il THE DAILY NEWS The Daily News Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited DAILY AND WEEKLY SUBSCRIPTION RATES—Dalzy, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance, WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. OUTSIDE CANADA-- Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. on application, HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98, BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New YorRK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 28rd St., New York City. SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. , teas, ExGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar are, Contract rates nein camara eee ee ‘'The newspaper, with the law, should assume the accused innocent until proven guilty; should be the friend, not the enemy of the general public; the defender, not the invader of private life and the assailant of personal character. It should be, as it were, a keeper of the public conscience.’’—Henry Watterson. we A FORCE FOR CIVIC PATRIOTISM DAILY EDITION. THURSDAY, JUNE 15 Just as charity begins at home, so does patriotism. The best kind of patriotism is civic patriotism. Not the kind that believes in indiscriminate ‘‘boosting’’ of everything and everybody connected with the city, without regard to truth and justice. That is as cheap and misleading as indiscriminate flag-waving and flag worship. Real patriotism means service, plus unselfishness. Where it is plentifully found, a happy and prosperous community thrives. Where it is not found, communities are not happy and rarely prosperous. The business of a city requires and is responsive to skilled attention just as a private business. Without civic patriotism, that skilled attention is not unselfishly bestowed. A couple of years ago, Boston, a city famous for its culture, woke up to the fact that civic patriotism was lacking. Conditions around its City Hall became intolerable. Finally the leading commercial and civic organisations forced the Mayor to nominate a body of representative men of the highest ability—the Finance Commission— to probe his administration. These seven men gave freely of their time and experience working without pay for fourteen months. The astounding disclosures of this body of experts aroused the civic con- sciousness of Boston and united the citizens for better government. Not only did the Finance Committee point to the evils. They did constructive work. They drafted a new city charter for Boston. They made reforms in the civic laws so sweeping and drastic that the professional politicians gasped with amazement. Within a year’s time they achieved the federation of forty different associations, each of which is devoted to some trade, professional or public interest. They engaged for the first time in the history of that city,a skilled railroad traffic manager of the highest standing, to’ work solely in the interests of Boston and New England. They upset unreasonable and cutrageous advances in express rates, which were restricting the markets and industries of Boston and New England. They secured an appropriation of $1,800,000 for new customs houses suited to the requirements of the great port. They agitated the Federal Government on the question of forest reserves, and secured legislation to protect the New England forests. They secured legislation to erect a High School of Commerce. The.Finance Committee of Boston have rescued the City Hall from the boodlers and grafters. They have made it the centre of clean and enterprising civic government. They have done more. They have set an example of public spirit and of civic patriotism that other communities might follow. It is idle to blame ‘the people’ for misrule. Every citizen is one of “the people,” a joint sharer in the succéss or failure of his c ty. DEEDS SPEAK LOUDER THAN NAMES (Collier’s Weekly) Land laws that have made the Irishman contented; tax laws that look to making a rich, storied, and fertile island a paradise for the small farmer; the suffrage for women who have property enough to give their votes weight; old-age pensions that run into a hundred million of dollars; sickness, disability and unemployment insurance for laboring men and women, thai will cost fifty millions! Who were the altruists that did this? No altruists at all—just the usual bunch of vote-seeking politicians taking advantage of the world-wide move- ment for a fairer distribution of wealth, egged on by a Chancellor of the Exchequer who had sympathy for the under dog. What was the chancellor? A rich man, with a taste for philanthropy at the public expense? No—a lawyer, a little Weslh solicitor, who had worked up out of the ruck and knew what it was to be poor. A lawyer! Why, we thought to find the lawyers where the money was. Not always. This lawyer had a heart and a tongue of fire for something better. What republic writes these wonderful, compassionate things on its statute books? What democracy thus keeps its solemn pledge to govern for the people? No republic—unless you speak of it as a crowned one. Neither a republic nor a democracy, if you regard for both, if you regard spirit. To be accurate, a monarchy, with a hereditary House of Lords and all the trimmings. Name, please. Why England. | The Daily News DELIVERED TO ANY AD- DRESS IN SECTIONS 1, 5, 6 AND 7 EVERY DAY FOR j 50c PER MONTH HAS FOUND MINE OF RARE METAL John McGrath is Developing ' Molybdenum on Claim at Observatory Inlet. Mr. John McGrath, the well known mining prospector, and the original locator of the Portland Canal mine, is now engaged in the development of a deposit of molybdenum, a rare metal which is used for hardening armor plate. The property is located on Alice Arm of Observatory Inlet, about a mile from salt water, and is the only known deposit of this metal on the Pacific Coast of America. Mr. McGrath has done five years of development on it, and has recently made an arrangement with the firm of Atpans & Krool of San Francisco to begin shipments. “It’s too bad that all the metal should go to the United States,” said Mr. McGrath, “but there is a market for it in the United States and none here, so what can you do?” SILVER FOUND IN JASPER PARK Two Men out Staking Claims on G. T. P. Line Near Fort George. The first find of precious min- erals has been made along the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific east of Fort George. Silver has been discovered in Jasper Park. Sandy Johnson and Harry Willis- croft are now on their way to the big Dominion reservation, armed with government permits to stake their claims for the mining of precious minerals. According to the story of these men, who have been working in the construction camps along the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific, they started some little time ago to prospect through the country along the line of the railway Finally, one Sunday, while the grade was being pushed through Jasper Park, they stumbled upon rock that looked as though it would be worth taking away. Closer examination led the men to believe that the samples that they chipped off contained very rich quantities of almost pure silver. Johnson and Williscroft kept their mouths tightly sealed as to where they had found the silver. They declared they wire not look- ing for any partners in their enterprise. They went to the land office and there secured the necessary permit that gave them the right to prospect for precious minerals on government land. Jasper Park is a pretty large place and just where these men have made their find is unknown. As to whether the silver will be found in paying quantities is a matter that time will decide. But Johnson and Williscroft are both confident that their fortunes are made, REV. DR. PIERSON DEAD Famous Presbyterian Divine Passes Away in Brooklyn New York, June 14.—The Rev. Arthur Tappen Pierson, the emi- nent Presbyterian clergyman and CASE AGAINST CITY OPENS J. T. Donaldson Sues for Dam- ages Caused by Fall in Jan- uary Off Sidewalk. Before Judge Young in the County Court this morning the case of Donaldson vs, City opened. Donaldson sues for damages caused by a fall off the sidewalk at Seventh street and Second avenue. City Clerk Woods have evidence regarding the locality for the city, and Alderman Hilditch, chairman of the streets committee is a witness. C. F. Keller, Dr. Cade, A. J. Dann and Jesse Ford are witnesses for the plaintiff. The case for the city is in the hands of C. V. Bennett, and L. W. Patmore appears for plaintiff. At noon today evidence was being taken. BELASCO LOSES CHILD Famous Playwright's Only Dau- ghter Passes Away in Col- orado. Colorado Springs, Colo., June 14. —Mrs. William Elliott, only dau- ghter of David Belasco, the New York theatrical manager, died here today. Death was due to tuber- culosis of the bowels. Mrs. Elliott was married but little more than a year. DISCHARGED FROM ARMY This Recruit Had Objections to Brushing His Teeth Washington, June 15.—Charles D. Evans, a recruit, was dis- honorably discharged the army and sentenced to two years’ hard labor for refusing to have his teeth filled and cleaned as ordered by his superior officer. The sentence was approved by the chief of the staff. INSERT YOUR LAND PURCHASE NOTICES IN THE NEWS from __Whites Portland Coda: G. C. EMMERSON AGENT Phone 125 Naden Block Second Ave Row Boats Gasoline Launches, Ss;‘csicees For Hire by Hour or Day BOATS BUILT AND REPAIRED— H. Johnston Cow Creek P.O. Box 187 SAVOY HOTEL Fraser and Fifth Street. The only hotel in town with hot and cold water in rooms. Best furnished house north of Vancouver. Phone 87; P.O. Box 129. Proprietors Rooms Sc up. PRUDHOMME & FISHER Windsor Hotel | FIRST AVENUE AT EIGHTH STREET Newly Furnished and Steam Heated Rooms A FIRST CLASS BAR AND DINING ROOM IN CONNECTION author, died at his residence in Brooklyn yesterday morning. Dr. Pierson was pastor of Spur- geon’s Tabernacle, London, for two years, aid returned a few weeks ago from a missionary tour through Japan, Korea, and the Hawaiian Islands. He was born in this city on March 6, 1837. TO FORSAKE THE STAGE Miss Mary Mannering Has Mar- ried a Wealthy Detroit Man RATES 50 CENTS AND UP BATHS FREE TQ GUESTS ROBT. ASHLAND P.O. BOX 37 Hotel Central S25 fisArs; European and American plan, steam heated, modern conveniences, Rat«s $1.00 to $2.60 per day. ’ Peter Black Proprietor Detroit, June 14.—By her mar- riage to Frederick E. Wadsworth, the wealthy Detroit club man and boatmaker, Miss Mary Mannering, the actress, will renounce the stage following the end of her contract with the Schuberts, which has twenty-five weeks yet to run. .Grand Hotell.. WORKINGMAN’S HOME Spring Beds, clean White Sheets 25¢ Rooms 50c BEST IN TOWN FOR THE MONEY J. GOODMAN, Proprietor ESTABLISHED 1909 F, W. HART & COMPANY Undertakers, corner Second ¥ Avenma and Sixth Street. eorge Barrie, Licensed Embalmer, Phone 62 night or day m Manager VICTORIA CAFE Lunch and Meals at all hours; Lunch 15c, Meals 256c up—Come and Bee YOU CAN GET A SQUARE MEAL ANY TIME FREE eNt rae OFFICE : : For all kinds of help, cooks, waiters, dishwashers, hotel por- ters, all kinds of laborers or me- chanics, call up Phone No. 178 or call at the Grand Hotel Free Employment Office Headquarters for cooks & waiters ROGERS & BLACK —WHOLESALE DEALERS IN— Building Material, Cement, Lime, Hair-fibre Plaster, Coke, Blacksmith Coal, Common Brick, Pressed Brick Shingles, Lath, New Weilington Coal ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED See Us for Prices. Phone No. 116 FRANK D. KEELEY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST Phone No, 200 P. O. Box 580 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. SPST? Carries complete stock of Drugs. Special attention paid to filling prescriptions. Theatre Block PHONE No, 79 Second Ave. hibbidabhiiiats Vlad tna a es Pal MONROE LADYSMITH “<< COAL a r ~ PHONE!IS LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Skeena Land District —District of Coast Range THOMAS MeMEEKIN 8, 1911. pened Aor} Francis 5. Preston, Agent Pub. May 15. Sk Land Distriet—District of Cassiar Take notice that I, Charles L. Delgrove of Stew- art B. C., occupation prospector, intend to apply for ission to purchase the following lands: Commencing at a post planted about six miles south and - mile west of the forks of the White and Flat rivers, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west Skeena Land District —Distriet of Coast Ra 6 Take notice that i, J. Harold McKean of Prince Rupert, B. C., aceupaton blacksm th, intend to apply for permassion to purchase the following descr bed lands: Commencing at a post planted about three and one-half miles d stant in a south oe direcuon from a blind slough from Observatory Inlet where the same touches the [nd an Reserve, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 cha na, thence east 50 chains, thence north 80 cha ns to po nt of com- mencement, containing 640 acres more or less. Dated Apr | 14, 1911. J. HAROLD MeKEAN Skeena Land District-—District of Casstar Take notice that I, Thomas coe of Stewart, LB. C., occupation miner, inte to apply eee to purchase the following deseri lands: Commencing at a post planted on the right bank of the Naas river about four miles above the forks of the\Naas river, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 60 chaina, thence east 80 chains to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or leas. THOMAS MACGOVERN Dated March 25, 1911. Sidney Frank Wright, Agt Pub. May 17. Skeena Land District—Distriet of Cassiar fake notice that William Frederick Cameron of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation carpenter, ntends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commen at a planted about three miles south of the forks of the White and Flat rivera, thence souti. 80 chains, thence west 50 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 50 chains. WILLIAM FREDERICK CAMERON Dated April 18, 191i. Pub. May 13. Francia 8S. Preston, Agent ‘Take notice that 1, Lauchlan Jobn Shanahan of Victoria, B. C., occupation teacher, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following | } Skeens Land District—-District of Coast Range 6 | Take notice that Annie Mussallem of Prinee Take notice that 1, Cie Of Const Ran Rupert, B. C., occupation martes s tae? Mowing Rupert, B. C., occupation at Little of Pres, to apply for permission to purchase apply for | perrtisaion tO purchase she! tend deseri lands: t at the described lands: wwe the 'ollowing Commeneng at » post et on} BE. corner Commencing at a Post planted southwest corner, 60 chains east ro ast District, | Wet Corner of Lot 1785, Range ct, ' north of Lot 1116, Harvey's Survey, Co h <3 thence east 40 chains,’ ti Hong att Disteieg Range 5, thence east 20 chains, thence —- go | thence west 31 chain’ thence nace 2) chainy chains, thence west 40 chains, thence south 20) thence west 10 chains, thonos sci 20, a chains, thence east 20 chains, thenee sexs 120 | Pont of commencement containing cosine to Zhains’ to point, of commencement, containing more. or ’ ining Lig prt acres more or less. . 2 al April 4, 1911, A} Dated May 8, 1911. ANNIE MUSSALLEM | pun Apa ie! CLARA MAY Liptyy Pub. May 15. eona Land District District of Caasiar | Skeena Land Distriet—D istrict of ¢, ince ate that I, Thomas MeMeekin of , Take notice that Mary hatha one Range 5 Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation clerk, inter:d to} Victoria, B. C., occupation houseke. leraloeve of apply for permission to purchase tae following | to apply for permimion to purchase Br intends described lands: diweribed lands: we Tollowiog Commencing at a post planted about two miles Commencing at @ post planted at the south of the Toten of the White and Flat rivers, | corner of Lot 996, Range 6, Coast Dis ume thence north 80 chains, thence east chains, | 80 south thence 40 chaing can "tence thence south 80 chains, thence west 50 chains. chains north, thence 40 chains wet to ee 80 chains. waa Dated April 20,1911. CHARLES DELGROVE | chains north, thence 10 chains wes Pub. May 15. Francis 8, Preston, Agent | commencement containing 20 acros i Dated April 10, 1911. PRIBOAICH W. bole Pub. April 22. Fred Hampton, awe LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Skeena Land District Distriet o point Acres more of - ommencement, containing 620 GLLDERSLEbYE . _ MARY BRATON Dated Apri ii, 1911, Pub. May 6. Skeena Land District District Take notice that fred W Bohier of kalum, occupation facmer, intends wg t%™ permission to purchase the { 2 PPLY lor la 4 ' +08Cri Ded Commencing at a post pla @ast corner of A. MuLwodl's » 20 chains south, thence 10 chains Skeona Land District—District of Cons Reson i Take notice that |, Frank Hicks of Pent ie ington, occupation merchant, in br } ud tO apply ‘OMOWing desering) for permission ; 0 purchase the nds Commencing at @ post planted on the sout bank of the Exehumsiks iiver and about i miles from its confluence with the skeona Rig! thence 60 chains west, tt 80 chains 1 om thence #0 chains east, ther south sy eau to point of commencement, co ataining 640 a more or Dated April 21, 1911, Pub, April 29, FRANK Hicks keena Land District —D istrict Take notice that William Mel avi ver, I. ©. occupation physician, ir for permission to purchase the folic lands: Commencing at a post planted at the foulbve corner, 40 chains north and 40 chains east of the northeast corner of Lot 1116, Harvey's Survey, Coast District, Range 6, thence 60 chaing an thence €0 chaise nurth, thence 60 chain west, thence 60 chains south to post of commencement containing 360 acres more or less. Dated May 2, 1911. WILLIAM A MeTAVISH Pub. May 6, Fred W. Bobler, Ages Skeena Land District —District of Coast Range 6 ‘Take notice that Lettie McTavish of Var B. C., occupation married womar apply for permission to purchase the described lands; Commencing at a post planted at the north west corner 100 chains east and 20 chains north from the northeast corner of Lot 1116, Harvey's Survey, Coast District, Kange ‘ south, thence 50 chains east, then north, thence 40 chains wes e nce south, thence 40 cuains west to px cement, Containing 4VU acres more Dated May 2, 1911. LUTTILE Fred W. 1 Pub, May 6. described lands: Jommencing at a post planted 65 chains south from the southeast corner of Lot 3060, thence 40 chains south, thence 40 chains west, thence 40 chains north, thence 40 chains east to point of cummencement, containing 160 acres more or less. LAUCHLAN JOHN SHANAHAN Dated April 17, i911. Pub. May 6. Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar Take notice that I, John L. Mitchell of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation bookkeeper, intend to apply Sain to purchase the following jands: FOR SALE Lots 5 and 6, Block 28, Section 1. $3000, 25 per cent. cash, balance 1, 2, 3 years, 7 per cent. GEO. W. MORROW 1076 Nelson St., Vancouver, B.C. BILLIARDS and POOL A good exer- Ladies every be- BOWLING, 4 Alleys, 7 Tables. cise. Aclean sport, afternoon. Newman Block, tween 6th and 7th Sts. TED MORRISON, Proprietor and Manager ==E, EBY @& Co== REAL ESTATE Kitsumkalum Land For Sale KITSUMKALUM B. C, Prince Rupert Lodge, .0.0F. NO. 63 Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening All members of the order in the city are requested to visit the lodge. G. 8S. JOHNSTONE, N.G, H. MORTON, Secretary, S. O. E. B.S. The Prince Rupert Lodge, No. 818, Sons of England, meets the first and third Tuesdays in each month in the Carpenters Hall, at 8 p.m. F. V. CLARK, See., P. O, Box 812, Prince Rupert Little's NEWS Agency + Magazines CIGARS Periodicals :; Newspapers TOBACCOS FRUITS G.T.P. WHARF LINDS AY CARTAGE and STORAGE G, T. P, Transfer Agents Orders promptly filled, Prices reasonable, OFFICE—H. B, Rochester, Centre St. Phone 6%, ‘THE IROQUOIS POOL English and American Billiards Twelve Tables SECOND Ave. Cc ing at a post planted about (5) five miles south and (1) one mile west of the forks of the White and Fiat rivers, thence north 80 chains thence east 50 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 50 ne. Dated April 18, 1911. Pub. May 13 Francis S. Presten, Agent Skeena Land District— District of Cassiar Take notice that I Franeis 8S. Preston of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation prospectors intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about three miles south and two miles west of the forks of the White and Flat rivers, thence south 80 chains | thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains. Dated April 20,1911. FRANCIS 8, PRESTON Pub May 13 Skeena Land District-—District of Coast Range 6 | Take vot ce that 1, Joe Jack of Privce R. pert, B. C., occupation carpenter, intend to apply for esc to purchase the following described nda: Commencing at a post planted about threeland one-half miles distant in a south westerly direction from a blind slough from Observatory Inlet where the same touches the Indian Reserve thence east Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 6 Take notice that I, Bell Hall Kenney of Yar- mouth, Nova Scotia, occupation married woman, intend to apply for permission to purchase the foliowing described lands: Commencing at a t corner of T. L, Lat 862s, chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 40 chains, thence south 80 chains to place of com- mencement containing $20 aeres more or leas. My post is on south east corner of land applied for, marked letters 8S. E., about one mile west of Lake Lakelse, south side of Skeena river Di*triet of Coast Range 6. § 1911, BELL HALL KENNEY | Dated April 2' Pub. May 18, John Haverty, Agent | planted at north east _ Skeena Land Distriet—District of Cassiar Take notice that 1, James Dunlop of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation teamster, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following deseribed lands: Commencing at a post planted about two miles south of the forks of the White and Flat rivers, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains. Dated April 18, 1911. JAMES DUNLOP | Pub. May 13, Francis 5. Preston, Agent Coast Range 5 Land District Take notice that I, John Hepburn of Kit- samkalum, occupation farmer, intend to appl {Sf permiasion to purchase the followng dmerited ands; Commencing at @ post planted at the northeast corner of Lot 3983, thence east 20 chains, thenca south 40 chains, thence west 20 chans, thence north 40 chains to place of commencement Commencing at a post planted on the south side of Exechumsike River, about 2 1-2 miles from | its confluence with the Skeena Kiver and about 1-2 miles west from Exchumsiks rapids, thence 80 chains north, thence 40 chains wast, thence 50 ehaing south, thenee40 chains west to point o commencement, containing $20 acres more vr loss, Post marked “Hi.M. S.W. cor,” Dated April 22,1911. HENRY MACARTNEY Pub. April 29. JOHN L. MITCHELL | thence running west 40 | Dated April 18, 1911. I Skeena Land District — District of ‘Take notice that Grace Mc lavieh B. ©., occupation married woma | for permission to purchase the [ | lands: j Commencing at @ post planted | corner 100 chains east and 2 the northeast corner of Lot |i Coast District, Range 6, u thence 5U chains north, thense 50 chains south to s containing S2U acres more or low Dated May 2, 1911. Pub. May 6. | Skeena Land District Take netice that |, | Prince Rupert, Bb. C., oceupatior to apply for permission to pur described lands: j Commencing at @ post plant | miles south and (2) two milk t of | White river ang Flat river, thence south § ¢ thence west 50 chains, thence north W thence east 50 chains. Dated April 20, 1¥11. M. KNOUM Pub. May 18, Preston, Aget District of ( Charies CHARLES Francis 5 ast Ranged \ ancou vr intends @ fouowia | Skeena Land District-— District | Take not ce that Murdock Melt B. C., occupation real estate broker j apply for permission (> pur described lands: Commencing at a vort planted bank of Exchumsiks river abc | its confluence with the chains west, thence 20 chains | chains west, thence 40 chains chains east, thence 20 chains chains east, thence 40 chai commencement, containing J Dated April 21, 1911. M ae Abe e Skeena 80 cha ns, thence ‘th 80 chains, thence westso | Pub. May 14 chains, thence south 50 chains to point of com- mencement, containing 640 acres more or leas. | Skeena Land District 7 Dated April 14, 1911. JOE JACK} ‘Take notice that 1, [sas re Pub. May 13. Prince Rupert, B. C., occupa to apply for permission to pu described lands: Commencing at a post pla a south und one mile west of the for aud Fiat rivers, thence nor west 580 chains, thence sou | east 80 chains. SAAC O'BE Pub. May 18. Francis Skeena Land District r Take notice that Glenn MeAr B. C., occupation rea) estate agent apply for permission to pur described lands Commencng at @ post ; and 80 chains south of the lot No. 17838 marked Gile west corner, thence south 4 80 chains, thence north 4 80 chains to po*t of corn 320 acres more or less. sea RTH Dated March 20, 1911. ¥ MeART ow ), Laird 4 y Pub. April 16, Skeena Land District ~ Dist f Coast Let Take notice that Wm. L« occupation Government Gua for permission to purchas ed lands; Commencing at a post and 120 chains south t No 1733, range 5 coas N.W. corner, th i 80 chains, thence north 4u « chains to post of comme acres more or less. pla Dated March 18, 1911. JOHN HEPBURN WM. LESLIE Pub Aprii 16. * T, D, Laird, Agent Dated March 20th, 1911 . Pub, April 29th, 1911 a Skeona Land Diatriot,— Diatride of Cot Ranget| ake notice that Heary acartney of Prince soon Chase upert, B. C., occupation miner, intends to apply Skeena Land Mistriet— Dist: qa? ior per mission to purchase the following described Islands nee Rupee Take notice that Geo, I. Leu B. C., oecupation barber, eee to purchase the nda; Commencing at a pos miles west and one mile sou of Stanly Creek, Naden {la chains, thence west 40 chains, chains, thence east 40 chains Dated March 17, 1911. Pub. April 22. Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar c istrict of Cassltt Take notice that 1, Mary Carin of Stewart, ap henna and Distr ercon Jordan worn B, C., occupation married woman, intend to apply eries Bice, es. ‘Gceupation ntact ih for , to pi the following deseri to apply, lor permission to purchase t a Commencing at lanted two (2 described lands: ‘oat planted about @ a south and ) two miles west of the eB Sorimensing gS Poe miles west of iu i e White and Flat rivers, thence 80 chains north, | |e south ang fo) (we 30 chal Oe 84 thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains 5 of White and Flat rivers, (neve\n chaios thence 80 chains east. — #0ULW) | thence 80 chains west, Cenc’ it mien Dated April 20, 1911. MARY CARIN _| thence 80 chains east. ,., jonpon MO yh Pub, May 138, Francis 5. Preston, Agent Dated April 20, 1911, Francis 5. Pre + Mi Pub. May 13, Skeena Land District—-Distriet of ©. na | Take notice that 1, William Melville ‘Corley vivtriat of Casi g hake of Toronto, Ontario, occupation clerk, intcad Skeena Land District Webster Bool Dee R to ap vy, Soe Bermission to purchase the folluwing oe nguce that Ri s retioneet it &pply jeacr' ands: wart, B.C., occupation &) the ole Tibe: Commencing at a post planted at the apply for permission to Purch Om, corner of Lot 8096 Rang 56, Coast District, thenes deseribed lands: planted 08 to . of east 60 chains, thence north 40 chains, thenee west Commencing at a post pee, mille Mr ity 20 chains to Hell's Gate slough, thence along | bank of the Naas river 80) uth a Chain slough southerly to point of commencement, con- | the forks of the Naas rv: north 80 nay felnling 160 care more or leas, ’ thence weet #0 jehaine, ae ot nee mn a ‘ it ains lo +n ‘ WILLI , fc seater fee 640 few more oF le. non BS b sll acne AM MELVILLE CORLEY | containing eos WV EDSTER Bad Ab ? , Dated Maroh 24, 1911, J’rank Sidney Skeons Land District—District of Queen Charl cad sancti oon nC) lotte my ot of Comat Take notice that J. H. Murphy,of ' ot~—Distriet 0 oy gual B. C., occupation commeralal tren ee op eoreng band Die an ricagorald 9 io £0 apply ir peraaleaion 4 purchase the following |B, C., occupation cook, iii, eset js » the follov rout Commencing at a t planted about seven Wee oo Eanes a post plat ted apes of We ¥ west and one mile south from the mouth | south and one mile te) enalt vet la } h 80 ¢ ‘ of Rtanly Creek, Naden Harbor, thence north 80 | and Flat rivers, thence 8°¥'" chins chains, ae west 40 chains, thence south 30 | west 80 chains, thence o pose Dated’ March 17, 1911. i gaet $0, ohaite sypNney, FIT ae peied Marsh 17, wis Hh MURPHY Dated Apel 18, yi, SYDNEY," pasta