i THE DAILY NEWS. ritlNCE RLTETtT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert ' Daily News, limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN - - Jklanaglng-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES t'ity delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance , 'or lesser periods, paid in advance . per week iy mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance lor yearly period y mall to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em-plre and United States, paid in advance, per year y mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word jocal readers, per insertion, per line Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line Transiet display advertising, per inch, per insertion Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters' Telephone Member tit Audit Bureau ot Circulations DAILY EDITION 98 JJ6 A.00 10c Wednesday, June 22, 1932 By Sid Webb TIIU DAlLf SEWS Week-End at Southend Gives Barrel of Fun to Londoner; Lively Trip Start to Finish Probably you have never heard, of Southend-on-Sea,j England's home of the delectable shell fish known-as the j "cockle" and a dose relative of Prince Rupert's delicious j 8 00 :lam, but that fact need not deter you from reading on. i seaside resort, situated at the mouth of the Riven $8oo 9 00 Thames, some 35 miles from London, is the rollicking summer playground of "Air. aad Mrs. London" and the family And .wen t many eiep io go to find a .02 is easily reached by Tall, motor sumptuous restaurant and a good .25 coach and river steamboat. The cup otea. Unfortunately perhaps .15 oast of the return Journey is around fortunately the saloons are not 1,40 $1.25 while living costs are very open yet for these do not begin reasonable, hence the lore of the business until later In the evening: sea to the city workers. More s- After our refresher we start out to pecially at the week-ends do the explore this comparatively new ""natives" Titt the Southend trail to Londoner's paradise and endeavor: revel in the balmy sea breezes and :o tlx ourselves up for the night. disport themselves a-t every con- Perhaps we'll be sure of a roof and ceivable vantage point on the bread a comiortable bed first. If we de- beach and esplanade. It is then that tided to stay in the town it wold DEFENDS NATIONAL RAILWAY "King CocWe" comes into his own, be quite an easy matter to find a The Winnipeg Free Press has been publishing a series served aB ,;lce and Jufcy nd Dlen" wme but, tf we decided on some- of editorial articles in defence of the Canadian National ded . uh TT1, by.. wb're 2uleter' we lBSt iump, V , Rnilu- Foil..,' So fm r fuvv,. coated "cockle trainers" who hand penny bus, -er street ear. and tend Siay; , Tl"Sll 5!uf , , , , them out at 2c a J- e5ttra n fewmlnuteaatSouthchureh n 1 tie tact tnat, in the tace r Of the .intention of the Liberal r charge for the vinegar. It U a dire Thorpe Bay. Both these suburb are members to make Jl minority finding, the majority mem- transgression of etiquette to fall to fine residential site and nearly ev-hers of the special parliamentary committee on railways gorge a few ax16-'11 fact 11 ,s ery house caters to the viattw. so far moderated their purposes as to consent to f indimrs tantamount 10 tn to Tmef. 111 " doesnt take u 4oa t f tod a which combed mZrIy, does not in the least con- Z." " SSJKIM teract the highly unfavorable impression which the per- Let's oo pajamas and. after a wash and formance of the majority members has made on the pub- in imagination accompany the brush up. we 'return to the town to lie mind. The proceedings of the committee constituted an writer lmm F,eet stret. in the the nd there are exposure of malignant partisan minds intent upon erati- heart Lond(P'" 10 Pteny- 'nere more eoKao' fvmir nPixnnal and nnlirirai W1c 'Tv, end- If ta 1 ock)ck 011 a Saturday noJUan crowd in inland than at hatreds to the KSJVT? i? 5 )vlth(Mt regard afternoon, the sun is shining in- Southend and there are practioaily injury that might be done to a great national institution, vitingly and the business cares of no nwie&ni as to dress, bo Jang That these attacks were made Under a transparent dis- the week have had the doors stem- as one keeps -within the bounds of guise of alleged regard to the public interest added hy- med n tixem for a rew hour- We propriety. Going on to the sea front pocricy to the other repellant features of the inquiry The Jump on a bu at udfate clrcus crowds f men. women. gtts ahd a "Penorth" ukM us and boys, of all descriptions ages men who Stand most clearlv revested arc T)r MoWbh rSlT ?n, J1'00,011. church Street Station. In about 15 and slses-some to emniari M.P. p for Muskoka, and onp F. p R. MacMlllan, if M.P. n for Saska- paper minutes, having threaded our way hats, soldier hats. saHor hat loan-toon two men who were known to be afflicted With a, past the Bank of England and up nets. top hats. in fact aU shapes. form of anti-Canadian National rabies, and were there- comhiu, we take our stand in the Along come a string of young te-f ore put on the committee in order that thev mirrht under queue for our tkkeU- Wending our male beauties in beach pyjamas' the influence of their obse&uon, do the dirty work that 7? T?1" we rltothe1erowl tbe a would be repellant to minds not so afflic ed Then S Chairmanship was bestowed on R. B. Hanson, M.P. for playing a tattoo upon their sand- haps adorned ako Hh a light York-Sunbury, who considered himself appointed as bucltets with the inevitable sharp bathins; wrap, perhaps net. lor perhaps he was to ttlav the nart of a hiillvimr. nmut. "sed sand spade, a dig or inir attompv. A rnfinifttfmi momU lfWrf,;ff, the nether regions with a 1 fnnin-n r D.t ...i a -i? -i .. . i pemaps, some sweei 'uuiiiuii, uuaici ui ivrtiinavs, UI1U ceriaiHlV UIU nOin-.narasol inlv arid wi tr mg to restrain the trio of inquisitors and occasionally !ture. iook a nana in the game himself. I we finally pack two. in Southend has M w tor Mrs.' spade or. young lady's the ven- Grundy and her prudl&h nonsense, i Ships a Hoy? 1 ourselves into If the tide 4s tnrt It Is out and a Naturally, Dr. Manitm's tactics in f'iHm- thP nnhhV ot the many trains which leave ood telescope m be oeoessary if; mind with rloom hpr-in it ?c cn 11T,fn-rH,r,ntn u" ewry few minutes, the guard (con- one 58 - . w Q'K WSOUn fortunate as tO be ? CUT- ducter( hb wWfiUe M breWng.Of course there is toe pier.: sea with the ownership ot t the greatest railway the ",lte how in we go. Believe me folks the -old v a. ; world, meets With the -enthusiastic approval of the Finan- bus" can sure travel and soon we a 40 e on the electric taHay-lDr1 Cial Post Of Toronto, Which We take as tvpically represen- are sliding over the sleepers like hot ,Us ,he longest pier in the world) tative of dominant-, finanl nnininn It, t t Mi r batter down a bell rooe. On the wU1 V n ihAi wt actual-! are going to school to Dr. JIanion and are for the first hit up 60 miles per hour On the n steP of f the eaplanade into the time getting instruction from a minister of railways on -way south we pass through Dagen- Mny-Tt 18 thD the hire boau.piy the reality of the rail-ay situation. It is the common pur- ham- the British home of the new their trade and what a real live pose of Dr. Manion and the interests for which the Post-Henry Ferd motor works 6ome f!eet nls',I!Jnd,'!ff "HlD! sneaks three the place only -mostly of the Jd fashioned "sky- tn rm,m,r,0 f uu u u years ago was -uc w uciieie uim iiiere is mie conmryvm e b ut n Mfilnce lark" type - motor boat, speed nothing to show for f a tne railway expenditures of the past vmm p to -man? eSute "ts. mmj bo and luxury ten years and that the railway situation is now just what the erection of a monster iactory e latter boasting of a bar; ii as m iys4, except mat it has been worsened by an in- p,us hundreds of workmen's dwei- wnere sy inwocicanu are sow crease in the indebtedness. That is a most dishonest nre- htm-11 te mW that the town 14 now ? v911 and bnt mostly u senution of the case. The increase in indebtedness is some- "T'u? M " n taTe 'a reairoin? Z fhmg over four hundred milHon dollars-not a biHion dol- orepg into Southend. ?'Tr.Z lars as assallanU of the Canadian National Railways put we stop at Leigh-on-sea. an old "nd- m ddiuon. be entertained it and in return for it the has real sde wlth catchy music and country a railway, not village, which is the home songs . pro- L . , . . ' .... ..... m.tlA 4k. 4 . . a lormiious assortment ot rauway junk It has a railwav port OI ine ocue lletx- and to see ,,UCTi u,c 1 hw we which in 1928 did what the kockers said could never be smaU1ate outn "e ZS,0! S Iven 1,10,1 ,c beds reminds one forcibly of Uie there's music from a banjo, a mx&- flnnt- ft ifl it wav oD if um.uj : it ,f i 4 Z ltfMVf if ' ?PTr her.C Y?S tfaf "C Prlnce BuPt rr.osc.ulto fleet. Leigh Tbone or a guitor to take away the in tne country to be moved. Does Dr. Maninn m bis rrlnnmv u . -i Uwuenu f nbicn f&r - - Q-w-.-j M MMU(VOUC UIU lUVC aitU " WMV dissertations Upon the terrible ullcrht in which the rhnn- boasts of seme fine ea tradwiom of the Londoners are poor aallort try has got itself, because it owns a railway ever think to Then "we "p at westciiffe the !flt ther a few and far between.' tell the people that in 1928 this railway earned about d""UL 85 Royce refiSdfntlftl se6t,on-ad- 30c one c",n dc nprr-Pnt nf to ininf i:rtI,ICU ? Joining Bouthend-nere the gar- buriness properly for a few hours. Enl iJi ji n f J?1!8 1Xem& 10 re a of h the a visit to the warship, at Shoebury. ' JJW1 . A ample Statement Of fact like that would serve to beauty of rambler rose trees, sweet OT- perhaps, a few hours' run satisfy the people that they were not a lot of fools to put P". W etc. The soil is parti- lon the coast and very ntee too. their money into a railway, and that the present misfor- ,ftTly fcrtlJ in this district both The "wter had cpnu worth on, tunes of the road are but art jf a universal collanse of flroer and vegetable growth. In ' "e visit and the view of the Weat-bustness 1 'act. it has been said that the po- c,l"e gardens from the sea with the: "WW fV, t 41.: t -j- . . . a, tatoes would be as Juicy as oranges u"llht upon the beautiful flew-! What the nn. of thl g purpose insidmis. persistent, far- 4f they rew on the rose bushes. lllage was a sight for a' f lun$r campaiga? It as to stake the pwule sick of their in- Ney very garden runnme down kln- I vestment the railway ayanaxoinnuceinlneirmindsahope and to induce in their minds a hone 10 w the ine railway rauway. track track boast boa$tI ief a a WeU- we're back Da on on there share and and the the A. I A A 411 . - mat some organization ion w of the burden- The nature ature lv- .m cue mciiuLy ui ine promoters 01 me en- The not a proper. gardens are a blase of very arduous out. The sea terpnse are open to inspection by those Who have ees to color and. when the sun shiae. as front abound with good reetaur-see. in that fact there is a reasonable assurance that the 't usually does, sun-bathing Is much nts and, at Hint of them, one can conspiracy will fail, Price 51c i It will come along and relieve them tettnU Uvn and encourage- blow has sHven as an appettte, to of the raent elven to Prt Kenerally. r nothing of a thirst, so we bo xramp ihf inrl 10 tn wh'ufo if 11 K L-t:;!t IffA6 . i. C" Aad it is that we enter Southend to find something ovtnd have Her Heart Wis So M Coildi'i lo Nmsework Un. 8. Dnittmu, R.E 2, Midland, Out, vritM) "I had beta troubled with heart truaU for naay ywus. My mri -woold tmt to fant I muld bardly iacathv, od I hi baadMhca, aad dmy aad laiDUtx apelk. Icoaldn't get my hoawwork dotM I-ru ao weak. I stale ttaa bona of Milbuni'i Uaart ud Nerra KIj sad Tolt Biurh better, and now 1 would aot be witbom tnem Jn lUe bona. 8ol4 at il at iai I , aIU aVM4 a n 1 ii l a,U Wt TL T. klUUta enjoyed by the residents in ttie orl- 'tch the eats betnt nut throueh vacyaf their sardns or on the, spa. their paces through the windows clous balconies of their houses. Xor-everjthkig is oooltfd in full view Arrival at Southend ,(,., b.e Mfllversc. F ot 50p pne can set, Weil, folki, we ,.now .pull Inter fel ood whoteKome blow-out. Southend and. as we alight, the ven steak and hlps or ham and tang of the aea air strikes us fore- tomatoes, perhaps ffcsh and chips ibly hi the nostrils fan Tlvld contrast P!us tree vinegar. Anyway there is , to the begrimed atmosphere of n eed to starve eo long as one has' London. We are soon wallowing price. We satisfy the inner man among the crowds of happy nea ui look to spend the evening, hunters and. to the bangfng of kid- The town abounds in cinemas, dies' spades, perhaps, an uccasional theatres and vaudeville but. if we nperauc or music hall air on a war some real fun and excitement, mouth organ we wend our way to we turn Into the Kursaal where we me mam ttreet of .Southend. It has Bet all the fun ot the fair and, : (just turned three o'clock and we (Continued on page 6) I T-i) 'J.11. . Something You'll Like stm m 1 T OS TREE ChucUr cifjrtti pjptn u ilb tttry paridgr. you live Choice quality Virginia tobaccos - -blended lor men who "roll their own" - Ogden's fine cut is sure to pleat it's the brand that has always cold on its merits. 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Any Life Insurance representative will gladly give you complete information on this the most modern form of Life Insurance. lie can tuggrtt an attractive ' Income plan exactly suited to your needs. ie3nsurance i&rtrice On vf 9 ntmi of mei$cgM $pon$ord LiJ liuuranc Companies Let the Daily News ihsM Ads, work for you.