FARM HOME DESTROYED jfr, and Sirs. John Loen, Formerly ol This City, Suffer Sever? Loss it Dorreen friends In the city have received ,.,,.,! ,,t the destruction by fire a w,;,-k i .io last Saturday night of the at Doreen of lit. and jj. John Locn, formerly of this Mi . Loen In a foreman for the B, i d n. department of the Cana-Kutlonl Railways. M imd Mrs Loen were away for week-end when the fire occurred The well-appointed five-room v. . together with all ItscontenU, i, i . omplclely destroyed. AU Mr. Mrs Loen saved of their be-i -Hi's were the clothes they wore. V.: in tie Insurance was carried. WARM IN INTERIOR Whole Country Parched After Wrrks of Dry Weather Forest Fires and Dust Tin- Prince Oeortv district is hod after weeks of hot, dry v viier. according to arrivals in 'h' city from the interior on this i f'rrnoon'i train. A light rain fell Sunday night buit It was not nearly t qu;ite to bring relief There are ir. nv forest fires and the interior r I'.tis are covered with inches of CVt linn, and lots of It, is the crying r of the whole country and it" t,.'"pv WEATHER REPORT Dea'i Tree Point Overcast, fresh f i, irast wind; bnrometer, 29.88; ppinerature. 56; neavy chop. T-irtle Inland Part cloudy, light ta '"rly wind: sea smooth VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER. June 22: - Wheat i i quoted at 52c on the local ex- ii.e today. Mail Schedule FURLOUGH APPROVED President Hoover Wins Major Victory in House WASHINGTON, D.C., June 22: President Herbert Hoover won a major victory in the House of Re presentatives when It went on re- furlough plan for the United States civil service as opposed to a wage reduction -plan, it 1s expected the Senate witf give similar approval. Will Discuss Tax Reduction Movement Will Get Under Way at Seattle Tomorrow With Conference of Organizations SEATTLE, June 22: A new movement designed to bring about a resolution In taxes generally will be instituted here tomorrow whm LOCAL NEWS L. W. Patmore sailed yesterday afternoon on the Catalu for a trip to Vancouver on legal business. C. P. R. steamer Princess Louise. Japt. Arthur Slater, is due in port at 3 o'clock this afternoon from Skagway and other Alaska points! and will sail at 4:30 pin. for Vancouver and Victoria. Union Steanwhip Cd.'s freighter ChJlkoot, in commission for the first time in two years, was In the Skeena River yesterday with cans and other freight for the canneries. It is not known whether or not she will call at Prince Rupert- on the' present vojraap. Gaps. Jotm Mote is fa com- Misses Pat and Jean Magnire and Kenneth Macvtre. who have been t , i - j ... . . ,i. P. E. Wilson, K.C.. of Prince Oeort. who has been appearing TIic SeHfiool Boy of rich blood from which nerve force is made. Many boys and many-prls faiKot aminaUonrsf Some sufTer from play .out. - cause Uieir nervous sytems complete nervous break down. Chase's Nerve i Food to farm Dr. There is nothing like rich, red blood and restore the nervous system. Young people respond quickly to this treatment. Dr. Chased Nerve Food lirlngs new health and vigor to all the family. .you-loac anything, try a classified atU ' : "I LOCAL NEWS ITEMS . Zl li The" cheapest fuel In town, big oad slab wood $325. Albert & McCaffery Ltd., ' , Phones US and 117. . - tf 0..t Morris of Massett was among' last evening's arrivals from the Queen Charlotte Islands on the cord as approving the president's., steamer Prince John. Miss . Vera Tingley of Queen Charlotte City arrived on thefvss. Prince John .last evening froat;ihe Uland for a visit to the city? v" ; Mra"nd Mrs. O. W. Laidler returned -to the city on this afternoon's train from a trip to Prince GEfcrgeMr. Laidler being on business for W. H. Malkln Co. Ltd. J, .H.-McVety, superintendent In representatives of thirty local clubs itrtp to Skazway and semi -public organizations get rrrrrrr-together at the call of Stanley A.j Ortffiths. chairman of the taxation reduction committee of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, to discuss ways and means. Teething "Baby's Own Tablets take away thit teething fever," writes Mrs. Alfred Bungay, North Sydney, N5. Effective also In relieving colds, fever, colic, (vi me urn- latienama nun acnooi nere. wiui r. nr upset stomach, constipation. Children like them. Absolutely SAFE See analyst's certificate in each 25c package. 231 Dr. Williams BABY'S OWN TABLETS Miss Nctta Clark returned to the city on the Prince Robert this morning after liaving made the round trip to Skagway. Catholic Ladies' tea and sale of home cooking at Mrs. J. Lome McLaren's1, Borden 6t., ThursVJune 23, 3 -15-o-.-"' 145 Tne regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Retail Merchants' Association, scheduled for I last night, was postponed until la-itcr In the month. uici rawa bMjii. a visit to Southampton..1- Morgan, wn accampar.;cu Mrs. Parson's nptivei""11 w w Atatln Cram of the Montreal Star , Mrs. Robert McKay, abstained serious-Injuries to arteries and tendons of, his left hand yesterday af-ternodh In the brealdng of a milk bottle , in one of the machines at the Prince Rupert Dairy where he works for his father who ts the proprietor. The young man was taken, to the Prince Rupert General HoApfUl where necessary surgical treatment was rendered and where he was reported today to be doing nicely. v Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot St Cold water: Steam Heat T5c. PER DAY AND UP J. Zarelll John H. aillls. A. Jackson and W. Wralliall, city. sawmill on thu afternoon's tram. MKrWial staff and Mrs. Cross, er-arge' of after having made the round trip ; Railways ted. 147 E. Warren, vHce-president in before the British Court of Appeal . sk.-wav dlaeraharked here this ' headquarters the Canadian National western region with In Winnipeg, and in Victoria, arrived in the erty from momlng from the steamer Prince Mr- Warren and two daughters, the south on the Prince Rupert i Robot and proceeded east on to-l!ler having made the round trip this mornin and will pay a brief a.. M!n to Skagway, were passengers on visit here with his son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ken nedy a.m. home In the Interior, . ' i ik. n.i... n4 iUl. M-n returning to Vancouver whence Hfln- hn an hour or UME before proceeding to his w hy tidal conditions during thejy wU1 Proceed back thrtr nlfhWCJlJl. ss. Prince Robert. Cap- tain It V Mfcrtrt.n rrivrt In nnrt '" at 8:19 this morning following her initial voyage in the Alaska ser- ulna alt1 at in a m fnr Van. I mh a good-alsed list cour-direct. The vessel brought ! trtB t0,,rtet Pwner8 m flftv n.inni -lvn of whom ! disembarked hrre. the remainder ' proceeding south. servlce of the company at Revel-stoke 'and other British Columbia , points, and Mrs. Ruthven ar here this afternoon aboard the steamer 1 Primes Louise "eturning south after having made the round trip to Ske ay In the course of a hoi-day trip to the Pacific Const. Making her first voyage of the reason on the Alaska route C. N. Prinse Rupert. Capt: Dan Donald, of round-on board. arrived in port at 10:15 this morn ing from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls 'and sails at 3 fie 'lUUway superlntenaent at!wy nf fr PlnU! ...j ,i r, ,hi whence she will return here next urutuiiuKV can vi j wiv . Monaay morning southbound. ' .a IlllMOVAL OF DUIUIINO Bids for the removal of the 1 Montreal Importers and Kalen ! Hardware building.. Third Avenue. Iwi'l be received by the under-! signed on or before July First 1932. James McKay, son of Mr. and , Highest bid not necessarily accep- COLLART & MCAFFERY Limited. Announcements Eagles' Dance Friday, June 24. Admission Gentlemen 30c. Ladle ' '' ' refreshments. !6. Moose p'lenlt,' MgV'i&ahaV'Jun Eagles' Dance July 1. Admission, Oents 50c. Ladles 25c. No refreshments. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, on July 6. Eagles' Picnic. Grassy Bay, July 10. . . Canadian Legion ' Island. July 17. Picnic, Dishy Moose Plaiic Sunday, June 26, Digby Island Boats leave front 10 to 1. Legion Band in attendance. Peter Lbrenzen, accountant for Mrs. J. W. 'Thompson and child the Royal f ish Co., sailed this sallelitds. .morning orj IbJuExlncdrriprilnB po, VhftJTince Robert, for Robert for a vacation trip to Vic-, a brief trip to Vancouver. toria. ,.-R. p, Moore, local manager of P. Burns Co. Ltd., returned to the city on this afternoon's train from a brief business trip to Terrace Mr, and Mrs. Peter Bruno and family, who have been spending the past year In Italy, returned to the city, on this afternoon's train. Constable G. A. Wyman of the city, south Vancouver, will address a Vancouver for the Employment I detachment of the provincial po Service of Canada, and his bride lice returned to the dry on the were passengers aboard the Prince Prince Rupert this morning from Robert this morning returning to ' a brief trip to Vancouver on escort Vancouver where they will reside duty. after having made a honeymoon, Mrs. Sam Haudenschild and child returned to the city on this afternoon's train from Terrace where they have been visiting for several weeks. Angus Maclnnls, Laoor M.P. for public meeting in the Moose Hall on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. AU welcome. Ladles specially Invited. Mrs. R. L. McKinley and child irhn hav hAn vtltlnT at Rkldr- Miss Annie H. Roode, teacher of tal. TPtnhnP(1 th Pltv frnm t.h- ;the Indian school at Old Massett. Q(jeen CnarloUe IsUnd, on the arrived in the city on the Prince Prlnce Jnhn Ust evEnln?. Jchn last evening from the Queen Charlotte Islands and will proceed P.ait frnm hr Ininrwnrt the Mim- I C. C. Smith, who has Stowaways Sent been 'spending 'spending the the past past two two or or three weeks in Vancouver, returned to two'"1? ty-from the south on the ss. I Mrs. Oeorge Hill. Jr.. and I children, who have been paying a1" "upcri ims momin? i visit to Massett with Mrs. Hill's1 ' i narents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward.' Mr, H- - Marvin, whose hus- returned to the city from the band recently died In Eneland. will Queen Charlotte Islands on the ss. be leaving the Old Country on July Prince Jnhn lait nioht " '30 aboard the steamer Assania for . I Prinze Itupert where she will as G. A. Yartiley, inspector of cus-;1 future residence with her, t-m-. whn hu hern on a trin to rother-ln-la and sister. Mr. and the Stikine and Taku River dl-.MrB- Jen : Williamson. Mrs tricts on official duties, arrived here Marvin j ron will remain In Eng-on the steamer Prince Robert this ,and whre he hold a Potion. ' morning. After a brief visit here, he United Church Ladies' Aid Tea porceeded to his headquarters at) and Sale of Home Cooking at the Victoria. home of Mrs, R. Bedford, Waldron ArarUnentt. tomorrow afternoon Mrs. O. C. Walker returned to from 3 to 6. Drop in. ,ine aiy on Ule rff nooer ui, morning after having made the t,iii - i ,! round trip to Skagway with her w VVW.t vwwvu , , nJL r.iTirT,in- ith steamer on. jtheir return w r Robert thla re- IraxPrlnce mornmg miur, . turning to Vancouver after having ; " ' made the round trip to Skagway. to B. E. Morgan, manager of the r nnri twn ' BUlmor Spruce Mills sawmill at M nday Wednesday and Satur- nU by Prtacaas Louise this af- chudxen left on today s train for Porpoise Harbor, sailed this morn dl 11 :w m- temoon for Vancouver en route to Monlreai where they will embark m or- " enact Robert for a Fm Uir Eakt (their home at Salmon Arm. Theyi tnrti 3a aboard the steamer Mont- business trip to Vancouver. Sunday. Thursday and Friday. U p.m. Monday. Wedaatday and Saturday 1: PJ- Tor Vancouver-Monday P- W.rtnesday - ajn. Saturday P-8- June 18 and St - P- From Vancouver- Sunday Wednesday Friday R.iturday ,'une 27. pja ..10:30 am 11:30 am 1130 a n are sisters and brother of Misses Maude and Margaret Magulre of Booth Memorial School teaching staff. calm for England, home. Back to Alaska Two Men Taken Off ss. Prince Robert and Deported to Juneau on Prince Rupert ,1 r- Having stowed away aboard the ship at Juneau, Harold Nickels and Glen Kramer, who gave Rldgefleld. Washington, as their home, were taken off the steamer Prince Robert by Immigration authorities here th'i morning. The pair were shipped back to the Alaska capital on t' e Prince Rupert this Clears Skin of Blemishes Tha Perfect Antiseptic. Treatment It U m rr rM your akta ef plnplM, tlvtr. MMalaliM. Jut apWT tb pure cool. 1st ailtl D.D.D. Cleir (nil ilililm, Ita xnt' n iknnii metral tae tail aattlf dM in) tar imttttaa. 1TCH1NQ INSTAAT1.T A IV llMtla prvtrm It! mm- .or roar Antptt fltta roar mnaer bark. W J. ORMES LIMITED MrcirrniF.ON. imur.r.isi COAL! COAL! Satisfaction guaranteed with our Famous Edson Alberta Si Bulkley Valley Coal: No. 1 Bulkley Valley Timothy Hay, Wheat, Oats & Barley. Pratts Baby Chick Food, Seeds Si Fertilizer. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONE 58 & -MR Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD ' Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers fnr Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts PAOB THREE UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 8tea.mera lfave Prince Rupert tor Vancouver: P.H.H. rAT.trU KVEKY TCKSDAY, PJI. Via Waypodnits, arriving Vancouver. Thureday am. TJ1.S. CAKDENA KVEKY rRIDAY MI1IM01IT. Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight, appro. Weekly callings to Port Simpson. Alice Arm, Anyox. Stewart and Naas River point . Sunday. 8 p.m. Further information regarding all eatllng and tickets 'at ' '. PKIXt'E Kt'PEKT AC1ENCY: Second Avenue. Phone 568, a ii i n iiiialiwiii.l mliiiir 'Hi m Corn FUkci r nwdc better by the sxldition off Vitsmin IX Nn other Corn Flake contain h precious tMrahtoa vttsv et us prove our guarantee,.. you try Quitti '.Vmo ?Uc SUPPOSE just to prove our guarantee It it printed oo everv pick,K " confident you will find Quaker (. FUVes the best flavoured corn tukes vuu i4e etr wten. If you do not a tree, we will guJlf remit jou the cost of tne package Those who use Quaker Corn Flake knv their flavour is more subtle, more tMiigo-ing. We know the flavour is the kxii eer put into a corn flake. Special malt, purs CANE sugar and salt of crystal purity. And then this delicstc flavour is fully preserved by our triple seal and wax wrppr. Yet Quaker Corn Flakes cost less than out cent a serving. For any meal or at any time of vly Quaker Corn Flai vn Use itawt Saveltlotieij CARNATION gives surer success and finer results In cooking. That is why it is economical. Cuts cream costs in half. Carnation is pure, unsweetened, evaporated milk containing all the essential food valuea of whole milk rich butter-fat, vitamins and minerals. Use Carnation for creaming coffee, fruits and cereals. In cooking, makes foods richer, tastier and finer-textured. Approved by medical authorities for baby feeding that's how good it is I Writ It rt C t i Bihj Bk Carattka Co, limit J, M Abbott St, Vancouver, B.C Carnation. "from Contented Covt" Milk unx rum Canadian cows, pacxio ts Canada in canadian-uadk cans AND CASES w . A :iVsiIlsOl3S