THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, February a PAGE TWO lijjHur&t ' " v THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA 1 Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Sally ews. Limited, Third Avenu: ' ,H. y. PULLEIf- 4-MiTjlrtgVEdltorAp SUMSCKIFTION KATES ' . City delivery, by mall or earner, yearly period, paid in advance- For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week DAILY EDITION Member ol Audit Bureau of Circulations STABILIZE CURRENCY $5.00 i 10c i Saturday, Feb. 27, 1932! FAST HOOP PLAY SEEN ! Seniors Put Up Speedy Match. Sons ! Defeating Panthers If we can't have a stabilized world currency, the next- ML-.,!. V' liaof f l-ir nr umt iilrl ilrl ho hp tn tn hnvp hrivp a n stnhilized stabilized Emnire Emnire currency currency IfiClCliaiilo l! m UC W.l.lfc w ...r- ( so that British countries may trade among memseives.i knowing exactly what they are to pay. j 1,1 At the uresent time there is a steady move toward better gh School Takes Severe Drub-bin( in Intermediate Game currency relations with the United States. The rate of ex-! F&st noop py displayed in change is being reduced and presently will be wiped out ; the Auditorium last night The sen-altogether. The danger is that it may at any time be jum-;ior game was last and close. The without Canada being in son of Canada who have been old ped back to its place any way r , cupylng the cellar, stepped out ana responsible. trimmed the tiding Panthers, 3- We hope that Hon. H. H. Stevens will be successful m making arrangements at the Imperial Conference which j i tn intermediate game, the will do away with exchange variations between the var-! Merchants completely defeated the ious countries of the British Commonwealth. If he can ih school 39-22. making ail iuuw do that he will have justified his appointment as minister! 5. 01 iraae ana commerce. tu puwei iu nun. RADIO BROADCASTING TV,n nnn.i'nn nf varltn hvniiflpnstincr will no-nin pnmp hP' In the girls' fixture the Cardin als at last stopped the leading Am azons In a good game, 9-2. The juniors put up an amazingly Di:,Qf : tv,0 n,r fntiirrt Hnlv iwonrlv Prpmipr!od brand of basketball In which Bennett announced that a special committee of the House ; JfdS?t2l SSST would be appointed to deal with the situation. In his; speech dealing with the question the Premier, as reported; fkJ hlt , fMt in nansaro, saiu. , , stride right from the whistle and, "The government has before it the report of iL the Aird'before many minutes had passed, pnmmission which contains very helnful information upon 'the panthers found themselves manv nhnt:p nf rhp radio situation. It is nronosed to in-: Quite a number of baskets behind MUULC lUIkllCI 1IIUUIIJ 111 111c p'tctnv v.umm"iv"'i - They rallied, however, . , , - f .v ..,1 n. on ana eoan drew to the occa up to a tie. mm ni nur nnuvMV m i h mi iihi.iiim. 11111 ill 11.11 Liuiiiai uiLii .. . .. ",lu --" 1 .. . From then on n wtkS rear gooa oas-j the possibilities of a scheme which will ensure unexcelled ketbaii with both teams striving to! radio reception from Canadian stations, ine agency obtain the lead. Thus the first half through which such a scheme can most satisfactorily be ended 20-19 for the 80ns. operated and controlled also must be determined by a com-! Jhe second half started with i-mittee of the house which, will be required to prepare a.- lX lTZstt scheme of radio broadcasting. For this purpose it is pro- get ln some ea,, cmch posed to set up a special committee of this house to deal shots. From then on the sons out-with the situation. The terms of reference of the commit- played the Panthers and at the last tee will be broad and may be phrased as follows: whlJlt,c on the wfe end of a "(1) To advise and recommend a complete technical (4), Mora scheme of radio broadcasting for Canada, so designed as Mnzies. currie (6). waiters to ensure from Canadian sources as complete and satis- (g), wingham e. factory a service as the present development of radio; Panthers Mitchell 2, Macdon-science ' will permit jaW 4-Irv,ne ,2 Cr0M ,12)' Mc' "(2) To investigate and report upon the most satisfac- j NuIty Lyon ,8K tory agency for carrying out such a scheme. "Thp rnmmittpp will nffnrrl vp"nrspntntK'fts nf nrivntP' interesU .nd dnta of public ownerahio thefulUt vft-X'SSi; iwrtunity to place before it their several views. lt up The mh got' SPRING FLOWERS APPEAR Intermediate League This game started rather slowly ! away to a good start but the Merchants soon retaliated with some 1 Since the snow left three or four days ago Nature has'" iMt r)s- and overcame their been busily at work and today in many local gardens snow- Mn; J!ff;.. , was fast and exciting. The ii 1. 1 1 1 ii. mii game drops are peeping their innocent heads above the soil and teb away off ln ,u reminding all and sundry that spring is almost here. Cro-jjhooting while the Merchants cuses are also pushing through and in a week or so will be'eoaid not miss. The Merchants ohI- ! in bloom if mild weather continues. rwl em and the We at the) In a similar wav ' we shall soon find depression being re- fnd of i1"1 ",t(X? In; the second half the Merchants com- , t n ru j .1 . placetl by the spring flowers of hope and summer blooms pletely mipiytd the student and.' of contentment. at the end of the game, were well T going, anyway HE raodtrn Miss needs no time om for te lime of month If you've ever takes Aspirin for a headadie. you know bow soon the pain lubcMea. It it just as enVrtivR in the nM of thowj jins peculiar to women! Don't dedicate certain da-s of every month to suffering. It's old-fathwned. It's unnressary. Aspinn will always tnuMe you to rarry-on in comfort Take enoufth to assure yur complete conrfort. If it is genuine Aspirin it cannot pos&iblv hert yon. Aspirin tablets do not depim the heart. They do not upset the stomach. They do nothing but stop the pain. Headaches come at inconvenient times. So do cokh. Uat a little Aspirin will always save the da A throat so sore that you ran hardly swallow is tnjide comfortable with one pood gurtfta madA from these tablets. Neuralgia. Neuritis Rheumatism Pains Ihutonte kept la home are forgotten half an hour niter tuklno n few of thesa rrmarkile tulilets. So are the little nagging aches that Iniuj fatigue and "nerves" by day, or a sleepless night. Genuine Aspirin tablets rout so very little afti't nil. that it doesn't pay to experiment with imitations I ahead of the School. 39-22. Merchants Comadlna 1 8), Pierce! 16. McNnlty. Hunt 5. F. Dlng-i well 10, E. Dingwell 2. High School Walters 4. Wing-ham 5. Vance J, Uuger 9). Tobey (1), Ross. ! Girls' Game ' It was one of the best games the girl have displayed this season. The Cardinals were again on ln full force and It was easily seen that . they knew each others' play for they j put up a good brand of ball. They completely outplayed the Amazons who could not get a dose shot at the basket due to the hard checking of the Cards. Cardinals Irvine 6. Krikevtky 3, Lowe, Stone. Steen. Oilchrist. Amazons Doddle, Prltchard. Tite. Ritchie (21, Morgan. Jack. j Junior League This was one of the best games that the Juniors have put up this year. It was close and hard fought all the way through. At no time was the game cinched but lt was any-, body's game up to the last whittle. The Rovers are stepping up and it was a good credit to them when they defeated the Students last night 20-18. i Rovers McXlnley 2. McMeekln IMcRae (21. Wllliscroft (8). Davles . (10, Bremner. ! Japanese Qbata (12), KUhl-moto, Kanaya (6), Suehlro, Naka-moto, Condo. IN THE MIDDLC OF NIOI1TT The ancient common Uw held , that a child must be heard to cry j to attain the status of a living OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL BADMINTON Sixth Round English Cup Liverpool 0, Chelsea 2. Bury 3. Manchester City 4. Uuddersfield Town 0, Arsenal 1. Newcastle lnited 5. Waterford 0. ENGLISH LEAGUE First Division Aston Villa 0, Portsmouth 1. Grimsby Town 1. Birmingham 1. Leicester City 1. Derby County J. Middlesbrough 0, Blackpool 3. Sheffield Wednesday 1, Everton 3. Basketball Standing SECOND HALF OF SEASON Senior League W. Panthers 5 2 C. N. R. A 4 2 Sons of Canada 1 ( Intermediate League W. L. High School A Tuxis .4 i Merchants . . 4 Ladles' League W. L. Amazons 5 ! Cardinals . 3 ! Junior League W. Japanese Students 3 Rovers 4 League of Nations 3 Boy Scouts 2 L. Ft. ! IS PLAYED j Ladies' Doubles Event h Advanced to Seroi-Finals Results last night in the first round ladies' doubles in the city badminton championship tournament were as follows: Miss M. Astorl and Miss Dunn beat Mrs. Darton and Mrs. Parlow. 1S-U, 15-10. Miss C. Mitchell and Miss F. Cross beat Miss Y. Terrlen and Mrs. Hal-leron. 16-5. 15-4. Mrs. McAuley and Mrs. Laldler beat Mrs. Squires and Miss Rodgers, 15-5, 9-15. 18-17. Miss Bessie Thompson and Miss 10; Amelia PUlsbury beat Miss J. Mof- 8 i Pts 8 8 3 PU. lb 0 L PU 3 ( 2 3 4 fatt and Miss M. Croat, 18-13, 15-5. Second Round Seml-Final Miss B. Thompson and Miss Amelia Plllsbury beat Miss Astorl and Miss Dunn. 15-10. Tonight's Draw Edgecumbe. 7:30 p.m. S. Darton and Mrs. S. Da r ton vs. J. Norrington and Mrs, A. E. Parlow. 8 pm. J. H. Horton and Miss M. 3jMcKr.y vs. Col. Nicholls and Mrs C,Nirhallj. 4 ' 8 30 p m II. Lyons and Miss Du- Canada Approves F "i'hia advertisement in hoi publighea or displays by Liquor Control Board or by the Uovernmc U) ' British Columbia. ipuls vs. Wlznef Bryant Jid Miss 'Jessie Moffat., ' ( , 9 p.m. J. Stamford and Mb A. j plllsbury vs. F. M. Davies and Mrs. j j J. A. Teng. J 9:33 pjn. R. Allen and Mir. M. I Klnslor vs. W. II. Tobey Jr and Miss IP. Cross. I 10 pm.-Dr. J. T Mandy and Mta UUlan Ilalliwell vs. II. T. Crownd iMrs. Webber. 10:30 p.m. II. Bunn and Miss 1 Tleale vs. W. Lambie and Miss Caro-' Itne Mltehell Th? first round of the men's doubles will be played Monday evening Players are requested to watch the draw and time of play in the paper of that day. Hockey Standings Intematlonal DiTUlon 7 pjn-J. Farquhar and Miss M. ;CanauIitm 18 Cross vs. Bob Moxley and Miss B. vn' f. 1 VtlHIlK .. a U. L. C 14 6 15 MsToons 15 6 19 AneriearM 14 7 17 Rantrera Chicago Detroit Boston American Division 30 i 15 11 7 10 7 11 1? 13 17 15 P. 42 n 3 35 47 37 JUNIOR niLLIAltDs Mar. 1 Empress , . 1, 0(, Mar. 4 Hawks v Jnwfn Mar. 8 L. of N. vs H.ntv Mar. 11 Jewelers v. l ofn Mar. 15 Empe.s.s , jRn.f., Mar. 18 L. of N v.-t jit Mar. 22-Jei!lei .. j,,,.,,. Mar. 25 Empret . ? ( Established 184 LAMB'S RUM AGED, BLENDED AND MATURED AT THE LONDON DOCKS "Lamb's Fine Old Nan' PROOF OVEMROOl Old and Good! Ask the British Nt' On sale at Ltqt. direct from C vr quor Control Mu. partmeni V. ' ROM coast to coast, Canadian smokers are becoming more and more decided in their preference for Winchester Cigarettes. More rapidly than any other Canadian cigarette, Winchesters have won their way to the top in public favour . there is something iti knoiving how to make cigarettes. Winchester Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada, Limited CIGARETTES Blended Rightl V mis aavermeme; ; ua; p& lished or dimila ti H ft Liauor Contr..! C M e the Oovernraent cf Br2a Briti.ih Coljinhii