Today's Weather Digby Island Rain, light southeasterly wind; barometer, 29.84; temperature, 48; smooth sea. Vol. XXIII., No. 74. B.C. MAN INVOLVED Fort St. John Man Says He Knows About Montana Murder and Drue Ring EL PASO, Texas, March 30: O. C. Parsons, aged 26. from Fort St. John In the Peace River district of British Columbia, has teld detectives of this city that he was Impli cated In the slaying of a member of a Montana narcotic ring. Parsons, who was picked up on suspicion, said that he knew the whereabouts of the body of the slain man and also the location of a huge amount of narcotics which was burled after the slaying. The murder. Parsons said, was committed near Plrntywood, Montana, In December, 1029. Metlakatla Girl Is Laid to Rest Funeral of Miss Marjorlc midland Took Place Saturday Afternoon at Neighboring Town METLAKATLA. March 30: The funeral of Marjorlc Ethel Ruby Rudland. 16-venr old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Rudland. whose doath ocdurrcd on Thursday afternoon of last week In the Prince Rupert General Hospital, took nlaee here on Saturday after noon last. Many friends of the girl and her family were In attendance at the obsequies. Members of the Young Men's Dencvolent Associa tlon acted as pallbearers. TO HELP W DEALINGS STILL ON Norfolk Minister Expresses Optimism In Kidnapping Case Negotiations Continue NORFOLK, Va March 30:- Very Kev. Dean II. Dobson Peacock admitted to a crowd of Interviewers yesterday that he had been requested by Col. Charles A. Lindberth to continue negotia-tions with a view to bringing about the safe return of the famous flyer's 20-month old son who was kidnapped four weeks aro last night. In answer to questions, Dean Peacock asserted that the search for the child was near a conclusion and added that he was "very optimistic" as to the outcome. Dean Peacock revealed, however, that he had had no contact himself with the kidnappers but that actual negotiations were be ing carried out by John Hughes Curtis of this city, who made a flight at the week-end In the course of which he was said to have made contact with the kidnappers who are supposed to have the child on a boat off the Virginia coast. HOPEWELL. NJh March 30: The arrival at Hopewell yesterday of some half a dozen detectives led to the belief that Important developments were Impending In the Lindbergh kidnapping case although no official statement was made. COLLEGE Manson Urges Government Transfer Funds From Game Board to University to VICTORIA, March 30: A. M. ... fAD Hm Manson. Liberal menm iv -- ineca. speaking in me ouagei u-bate. urged that part at least of the ut aside for the Game Board be transferred to the University of British Columbia. If something like this Is not done, the University will receive a "black eye" tnrouguyuM the Dominion and many of the young people of the province will be driven away. "Game Board expenditures have increased $150,000 since the present administration took office. "while the declared Mr. Manson university grants have been cut down $400,000. Let us have first things first. Surely the university Is more Important to us than game." GOLD STRIKE MADE Wmln Central Committee of Prince Ru pert Unemployed Association Asks Consideration Privation Now Felt That Man and Wife Should Each Get 40c a Day With More For Children After hearing a resolution from the central executive of the Unemployed Association of Prince Rupert, which was supported by remarks from a delegation consisting of W Mahoney, T. Murphy and Charles Chapman, the city council prom ised last night to give Its serious consideration to a proposal that more adequate unemployment relief allowances be made to married unemployed men with families. The delegation told the council of instances of real privation among families of the city owing to the inadequacy of the present relief allowances. Members of the council expressed themselves as being sympathetic to the proposal and declared that their consideration for the needy unemployed would be TGnTfed only byllnancial exigencies of the city. The resolution from the central executive of the Unemployed Association referred to the present "unsatisfactory administration of relief," which was held to be entirely Inadequate for married men with families, and protested It. Discrimination was also charged on the part of storekeepers as between persons buying with cash and those with relief tickets. Single men were (Continued on page five.) PROBE IS GOING ON ratlullo Charges That InvcMiga tlon Committee Is Merely Trying To Whitewash Government VICTORIA. March 30 At a ses slon of the special committee of th TMislature Investigating un- emnloyment matters. T. D. Patullo leader of the opposlUon. charged that the committee was not making an Investigation but simply trying to Justify the provincial government's unemployment poli cies, adding that Ottawa, "Decerning suspicious." was checking up the province on Its vouchers. The suggestion was vigorously denied by II. D. Twlgg. cnairmai of the committee. A. M Manson, Omlneca, supported Mr. Pattullo's charge. The committee Investigated reports of existence of a piano and radio In one of the unemployment camps. IN LIARD COUNTRY VANrnnvEn. March 30: Gold has been struck In the i.inrH niver watershed, about Columbia boundary, near won Creek, according to a report received by the British Colum- bla Chamber of Mines. Tills is the region in which Capt. E. J. A. Burke, well known commer- ai fivr was lost a vear ago last fall. fifty miles north of the British f go before superannuation, and.wlio had established a home In Mr. Hoskin has since been notified of his transfer from Anyox to Duncan, Vancouver Island. WEATHER REPORT Langara Overcast, moderate southwesterly wind, choppy sea. Triple Island Part cloudy, strong southeasterly wind, moderate sea. Dead Tree Point Part cloudy, light southeasterly wind; barometer, 29.82; temperature, 50; light swell. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1932 Ambassador's Son Marries KSSp bSbbl&i 1 Cour.i Michael Lichnowsky. son of Germany's London at the outoieak of the oiid war. is Scots Amerisan bride as they le . the registry have a religious service in Perls PROTEST . IS MADE Veteran Smithers Official Declared to Have Been Victim of Patronage VICTORIA. March 30: Anothei Norman Watt case was drawn tc the attention of the Legislature when Dr. H. C. Wrlnch, Skeena. complained of the Injustice meted out to Stephen Hosklns, veteran government agent at Smithers, who after 30 years' efficient service In the public employ, had been demoted to the amall agency at Anyox for which only $300 salary was being voted thl year. Practically every resident of the district, regardless of political affiliation or religious belief, had signed a petition protesting against this action, he stated. No suggestion of inefficiency or failure to perfqrm his duty had been heard, said the member, and certainly no economy had been effected, since the successor, a single man, drew the aame salary, but did not perform all the duties. Two functions discharged by Mr. Hosklns. he said, had been allotted to party friends who would derive fees for which Mr. Hosklns, as gov ambassador to shown with his office. They wlU arc-; NO TRACE OF BAGLEY Detective Maxwell, Whom Desper ado Shot, is Still In Critical Condition VANCOUVER, March 30: No trace has been found of William Bagley, notorious desperado, who shot Detective David Maxwell of Burnaby on Saturday night when .he latter was trying to effect his capture. Maxwell Is still in a critical condition from his Injuries. Canadian Spinner Leaving Here For Vancouver Monday Capt. Duncan McKeniie, pilot for Canadian National Steamships, arrived In the city from Vancouver on the Prince Oeorge this morning and will accomoany the company's freighter Canadian Spinner south next Monday when she sails for Vancouver to be recommlssloned In the Intercoastal service between Vancouver and Montreal after hav- ernment agent, had not been e!lg-: ing undergone overhaul at the local Ible. dry dock. This was a remarkable and un-1 several members of the crew of Just method of rewarding party the Canadian Spinner also arrived friends, he declared, asking that the government take steps to see that recompense was made to Mr. on the Prince George this morning from the south to rejoin the ship. The Spinner was taken off the Hosklns, who had only two years to pontoons this afternoon after hav ing been put of the water for the past two or three weeks. Halibut Landings 1 The Cold Storage Company was the only purchaser of halibut on the exchange this .morning and the price paid was a good one considering conditions. No American boats were in. Sales weVe as follows: Rose Spit, 11,000 pounds, 9c and 3c. Viking I, 9,000; Capella I, 3,000; Pair of Jacks, 4,200, all. at 0.2c and " 50. HIS ACT HONORED V. C. Grant Receives Certificate and Medal For Life Saving A very Interesting ceremony wasl carried out in the offices of the Northern.-B. Power- Co. Ltd. thlsi morning in the presence of alii members of the staff, when presen tation of the President's Certificate and Medal of the National Electric Light Association was made by J. J. Little, general manager of the company, to V. C. Grant, patrolman on the Falls River line, who is sta tioned at Balmoral on the Skeena River. On May 3. 1931, Shirley Helin. a child of three years of age, was! rescued from drowning and was: brought back to life by Mr. Grant by the prone pressure method of DOCUMENTS Tomorrow's Tides Thursday, March 31, 1932 High 9:25 a.m. 17:8 ft. 22:43 pjn. 17:5 It. Low 3:18 a.m. 10:8 It. 16:07 p.m. 6:0 lr. I AVAILABLE Government Ready to Produce File For Committee Investigating Unemployment Relief VICTORIA. March 30: As far as the eovernment Is con'end. wt are quite prepared to produce any documents to the unemployment Inquiry," Hon. R. H. Poolcy, attorney general, declared In the Legislature. Mr. Pooley's statement came following the charge of T. D. Pattullo, A. M. Manson and other Liberal members that the government has been withholding Information, from the committee investigating unemployment relief matters. At the conclusion of taking of plaintiff's evidence yesterday at tcrnoon, the County Court case of Bryant Co. Ltd. vs. Thomas Tasker was adjourned until next Monday when witnesses for defendant are expected to be on hand to give their evidence. PRICE: FIVE CENTS CLOSURE RULES APPLIED AT OTTAWA PATTULLO INQUIRES ABOUT DISCHARGE OF OFFICIALS Bennett Forces House To Close Debate and Vote on Relief Bill "Blank Check" Approved By Commons on Division of 100 to 61 Day's Sitting Was Finally Concluded at 1:30 This Morning OTTAWA, March 30: Climaxing a hectic day of debate, the House of Commons early this morning gave first reading under closure rules to the government's bill to extend until May 1 terms of the unemployment relief act of last session under which the much debated "blank check" is given the government. The House rose at 4:30 this morning. The vote was 100 to 64, Liberals to a man opposing the measure. ASKING FOR R0ADW0RK City Council Decides to Make Another Appeal to Provincial Government on Matter On suggestion df Aid. Theo Col-lart. the city council decided last night to again appeal to the provincial government for an Immediate starting of men domiciled In the Cloyah Day relief camp to work on continuation of the construction of the Skeena River highway. Aid. Collart understood that such work had been instituted elsewhere In the province and he did not see any reason why the same should not be done at once. Aid. Black seconded Aid. Collart's motion asking the government to Institute the work at once, the motion being unanimously passed. RELIEF IS INADEQUATE Government's Record Of Dismissals Would Not Bear Probe, Said I Removal of Men From Lands Department Under Fire in i Legislature Liberal Leader Dares Administration to Go to Country This Year , I VICTORIA, March 30: In the Legislature yesterday, j T. D. Pattullo, Liberal leader, asked for an explanation for I the release of certain officials in the colonization and other i branches of the Lands Department. Mr. Pattullo charged ! that the record of the administration on its dismissals J would not stand investigation and he challenged the gov-j ernment to go to the country this year. FOUR DEAD FROM BLAST Mrs. A. Lebrie and Three Daughters Lose Lives When Gasoline Explodes at Gogama, Ont. resuscitation from electric shock. ( final census figures, which have Mr. Little. In a few well chosen j Just, been Issued by the federal gov-words, outlined the circumstances i ernment, show Prince Rupert's po of the case and impressed upon all pulation for 1931 to have been 6,350 of of the the staff staff present present, tne members necessity of being able at all tunes to use and adopt this method In the case of suspended respiration from all causes, such as drowning, electric shock, carbon monoxide, etc. After receiving the congratulations of the staff. Mr. Orant replied feellncly and expressed his appreciation In beln In a position and having the ability to bring this child back to life and return her to her parents and friends. GOOAMA. Ont., March 30: Mrs. A. Labile and her three daughters. Bertha. Dorothy and Clarlne are dead following an explosion1 of gasoline in their house here yesterday. CENSUS IS ANNOUNCED Final Figures Show Population For Prince Rupert In 1931 of 6,350 as compared with 6,393 in 1921, a very slight decrease being recorded. The only other city municipality In the north. Prince George, is credited with population of 2.479 for 1931 as compared with 2,053 in 1921, a healthy increase being thus shown. Other municipalities in the north have populations as follows: Vanderhoof, 305. Burns Lake, 202. Smithers. 999. Stewart. 610. Terrace, 352. HOLIDAY IN NORTH Interesting Revelations In Regard to Expenses of Alaska-Yukon Road Route VICTORIA. March 30: The aerial reconnaissance of the Alaska-Yukon highway route cost the provincial government $35,000 during the fiscal year of 1930-31. the public accounts committee of the Legislature was told. Of this sum. $15,000 was for airplane charter, other Items specified including fishing rods, cameras, guns and knives. "It looks like someone had a great vacation," remarked II. P. (Kergln, Liberal member for Atlln. VANCOUVER WHEAT t VANCOUVER. March 30: Wheat was quoted at 60c on the local ex change today. J