl Mah was this morninj ; convicted by Magistrate McCly-mont of the offense of driving to the common clanger and was fined $10. A. O. Ave of the provincial taxation office returned to the city J'n thr Catala this morning from L trip to Stewart and Premier on olficial business. Howard W. Chambers, accountant of Inverness cannery, arrived in the city from the Skeena River on this morning's train for a brief business visit to town. Mrs. O E. Darby of Bella Bella. who has been visiting at Port Simpson following a brief stay here, was a passenger aboard the Catala today going through to Butcdalc. Miss Mabel Mcllar of Stewart was a passenger aboard the Ca tata this morning going through t-t Vancouver. Miss Mellor Is to b 'married shortly at Stewart to a Premier man. Vancouver Bank Clearings for week ending April 7 were $15,1W,M7. The 617. the last three fis-urts, is the lucky number on which Mr. D. W. Vance won a $33.00 Society Brand suit from FRASER & PAYNE in their Big Suit Contest. The Fair Board Was in senior, ast night to advance preliminary preparations for the holding of thf 1932 Exhibition. Matters dealt with were largely of routine nature. F E. Wermlg. president of the Board, was in the chair and there was s good attendance of members of the Board. Louis Bchnsen of Stewart war, brought to the city on the Catala this morning from the north to re celve treatment for broken leg sustained in an accident at the Premier mine. Mrs. S. O. Lawrence was accompanying him as nurse. Mr. Behnsen Is a son-lnlaw of V. J. Crawford, well known Stewart transportation man. MI-LADY Beauty Shoppe Revised Prices to Suit Your Pocket Permanent Wave $5.00 Ladies' Hair Cut . . 35c Children's Hair Cut 25c Phone 655 SPECIAL From April 1 - April 15 We will wash your Double Blankets for GOc Single Blankets for 10c Lace Curtains' . 50c (per pair) Scrim Curtains ....30c (per pair) Pillows, each ......35c Carpets 35c (per square yard) Let us help you do your spring house cleaning Canadian & Pioneer Laundries Limited WELL KNOWN COUPLE WED Ulss Vera W. Smith Becomes Bride Jgpi ' u. .l ercy 1 inker. ; ti r' : 'The wedding of .Mis Vera W. Smith and G. Percy Tlnkerjwas quietly solemnized last evening at the Deanery, Dean Gibson officiating. The bride was charmingly gowned in a period model of pale pink faille taffeta with a large picture hat of the same shade, her bouquet being deep pink; rosebuds. 4. The bride was attended by Miss Florence A. Smith, who wore tor-quolse blue faille taffeta with a picture hat to match and carried pale pink laddies. Harry Birch was groomsman. A reception was held after the wedding at the home of the bride and groom on Dunsmuir Street, the bride's mother, gowned in black Canton crepe with a corsage bouquet of deep pink rosebuds, assist ing in receiving. Resolution on Silver Is Not Well Received The resolution in regard to gold and silver standard, passed by the local city council recently at the instigation of Aid. Casey, ls not receiving much of a reception from other municipalities to whom it has been sent for endorsatlon. Correspondence tabled at last night's meeting of the council revealed that Victoria city council had taken no action In regard to the resolution while Edmonton, New Westminster, Calgary and Esquimau each received and filed the resolution. Iver Robertson for being intoxi- catrd was this morning fined $H5 in the police court. FAMILY MEAT MARKET 937 rilONE Loin Pork Chops 35c 2 lbs Loin Veal Chops 35c 2 lbs Loin Lamb Chops 45c 2 lbs Spare Ribs 25c 2 lbs Liver, 1 lb. 25c Bacon, Vi-lb Shoulder Lamb, 5 lbs. $1.00 Braid's Tea, 1 lb. Shoulder Veal, 5 lbs. $1.00, Biaid's Tea, 1 lb. Shoulder Pork, 5 lbs. $1.00' Braid's Tfa, 1 lb. Fresh Side Pork 10c per lb Pot Roast of Beef 50c 4 lbs Stewing Veal, 4 lbs. 50c Peas, 1 tin Stewing Lamb, 4 lbs. 50c Peas, 1 tin $1 Cash & Carry Special 1 lb. Braid's Tea 1 doz. Local Eggs 1 lb. Butter 1 lb. Bacon Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot & Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PER DAY AND UP J. Zarelli Telephone tSI " Income Tax Returns Dominion returns must b filed by 30th April GEOKOE RORIE & CO. Accountants and Auditors 213 Second Ave. W. Phone 387 ft r.'vv Help yOURSEl PAQB THHETE These corn flakes are guaranteed BEHIND every package of Kellogg's Corn Flakes is the personal guarantee of W. K. Kellogg: "If Kcllogg's aren't the finest and freshest corn flakes you ever tasted, return the empty pack age and we will gladly refund your money.' For 25 years Kcllogg's have stood as tho standard of value. Made with a delicious flavor and crispness no others can duplicate. Packed hy a method that assures oven-freshness. A completely sealed inside WAXTITE bag which is a patented Kellogg feature. Kellogg's are economical, convenient, de lightful. Remember that where substitutes are offered, it is seldom in the spirit of service. Demand genuine Kcllogg's in the red-and-green package. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. UNION STEAMSIIII'S LIMlTEIi Btramm Iwt rrlnc Koptrt f or Vnncouirr: T.S.f. '.TALA EVERY Tl'ESDAY. UO PM. Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver, Thursday p.m. TJt.M. AHDtS A tVFKV IRIU.tV MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver Bund.r midnight approx Weekly aaUlngi to Port Simpson, Alice Arm. Anyox. Stewart and Naaa River points. Sunday, 9 p.m Punnet information regarding all aaUlngi and ticket at miMT Iil'PKKT AOCNCV: brtond Avenue. fhonr SAH Christie's SNOWFLJIKj ; SODAS in the big, new, family-size package, are always fresh. Until you have tried them you cannot imagine how deliciously light, crisp and flaky Christie's Snow Flake Sodas really are. Because it doesn't pay to It does pay to buy H' En SAir HEALTH EJl.,'i ill advertise poor products, those advertised. .4