jj, April 4, 1932 pa off vrv? Thousands of People Read The Advertisements on This Page Every Day RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE,, REAL ESTATE, ETC., THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT 'r r : s V CLASSIFIED ADVE mil went Onv ootitAse. Tfilrl tf Fun RENT Very choice modern apartment, 3 bedrooms. See J. C. Mi U nnan. tf KORSALE FOR KALE -Orthophonte Viet rota, almost new! Phone 'Oreen 335. 73 EucS For sitting, thoroughbred Bsrred Rock, Wyandotles and Rhode Island Reds. Phone Oreen 773 (80) glmiiolas and dahlias GLORIOUS GLADS, 100, assorted names, only $250: 50 for $1 50; Dm lias. 12 assorted $3 00; 8, $1 -75. Postpaid'. O. Dodds. Sorrento. B. C FOR SALE Two bedroom suites timing room suite, carpetf. kitchen table and chairs, electric -'ove. electric drop fixtures, mis (iiareous household articles Also Essex super-tlx ear. Apply Mis Mclver, 1107 Park Avenut Plum- Red l&S. l,AM ACT Ni,lk of Inlrntlon In Apply to l.ri. lam! lOKI.soiti: In r.,ut Dutrtet LtM neortln Dw-'.- f Prince Ruprt, B.C., and ituu btn.'.u Inland t OtbOtn Polni Jum '! InNrn and D llantf Ptmf. BIT Rtvrr and la front part of L HiiiKr ) mi dtatrlct. notle that W. latpwlal Ol r i ' rr-ttvr. BC. urtupatKn- 0 ) Dis.rihutori, lntda to appijr for k 1. ol tlx, rcllowtlig cfecrrtn4 lands ('.iiinwiM-ing at a paat planted at h bii .i mark and at a. B. Curro of 1 mix Range t. eoaat dtatiict. tnrncr 3 imi .. Eut: tbenca 10 ohalua Nortt: th-n 3 crtaln Wmt. thatwe 10 rt-anu. South roUwtn ad OMUInillf J r. more or ka tbf ahore line t H w M t pomt f eamiweaewnrt. ntcd March IMPIfllAL OIL UMITBO par M A. Oerrard. 10. IMS. A fen' LASH ACT Kotlre f Intrntlmi fn apply to in qun Chartewe laland Dlntrlsi "" "cordin Diatrtet ol Prlnee Ru-pwt aim altuat on Mm Sltarit par lMftr Wand. rrrt PaaaaM im "Trl 2f wreahofe ad Jo In I kg the trt.c Honal Wm half at the Metfe mil Bout, 't (juarter of Ut mi. Jen t har tt ttland OMHat. Take nutloe that l iinnv m, ri ribmora Limited of VanoouWr, DnMa.i '"w of the foUowttt, deaeAtJ? - t'nent at a poat planted at the BPuih-Mt ftrwr of the fractional wt hau of the rraUouU South -m ?. J J. ' Lo1 Qwli CharloMe I-'"d Dlatrlct; tbeoee SouUi one chain riMM or im to low water mark: thwic r'"t w water mark In a Bout-r"rly dlrecHon 30 ohaln more or lev . WW Bowth of the Bouth-wrnt cor-nr f tlw aald fractloiMj Weat half o: mT. ,r""ton" ' Soiith-eaat quarter of hn Nh eue enam mtc . Sotith-weat corner. iT.. '"IWrlf baUMdary ottha mH lit w iminj more or im to point of eom Jl, "mi "d oonlalnfng two (11 tilt IIOMK bit DlSTRlhUTOttS limited. x imruiri i n, i!ia. PRINTING omen scr PLIES Hose, Cowan & Latla Phone 234 Why no get lire beat in Shoe Repairs for the same price? Loms siiinio 318 Sixth Street CHIROPRACTIC Painting and Paperhangihg By Day or Contract Charges Reasonable Ji P. MOLLER Plrane Red 802 Guide to Correspondents The Dally News welcomes correspondence on live topics of the day or any other subject of public Interest, but letters must be brief and to the point. The long-winded correspondent has no place In modern journalism. Every letter must be signed by the writer, not necessarily for publication bat as a matter of good faith and courtesy. All unsigned documents go to the waste paper basket. Letters of a caustic character must have the signature appended for pubHofttlcm. Letter should be written on one side of the paper only. Correspondents must avoid personalities and the language should be such as would be allowed in the ordinary rules of debate. RTISEMENTS for sale ami ill other small Forfrnt, advertisements In (his section charged at the rate of t cents word per Insertion with sis Insertions for the price of four. a By the month the cHufg Is 25c a word- No advertisement taken for less than 50c FOR KENT FOB KENT Modern flat, Hand Bloc I. Apply Max Hellbroner. If four OH Five roomed fumishid apartment. $15 a month. Muasat lem Grocery, (tf) W. C. Aspinall I'hree Year Graduate Chiropractic Modern Kay Treatments (liven Phone for Appointment Green 311 and 549 Av 5 rooms. Apply Daily News ,0nen Elnwi G Bxcnange BIk. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer Phone 177, for Dry Birch. Cedar and Jack Pine. tf T. and R, Transfer. Wood for sale and prices reasonable. Phone Oreen 609. AUCTIONEER l ist you goods with us I'rinrc Rupert's leading Auctioneer. G. M. HUNT 3rd Ave. Thone Urd C27 Manure For Sale $2.50 a Yard, Delivered Phone: Red 608 Dally Newa WatR-Aa bring reulU. HELP WANTED FREE BOOKLET How to earn The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping and General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me ; April 3 as. Prin. Norah p.m. ; April 13 as. Prin. Norah p.m. , April 24 as. Prin. Norah p.m. ! From Vancouver Sunday as. Catala p.m. Wed. as. Pr. George .... 10:30 ajn. Friday as. Cardena pjn. Ss. Princess Adelaide pan. April 9 ss. Prin. Norah ajn. April 20 ss. Prin. Norah .... a an. April 30 as. Prin. Norah .... ajn. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday as. Catala 9 pm. From Naas River A: Port Simpson- Tuesday ss. Catala . 11:30 ami For Stewart and Any ox Sunday ss. Catala 9 pm. Wed. as. Pr. George 4 pm. From Stewart and Anyox THE MARKET ; Prices current on the local retail market today are as follows: flutter Fancy cartoned, lb, . No. 1 Creamery, 3 lbs. .....?r. ' Flour Flour. 49, No, 1 hard wheat Pastry flour, 10 lbs. .50 Fish mony with a Kindergarten Smoked Kippers, lb IS School at home. The Canadian ' Salmon, fresh, lb. 56 Kindergarten Institute, Kenslne I Halibut, lb . 15 ten Dldg,. Winnipeg. Ugf ! B. O. Fresh Pullets, doz .28 Bf. SALVAGE & TOWING "If It's on or unaer the water we do It." Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped for Divine and i General Salvage Work , (Agent for EASTIIOPF, ENGINES RAKGAINS IN OAs ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Gravel in any quantity delivered anywhere by water Phone Day or Night SCI P.O. Box I5C4 Lamb, chops, lb. . .301 Mutton, shoulder, lb 15 j VesetablM Potatoes, 12-15 lbs 55 sack. $1.65 to 2 DO I B. C. Beets, bulk, 0 lbs 55 GEO. J. DAWES Phone Black 120 j Parsley, bunch 10 ' ' I California Celery, head 55 q. l at Brussels Sprouts, B.C.. lb. 18c to 50 oteamsniD oailmffs spinach. cai,ib 50 0 I Garlic, imported, per lb .40 : For, Vancouvtt- Cabbage, green .05 Tuesday s. Catala 1:30 pm. P0"1-iIead Lettuce, head 12c to .IS Thursday as. Pr. George 10 p.m. Mexican Field Tomatoes, 30c to 55 Friday-. Prin. Adelaide 10 p m. Ca- Cauliflower. 25c to 55 8a. Garden mldniaht I Sweet Potatoes, lb .10 Onions, lb .05 Bulk Turnips, 10 lbs 55 j Carrots, 8 lbs 55: Cal. New Carrots. 2 bunches .... 55 j Parsnips, lb 05 i Leeks, bunch -. .08 Hothouse Cucumbers, each .... 55 Apples Delicious, fancy box 355 Newtons, fancy, box 2.90,1 Newtons. C grade, box 2 00 Newtons. household, box 2.10 J I Wlnesaps, fancy, box 2.90. ttrlan A-Aa-0 rf-nta VtAV 0 fffl VT IilCULOa ' UUA aw j j Fruits , Valencia Oranges, doz. 25c to .. .70 ' Lemons, California, large 40 Grapefruit, California, 5c to 10, Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 am. Grapefruit, Florida. 12Vfcc to mure. ss. it. ueorge a pm. For Ocean Falls-Tuesday at. Catala .... 1:30 pm. ThUrs. as. Pr. George .... 10 p.m. Friday as. Prin. Adelaide 10 pm. From Ocean FaR Wed. ss. Pr. Oeorge .... 10:30 am. Friday ss. Cardena Ss. Princess Adelaide pm. From Queen Charlotte Islands April 14 nd 38 ss. Pr. John am. For Queen Charlotte Islands-April 2--ss. Prince John 10 pm. April 18 ss. Prince John 10 pm. April 3088. Prince John 10 pm. For Alaska-April 0 ss. Prin. Norah am. April 20 ss. Prin. Norah .... am. April 3088. Prin. Norah .... am. "TIME THE TOILER v". F 50! California Emperor Grapes, lb 50 Bananas, 2 lbs. 55 1 Rhubarb, hothouse, lb 11 , Dried Fruits ! Currants lb . - 15 ) Citron Peel 30. White Figs, lb 15 j Apples, dried - 50 J Peaches, peeled 20' Anrlcots. lb 50 1 Prunes. 00-70, lb. 10; Prunes, 30-40, lb 15! Prunes, 40-50, lb 12' Raisins, Cal. seedless. 2 lbs. .... Yellow, 100 lbs. ..- ......... While, 100 lbs. ..... r ill Extracted Honey, per Jar 25 1 Cbmb Honey 35: uii, i Dates, bulk. lb 8c to 15 uuuuts" ii Lemon una umiigc i i-ci Black Cooking Figs. lb. ,12 V Comforting Knowledge tcta Phone 98 25 Compound, lb. 13c to - J uts ifA Almonds, snelled Valencias Walnuts, shelled halves jo No. 5 Alberta 1J ontarid solids CO Oats ... 1.75 fonn : fts , Shorts . 1.40 1G2 Middlings .... 1.85 Barley - 1.70 Caylng Mash . 2.85 Oyster Shell 1,80 Beef Scrap' 2.90 Ground Oil Cake 3.00 Fihe Oat Chops - J. 85 Crushed Oau 1.85 Mfln. tr.n.in,rt, .t. u'.JD, C. Fresh Extras, doe 34 Lard Local, new laid, dos 40 pure lb. 13c to Mean Fowl, No. , lb. .. 20 Itoasting Chicken, lb 25 Ham, sliced, first grade .40 Cottage Rolls, It, 52 Ham, picnic, first grade, lb 50 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .. 25 Pork shoulder, lb. 15 Pork. loin. lb. 52 Pork, leg, lb 50 Boats and Scows of all deserlr j Pork, dry salt, lb. .. 55 I Hons for Charter Ayrshire Bacon, lb 50 ! Row Boats and Canoes for Hire i Veal, shoulder, lb. 20 Veal, loin, lb 20 Beef, pot roast, lb 15 Beef, boiling, lb.. 10c to 15 Beef, roast, prime rib, lb. 20c to 55 Lamb, shoulder, lb 50 Beef, steak, lb. 25c to 20 Lamb, leg, lb. 30c to 25 .15 Cheese ton .15! .50 Mail Schedule uuiiorma sort shelled walnuts .35 st0 ? r CLOSES Al POSTOfFICE. nvFWV. .Walnuts, broken shelled 4 Wheat, No. 3 Alberta ... 15 Peanuts ...... 'wheat, Bufkley valley 1." ! " ' 50 ror me r.asi 16' Monday, Wednesday and Frl- ; day . 2 p.m, I From the East t day 10:40 a.m. v - -- -TV----- - . fin Vancouver TELL THE PEOPLE 12:30 noon "Tell 'em quick and tell 'em Thursday 9 p.m. often. Explain to folks plainly Friday Jl p.m. and sincerely what you have April 3, 13 and 24 pm. to sell. Keep everlastingly com- From Vancouver ing at them. Advertising Is Sunday m ,. .,,. pan. pretty much like shovelling a Wednesday ..-10 :30 a jn. furnace. Once you stop stok- Friday p.m ing. the fire goes oat."-Wm. April 9, 20 and 30 a.m. Wrlsley Jr. tf For Stewart and Anyo mmt pan, mhio4m! Wednesday 3 pm The Daily News The papet that Northern and Central British Columbia people look to to keep them informed on world news and the problems peculiar to the north. The Only A. D. C. paper north of Vancouver and west of Edmonton. The Daily News goes into all the- TOWNS AND VILLAGES MINING CAMPS LUMBER CAMPS PAPER MILLS FARMING CENTRES FISHING CAMPS is the paper that is read by the fishermen, miners, workers and operators throughout a district twice as large as the three Maritime Provinces of the east. When a person wishes a message to go to the people of Northern and Central British Columbia there is only one way of sending it, and that is through the columns of the Daily News. The future is full of hope. The Daily News is making plans to keep pace with the progress of the country. No one can afford to be without it. The cost is small. Delivered by Carrier, in Prince Rupert, per ( week, 10c. Mailed to any address in Northern or Central B.C., $3 a year. Mailed to points in Canada, Britain or United States, $6 a year. M-7") M VOL) KNOW Afe. j ICU FR15LMD 16 IP-. CO TrftT BlOAJDt THE FLOVJHRfc Ol Vodtt Sii M REASON TO DOUBT MIS VMOftU, -V C! LI-TILUC 1 BOHT 60M SOMe . WAV HOME BE AVit ' J.(r, BJT rLL FEEL BCTTUR IP I AM ' ' 7V7!rT FLOWSCS V X V LCwfc.r?6 DPLIVUC THEM TO WEI3 j(DER&TArtPj CHUTAlM SHg IS REALV.V SlCK J